242 research outputs found


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    Contemporary journalism faces many challenges, one of them being adjustment to new trends caused by the advancement of new technology. In such circumstances traditional media need to find a way to reach new audiences that is present on online platforms. Those adjustments and changes, among other things, imply revisiting traditional concept of journalistic genres and new approach in shaping an information through the change of linguistic and stylistic characteristics resulting with the new media language. The aim of this paper is to offer an insight into the previous research of this topic in order to position the role of traditional media in the digital era. Although the process of media digitalization is not new, adjustment to new conditions is ongoing, recreating the term of new journalism over and ove

    Derivatives of rhamnolipids and 4-aminoquinoline as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens virulence inhibitors

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    Rezistencija bakterija na antibiotike je rastući problem globalnih razmera tako da su pronalaženje i uvođenje novih terapijskih opcija u borbu protiv bakterijskih infekcija postali prioriteti i fundamentalnih i primenjenih istraživanja. U potrazi za jedinjenjima prirodnog porekla sa anti-virulentnom aktivnošću izdvojen je nepatogeni soj iz rizosfere biljke dobračice (Glechoma hederacea), Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1, čiji su metaboliti inhibirali formiranje biofilmova P. aeruginosa PAO1. Hemijske analize su pokazale da aktivnu komponentu etil acetatnog ekstrakta čini smeša ramnolipida. Uporednom analizom anti-biofilm aktivnosti utvrđeno je da su di-ramnolipidi soja Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 bolji inhibitori procesa formiranja biofilmova (adhezije i sazrevanja) kod P. aeruginosa PAO1 od komercijalno dostupnih ramnolipida, poreklom iz P. aeruginosa. Amidnom derivatizacijom di-ramnolipida poboljšana je njihova anti-biofilm aktivnost, gde je najaktivniji derivat di-ramnolipida iz Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 imao morfolinsku grupu i inhibirao je formiranje biofilmova P. aeruginosa PAO1 za 80% u koncentraciji od 100 μg/ml, a isti derivat u koncentraciji od 50 μg/ml inhibirao je formiranje biofilmova S. marcescens za 88%. Hinolini, jedinjenja sa širokim spektrom bioloških aktivnosti, a takođe i autoinduceri PQS signalnog puta međubakterijske komunikacije P. aeruginosa predstavljaju dobru osnovu za razvoj anti-virulentnih jedinjenja. Derivati aminohinolina sintetisani u ovoj studiji nisu pokazali značajnu antibakterijsku aktivnost prema Gram negativnim patogenima. Najveću inhibitornu aktivnost na formiranje biofilmova kod P. aeruginosa i S. marcescens imala su jedinjenja koja su sadržala atom hlora ili CF3 grupu na poziciji C(7) i alifatični lanac sa 12 C atoma na poziciji C(4) (jedinjenja 5 i 10), sa BFIC50 koncentracijama od 69 μM odnosno 63 μM. Ova jedinjenja su prvi derivati hinolina za koje je utvrđena sposobnost da inhibiraju biofilmove S. marcescens. Detaljnom analizom odnosa strukture i aktivnosti jedinjenja 5 i 10 je pokazano da dužina alifatičnog lanca i lipofilnost jedinjenja imaju najveći uticaj na formiranja biofilomova kod S. marcescens. Jedinjenje 10 je izdvojeno kao najpotentniji inhibitor proizvodnje piocijanina kod P. aeruginosa hinolinske prirode opisan do sada...Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a growing problem on a global scale, so finding and introducing new therapeutic options to combat bacterial infections has become a priority in both fundamental and applied research. In a search for structurally new compounds with anti-virulent activity, novel non-pathogenic strain was isolated from the rhizosphere of a Glechoma hederacea plant, named BV152.1, whose metabolites inhibited the formation of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms. Chemical analyzes have shown that the active compound of ethyl acetate extract is a mixture of rhamnolipids. Comparative analysis of their anti-biofilm activity revealed that the di-rhamnolipids from the strain Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 are better inhibitors of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm adhesion and maturation, than commercially available rhamnolipids, originated from P. aeruginosa. The amide derivatization of di-rhamnolipids enhanced the anti-biofilm activity of these compounds, where the most active di-rhamnolipid derivative from Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 had a morpholine group and inhibited the formation of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms by 80% at a concentration at 100 μg/ml. The same derivative at 50 μg/ml inhibited formation of S. marcescens biofilm by 88%. Quinolines, compounds with a wide range of biological activities, and autoinducers of the quorum sensing PQS signaling pathway of P. aeruginosa represent a good basis for the development of compounds with anti-virulent activity. The aminoquinoline derivatives synthesized in this study did not show significant antibacterial activity against Gram-negative pathogens, making them suitable chemical structures for the development of anti-virulent agents. The highest inhibitory activity of P. aeruginosa and S. marcescens biofilm formation showed compounds containing a chlorine atom (compound 5) or CF3 group (compound 10) at position C(7) and an aliphatic chain of 12 C atoms at position C(4) with BFIC50 concentrations of 69 μM and 63 μM, respectively. These compounds are the first quinoline derivatives identified to have the ability to inhibit S. marcescens biofilms formation. Detailed analysis of the structure and activity relationships of compounds 5 and 10 showed that the aliphatic chain length and lipophilicity of the compounds had the greatest influence on inhibition of biofilm formation in S. marcescens..

