242 research outputs found

    The role of serotonin in adult hippocampal neurogenesis

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    Serotonin is probably best known for its role in conveying a sense of contentedness and happiness. It is one of the most unique and pharmacologically complex monoamines in both the peripheral and central nervous system (CNS). Serotonin has become in focus of interest for the treatment of depression with multiple serotonin-mimetic and modulators of adult neurogenesis used clinically. Here we will take a broad view of serotonin from development to its physiological role as a neurotransmitter and its contribution to homeostasis of the adult rodent hippocampus. This chapter reflects the most significant findings on cellular and molecular mechanisms from neuroscientists in the field over the last two decades. We illustrate the action of serotonin by highlighting basic receptor targeting studies, and how receptors impact brain function. We give an overview of recent genetically modified mouse models that differ in serotonin availability and focus on the role of the monoamine in antidepressant response. We conclude with a synthesis of the most recent data surrounding the role of serotonin in activity and hippocampal neurogenesis. This synopsis sheds light on the mechanisms and potential therapeutic model by which serotonin plays a critical role in the maintenance of mood

    Reduced isolation-induced pup ultrasonic communication in mouse pups lacking brain serotonin

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    BACKGROUND: Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is a key modulatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) that plays an important role as a developmental signal. Several lines of evidence associate altered 5-HT signaling with psychopathology in humans, particularly neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). ASD are characterized by persistent social and communication deficits along with stereotyped and repetitive patterns of behavior, with all symptoms emerging early during development. METHODS: Here, we employed a mouse model devoid of brain 5-HT due to the lack of the gene encoding tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (Tph2), the initial and rate-limiting enzyme of 5-HT synthesis in the CNS. Tph2 null mutant (Tph2 (-/-) ) mice show normal prenatal development; however, they display for yet unknown reasons severe growth retardation during the first postnatal weeks. We investigated, therefore, whether Tph2 (-/-) mice display deficits in isolation-induced ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) as pups during early life. Isolation-induced USV are the most commonly studied behavioral measure to assess developmental delays and communication deficits in rodent models for ASD, particularly as they serve an important communicative function in coordinating mother-pup interactions. RESULTS: Tph2 (-/-) mouse pups displayed a clear deficit in the emission of isolation-induced USV, as compared to heterozygous and wildtype littermates, exactly during growth retardation onset, including reduced call numbers and deficits in call clustering and temporal organization. CONCLUSIONS: The ultrasonic communication impairment displayed by Tph2 (-/-) mouse pups is likely to result in a deficient mother-infant interaction, presumably contributing to their growth retardation phenotype, and represents a prominent feature relevant to ASD

    Lack of brain serotonin affects feeding and differentiation of newborn cells in the adult hypothalamus

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    Serotonin (5-HT) is a crucial signal in the neurogenic niche microenvironment. Dysregulation of the 5-HT system leads to mood disorders but also to changes in appetite and metabolic rate. Tryptophan hydroxylase 2-deficient (Tph2(-/-)) mice depleted of brain 5-HT display alterations in these parameters, e.g., increased food consumption, modest impairment of sleep and respiration accompanied by a less anxious phenotype. The newly discovered neural stem cell niche of the adult hypothalamus has potential implications of mediating stress responses and homeostatic functions. Using Tph2(-/-) mice, we explore stem cell behavior and cell genesis in the adult hypothalamus. Specifically, we examine precursor cell proliferation and survival in Tph2(-/-) mice at baseline and following Western-type diet (WD). Our results show a decline in BrdU numbers with aging in the absence of 5-HT. Furthermore, wild type mice under dietary challenge decrease cell proliferation and survival in the hypothalamic niche. In contrast, increased high-calorie food intake by Tph2(-/-) mice does not come along with alterations in cell numbers. However, lack of brain 5-HT results in a shift of cell phenotypes that was abolished under WD. We conclude that precursor cells in the hypothalamus retain fate plasticity and respond to environmental challenges. A novel link between 5-HT signaling and cell genesis in the hypothalamus could be exploited as therapeutic target in metabolic disease

    Carbon-mixed dental cement for fixing fiber optic ferrules prevents visually triggered locomotive enhancement in mice upon optogenetic stimulation

