17 research outputs found


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    Speech and language development is a good indicator of childā€™s cognitive development. The risk factors influencing development and functioning of prematurely born children are multiple. In addition to articulation disorder, there are motoric, conginitive and social aspects of delayed development. Premature babies are born before they physically ready to leave the womb. However, most babies born after about 26 weeks of gestational age have chances for survival, but they are at a greater risk of medical complications, since the earlier children are born, the less developed their organs are. Aim: To demonstrate basic parameters, establish differences, determine characteristics of disorder of sound articulation in fullterm and preterm children. Methodology: Research was conducted at the Clinics of Childā€™s Habilitation and Rehabilitation in Novi Sad. The prospective research study was carried out comprising 61 children with mean age of 4 years. The study inclusion criteria were gestational age and birth weight. Regarding these parameters, the children without major neurlologic or system disabilities were included, and they were Serbian speaking. The sample comprised 31 children with GSā‰„38 weeks and body weight of ā‰„3000 g, while the preterm group comprised 30 children with GSā‰¤32 weeks and body weight of ā‰¤1500 g. Results of the study indicate to a difference between fullterm children and preterm children with regard to articulation disorders, of which the statistically significant was a sound distortion. The overall sample showed that the substitution with distortion was most frequent disorder, while the interdental sigmatism was the most represented one. Conclusion: The obtained results lead to conclusion that preterm children, being a high-risk group, need to be followed up by age two, and provided timely proffesional help at pre-school age, since numerous adverse factors affect their overall development

    Outcome of early rehabilitation of patients with traumatic brain injury during COVID-19 pandemic in The Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic has placed a tremendous burden on the healthcare system. Patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have to get fast track treatment which is independent of environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate epidemiological and clinical outcomes of early rehabilitation and compare it with the literature data during the non-COVID-19 period.Materials and methodsA retrospective study included 174 patients with TBI, average 57 Ā± 19.08 years. They all underwent treatment in the University Clinical Center, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period January-December 2021. We have analyzed the epidemiological data and clinical course in 174 patients as well as the outcome of early rehabilitation in 107 patients. In clinical evaluation were used: Glasgow Coma Score (GCS), Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Barthel Index on admission and at discharge, as well as Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at discharge. ANOVA, SPANOVA, Student t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used in statistical analysis. The value (p < 0.05) was used for statistical significance.ResultsA total of 174 patients with TBI were included in this study. Most of the patients (n = 94) were older than 60, male (n = 125) and the most frequent cause of TBI was falling over (n = 88). About a half (n = 92) had a mild TBI, almost one third of the sample had moderate (n = 52), while only 30 patients had severe TBI. Total of 139 (80.3%) patients had the improved outcome, the worsening was registered in 2 (1.2%), while the fatal outcome was reported with 33 (18.5%) patients. When comparing the scores on admission and at discharge, the improvement of mean parameter values was reported for GCS (9.9 vs. 14.1), for Barthel Index (57.25 vs. 86.85), and for FIM (67.35 vs. 105.15), (p < 0.001). A complete recovery at discharge was found in 63.79%, a mild deficit in 8.62%, while serious deficit was found with 6.32%, and vegetative state with 2.29% patients.ConclusionThe COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on the epidemiological data but not on the clinical outcome of patients with TBI. Early rehabilitation proved to be effective and to contribute to positive treatment outcome

    Ultrasound assessment of the effect of fetal position on supine to prone righting reflex in the guinea pig fetus

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of guinea pig fetal position on the righting reflex from a supine to prone position using ultrasound examination. Experimental and control group were formed, each encompassing 20 pregnant females with 50 fetuses from the 31st to 66th day of gestation. During ultrasound examination, the fetuses from the experimental group were brought into a supine position relative to gravity by placing the dams in the appropriate position. In the control group fetuses were examined for changes in position irrespective of gravity as well as for changes in position after having been brought into a prone position relative to gravity. Comparison of the experimental and the control group showed that experimental group fetuses in the oldest bracket rotated successfully to a prone position more frequently than at other ages. The observed fetal movements indicate that the fetus changes its position using the contact-righting reflex


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    Mosquitoes are a group of blood-sucking insects that plays a major role in disease transmission in both humans and animals. They can pose a heavy nuisance, or serve as vectors of numerous viruses and parasites on most continents, including Europe. The strategy for successful control of the mosquito populations relies on the use of insecticides of five different categories: organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, and biopesticides. The extensive use of the first four classes has resulted in the development of resistance originating in various mechanisms. The main ones are metabolic resistance and genetic resistance, manifested by point mutations in the insecticide targets, resulting in limited binding of neurotoxic substances. Much data is available on mosquito insecticide resistance in Bulgaria between 1948 and 1990, but only regarding organochlorines, organophosphates and carbamates. There is no data on pyrethroid resistance, which should raise an alarm for both public health authorities and private pest control companies since the only insecticides registered for professional mosquito control nowadays are pyrethroids. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the use of modern multidisciplinary approaches to study the resistance of native and invasive species of mosquitoes to insecticides, which should be a key contribution to elucidating their role in the circulation of pathogens of humans and animals and optimizing methods for controlling their populations

