8,130 research outputs found

    Особливості професійної Я-концепції патрульних поліцейських залежно від наявності попереднього досвіду роботи в МВС

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    The paper is focused to the study of the professional I-concept of patrol police officers and the features of this concept, depending on the availability of previous experience in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The definition of I-concept, self-appraisal, awareness and self-consciousness of a personality has been revealed. The modern approaches to the problem of the professional I-concept in psychology have been analyzed. The author has presented the results of the empirical study, which was attended by police officers divided into 2 groups – those who used to serve in the internal affairs agencies (IAA), and those who did not have experience in the militia. During the research the author has studied the representations of police officers about themselves and about the ideal police officer, the levels of self-appraisal of police officers, peculiarities of their career orientations and self-efficacy. It has been experimentally established that the self-appraisal of police officers without experience in the IAA is overestimated. The specifics of the system of representations of patrol police officers of different groups about their own professionally relevant personality qualities and the specifics of the system of representations about their own communicative qualities have been also researched. The author has demonstrated the vision by police officers who do not have the experience in the IAA, the image of an ideal patrol police officer, their understanding of the ideal police officer, as well as their vision of themselves as the bearer of leadership qualities, the attitude towards authoritarianism and dictatorial manifestations. Based on the research the author has also noted the specifics of career orientations and the peculiarities of the effectiveness of patrol police officers, depending on their previous experience in the police. To solve the problems, the author has used the following psycho-diagnostic techniques: “Personal differential”; Lyri method of diagnosis of interpersonal relations; “Career Anchors” by Edgar H. Schein; Scale of general self-efficacy; S. Budassi methodology.Подчёркнуто, что одной из важных составляющих профессионализации полицейских (профессионализация рассматривается как целостный непрерывный процесс становления личности специалиста, начинающийся с момента выбора будущей профессии) является формирование благоприятной для эффективной профессиональной деятельности Я-концепции. Исходя из этого, работа посвящена изучению профессиональной Я-концепции патрульных полицейских и особенности этой концепции в зависимости от наличия предыдущего опыта работы в системе МВД Украины. Раскрыто понятия Я-концепции, самооценки, сознания и самосознания личности. Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования, в котором приняли участие полицейские, поделённые на 2 группы – те, которые ранее служили в органах внутренних дел, и те, которые не имеют опыта работы в милиции. Во время исследования изучались представления полицейских о себе и об идеале полицейского, уровни самооценки полицейских, особенности их карьерных ориентаций и самоэффективности.Наголошено, що однією з важливих складових професіоналізації поліцейських (професіоналізація розглядається як цілісний безперервний процес становлення особистості фахівця, який починається з моменту вибору майбутньої професії) є формування сприятливої для ефективної професійної діяльності Я-концепції. Виходячи з нього, працю присвячено вивченню професійної Я-концепції патрульних поліцейських та особливостям цієї концепції залежно від наявності попереднього досвіду роботи в системі МВС України. Розкрито поняття Я-концепції, самооцінки, свідомості та самосвідомості особистості. Подано результати емпіричного дослідження, в якому взяли участь поліцейські, поділені на 2 групи – ті, які раніше служили в органах внутрішніх справ, і ті які не мали досвіду роботи в міліції. Під час дослідження вивчалися уявлення поліцейських про себе та про ідеал поліцейського, рівні самооцінки поліцейських, особливості їх кар’єрних орієнтацій та самоефективності

    Nucleon polarizabilities in the perturbative chiral quark model

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    The nucleon polarizabilities alpha(E) and beta(M) are studied in the context of the perturbative chiral quark model. We demonstrate that meson cloud effects are sufficient to explain the electric polarizability of nucleon. Contributions of excite quark states to the paramagnetic polarizability are dominant and cancel the diamagnetic polarizability arising from the chiral field. The obtained results are compared to data and other theoretical predictions.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, 2 table

    Modeling of the future in the programs of political parties

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    The paper addresses the problem of modeling and planning of the future. It presents the problems of developing a model of the future due to the ideologies and strategies of some ruling political parties. The authors deal with the means of expression of the model of the future as one of the most important elements of the lingvo-mental image of political world in the context of program documents of the parties. The authors examine a program of a party as a part of political communication system and characterize the model of the future. On the basis of comparative study the authors determine common and specific features of the model of the future expression. A comparative study of the model of the future expression on the material of ruling parties of Russia and a variety of foreign countries (the United States, Great Britain, France, and Italy) is extremely relevant in the current period of global economic crisis. Such a research provides the basis for the optimal model of the future determination that can become a universal one for the electorate of different countries. Thus, the authors reveal the most advanced model of the future representation

    Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of classical nuclei interacting with the quantum electron gas

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    Kinetic equations governing time evolution of positions and momenta of atoms in extended systems are derived using quantum-classical ensembles within the Non-Equilibrium Statistical Operator Method (NESOM). Ions are treated classically, while their electrons quantum mechanically; however, the statistical operator is not factorised in any way and no simplifying assumptions are made concerning the electronic subsystem. Using this method, we derive kinetic equations of motion for the classical degrees of freedom (atoms) which account fully for the interaction and energy exchange with the quantum variables (electrons). Our equations, alongside the usual Newtonian-like terms normally associated with the Ehrenfest dynamics, contain additional terms, proportional to the atoms velocities, which can be associated with the electronic friction. Possible ways of calculating the friction forces which are shown to be given via complicated non-equilibrium correlation functions, are discussed. In particular, we demonstrate that the correlation functions are directly related to the thermodynamic Matsubara Green's functions, and this relationship allows for the diagrammatic methods to be used in treating electron-electron interaction perturbatively when calculating the correlation functions. This work also generalises previous attempts, mostly based on model systems, of introducing the electronic friction into Molecular Dynamics equations of atoms.Comment: 18 page

