921 research outputs found

    “Ekphrasis of St. Sophia” by Paul the Silentiary and the Earlier Poetic Tradition

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    The purpose of this paper is to trace poetic samples that Paul the Silentiary borrowed for his poems “Ekphrasis of St. Sophia” and “Ekphrasis of the Ambo” and to explore the work of the poet with the texts of his predecessors. From the point of form, the poem by Paul is a mixture of the ekphrasis and encomium, addressed to the Emperor Justinian as the founder of St. Sophia Cathedral. Paul the Silentiary follows the tradition of the Greek epic and relies on the various samples of encomiastic poetry, not only Greek but also Latin. The influence of Gregory the Theologian is also noticeable. The article dwells on several examples of Paul’s usage of poetic formulas, borrowed from other poets, and discusses techniques of narration. Special attention is paid to the parallels between the “Ekphrasis” and “Silvae” by Statius: both poets similarly use the rhetorical device of prosopopeia and ethopeia, both introduce the mythical figure of the protagonist’s interlocutor; both similarly and almost in the same terms describe different kinds of marble; both have similar expressions. Despite the fact that part of the described coincidences have analogues in Hellenistic poetry, it appears that direct use of “Silvae” by Paul is quite plausible, because in the Late Antiquity, Statius was studied at school

    Nuclear safety and nuclear energy development

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    In this article the issues of nuclear power, expansion and hindrances of its development are considered. The study of "energy pattern" has allowed to make the following conclusions. For the development of nuclear power it is necessary to provide a decrease it risk factors, enhance security and safety to protect staff, population and environment against undue radiological hazards and their consequences

    School Rhetoric Techniques in Empress Eudocia’s Poem “Martyrdom of St. Cyprian”

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    Examples of use of school rhetoric techniques (common exercises, figures of thought, figures of speech, tropes) in the poem of Empress Eudocia (V century) “Martyrdom of St. Cyprian” are considered. It is taken into account that the ability to freely use this kind of techniques was the basis of the ancient teaching of rhetoric, which was considered the highest level of education available to a few. It is reported that between school exercises (called progymnasmata) and independent creativity (both in prose and poetry) there was no impenetrable boundary, since the work of late antique and Byzantine authors was born from school. Eudocia’s poem is characterized as a paraphrase (which in itself is a rhetorical exercise) of an already existing life, probably with significant additions and complete replacement of words. It is shown that it is possible to observe the use of ekphrasis in the poem, sermocinatio, antithesis, anaphora, polysyndeton, asyndeton, hyperbola, simple and extended metaphors, etc.). It is proved that in this sense the poem “Martyrdom of St. Cyprian” is a typical example of late antique “scientific” poetry. The author of the article notes that in the case of Eudocia it is unusual only that all the above-mentioned rhetorical techniques are owned by a woman, since only a few women reached this higher level of education, especially in the Christian environment

    Regulator adaptive possibilities in patients with generalized anxiety disorder

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    The article represents the study results of regular adaptive possibilities in patients with (generalized anxiety disorder) GAD. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the Hamilton anxiety scale. Patients with mild and moderate levels of anxiety had satisfactory regular adaptive possibilities, and bad possibilities in case of severe anxiety. Assessment of regular adaptive status reflects the severity of GAD

    Nuclear safety and nuclear energy development

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    In this article the issues of nuclear power, expansion and hindrances of its development are considered. The study of "energy pattern" has allowed to make the following conclusions. For the development of nuclear power it is necessary to provide a decrease it risk factors, enhance security and safety to protect staff, population and environment against undue radiological hazards and their consequences

    Authorities of Employees of the Inquiry Bodies at the Stage of Excitation of Criminal Case

