32 research outputs found

    Randman trogodišnjeg šarana iz kaveznog sistema uzgoja

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    Uzgoj šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.) u kaveznom sistemu predstavlja posebnu vrstu intenzivne proizvodnje. Odlikuje se malim početnim ulaganjima u izgradnju kaveznog ribnjaka, ne zahteva značajno angažovanje radne snage i obezbeđuje veliku proizvodnju po jedinici zapremine. Izbor lokacije je od velikog značaja jer utiče na ekonomsku održivost, proizvodnju i mortalitet šarana. U odnosu na druge uzgojne sisteme, utvrđeno je da u kaveznom sistemu morbiditet i mortalitet mogu značajno varirati i u slučaju odstupanja vrednosti parametara kvaliteta vode od optimalnih, gubici mogu nastupiti brzo i biti dramatični. Nedostatak kaveznog sistema gajenja ogleda se u olakšanoj transmisiji bolesti i zagađenju vodenog ekosistema u kome je kavezni sistem postavljen, što se može sprečiti uvođenjem zaštitnih sistema. Uz poštovanje načela dobre proizvođačke prakse, održavanjem dobrog kvaliteta vode i optimalno izbalansiranu hranu primerenu starosnoj kategoriji uzgajanog šarana, očekivan mortalitet je 1-5%. Zahtevi savremenog tržišta su sve više usmereni ka obrađenoj ribi, posebno filetima. Uklanjanjem kože i odstranjivanjem unutrašnjih organa i intramuskularnih kostiju, fileti šarana i ostalih ciprinida koje se gaje u polikulturi sa šaranom, postaju visokovredni obroci, koji se lako i brzo spremaju. Randman riba je ekonomski parametar čija je vrednost značajna pri svim tehnološkim operacijama vezanim za preradu ribe. Iskazuje se kao odnos primarno obrađenog trupa u odnosu na masu trupa žive ribe. Odnos jestivog i nejestivog dela trupa ribe može značajno da varira u zavisnosti od vrste, mase i veličine ribe i sezone ulova). Od njega direktno zavisi ekonomičnost proizvodnje i neopravdano je zanemaren kao parameter u istraživanjima. Razlika u randmanu između različitih linija i njihovih hibrida javlja se zbog različitog oblika, dužine glave, debljine i širine tela. Randman riba značajno je povoljniji od randmana kod ostalih vrsta životinja. Delovi koji se odbacuju mogu sadržati sve ili samo neke delove glave, krljušti, kože, creva, gonada i peraja. Cilj istraživanja bio je određivanje randmana kod trogodišnjeg šarana poreklom iz kaveznog sistema uzgoja. Uzorkovanje je obavljeno iz dva kavezna sistema na Tikveškom jezeru (Makedonija) (41°20′51″N 21°57′58″E) i iz jednog na Bilećkom jezeru (Bosna i Hercegovina) (42°49′31″N 18°26′17″E). Ishrana riba vršena je kompletnim krmnim smešama različitih proizvođača. Iz svakog kaveznog sistema uzorkovano je po 8 jedinki muškog i 8 jedinki ženskog pola (ukupno po 24 jedinke svakog pola). Morfometrijske osobine riba utvrđene su sa ciljem da se ispita uticaj pola na randman trogodišnjeg šarana gajenog u kaveznom sistemu. Nakon što su izlovljeni, šarani su držani na ledu. Krljušt je skinuta ručno nazubljenim nožem. Glava je odsečena cirkularnim rezom ispred pojasa pektoralnog peraja tako da je peraje ostalo na trupu. Peraja su odsečena na početku perajnih žbica. Egzenteracija organa zajedno sa gonadama obavljena je ručno. Dobijeni su obrađen trup, koji podrazumeva trup ribe bez krljušti, peraja, unutrašnjih organa i glave. Posle odstranjivanja krljušti, unutrašnji oragni, gonade, glava, peraja i obrađen trup su izmereni. Rezultati su obrađeni t-testom kako bi se utvrdio uticaj pola na randman trogodišnjeg šarana gajenog u kaveznom sistemu proizvodnje. U odnosu na pol (ženke naspram mužjaka šarana) pažnja je usmerena na parametre koji su važni sa aspekta gajenja i što povoljnijeg randmana. U našem istraživanju randman je određen kao odnos mase cele ribe i mase trupa bez glave, krljušti, peraja i unutrašnjih organa. Rezultati dobijeni u našem istraživanju pokazuju veću težinu ženskih u odnosu na muške jedinke (FW), ali nemaju statističku značajnost. Ukupna dužina (TL), standardna dužina (SL) i dužina trupa (CL) ženki u odnosu na mužjake imaju statistički značajnu razliku (p < 0,01), dok razlike u telesnoj masi ženki i mužjaka nisu statistički značajne. Rezultati dobijeni merenjem težine trupa (CW) i težine unutrašnjih organa (VW) ženki u odnosu na iste parametre kod mužjaka imaju statistički značajnu razliku (p < 0,01). Vrednosti dobijene merenjem težine glave (HW), težine gonada (GW) mužjaka, kao i vrednosti gonadosomatskog indeksa (GSI) u odnosu na vrednosti istih parametara kod ženki imaju statistički značaj (p < 0,01). Razlike u dužini glave (HL), visini tela (BH), masi peraja (FW), masi jedinki (FW) i obrađenih fileta (FilletW) mužjaka i ženki, nemaju statistički značaj. Vrednosti dobijene izračunavanjem relativne težine fileta i randmana uzorkovanih trogodišnjih jedinki šarana muškog i ženskog pola nemaju statistički značajnu razliku