    „Zelena” proizvodnja lekova: pristupi i perspektive

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    Pharmaceutical industry is highly competitive, but tightly regulated industry which makes the introduction of changes and innovations quite challenging. Therefore, while being among the first industries to recognize the importance of moving towards sustainable, green manufacturing, changes are still being implemented slowly, mostly by some leading pharmaceutical companies. The reduction in energy consumption, carbon footprint and waste discharge has been recognized as the core of the pharmaceutical industry sustainability efforts. Particular attention has been given to implementation of green chemistry principles into development and production of active pharmaceutical ingredients, considering the significant environmental impacts of these processes (1). However, thorough environmental considerations are needed, from the introduction of more energy efficient approach in manufacturing sites design and logistic operations, replacement of traditional technological processes with new, more environmentally friendly manufacturing concepts and operations in medicines production, to reduction of waste and/or its reuse for energy generation. Pharmaceutical companies have already started with transformation of its production sites into smart, green factories using renewable energy sources such as geothermal, wind, water and solar energy. Some of them have targeted its environmental goals to minimised or even zero carbon footprint in the near future, as well as significantly reduced water usage. To achieve such goals further changes are expected, including the replacement of commonly used technological processes (associated with high energy consumption and usage of organic solvents) with innovative technologies. Conventional granulation and tablet coating methods, involved in production of solid dosage forms, are example of methods that considerably contribute to overall greenhouse gas emissions from pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. The variety of solvent-free and environmentally friendly granulation and coating methods have been developed and intensively investigated (2, 3), but strict and high regulatory demands usually lead to a reluctance of pharmaceutical industry to implement the novel technologies. The introduction of automation and continuous manufacturing is also expected to reduce the environmental impact of pharmaceutical manufacturing due to the decreased waste generation, improved operational and energy efficiency.Farmaceutska industrija je visoko konkurentna, ali strogo regulisana zbog čega je uvođenje promena i inovacija u proizvodnji lekova prilično izazovno. Upravo iz tih razloga, u farmaceutskoj industriji, koja je među prvima prepoznala važnost prelaska na održivu, zelenu proizvodnju, promene se i dalje uvode relativno sporo, uglavnom od strane vodećih farmaceutskih kompanija. Kao ključni elementi u težnji farmaceutske industrije ka održivosti prepoznati su smanjena potrošnja energije, smanjenje ugljeničnog otiska i ispuštenog otpada. Posebna pažnja je posvećena primeni principa zelene hemije u razvoju i proizvodnji lekovitih supstanci, imajući u vidu značajan uticaj ovih procesa na životnu sredinu (1). Međutim, potrebna su temeljnija ekološka razmatranja, počev od primene energetski efikasnijih pristupa u dizajnu proizvodnih pogona i logističkih operacija, preko zamene tradicionalnih tehnoloških postupaka u proizvodnji lekova novim, ekološki prihvatljivijim proizvodnim konceptima i postupcima, do smanjenog generisanja otpada i/ili upotrebe otpada za proizvodnju energije. Neke farmaceutske kompanije su već počele sa preuređenjem svojih proizvodnih pogona u pametne, zelene fabrike koje koriste obnovljive izvore energije, kao što su geotermalna, solarna energija, energija vetra ili vode. Neke od kompanija su postavile kao svoje ekološke ciljeve za blisku budućnost minimalan ili čak ugljenični otisak jednak nuli, kao i znatno smanjenu potrošnju vode. Kako bi se ovakvi ciljevi mogli dostići biće potrebne dalje promene, uključujući zamenu uobičajeno primenjivanih tehnoloških postupaka (koje prati visoka potrošnja energije i upotreba organskih rastvarača) inovativnim tehnologijama. Konvencionalne metode granulacije i oblaganja, koje se primenjuju u proizvodnji čvrstih farmaceutskih oblika, predstavljaju primer postupaka u proizvodnji lekova koji znatno doprinose emisiji gasova koji izazivaju efekat staklene bašte. Razvijene su i intenzivno se istražuju različite, ekološki prihvatljive metode granulacije i oblaganja, odnosno metode koje ne podrazumevaju upotrebu rastvarača (2, 3). Međutim, u farmaceutskoj industriji je, usled strogih regulatornih zahteva, često prisutno izvesno oklevanje kada je u pitanju uvođenju novih tehnologija. Očekuje se da će i uvođenje automatizacije i kontinuirane proizvodnje doprineti manjem uticaju proizvodnje lekova na životnu sredinu, usled manje količine otpada i poboljšane operativne i energetske efikasnosti.Drugi naučni simpozijum Saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28. 10. 2021. Beogra