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    The article is devoted to the problem of uncertainty in the question of the subjects of a criminal case that primarily relates to the division of inquiry, because the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation allows both verification of crime reports, and making the results of this activity the decisions of division of inquiry. In practice there are cases when accepted the final decision about refusal in excitation of criminal case employees of division of inquiry, including materials about the crimes of the defendants to the investigators. Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation does not contain the term employees of division of inquiry, in that time, their position, rights and duties are very diverse, often preference is given to departmental interests. This practice has developed largely because of the contradictions inside existing criminal procedure legislation and the simultaneous action of many job descriptions and regulations, rules which the employees of division of inquiry often give priority. The article examines these contradictions, and also departmental orders precluding the uniform application of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in the decision of a question on excitation or refusal in excitation of criminal case

    Genre Nature of Empress Eudocia’s Poem “The Martyrdom of St. Cyprian”

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    The article considers the issue of genre nature of the poem “The Martyrdom of St. Cyprian” by Empress Eudocia, the wife of Emperor Theodosius II (V century). It is noted that this is the only survived example of the Greek life written by hexameter, which from the genre point of view can be considered both as a life and as an epic poem. It is shown that the poem “The Martyrdom of St. Cyprian” is also a paraphrase of the prose version of the martyrdom of Cyprian and Justin, but this is not the only genre originality of the poem. The author proves that it contains elements of aretology, novel, autobiography, agadic Midrash; it also includes hymns. It is noted that in the poem one can see all the signs of “mix of genres,” typical for late antique and Byzantine literature. The novelty of the study is that it examines the genre characteristics of the poem for the first time. Special attention is paid to the influence of the epos by Nonnus on the Eudocia’s poem, which also contains various genre forms, in particular, hymns, and which also experienced the influence of the ancient novel. The author comes to the conclusion that the features of “mix of genres” while maintaining quite stable genre canons predetermined the further development of Byzantine literature


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    The issue of choice of the form of conducting classes within the framework of personnel training at industrial enterprises participating in the implementation of the national project “Labor productivity and employment support” has been studied. In the process of staff training, it is necessary to ensure an interdisciplinary approach to the formation of educational programs and take into account significant restrictions on the time and cost of training, which are provided within the framework of this national project. In such conditions, the most appropriate form of conducting classes with employees of enterprises participating in the national project becomes integratives, which are the union of several academic disciplines using action learning technologies. In the course of the study, a comprehensive model of personnel training using integratives was established, tested at the enterprises participating in the national project “Labor Productivity and Employment Support” in the Perm Territory and also the problems that arise during integrative classes and ways to solve them have been defined. The results of the study can be used to draw up programs and training plans for personnel of enterprises implementing the national project “Labor Productivity and Employment Support” in the regions of the Russian Federation

    Addiction-related genes in gambling disorders:new insights from parallel human and pre-clinical models

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    Neurobiological research supports the characterization of disordered gambling (DG) as a behavioral addiction. Recently, an animal model of gambling behavior was developed (rat gambling task, rGT), expanding the available tools to investigate DG neurobiology. We investigated whether rGT performance and associated risk gene expression in the rat's brain could provide cross-translational understanding of the neuromolecular mechanisms of addiction in DG. We genotyped tagSNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) in 38 addiction-related genes in 400 DG and 345 non-DG subjects. Genes with P<0.1 in the human association analyses were selected to be investigated in the animal arm to determine whether their mRNA expression in rats was associated with the rat's performance on the rGT. In humans, DG was significantly associated with tagSNPs in DRD3 (rs167771) and CAMK2D (rs3815072). Our results suggest that age and gender might moderate the association between CAMK2D and DG. Moderation effects could not be investigated due to sample power. In the animal arm, only the association between rGT performance and Drd3 expression remained significant after Bonferroni correction for 59 brain regions. As male rats were used, gender effects could not be investigated. Our results corroborate previous findings reporting the involvement of DRD3 receptor in addictions. To our knowledge, the use of human genetics, pre-clinical models and gene expression as a cross-translation paradigm has not previously been attempted in the field of addictions. The cross-validation of human findings in animal models is crucial for improving the translation of basic research into clinical treatments, which could accelerate neurobiological and pharmacological investigations in addictions