12 research outputs found

    Самостоятельная работа студентов в профессиональных учебных заведениях

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    The reform of education in Russia has led to emergence of new learning pattern. Today, among numerous changes that have occurred in competence-based approach context, we note tendencies towards changes in teacher’s role in a student’s life, reduction in classroom hours and increase in the share of students’ independent work. In order to preserve and increase effectiveness of student learning, educational institutions should aim at finding new ways to use classroom hours to organize students' independent work. Insufficient knowledge of this topic actualizes the process of its further development. The purpose of our research was to verify the structure of independent work developed by the authors at a technical school in order to increase student training level. For this, the authors conducted an experiment in which two groups of second-year students of 25 people each took part. The results of the differentiated classification of two groups in the course "Engineering Graphics" were compared. The first group of students studied according to the structure available in the college, the second - with the help of the pattern developed by the authors. As a result, it was found that the second group has a higher level of training. The results of the experiment allowed us to conclude that the structure of independent work developed by the authors is very effective and its implementation will allow achieving positive results in students' competences development and in future graduates training.La reforma de la educación en Rusia ha llevado a la aparición de un nuevo patrón de aprendizaje. Hoy, entre los numerosos cambios que se han producido en el contexto del enfoque basado en la competencia, observamos tendencias hacia cambios en el papel del maestro en la vida de un estudiante, reducción en las horas de clase y aumento en la parte del trabajo independiente de los estudiantes. Para preservar y aumentar la efectividad del aprendizaje de los estudiantes, las instituciones educativas deben apuntar a encontrar nuevas formas de usar las horas de clase para organizar el trabajo independiente de los estudiantes. El conocimiento insuficiente de este tema actualiza el proceso de su desarrollo posterior. El propósito de nuestra investigación fue verificar la estructura del trabajo independiente desarrollado por los autores en una escuela técnica para aumentar el nivel de capacitación de los estudiantes. Para ello, los autores realizaron un experimento en el que participaron dos grupos de estudiantes de segundo año de 25 personas cada uno. Se compararon los resultados de la clasificación diferenciada de dos grupos en el curso "Gráficos de ingeniería". El primer grupo de estudiantes estudió de acuerdo con la estructura disponible en la universidad, el segundo, con la ayuda del patrón desarrollado por los autores. Como resultado, se encontró que el segundo grupo tiene un mayor nivel de entrenamiento. Los resultados del experimento nos permitieron concluir que la estructura del trabajo independiente desarrollado por los autores es muy efectiva y su implementación permitirá lograr resultados positivos en el desarrollo de competencias de los estudiantes y en la formación de futuros graduados.Реформа образования в России привела к появлению новой модели обучения. Сегодня среди многочисленных изменений, произошедших в контексте компетентностного подхода, мы отмечаем тенденции к изменению роли педагога в жизни студента, сокращению аудиторных часов и увеличению доли самостоятельной работы студентов. Чтобы сохранить и повысить эффективность обучения студентов, учебные заведения должны стремиться найти новые способы использования аудиторных часов для организации самостоятельной работы студентов. Недостаточная разработка этой темы актуализирует процесс ее дальнейшего развития. Целью нашего исследования была проверка структуры самостоятельной работы, разработанной авторами в техникуме с целью повышения уровня подготовки студентов. Для этого авторы провели эксперимент, в котором приняли участие две группы студентов второго курса по 25 человек в каждой. Результаты дифференцированной классификации двух групп по курсу «Инженерная графика» сравнивались. Первая группа студентов обучалась по структуре, имеющейся в колледже, вторая - по схеме, разработанной авторами. В результате выяснилось, что вторая группа имеет более высокий уровень подготовки. Результаты эксперимента позволили сделать вывод о том, что разработанная авторами структура самостоятельной работы имеет высокую результативность, а ее реализация позволит достичь положительных результатов в развитии компетенций студентов и в подготовке будущих выпускников

    Professional Training of Future Green Economy Specialists and Strategic Priorities for Sustainable Subsurface Management

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    AbstractOn the brink of the third millennium humanity has been showing a special interest in the environment. This article provides definitions of the term “sustainable development” and explains how to achieve it by implementing the new development model known as “the green economy”; it also shows the role and place of education in the overall set of tools and mechanisms that assist in transitioning to the green economy principles. The authors substantiate the importance and necessity of preparing specialists for the green economy as the first step towards its implementation. They give an example of an interdisciplinary training module designed to prepare future specialists. This module can easily be integrated in the student's individual training course. We describe the advantages and benefits of the suggested educational module

    Professional Training of Future Green Economy Specialists and Strategic Priorities for Sustainable Subsurface Management

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    AbstractOn the brink of the third millennium humanity has been showing a special interest in the environment. This article provides definitions of the term “sustainable development” and explains how to achieve it by implementing the new development model known as “the green economy”; it also shows the role and place of education in the overall set of tools and mechanisms that assist in transitioning to the green economy principles. The authors substantiate the importance and necessity of preparing specialists for the green economy as the first step towards its implementation. They give an example of an interdisciplinary training module designed to prepare future specialists. This module can easily be integrated in the student's individual training course. We describe the advantages and benefits of the suggested educational module

    The evolutionary history of Brachyury genes in Hydrozoa involves duplications, divergence, and neofunctionalization