    Tečno‐čvrsti sistemi: od izazova u razvoju formulacije do poboljšane biološke raspoloživosti

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    Increasing number of poorly water-soluble drugs poses the great challenges in formulation development of solid dosage forms. To overcome bioavailability issues numerous approaches have been developed during last decades. Most of the commonly applied methods are associated with the use of complex and/or energy consuming technological processes (e.g. different techniques for preparation of solid dispersions). From the late 1990s the idea of converting drug solution/suspension into dry-looking powder has evolved from “powdered solution technology” to liquisolid systems as a simpler, greener process requiring lower production costs in comparison with commonly used approaches for bioavailability enhancement (1). Liquisolid technology considers conversion of drug dispersion (preferably solution) in non-volatile, hydrophilic liquid vehicle into the powder that is not only free flowing, but also possess acceptable compaction properties required for tableting or capsule filling. Development of novel, highly porous excipients has further increased research interest and possibility for wider use of this technique. Numerous studies have demonstrated the potential of this emerging technique to enhance in vitro dissolution rate, and some studies have also confirmed improved bioavailability of various poorly water- soluble drugs from liquisolid formulations. Furthermore, this promising technique has been investigated as an approach to prepare orally disintegrating tablets, modified release preparations, as well as solid dosage forms with liquid herbal extracts. Recent studies address the lack of knowledge regarding compaction behavior of these systems and the need for new solutions to overcome limitations related to application of this technology in the case of high-dose drugs.Sve je više lekovitih supstanci koje su slabo rastvorljive u vodi što predstavlja veliki izazov u razvoju formulacija čvrstih farmaceutskih oblika lekova. U cilju prevazilaženja problema vezanih za nisku biološku raspoloživost, tokom poslednjih decenija razvijeni su brojni pristupi. Većina ovih metoda podrazumeva primenu složenih i/ili energetski zahtevnih tehnoloških procesa (npr. različite tehnike za izradu čvrstih disperzija). Od kraja 1990-tih godina ideja o prevođenju rastvora/suspenzije lekovite supstance u prašak suvog izgleda razvijana је od pristupa pod nazivom “powdered solution technology” do tečno- čvrstih sistema (engl. liquisolid systems) kao jednostavnijeg, ekonomičnijeg i ekološki prihvatljivijeg postupka u poređenju sa uobičajeno primenjivanim metodama za poboljšanje biološke raspoloživosti (1). Izrada tečno-čvrstih sistema podrazumeva prevođenje disperzije lekovite supstance (poželjno rastvora) u neisparljivom, hidrofilnom, tečnom vehikulumu u prašak koji, pored dobre protočnosti, ima i prihvatljiva svojstva pri kompresiji, koja su neophodna za izradu tableta ili kapsula. Razvoj novih, visokoporoznih ekscipijenasa je dodatno povećao interesovanje istraživača i mogućnost za širu primenu ove tehnike. Brojna istraživanja su pokazala potencijal ove nove metode da poveća in vitro brzinu rastvaranja, a neke studije su potvrdile i poboljšanu biološku raspoloživost različitih slabo rastvorljivih lekovitih supstanci iz tečno-čvrstih formulacija. Dodatno, ispitivana je mogućnost primene ove metode kao pristupa za izradu oralno-disperzibilnih tableta, preparata sa modifikovanim oslobađanjem, kao i čvrstih farmaceutskih oblika sa tečnim biljnim ekstraktima. Nedavna istraživanja se odnose na ispitivanje ponašanja ovih sistema pri kompresiji o čemu do sada nema dovoljno znanja, kao i na pronalaženje novih rešenja kako bi se prevazišla ograničenja vezana za primenu ove tehnologije u slučaju visokodoziranih lekovitih supstanci.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Uticaj antibiotika koji se koriste kao stimulatori rasta kod životinja na rezistenciju bakterija

