9,156 research outputs found
Allele Frequency, Heterozigosity, and Allele Migration in Javanese and Madurese Population in Malang and Madura, East Java Indonesia
FREKUENSI ALEL, HETEROZIGOSITAS DAN MIGRASI ALEL PADA POPULASI ETNIS JAWA DAN MADURA DI MALANG DAN MADURA, JAWA TIMUR, INDONESA ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan frekuensi alel, heterozigositas, dan migrasi alel pada populasi etnis Jawa dan Madura berdasarkan penanda 13 CODIS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Pengambilan sampel darah dari 5 populasi yang terdiri dari 3 populasi etnis jawa dan 2 populasi etnis Madura; (2) Isolasi DNA dari sampel darah dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode salting out; (3) Amplifikasi PCR dengan menggunakan 13 CODIS yang terdiri dari TPOX, D3S1358, FGA, D5S818, CSF1PO, D7S820, D8S1179, TH01, VWA, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11 dan divisualisasi dengan elektroforesis gel polyacrylamid 8%; serta (4) Profil pita dianalisis dengan program QuantityOne dan variasi pola pita DNA dianalisis dengan menggunakan program software GENEPOP package versi 4.2 yang akan digunakan untuk menentukan frekuensi alel, heterozigositas, dan migrasi alel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Pada populasi etnis Jawa frekuensi alel yang memiliki keragaman tertinggi terdapat pada lokus D21S11 dengan jumlah alel sebanyak enam, lokus VWA dengan jumlah alel sebanyak lima, dan lokus FGA, TH01, D13S317, D16S539 dengan jumlah alel sebanyak empat yang digunakan sebagai penanda. Populasi etnis Madura memiliki frekuensi alel dengan keragaman tertinggi terdapat pada lokus TH01, D13S317, dan D21S11 dengan jumlah alel sebanyak lima dan lokus FGA dengan jumlah alel sebanyak empat. (2) Nilai heterozigositas populasi etnis Madura I (90.38%) dan populasi etnis Madura II (86.54%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan populasi etnis Jawa I (67.69%), populasi etnis Jawa II (83.03%), maupun populasi etnis Jawa III (70.77%) dan (3) Migrasi alel pada populasi etnis Jawa sebesar 0.085% dan pada populasi etnis Madura sebesar 0.081%.Kata kunci: Frekuensi Alel, Heterozigositas, Migrasi Alel, 13 CODIS, Etnis Jawa dan Madura ALLELE FREQUENCY, HETEROZIGOSITY, AND ALLELE MIGRATION IN JAVANESE AND MADURESE POPULATION IN MALANG AND MADURA, EAST JAVA INDONESIA ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to determine the frequency of alleles, heterozygosity, and allele migration in Javanese and Madurese population use 13 CODIS. The methods used in this study were (1) blood samples from five population consist three population of Javanese ethnic and two population of Madurese ethnic, (2) DNA extraction from blood samples by salting out method, (3) PCR amplification use 13 CODIS were TPOX, D3S1358, FGA, D5S818, CSF1PO, D7S820, D8S1179, TH01, VWA, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11 and visualized by 8% polyacrylamide gel (4) The band profile was analyzed by using QuantityOne software and variations in the pattern of DNA bands were analyzed by using GENEPOP software version 4.2 package to determine the frequency of alleles, heterozygosity, and allele migration. The results showed that (1) The population of Javanese allele frequency that has the highest diversity found in the locus D21S11 with a number of alleles of six, locus VWA by the number of alleles of five, and the locus FGA, TH01, D13S317, and D16S539 with a number of alleles of four which is used as a marker. The populations of Madurese allele frequency that has the highest diversity found in the locus TH01, D13S317, and D21S11 with a number of alleles of five and locus FGA with a number of alleles of four, (2) Value of heterozygosity populations of Madurese I (90.38 %) and populations of Madurese II (86.54%) was higher than the population of Javanese I (67.69%), the population of Javanese II (83.03%), as well as the population of Javanese III (70.77%) and (3) There has been a migration of alleles in population Javanese of 0.085% and population Madurese of 0.081%
Synagogue paintings as indicating a!developing conception of national redemption
Abstract. Orgad Zvi, Synagogue paintings as indicating a developing conception of national redemption. “Images” vol. XXV, no. 34. Poznań 2019. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. 15–27. ISSN 1731-450X. DOI 10.14746/i.2019.34.01.
This article compares the interior paintings in the ‘Ades and Ohel Moshe synagogues, both of which are non-Ashkenazi, in the Naḥlaot neighborhood in Jerusalem. Although the synagogues were decorated 50 years apart, there are similarities in the painted motifs and drawing schemes, but also some differences. I suggest that these differences reflect the development of a Jewish concept of national redemption during the 50 years that elapsed between the adornment of the two synagogues.Abstract. Orgad Zvi, Synagogue paintings as indicating a developing conception of national redemption. “Images” vol. XXV, no. 34. Poznań 2019. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. 15–27. ISSN 1731-450X. DOI 10.14746/i.2019.34.01.