    Measurement of CD4+ and CD8+ T-Lymphocyte Cytokine Secretion and Gene Expression Changes in p-Phenylenediamine Allergic Patients and Tolerant Individuals

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    Factors predisposing to individual susceptibility to contact allergic dermatitis are ill defined. This study was designed to characterize the response of allergic and tolerant individuals’ T-lymphocytes after exposure to p-phenylenediamine (PPD). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from allergic patients proliferated when treated with PPD and Bandrowski's base (BB) and secreted IL-1α, -1β, -4, -5, -6, -8, -10, and -13; IFN-γ; tumor necrosis factor-α; MIP-1α/β; MCP-1 (monocyte chemotactic protein-1); and RANTES. PBMCs from tolerant individuals were stimulated to proliferate only with BB, and they secreted significantly lower levels of Th2 cytokines. Principal component analysis showed that genes are differentially expressed between the patient groups. A network-based analysis of microarray data showed upregulation of T helper type 2 (Th2) gene pathways, including IL-9, in allergic patients, but a regulatory gene profile in tolerant individuals. Real-time PCR confirmed the observed increase in Th2 cytokine gene transcription in allergic patients. Purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from allergic patients were stimulated to proliferate and secrete Th2 cytokines following antigen exposure. Only CD4+ T cells from tolerant individuals were stimulated by BB, and levels of Th2 cytokines were 80% lower. The nature of the antigenic determinant stimulating PBMCs and levels of Th2 cytokines, including IL-9, was confirmed in a validation cohort. These studies show increased activity of Th2 cytokines in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from individuals with allergic contact dermatitis

    The long-term effects of maternal deprivation on the number and size of inhibitory interneurons in the rat amygdala and nucleus accumbens

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    IntroductionThere is an increasing evidence supporting the hypothesis that traumatic experiences during early developmental periods might be associated with psychopathology later in life. Maternal deprivation (MD) in rodents has been proposed as an animal model for certain aspects of neuropsychiatric disorders.MethodsTo determine whether early-life stress leads to changes in GABAergic, inhibitory interneurons in the limbic system structures, specifically the amygdala and nucleus accumbens, 9-day-old Wistar rats were exposed to a 24 h MD. On postnatal day 60 (P60), the rats were sacrificed for morphometric analysis and their brains were compared to the control group.ResultsResults show that MD affect GABAergic interneurons, leading to the decrease in density and size of the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin-, calbindin-, and calretinin-expressing interneurons in the amygdala and nucleus accumbens.DiscussionThis study indicates that early stress in life leads to changes in the number and morphology of the GABAergic, inhibitory interneurons in the amygdala and nucleus accumbens, most probably due to the loss of neurons during postnatal development and it further contributes to understanding the effects of maternal deprivation on brain development

    Organizing for Competitiveness – Structural and Process Characteristics of Organizational Design

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    An emerging multidimensional approach to organizational design outlines the need for the alignment of relevant structural and process characteristics of organizations. However, neither the interaction of these characteristics nor their role and importance for organizational competitiveness is properly examined in the literature. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the structural and process characteristics of organizational design to determine how and to what extent these characteristics contribute to achieving a competitive advantage. The field survey was conducted on a cross-sectional sample of 134 Croatian companies. The research findings outlined the need for a new organizational design approach that emphasizes both the vertical and horizontal dimensions of design solutions. This paper contributes to previous research by showing that organizational design represents a source of competitive advantage only if structural and process characteristics are commonly designed. In addition, we confirmed that although structural characteristics are usually more often addressed, it is process characteristics that make a difference

    Organizing for Competitiveness – Structural and Process Characteristics of Organizational Design

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    An emerging multidimensional approach to organizational design outlines the need for the alignment of relevant structural and process characteristics of organizations. However, neither the interaction of these characteristics nor their role and importance for organizational competitiveness is properly examined in the literature. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the structural and process characteristics of organizational design to determine how and to what extent these characteristics contribute to achieving a competitive advantage. The field survey was conducted on a cross-sectional sample of 134 Croatian companies. The research findings outlined the need for a new organizational design approach that emphasizes both the vertical and horizontal dimensions of design solutions. This paper contributes to previous research by showing that organizational design represents a source of competitive advantage only if structural and process characteristics are commonly designed. In addition, we confirmed that although structural characteristics are usually more often addressed, it is process characteristics that make a difference

    Proteomic analysis of the human skin proteome after in vivo treatment with sodium dodecyl sulphate