    Biological diversity of the coastal zone of the Crimean peninsula: problems, preservation and restoration pathways

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    The results of complex hydrochemical, hydrobiological and ichthyological investigations by IBSS, NAS of Ukraine, realized in 6 regions of the coastal zone of the Crimean peninsula in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov are given. The main negative factors causing changes in structural and functional characteristics of hydrobiocenoses in the regions studied are analyzed and “hot ecological spots” are isolated. Variants of different methods of management of the coastal ecosystems, including construction of artificial reefs and usage of biological filters for water cleaning, protection and recreation of biological diversity are taken into consideration

    Nonlinear magneto-optical rotation of frequency-modulated light resonant with a low-J transition

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    A low-light-power theory of nonlinear magneto-optical rotation of frequency-modulated light resonant with a J=1->J'=0 transition is presented. The theory is developed for a Doppler-free transition, and then modified to account for Doppler broadening and velocity mixing due to collisions. The results of the theory are shown to be in qualitative agreement with experimental data obtained for the rubidium D1 line.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, v.2 edited for clarit

    Fragmentation channels of relativistic 7^7Be nuclei in peripheral interactions

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    Nuclei of 7^7Li were accelerated at the JINR Nuclotron. After the charge-exchange reaction involving these nuclei at an external target a second 7^7Be beam of energy 1.23A GeV was formed. This beam was used to expose photo-emulsion chambers. The mean free path for inelastic 7^7Be interactions in emulsion λ\lambda=14.0±\pm0.8 cm coincides within the errors with those for 6^6Li and 7^7Li nuclei. More than 10% of the 7^7Be events are associated with the peripheral interactions in which the total charge of the relativistic fragments is equal to the charge of the 7^7Be and in which charged mesons are not produced. An unusual ratio of the isotopes is revealed in the composition of the doubly charged 7^7Be fragments: the number of 3^3He fragments is twice as large as that of 4^4He fragments. In 50% of peripheral interactions, a 7^7Be nucleus decays to two doubly charged fragments. The present paper gives the channels of the 7^7Be fragmentation to charged fragments. In 50% of events, the 7^7Be fragmentation proceeds only to charged fragments involving no emission of neutrons. Of them, the 3^3He+4^4He channel dominates, the 4^4He+d+p and 6^6Li+pchannels constitute 10% each. Two events involving no emission of neutrons are registered in the 3-body 3^3He+t+p and 3^3He+d+d channels. The mean free path for the coherent dissociation of relativistic 7^7Be nuclei to 3^3He+4^4He is 7±\pm1 m. The particular features of the relativistic 7^7Be fragmentation in such peripheral interactions are explained by the 3^3He+4^4He 2-cluster structure of the 7^7Be nucleus.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, conference: Conference on Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Moscow, Russia, 5-9 Dec 200

    Role of the Nuclear and Electromagnetic Interactions in the Coherent Dissociation of the Relativistic 7^7Li Nucleus into the 3^3H + 4^4He Channel

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    The differential cross section in the transverse momentum QQ and a total cross section of (31±4)(31\pm4) mb for the coherent dissociation of a 3-A-GeV/cc 7^7Li nucleus through the 3^3H+4+^4He channel have been measured on emulsion nuclei. The observed QQ dependence of the cross section is explained by the predominant supposition of the nuclear diffraction patterns on light (C, N, O) and heavy (Br, Ag) emulsion nuclei. The contributions to the cross section from nuclear diffraction (Q400Q\le400 MeV/cc) and Coulomb (Q50(Q\le50 MeV/cc) dissociations are calculated to be 40.7 and 4 mb, respectively.Comment: ISSN 0021-3640, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 200

    К проблеме рудоносности черных сланцев Вишерско-Кутимского антиклинория (Северный Урал)

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    В пределах Вишерско-Кутимского антиклинория известны рудопроявления золота, пространственно сопряженные с россыпными месторождениями. Исследование рудных минералов показало наличие большого разнообразия сульфидов, сульфоарсенидов, теллуридов и самородных элементов (в том числе благородных металлов), кристаллизовавшихся в несколько стадий. Выделены две перспективные площади в ранге прогнозируемых золоторудных узлов – Мартайский узел и Верхневагранская зона, расположенные над погребенными гранитными массивами, предполагаемыми по геофизическим данным. Изучение особенностей локализации и состава золоторудной минерализации позволяет предположить возможность присутствия здесь золоторудных месторождений сухоложского типа

    Compton Scattering from the Deuteron and Extracted Neutron Polarizabilities

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    Differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the deuteron were measured at MAX-lab for incident photon energies of 55 MeV and 66 MeV at nominal laboratory angles of 4545^\circ, 125125^\circ, and 135135^\circ. Tagged photons were scattered from liquid deuterium and detected in three NaI spectrometers. By comparing the data with theoretical calculations in the framework of a one-boson-exchange potential model, the sum and difference of the isospin-averaged nucleon polarizabilities, αN+βN=17.4±3.7\alpha_N + \beta_N = 17.4 \pm 3.7 and αNβN=6.4±2.4\alpha_N - \beta_N = 6.4 \pm 2.4 (in units of 10410^{-4} fm3^3), have been determined. By combining the latter with the global-averaged value for αpβp\alpha_p - \beta_p and using the predictions of the Baldin sum rule for the sum of the nucleon polarizabilities, we have obtained values for the neutron electric and magnetic polarizabilities of αn=8.8±2.4\alpha_n= 8.8 \pm 2.4(total) ±3.0\pm 3.0(model) and βn=6.52.4\beta_n = 6.5 \mp 2.4(total) 3.0\mp 3.0(model), respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex. The text is substantially revised. The cross sections are slightly different due to improvements in the analysi