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    For decades intensive husbandry has more or less been based on the use of antibiotics in sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (sub-MIC) aimed at growth promotion. Continuous exposure of animal intestinal microbiota, including opportunistic zoonotic pathogens, to sub-MIC poses a pressure to selection and spread of bacteria strains with developed mechanism of antibiotic resistance. These bacteria may be transferred to people either by direct contact with farm animals or indirectly, via the food chain. Although in the EU a ban on the use of antibiotics as growth promoters was imposed in 2006, in many countries, including the largest producers and consumers of antibiotics in the world, it has yet to be done. Given that we are faced with a global problem of the loss of the efficacy of several antibiotic classes which are available for the treatment of human bacterial infections, it is unacceptable that antibiotic use in husbandry is not under global control. Reduction in antibiotic use in clinical practice in human medicine remains in dispute, but non-therapeutic use in husbandry remains a field in which much can be done to contribute substantially to the extension of antibiotic effectiveness and health care of future generations.Intenzivna stočarska proizvodnja se decenijama u većoj ili manjoj meri bazira na upotrebi antibiotika u subinhibitornim koncentracijama za promociju rasta. Kontinuirano izlaganje mikrobiota digestivnog trakta životinja (uključujući i oportunističke zoonotske patogene) sub-inhibitornim koncentracijama antibiotika, predstavlja pritisak na selekciju i širenje sojeva bakterija sa mehanizmima rezistencije na antibiotike. Na ljude se ove bakterije mogu preneti direktnim kontaktom sa farmskim životinjama ili na posredan način, preko lanca ishrane. Iako je u zemljama Evropske unije upotreba antibiotika za promociju rasta životinja zabranjena 2006. godine, u mnogim državama, uključujući najveće proizvođače i potrošače antibiotika u svetu, ova praksa se zadržala do danas. Gubitak efikasnosti antibiotika koji su trenutno na raspolaganju za lečenje bakterijskih infekcija kod ljudi je rastući problem, zbog čega je neprihvatljivo da upotreba antibiotika u stočarskoj proizvodnji nije pod globalnom kontrolom. Klinička praksa u humanoj medicini ostavlja diskutabilan prostor za redukciju primene antibiotika, ali je neterapeutska upotreba u stočarstvu oblast u okviru koje se može značajno doprineti produžavanju veka upotrebljivosti pojedinih klasa antibiotika i očuvanju zdravlja budućih generacija

    Salmonella spp. u hrani za kućne ljubimce i rizik koji predstavlja za zdravlje ljudi

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    Commercial feed intended for dogs and cats is an almost unrecognised source of human infection with various serovars of Salmonella enterica. However, people may catch the infection both via direct contact with contaminated pet feed and by contact with pets, which usually shed Salmonella without signs of infection. A relatively new trend of feeding dogs and cats with raw feed is considered to be a special risk owing to the fact that it usually contains foodborne pathogens, such as Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and Campylobacter spp. Nonetheless, the epidemiological data do not support this idea. In the current review relevant data on the significance of pet feed in the outbreak of human salmonellosis are discussed and the recommendations for the prevention of the infection originating from these sources are suggested.Komercijalna hrana za pse i mačke je skoro nepoznat izvor infekcije ljudi bakterijama iz roda Salmonella. Ljudi se mogu inficirati direktnim kontaktom sa kontaminiranom hranom za kućne ljubimce ili kontaktom sa kućnim ljubimcima koji uobičajeno izlučuju salmonele bez kliničkih znakova infekcije. Iako se novi trend ishrane pasa i mačaka sirovom hranom sa tog aspekta razmatra kao poseban rizik (jer ova hrana uobičajeno sadrži hranom prenosive patogene kao što su Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli i Campylobacter spp.), epidemiološki podaci ne podržavaju ovakav stav. U ovom radu sumiramo relevatne podatke o značaju hrane za kućne ljubimce u pojavi salmoneloza ljudi, kao i preporuke za prevenciju pojave infekcija izazvanih salmonelama iz ovog izvora

