20 research outputs found

    Detection and Prediction of a Pair of Unmanned Aircraft Contact

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    In the current world of increasing density of unmanned aerial vehicle operations in the airspace, there is an enhanced emphasis on their safety due to the potential for mid-air collision, either with another aircraft or with each other. At the same time, unmanned aerial vehicles are also being used in the context of introducing smart technologies into maintenance processes, where there is also a need to prevent a potentially possible conflict when two drones come close together. The paper introduces a mathematical model for tactical prediction of a conflict between a pair of drones. The tactical prediction of drone conflict is intended to alert the drone operator to an immediate potentially dangerous situation. The mathematical simulation in this paper extrapolates the 3D trajectory in the direction of the relative velocity vector of the convergence over the advance time. If the extrapolated trajectory has at least one point in common with the conflict space of the other drone, the conflict is signalled to the drone operator. This model can then be used in practice to simulate flight operations in shared airspace or to develop the currently required rules in selected situations

    Flight Recorders - Alternative Concept for Commercial Aircraft

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    This paper deals with the issue of deployable flight data recorders. It gives an insight into pros and cons of this solution based on experience gained in military application. Advantages of such solution are at least worth considering as they may help reduce the number of accidents and save lives in the first place. And should the accident happen the location and extraction of evidence is much easier


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    This paper is about projects of University of Žilina (especially projects which are realized at Air Transport Department in cooperation with Flight Training Organization (FTO) – Air School of the University of Zilina) and are supported and co-financed by structural founds of EU. At this moment the Air Transport Department deals with three projects: Implementation of science-research knowledge to the Air Transport -ITMS 26220220010, Centre of excellence for Air Transport -ITMS 26220120065, Q Brokerage centre of Air Transport for Transfer of Technology and knowledge into Transport and Transport Infrastructure- ITMS 26220220156

    Regression in Personal Air Transport of Passengers Evolution at Selected Airport Time Series Method

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    The content of the paper is supported by programme environment MATLAB, where algorithms can be identified and consequently simulate seasonal (time) elements of personal air transport in which the period of time series equals standard time length or its multiple. The main aim of the paper is to show the mutuality of previous calendar constants of time series with highlighting the estimation of prognosis of personal air transport effectiveness prognosis

    Commercialisation of Air Navigation Service Providers – Evidence from Europe

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    This paper deals with the on-going process of commercialisation of air navigation service providers (ANSPs) with specific focus on Europe. First part offers overview of conducted research on their commercialisation and identifies two main external drivers for the emergence of commercialisation – liberalisation of national markets and demand for other ANS related services. Our research also proposes methodology for numerical assessment of the degree of commercialisation based on the ANSP’s Commercialisation Index (ACI) and presents numerical evaluation of the ACI index of 35 European providers and proposes six different categories of providers reflecting different degree of their commercialisation. Results reveal that 63% of the European ANSPs show signs of commercialisation. On top of that, our outcomes prove that corporatisation cannot be considered a direct manifestation of commercialisation. Despite the most widely accepted view that corporatised providers are commercially active, the findings show that almost 40% of corporatised European ANSPs are not commercially active. The paper also claims that ownership of subsidiaries and joint ventures is the most dominant demonstration of commercialisation. At the same time, our outcomes show that the provision and development of commercial services and products related to ANS are the most common commercial activities of the European ANSPs


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    Článok sa venuje problematike rušenia signálu GNNS, pričom autori vykonali experimentálne meranie na letisku Žilina, kde boli umiestené dva zdroje rušenia signálu GPS L1. Experiment mal potvrdiť resp. vyvrátiť obavy z neustále narastajúceho nežiaduceho rušenia signálov GNSS, predovšetkým v blízkosti diaľnic a rýchlostných ciest, respektíve ostatnej dopravnej infraštruktúry. Rušenie signálu GNSS má veľký vplyv na bezpečnosť leteckej dopravy a predovšetkým v súvislosti s masívnym zavádzaním postupov priblíženia GNSS pre letiská.The article deals with the issue of GNNS signal interference. Authors performed experimental measurements at the Žilina airport, where two sources of GPS L1 signal interference were placed. The goal of the experiment was to confirm or to dispel fears of the increasingly undesirable interference of GNSS signals, particularly near highways and expressways, or other transport infrastructure. GNSS signal interference has a major impact on aviation safety and, in particular, in the context. of the massive introduction of GNSS approach procedures for airports