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    Optogenetics enables activation/silencing of specific neurons with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution. The method, however, is prone to artefacts associated with biophysics of light used for illuminating opsin-expressing neurons. Here we employed Tph2-mhChR2-YFP transgenic mice, which express channelrhodopsin (ChR2) only in serotonergic neurons in the brain, to investigate behavioral effects of optogenetic stimulation of serotonergic neurons. Surprisingly, optogenetic stimulation enhanced locomotion even in ChR2-negative mice. Such unspecific effects are likely to be due to visual agitation caused by light leakage from the dental cement, which is commonly used to fixate optic fiber ferrules on the skull. When we employed black dental cement made by mixing carbons with dental cement powders, such unspecific effects were abolished in ChR2-negative mice, but not in ChR2-positive mice, confirming that enhanced locomotion resulted from serotonergic activation. The method allows extracting genuine behavioral effects of optogenetic stimulation without contamination from visual stimuli caused by light leakage

    Rodents and humans are able to detect the odour of L-Lactate.

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from PLoS via the DOI in this record.L-Lactate (LL) is an essential cellular metabolite which can be used to generate energy. In addition, accumulating evidence suggests that LL is used for inter-cellular signalling. Some LL-sensitive receptors have been identified but we recently proposed that there may be yet another unknown G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) sensitive to LL in the brain. Olfactory receptors (ORs) represent the largest family of GPCRs and some of them are expressed outside the olfactory system, including brain, making them interesting candidates for non-olfactory LL signalling. One of the "ectopically" expressed ORs, Olfr78 in mice (Olr59 in rats and OR51E2 in humans), reportedly can be activated by LL. This implies that both rodents and humans should be able to detect the LL odour. Surprisingly, this has never been demonstrated. Here we show that mice can detect the odour of LL in odour detection and habituation-dishabituation tasks, and discriminate it from peppermint and vanilla odours. Behaviour of the Olfr78 null mice and wildtype mice in odour detection task was not different, indicating that rodents are equipped with more than one LL-sensitive OR. Rats were also able to use the smell of LL as a cue in an odour-reward associative learning task. When presented to humans, more than 90% of participants detected a smell of LL in solution. Interestingly, LL was perceived differently than acetate or propionate-LL was preferentially reported as a pleasant sweet scent while acetate and propionate were perceived as repulsive sour/acid smells. Subjective perception of LL smell was different in men and women. Taken together, our data demonstrate that both rodents and humans are able to detect the odour of LL. Moreover, in mice, LL perception is not purely mediated by Olfr78. Discovery of further LL-sensitive OR might shed the light on their contribution to LL signalling in the body.This work was supported by BBSRC: BB/L019396/1, BB/K009192/1; and MRC MR/L020661/1. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein concentrations in mice lacking brain serotonin

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    The interplay between BDNF signaling and the serotonergic system remains incompletely understood. Using a highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we studied BDNF concentrations in hippocampus and cortex of two mouse models of altered serotonin signaling: tryptophan hydroxylase (Tph)2-deficient (Tph2 (-/-)) mice lacking brain serotonin and serotonin transporter (SERT)-deficient (SERT(-/-)) mice lacking serotonin re-uptake. Surprisingly, hippocampal BDNF was significantly elevated in Tph2 (-/-) mice, whereas no significant changes were observed in SERT(-/-) mice. Furthermore, BDNF levels were increased in the prefrontal cortex of Tph2 (-/-) but not of SERT(-/-) mice. Our results emphasize the interaction between serotonin signaling and BDNF. Complete lack of brain serotonin induces BDNF expression