    Toksin genotipizacija sojeva Clostridium perfringens izolovanih iz hrane za životinje i njihov značaj u etiologiji enterotoksemija domaćih životinja

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    Clostridium perfringens is a Gram-positive, endospore-forming, anaerobic rod, ubiquitous in nature. C. perfringens strains can produce about 17 toxins. Many of them can lead to miscellaneous diseases, among which the enteric ailment may be the most common and is of utmost importance. In the present work 34 strains of C. perfringens isolated from feed and one from a cow suspected to have died of clostridial infection were subjected to molecular analysis. In order to detect the genotypes, the following genes coding for toxins were targetted: cpa, cpb, cpb2, cpe, etx and iap. The multiplex PCR assay revealed that all C. perfringens isolates from animal feed were of type A and b2-toxinogenic type A strains, possessing only the cpa (n=21), or both the cpa and the cpb2 genes (n=13). The importance of C. perfringens toxins α and β-2 in the pathogenesis of enterotoxemia is discussed and the regulation on the detection of this bacteria in animal feed questioned. The use of PCR in practise could enable the toxin-genotyping of C. perfringens isolates and, thus, provide a real basis for the establishment of maximum acceptable limits of this bacteria in feed.Clostridium perfringens je Gram-pozitivna, anaerobna, sporulišuća, štapićasta bakterija, ubikvitarno rasprostranjena u prirodi. Kod različitih sojeva C. Perfringens, do danas, identifikovano je oko 17 vrsta toksina. C. perfringens je uzročni agens različitih oboljenja (sindroma), ali su crevne infekcije/intoksikacije najčešće i od najvećeg značaja za zdravlje farmski gajenih životinja. U ovom radu prikazujemo rezultate ispitivanja sojeva C. perfringens poreklom iz hrane za životinje (n=34) i jednog izolata iz organa krave uginule sa znacima enterotoksemije na prisustvo gena: cpa, cpb, cpb2, cpe, etx i iap primenom multipleks PCR tehnike. Svi sojevi C. perfringens izolovani iz hrane za životinje, identifikovani su kao tip A koji poseduje samo cpa gen (n=21) ili tip A koji produkuje b2-toksin, odnosno ima cpa i cpb2 gene (n=13). U radu diskutujemo o ulozi alfa (α) i beta-2 (β2) toksina u patogenezi enterotoksemija domaćih životinja, kao i aktuelnom zakonskom propisu po kojem ova vrsta bakterije ne sme biti prisutna u hrani za životinje. Primena PCR tehnike u svakodnevnoj praksi omogućila bi toksin-genotipizaciju sojeva C. perfringens, a time i realne osnove za uspostavljanje graničnih dozvoljenih vrednosti za ovu vrstu bakterije u hrani za životinje

    Copper(II) complexes with different diamines as inhibitors of bacterial quorum sensing activity

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    Three copper(II) complexes, trans-[Cu(1,3-pd)(2)Cl-2]center dot H2O (Cu1; 1,3-pd is 1,3-propanediamine), trans-[Cu(2,2-diMe-1,3-pd)(2)Cl-2] (Cu2; 2,2-diMe-1,3-pd is 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine) and trans-[Cu(1,3-pnd)(2)Cl-2]center dot H2O (Cu3; 1,3-pnd is (+/-)-1,3-pentanediamine), were synthesized and structurally characterized by elemental microanalyses, IR, electronic absorption and reflectance spectroscopy and molar conductivity measurements. The antimicrobial efficiency of the complexes against four clinically relevant microorganisms and their antiproliferative effect on the normal human lung fibroblast cell line MRC-5 were evaluated. Since in many bacteria, pathogenicity is regulated by an intercellular communication process called quorum sensing (QS), the effect of the copper(II) complexes Cu1-3 on bacterial QS was examined. The obtained results showed that these complexes inhibited violacein production in Chromobacterium violaceum CV026, indicating their anti-QS activity via the homoserine lactone (HSL) pathway. Two biosensor strains were used to determine which pathway, C4-HSL (N-butanoylhomoserine lactone) or 3OC12-HSL (N-(3-oxododecanoyl) homoserine lactone), was affected by the copper(II) complexes. The biological activities of the copper(II) complexes were compared with those for the nickel(II) complexes of the general formula trans-[Ni(L)(2)(H2O)(2)]Cl-2 (L = 1,3-pd, 2,2-diMe-1,3-pd and 1,3-pnd)