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    BACKGROUND: Skin has a variety of functions that are incompletely understood at the molecular level. As the most accessible tissue in the body it often reveals the first signs of inflammation or infection and also represents a potentially valuable source of biomarkers for several diseases. In this study we surveyed the skin proteome qualitatively using gel electrophoresis, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GeLC-MS/MS) and quantitatively using an isobaric tagging strategy (iTRAQ) to characterise the response of human skin following exposure to sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS).RESULTS: A total of 653 skin proteins were assigned, 159 of which were identified using GeLC-MS/MS and 616 using iTRAQ, representing the most comprehensive proteomic study in human skin tissue. Statistical analysis of the available iTRAQ data did not reveal any significant differences in the measured skin proteome after 4 hours exposure to the model irritant SDS.CONCLUSIONS: This study represents the first step in defining the critical response to an irritant at the level of the proteome and provides a valuable resource for further studies at the later stages of irritant exposure

    Redesigning current instruments as a precondition for a more effective environmental protection

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    The problems of environment and evaluation of natural capital belong to the phenomenology of externalities, and the requirements of environmental economics are ever more oriented towards the elaboration of the ecological-economic category of the externalization of internal expenses, wherefrom reasons for the introduction of ecological-economic instruments, before all payments for pollutions, ensue. Demystification of the negative conviction relating ecological payments as taxes is very important, since it must be shown that ecological payments correct, mitigate or remove externalities. Environmental protection is a complex system and it consists in a set of rules, measures and instruments that are applied for the surveillance of pollution sources, and shaping of instruments for environmental protection is a complex process intended for the accomplishment of established ecological goals. Among all instruments available for bridging the gap of internalization and exerting a significant effect on polluters to diminish their emissions of pollution, the ecological and economic ones are most important. The results of our investigation have demonstrated that it is necessary to reshape the current set of instruments regarding protection of vital functions of nature and an efficient environmental protection, and one of the key cognitions is that the scientific and professional public must not be excluded from the appraisals of creating and redesigning the instruments of environmental protection. These assertions have their foundation in the premise that the significance of elements of the social dimension in sustainable development is to a great extent determined by the level of environmental degradation and reduction in capacity of renewable sources. The paper, approach and data processing of the conducted research offer a new model and new elements of methodology for establishing the state and quality of the environment, whereby social-economic criteria of research (a socio-economic laboratory) are introduced into the fundamental analysis of the condition of crucial media of the environment, but also into shaping a more efficacious instrument set of protection. In such a way, a substantial contribution is given to the affirmation of a holistic and inter-disciplinary approach in the investigation and understanding the phenomenon of contemporary environmental reality, especially the central media of the environment (water, air, soil)

    Proteomic analysis of the cellular response to a potent sensitiser unveils the dynamics of haptenation in living cells

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    Haptenation of model nucleophiles, representing the key MIE in skin sensitisation, is routinely measured in chemico to provide data for skin allergy risk assessment. Better understanding of the dynamics of haptenation in human skin could provide the metrics required to improve determination of sensitiser potency for risk assessment of chemicals. We have previously demonstrated the applicability and sensitivity of the dual stable isotope labelling approach to detect low level haptenation in complex mixtures of proteins. In the present study, we investigated haptenation in a relevant living cell model over time at a subtoxic concentration. DNCB, an extremely potent sensitiser, caused minimal changes in overall protein differential expression in HaCaT cells and haptenated approximately 0.25 % of all available nucleophiles when applied at a subtoxic concentration (10μM) for 4 h. The data shows that the maximum level of haptenation occurs at 2 h and that DNCB, whilst being a promiscuous hapten, shows a preference for Cys residues, despite the considerably higher concentration of amine-based nucleophiles. Although a proportion of highly abundant proteins were haptenated, numerous haptenated sites were also detected on low abundant proteins. Certain proteins were modified at residues buried deep inside the protein structure which are less accessible to haptenation compared with surface exposed nucleophiles. The microenvironment of the buried residues may be a result of several factors influencing the reactivity of both the target nucleophile and the hapten.</p

    Proteomic analysis of haptenation by skin sensitisers: Diphencyprone and ethyl acrylate

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    The potential risk of skin sensitisation, associated with the development of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), is a consideration in the safety assessment of new ingredients for use in personal care products. Protein haptenation in skin by sensitising chemicals is the molecular initiating event causative of skin sensitisation. Current methods for monitoring skin sensitisation rely on limited reactivity assays, motivating interest in the development of proteomic approaches to characterise the skin haptenome. Increasing our mechanistic understanding of skin sensitisation and ACD using proteomics presents an opportunity to develop non-animal predictive methods and/or risk assessment approaches. Previously, we have used a novel stable isotope labelling approach combined with data independent mass spectrometry (HDMSE) to characterise the haptenome for a number of well-known sensitisers. We have now extended this work by characterising the haptenome of the sensitisers Diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP) and Ethyl Acrylate (EA) with the model protein Human Serum Albumin (HSA) and the complex lysates of the skin keratinocyte, HaCaT cell line. We show that haptenation in complex nucleophilic models is not random, but a specific, low level and reproducible event. Proteomic analysis extends our understanding of sensitiser reactivity beyond simple reactivity assays and offers a route to monitoring haptenation in living cells