This article compares the interior paintings in the ‘Ades and Ohel Moshe synagogues, both of which are non-Ashkenazi, in the Naḥlaot neighborhood in Jerusalem. Although the synagogues were decorated 50 years apart, there are similarities in the painted motifs and drawing schemes, but also some differences. I suggest that these differences reflect the development of a Jewish concept of national redemption during the 50 years that elapsed between the adornment of the two synagogues
Based on observations and interviews with class teachers on October 11 2023, the results of an analysis of the needs of class I students at SD Negeri Mojorejo 01 Batu, showed that the school still uses learning media in the form of textbooks, videos and others, thus concrete learning media is needed. as a support for learning, especially for beginning reading. This aims to increase student interest. The aim of this research is to develop KOMACA learning media using the ADDIE model which has 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The data analysis techniques used were qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis with the aim of finding out how to develop KOMACA learning media to improve students' reading skills.
The development of KOMACA learning media obtained material validation results of 84% and media validation results of 88%. Both validations are categorized as very valid for implementation. Meanwhile, the student response questionnaire received a score of 94% and the results of the teacher response questionnaire were 93%. From both questionnaires, the responses were in the very good category. This can be interpreted as meaning that the development of KOMACA learning media can attract students' attention and interest and make them more active in the learning proces
This research was carried out in the 2023/2024 academic year, Semester 2 in class 4 at SDN Dinoyo 3 Malang. This research aims to analyze whether or not there is an influence of Quizizz-based interactive learning media through the PBL model on student learning outcomes for class 4 long unit material at SDN Dinoyo 3 Malang.
This research is quantitative research that is pre-Experimental Design. Data collection was carried out using prerequisite test methods, namely normality test, homogeneity test and linear test. The data collection process was carried out using 3 stages of pre test treatment post test. Pre test to determine the initial situation regarding students' understanding of long unit material in class 4 at SDN Dinoyo 3 Malang. Post test to find out the final results after being given treatment using the Quizizz learning media..
From the results of the research that has been carried out, it was found that there is a positive influence of quizizz-based learning media through the PBL model on student learning outcomes. This proves that by using quizizz students can easily understand the material provided by the teacher because quizizz has interactive features and attractive visuals, quizizz makes the learning process more lively and interesting for students. When carrying out the pre-test, students had an average score of 60 and when carrying out the post-test, students had an average score of 80. It was clear that there was an influence of quizizz-based interactive media through the PBL model on the learning outcomes of long unit material because it had a significant increase in scores. students have. This proves that the quizizz interactive media shows a significant influence in providing before and after treatment with the quizizz interactive media. With learning media, it will make the material or materials taught to students clearer and easier to understand, students who use this media will be able to quickly master the existing material, so it can be said that learning media can really provide benefits, especially to achieve the objectives of the teaching. implementation can be achieved
Spin-Orbital momentum decomposition and helicity exchange in a set of non-null knotted electromagnetic fields
We calculate analytically the spin-orbital decomposition of the angular
momentum using completely non-paraxial fields that have certain degree of
linkage of electric and magnetic lines. The split of the angular momentum into
spin-orbital components is worked out for non-null knotted electromagnetic
fields. The relation between magnetic and electric helicities and spin-orbital
decomposition of the angular momentum is considered. We demonstrate that even
if the total angular momentum and the values of the spin and orbital momentum
are the same, the behaviour of the local angular momentum density is rather
different. By taking cases with constant and non-constant electric and magnetic
helicities, we show that the total angular momentum density present different
characteristics during time evolution
Keragaman Genetik Gen Hormon Pertumbuhan (GH|MboII) pada Itik Sikumbang Janti Menggunakan Penciri PCR-RFLP
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman gen hormon pertumbuhan (GH) dengan enzim MboII pada itik Sikumbang Janti dengan menggunakan penciri PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism). Penelitian ini menggunakan sebanyak 50 sampel darah itik Sikumbang Janti. Sampel darah itik Sikumbang Janti diambil melalui vena achilaris sebanyak ± 1 ml. DNA sampel darah diisolasi menggunakan protocol Genomik DNA Purification Kit (Promega). DNA total diamplifikasi menggunakan sepasang primer F : 5\u27-CTG GAG CAG GCA GGA AAA TT-3\u27 dan R: 5\u27-TCC AGG GAC AGT GAC TCA AC-3\u27 yang menghasilkan fragmen exon 1 gen GH dengan panjang 801 bp. Produk amplifikasi direstriksi dengan menggunakan MboII yang mengenali situs pemotongan GAAGA (N/8)↓ . Dari 46 sampel hasil restriksi diperoleh dua posisi. Pada posisi 618 bp dengan genotip yaitu genotip heterozigot (+/-) yang terdiri dari 3 pita (266 bp, 535 bp dan 801 bp), genotip homozigot (+/+) yang terdiri dari 3 pita (109 bp, 266 bp, 426 bp) dan genotip homozigot (-/-) yang terdiri dari 1 pita ( 801) dan terdapat dua tipe alel, yaitu alel (+) dan all (-), all (+) sebesar 0,79 dan alel (-) sebesar 0,21. Sedangkan pada posisi 727 bp memiliki genotip yaitu genotip heterozigot (+/-) yang terdiri dari 3 pita (109 bp, 266 bp, 426 bp), dan genotip homozigot (-/-) yang terdiri dari 3 pita dan terdapat dua tipe alel, yaitu frekuensi alel (+) sebesar 0,61 dan frekuensi alel (-) sebesar 0,39. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa gen GH-MboII memiliki keragamanan yang tinggi serta menunjukkan adanya keseimbangan atau tidak menyimpang dari keseimbangan Hardy Weinberg pada posisi keragaman 618 bp dan pada posisi 727 dalam ketidakseimbangan Hardy Weinberg
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