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    V súčasnosti okrem technickej spoľahlivosti je veľmi dôležitou aj ekonomická stabilita a efektívnosť leteckých podnikov, resp. ich súčastí. Je v záujme každého prevádzkovateľa, aby jeho technické komplexy ako napr. ergatický bázový komplex boli nie len spoľahlivé, ale aj ekonomicky efektívne, čo nám pomáha si utvoriť celkovú predstavu nie len o kvalite jednotlivých prvkov, ale systému tj. podniku ako celku. Na stanovenie kvality práce so zložitými systémami možno použiť rôzne metódy. Navrhnutá metóda pri vyhodnotení využíva ukazovateľ efektívnosti skúšok spoľahlivosti, ktoré sú súčasťou zavádzania nových zložitých systémov do ergatického bázového komplexu, kedy výstupy skúšok vytvárajú vyčíslenú charakteristiku podľa ktorej je možné odhadnúť úroveň zhody medzi vynaloženými nákladmi a ich samotnou prevádzkou. Pri spracovávaní danej problematiky prostredníctvom MATLAB bolo nevyhnutné pracovať s optimalizáciou finančných nákladov na udržanie spoľahlivosti vyššie uvedených komplexov ako aj nepredvídaných nákladov prevádzkovateľa napr. letiskového bázového systému.Recently, an economic stability and effectiveness of airlines and their branches are important, besides the technical reliability. Within the interest of each provider is to have not only a reliable and economically effective ergatic base complex, as a technical complex, but also the quality of particular elements of the system, and the company itself. Various methods are used to determine the quality of work with complex systems. The proposed method uses the effectiveness index of reliability tests which are a part of the implementation of new complex systems into the ergatic base complex, where the tests´ outputs create a quantified characteristics according to which it is possible to estimate the level of conformity between the costs and real operation. When solving this problem through MATLAB it was necessary to take into account the optimization of financial expenses to maintain the reliability of the above mentioned complexes as well as the unexpected expenses of the provider (for example a provider of airport base system)

    Analysis of Using Time Series Method for Prediction of Number of Passengers at the Airport

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    At present, one of the most frequently discussed topics, not only at international conferences, but also within the EU, is the issue of airport financing, as well as the thresholds at which airports can cover their operational costs and when the need for support is justified. The Strategic Airport Development Plan and the Airport Business Plan are one of the most important support documents for making the right decision for airport financing and prepare the project for operational and investment aid. For preparing these documents is significant the category of the airport, that means the number of passengers. This paper is focused on the methodology how can be predict the number of passengers from previous data by used the time series method


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    Článok sa zoberá problematikou vysokoškolského vzdelávania v nadväznosti na potreby leteckého priemyslu ako odvetvia národného hospodárstva. V súvislosti s narastajúcou potrebou skvalitňovania a zefektívňovania procesu vzdelávania, je potrebné riešiť medzinárodnú spoluprácu pri vzdelávaní odborníkov v leteckej doprave. Odpoveďou na tento problém bolo vytvorenie znalostnej aliancie v rámci projektov ERASMUS+, ktorá analyzuje globálny trh povolaní a  kvalifikácií v leteckej doprave. Cieľom projektu bolo špecifikovať zoznam súčasných povolaní, ale aj budúcich povolaní v nadväznosti na analýzu kvalifikácií v odvetví leteckej dopravy. Na základe týchto výstupov projektu bol vytvorený nový študijný program ako aj upravené programy ďalšieho vzdelávania v letectve. Príspevok poukazuje na výstupy a prínosy takejto spolupráce.The paper is focused on the higher education system in relation to the needs of the aviation industry as a branch of the national economy. In connection with the growing need to improve and streamline the education process it is important to develop and create the international cooperation in education of professionals in aviation industry. The response on this problem was the creation of knowledge alliance supported by the ERASMUS+ project, which analysed the global market of occupations and qualifications in the air transport. Based on the results of qualification analyses a list of current occupations was specified, as well as future occupations in the aviation sector. On the project outputs a new study program was created and further lifelong learning programs were modified. The paper points to the outputs and benefits of this  cooperation

    The Regional Airports’ Problems in the Slovak Republic: The Case Study of Žilina Airport

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    This paper solves the regional airports in the Slovak Republic and the problems they have been facing while focusing on the specific, i.e. ˈsmall regionalˈ airports category (up to 200,000 passengers transported per year). Moreover, the issue of Slovak regional airportsˈ problems is connected mainly to their funding system, which has shown to be insufficient, and the extent of their utilization in relation to their untapped potential. It was proven that small regional airports with an annual throughput under 200,000 passengers are unable to break even and to cover their operational costs as well and thus must be subsidized. Funding of ˈsmallˈ regional airports can be considered as not only the Slovakian problem, actually it is a broad long-term EU problem and there were several approaches established by the EU related to adjustment of those issues. The current legislation is represented by new Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1084 thanks to which the state aid at the EU level has been greatly simplified. The paper focuses on the case study of chosen Slovakian small regional airport near Žilina, in Dolný Hričov, which the possibilities of several measures for its revitalization and efficiency improvement are depended on the operational-technical characteristics and position within the region