    Glucagon-producing cells are increased in Mas-deficient mice

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    It has been shown that Angiotensin-(1-7) [Ang-(1-7)] produces several effects related to glucose homeostasis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of genetic deletion of Ang-(1-7), the GPCR Mas, on the glucagon -producing cells. C57BL6/N Mas-/- mice presented a significant and marked increase in pancreatic {alpha}-cells (number of cells: 146 +/- 21 vs. 67 +/- 8 in WT - p<0.001) and the percentage per islet (17.9±0.91 vs. 12.3 +/- 0.9% in WT - p<0.0001) with subsequent reduction of {beta}-cells percentage (82.1 +/- 0.91 vs. 87.7 +/- 0.9% in WT - p<0.0001). Accordingly, glucagon plasma levels were increased (516.7 +/- 36.35 vs 390.8 +/- 56.45 pg/mL in WT, p<0.05 ) and insulin plasma levels were decreased in C57BL6/N Mas-/- mice (0.25 +/- 0.01 vs 0.31 +/- 56.45 pg/mL in WT- p=0.02). In order to eliminate the possibility of a background-related phenotype we determined the number of glucagon-producing cells in FVB/N Mas-/- mice. In keeping with the observations in C57BL6/N Mas-/- mice, the number and percentage of pancreatic {alpha}-cells were also significantly increased in these mice (number of {alpha}-cells: 260 +/- 22 vs. 156 +/- 12 in WT, p<0.001; percentage per islet: 16 +/- 0.8 vs. 10 +/- 0.5% in WT, p<0.0001). These results suggest that Mas has a previously unexpected role on the pancreatic glucagon production

    Biosensors Using Free and Immobilized Cells of Luminous Bacteria

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    The technologies of receiving free and immobilized photobacteria cells for biomonitoring of toxins are considered. The mechanisms of interaction of toxins with photobacteria are observed. The main attention is paid to the immobilized procedures and structures of carriers. Data on poly(vinyl)alcohol (PVA) cryogel immobilization of different strains of photobacteria are presented. It is established that intensity and stability of light emission of PVA cells is competently controlled by: (1) intensity and persistence of a luminescent cycle using bacterial strain; (2) type of the carrier and the composition of the gel-formation medium; (3) freeze-thawing procedures; and (4) physical and chemical conditions of storage and application. The developed technology of cryogenic gel formation has kept the survival of luminous bacteria in the carrier practically at 100% without the introduction of additional cryoprotecting agents and procedures of a light induction. With storage at −80°C, bioluminescent activity remained without changes about 2 years. Using the immobilized preparations of biosensor, the discrete and continuous analysis of heavy metals, chlorophenols, and pesticides is carried out. The sensitivity of free and immobilized cells to the chosen toxicants is approximately identical. The continuous monitoring of toxicant conditions is optimized

    Stable maintenance of de novo assembled human artificial chromosomes in embryonic stem cells and their differentiated progeny in mice

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    De novo assembled alphoid(tetO)-type human artificial chromosomes (HACs) represent a novel promising generation of high capacity episomal vectors. Their function and persistence, and any adverse effects, in various cell types in live animals, have not, however, been explored. In this study we transferred the alphoid(tetO)-HAC into mouse ES cells and assessed whether the presence of this extra chromosome affects their pluripotent properties. Alphoid(tetO)-HAC-bearing ES cells were indistinguishable from their wild-type counterparts: they retained self-renewal potential and full capacity for multilineage differentiation during mouse development, whereas the HAC itself was mitotically and transcriptionally stable during this process. Our data provide the first example of fully synthetic DNA behaving like a normal chromosome in cells of living animals. It also opens a new perspective into functional genetic studies in laboratory animals as well as stem cell-based regenerative medicine

    Serotonin is required for exercise-induced adult hippocampal neurogenesis

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    Voluntary wheel running has long been known to induce precursor cell proliferation in adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rodents. However, mechanisms that couple activity with the promitotic effect are not yet fully understood. Using tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) 2 deficient (Tph2-deficient) mice that lack brain serotonin, we explored the relationship between serotonin signaling and exercise-induced neurogenesis. Surprisingly, Tph2-deficient mice exhibit normal baseline hippocampal neurogenesis but impaired activity-induced proliferation. Our data demonstrate that the proproliferative effect of running requires the release of central serotonin in young-adult and aged mice. Lack of brain serotonin further results in alterations at the stage of Sox2-positive precursor cells, suggesting physiological adaptations to changes in serotonin supply to maintain homeostasis in the neurogenic niche. We conclude that serotonin plays a direct and acute regulatory role in activity-dependent hippocampal neurogenesis. The understanding of exercise-induced neurogenesis might offer preventive but also therapeutic opportunities in depression and age-related cognitive decline