    Pregled i kritička analiza matematičkih pristupa za karakterizaciju praškova i višečestičnih sistema u razvoju lekova

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    An understanding of material properties and processing effects on solid dosage forms performance is required within the Quality-by-design approach to pharmaceutical development. Several research groups have developed mathematical approaches aiming to facilitate the selection of formulation composition and the manufacturing technology. These approaches are based on material particulate, bulk and compression-related properties. This paper provides theoretical assumptions and a critical review of different mathematical approaches for processability characterization of powders and multiparticulate units. Mathematical approaches have mainly been developed for directly compressible materials, but sometimes other manufacturing technologies, such as roller compaction and wet granulation, are also considered. The obtained compact tensile strength has been implemented in the majority of approaches, as an important characteristic describing compact mechanical properties. Flowability should be also evaluated, since it affects sample processability. Additionally, particle size and shape, material density and compressibility, compactibility and tabletability profiles have been also distinguished as relevant properties for solid dosage form development. The application of mathematical approaches may contribute to the mechanistic understanding of critical material attributes and facilitate dosage form development and optimization. However, it is essential to select the appropriate one, based on the intended dosage form characteristics, in order to ensure that all relevant powder/multiparticulate units characteristics are implemented and critically evaluated.Poznavanje uticaja svojstava materijala i procesnih parametara na karakteristike čvrstih farmaceutskih oblika predstavlja osnovu Quality-by-design pristupa razvoju lekova. Kako bi bio olakšan razvoj formulacije i izbor proizvodne tehnologije, više istraživačkih grupa opisalo je matematičke pristupe, koji se zasnivaju na čestičnim karakteristikama čestica, osobinama praška i ponašanju materijala pri kompresiji. U ovom radu prikazana su teorijska razmatranja i kritički pregled matematičkih pristupa razvijenih za karakterizaciju praškova i višečestičnih sistema. Ovi matematički pristupi su, generalno, razvijeni za karakterizaciju materijala pogodnih za direktnu kompresiju. Međutim, u nekim slučajevima se razmatraju i druge tehnologije, kao što su suva i vlažna granulacija. Među opisanim karakteristikama materijala, zatezna čvrstina se izdvaja kao jedna od najznačajnijih za procenu mehaničkih svojstava kompakta. Potrebno je ispitati i protočnost materijala. Takođe, veličina i oblik čestica, gustina materijala i profili koji opisuju kompresibilnost, kompaktibilnost i tabletabilnost materijala prepoznati su kao karakteristike koje značajno utiču na razvoj čvrstih farmaceutskih oblika. Primena matematičkih pristupa u karakterizaciji praškova i višečestičnih sistema može doprineti mehanističkom razumevanju svojstava materijala i olakšati razvoj i optimizaciju čvrstih farmaceutskih oblika lekova. Međutim, ključno je odabrati odgovarajući pristup, zavisno od željenih karakteristika finalnog preparata, kako bi sva kritična svojstva materijala bila ispitana i kritički razmotrena

    Current swine respiratory diseases morphology in intensive swine production in Serbia

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    Swine respiratory diseases represent one of the most frequent health issues in pig production worldwide. Despite the great progress that has been made in the field of diagnostics, control and prophylaxis, respiratory diseases still remain the most challenging health problem in modern commercial pig production. The list of infectious agents that cause respiratory diseases in swine is extensive and includes both, bacterial and viral pathogens. In Serbia, more than fifteen years after the introduction of modern vaccines, the list of bacterial pathogens related to swine respiratory infections still include Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Haemophilus parasuis and Pasteurella multocida. On the other hand, most commonly involved viral pathogens are Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus, Swine influenza virus, Porcine circovirus type 2 and Pseudorabies virus. The morphological features of pneumonia where several agents are involved, depend on the predominant etiological agent. Expanding knowledge of the main pathogens associated with swine respiratory diseases and the effects of their interactions on the disease outcome is important for further investigations of lung diseases and implementation of control strategies in commercial pig populations in Serbia. This review discusses the latest findings on swine respiratory disease and current trends in Serbian pig production