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    Abstract Brachyury, a member of T-box gene family, is widely known for its major role in mesoderm specification in bilaterians. It is also present in non-bilaterian metazoans, such as cnidarians, where it acts as a component of an axial patterning system. In this study, we present a phylogenetic analysis of Brachyury genes within phylum Cnidaria, investigate differential expression and address a functional framework of Brachyury paralogs in hydrozoan Dynamena pumila. Our analysis indicates two duplication events of Brachyury within the cnidarian lineage. The first duplication likely appeared in the medusozoan ancestor, resulting in two copies in medusozoans, while the second duplication arose in the hydrozoan ancestor, resulting in three copies in hydrozoans. Brachyury1 and 2 display a conservative expression pattern marking the oral pole of the body axis in D. pumila. On the contrary, Brachyury3 expression was detected in scattered presumably nerve cells of the D. pumila larva. Pharmacological modulations indicated that Brachyury3 is not under regulation of cWnt signaling in contrast to the other two Brachyury genes. Divergence in expression patterns and regulation suggest neofunctionalization of Brachyury3 in hydrozoans

    Controlling the Quality of Nanodrugs According to Their New Property—Radiothermal Emission

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    Previous studies have shown that complexly shaped nanoparticles (NPs) have their intrinsic radiothermal emission in the millimeter range. This article presents a method for controlling the quality of nanodrugs—immunobiological preparations (IBPs)—based on the detection of their intrinsic radiothermal emissions. The emissivity of interferon (IFN) medicals, determined without opening the primary package, is as follows (µW/m2): IFN-α2b—80 ± 9 (105 IU per package), IFN-β1a—40 ± 5 (24 × 106 IU per package), IFN-γ—30 ± 4 (105 IU per package). The emissivity of virus-like particles (VLP), determined using vaccines Gam-VLP-multivac (120 μg) in an injection bottle (crimp cap vials), was as follows: 12 ± 1 µW/m2, Gam-VLP—rota vaccines—9 ± 1 µW/m2. This study shows the reproducibility of emissivity over the course of a year, subject to the storage conditions of the immunobiological products. It has been shown that accelerated aging and a longer shelf life are accompanied by the coagulation of active NPs, and lead to a manyfold drop in emissivity. The dependence of radiothermal emission on temperature has a complex, non-monotonic nature. The emission intensity depends on the form of dosage, but remains within the order of magnitude for IFN-α2b for intranasal aqueous solution, ointments, and suppositories. The possibility of the remote quantitative control of the first phases of the immune response (increased synthesis of IFNs) to the intranasal administration of VLP vaccines has been demonstrated in experimental animals

    Bosworth-Toller’s Anglo-Saxon Dictionary online

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    Description : This is an online edition of An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, or a dictionary of "Old English". The dictionary records the state of the English language as it was used between ca. 700-1100 AD by the Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of the British Isles. This project is based on a digital edition of An Anglo-Saxon dictionary, based on the manuscript collections of the late Joseph Bosworth (the so called Main Volume, first edition 1898) and its Supplement (first edition 1921), edited by Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller, today the largest complete dictionary of Old English (one day to be hopefully supplanted by the DOE). Alistair Campbell's "enlarged addenda and corrigenda" from 1972 are not public domain and are therefore not part of the online dictionary. Please see the front & back matter of the paper dictionary for further information, prefaces and lists of references & contractions. The digitization project was initiated by Sean Crist in 2001 as a part of his Germanic Lexicon Project and many individuals and institutions have contributed to this project. Check out the original GLP webpage and the old Bosworth-Toller offline application webpage (to be updated). Currently the project is hosted by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. In 2010, the data from the GLP were converted to create the current site. Care was taken to preserve the typography of the original dictionary, but also provide a modern, user friendly interface for contemporary users. In 2013, the entries were structurally re-tagged and the original typography was abandoned, though the immediate access to the scans of the paper dictionary was preserved. Our aim is to reach beyond a simple digital edition and create an online environment dedicated to all interested in Old English and Anglo-Saxon culture. Feel free to join in the editing of the Dictionary, commenting on its numerous entries or participating in the discussions at our forums. We hope that by drawing the attention of the community of Anglo-Saxonists to our site and joining our resources, we may create a more useful tool for everybody. The most immediate project to draw on the corrected and tagged data of the Dictionary is a Morphological Analyzer of Old English (currently under development). We are grateful for the generous support of the Charles University Grant Agency and for the free hosting at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. The site is currently maintained and developed by Ondrej Tichy et al. at the Department of English Language and ELT Methodology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)

    An Efficient 2D Protocol for Differentiation of iPSCs into Mature Postmitotic Dopaminergic Neurons: Application for Modeling Parkinson’s Disease

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    About 15% of patients with parkinsonism have a hereditary form of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Studies on the early stages of PD pathogenesis are challenging due to the lack of relevant models. The most promising ones are models based on dopaminergic neurons (DAns) differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) of patients with hereditary forms of PD. This work describes a highly efficient 2D protocol for obtaining DAns from iPSCs. The protocol is rather simple, comparable in efficiency with previously published protocols, and does not require viral vectors. The resulting neurons have a similar transcriptome profile to previously published data for neurons, and have a high level of maturity marker expression. The proportion of sensitive (SOX6+) DAns in the population calculated from the level of gene expression is higher than resistant (CALB+) DAns. Electrophysiological studies of the DAns confirmed their voltage sensitivity and showed that a mutation in the PARK8 gene is associated with enhanced store-operated calcium entry. The study of high-purity DAns differentiated from the iPSCs of patients with hereditary PD using this differentiation protocol will allow for investigators to combine various research methods, from patch clamp to omics technologies, and maximize information about cell function in normal and pathological conditions