    Hipoglikemijski efekt herbicida 2,4-dihlorfenoksisirćetna kiselina (2,4-D)

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    Herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a synthetic auxin which promotes uncontrolled plant growth is widely used. The aim of our study was to investigate, using an experimental model, the effect of herbicide 2,4-D on liver function tests, enzyme a amylase and glucose blood level. BALB/C mice were treated i.p. with the herbicide (30 mg/ kg 2,4-D) for four consecutive days. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, the treated and the control animals were weighed and sacrificed for biochemical analysis: haematocrit, glucose blood level, serum activities of enzymes alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, and a amylase, as well as liver reduced glutathione. Herbicide 2,4-D significantly decreased glucose blood level in mice. There were no changes in liver function tests or activity of enzyme a amylase. In this study on mice we confirmed the results obtained in the previous study, which showed a hypoglycemic effect of herbicide 2,4-D on agricultural workers. To elucidate the mechanism of this effect, a further research is needed.Primena herbicida 2,4-dihlorfenoksisirćetne kiseline (2,4-D), sintetskog auksina koji podstiče nekontrolisani rast biljke, u svetu je veoma rasprostranjena. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se, koriŔćenjem eksperimentalnog modela, ispita uticaj herbicida 2,4-D na funkcije jetre, aktivnost enzima a amilazu i nivo glukoze u krvi. BALB/C miÅ”evi tretirani su intraperitonealno četiri uzastopna dana herbicidom (30 mg/kg 2,4-D). Dvadeset četiri časa nakon zavrÅ”enog tretmana, tretirane i kontrolne životinje su izmerene i žrtvovane radi određivanja: hematokrita, nivoa glukoze u krvi, serumske aktivnosti enzima alanin-aminotransferaze, aspartat- aminotransferaze, gama-glutamil transferaze i a-amilaze, kao i redukovanog glutationa jetre. Herbicid 2,4-D značajno je smanjio nivo glukoze u krvi kod miÅ”eva. Nije nađena razlika u funkcijama jetre ili aktivnosti enzima a-amilaze. Ovi rezultati su u skladu sa rezultatima prethodnog istraživanja kod poljoprivrednih radnika o hipoglikemijskom delovanju herbicida 2,4-D. Radi razjaÅ”njavanja mehanizma ovog delovanja neophodna su dalja istraživanja

    Hypoglycemic Effect of Herbicide 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D)

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    Herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a synthetic auxin which promotes uncontrolled plant growth is widely used. The aim of our study was to investigate, using an experimental model, the effect of herbicide 2,4-D on liver function tests, enzyme a amylaseand glucose blood level. BALB/C mice were treated i.p. with the herbicide (30 mg/kg 2,4-D) for four consecutive days. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, the treated and the control animals were weighed and sacrificed for biochemical analysis: haematocrit,glucose blood level, serum activities of enzymes alanine minotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, and a amylase, as well as liver reduced glutathione.Herbicide 2,4-D significantly decreased glucose blood level in mice. There were no changes in liver function tests or activity of enzyme a amylase. In this study on mice we confirmed the results obtained in the previous study, which showed a hypoglycemic effect of herbicide 2,4-D on agricultural workers. To elucidate the mechanism of this effect, a further research is needed

    Humeral lengthening: Case report

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    Introduction. Difference in length of upper extremities has mainly esthetic significance and is therefore not so often a subject of operative treatment, compared to lower extremities. Case Outline. We are presenting a case of a 16Ā­yearĀ­old patient in whom a shortening of 9 cm of the right humerus was determined at the end of growth. This shortening was the result of surgical treatment of solitary bone cyst at the proximal end of the humerus done at the age of 10 years. In order to correct the length of the humerus we applied distraction osteogenesis with a compressiveĀ­distracting device according to Mitkovic (Traffix), and we achieved the lengthening of 7.5 cm. During the period of distraction we encountered the following complications: minimal suppuration at the site of the wedges that was successfully resolved with intensive local treatment, while pain and paresthesias along the N. radialis were resolved with a temporarily slowing of the distraction process. Fixation with a plate, i.e. bone grafting was not necessary, and final functional and esthetic result was excellent. Conclusion. Successful lengthening of the shortened humerus can be achieved with a unilateral compressiveĀ­distracting device according to Mitkovic as its application up to a complete bone reconstruction does not require additional plate fixation or bone grafting. The patient was capable of performing usual daily activities during application of the device

    Teduglutide therapy in a child with short bowel syndrome

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    Introduction. Short bowel syndrome (SBS) in children is a rare disease. One of the most common etiological factors for the development of SBS in children is atresia of the small intestine. After surgical correction of the congenital anomaly, the remaining intestine attempts to increase absorption to restore homeostasis, and the process of intestinal adaptation begins. This process of adaptation can be assisted with analogues of endogenous growth factors of the intestine, such as teduglutide. Case outline. This report presents Š° girl, aged two years and eight months, who had an estimated 20 cm of small intestine after surgical correction of congenital small bowel atresia and clinical signs of SBS. She was repeatedly hospitalized due to frequent need for parenteral correction of fluid, electrolyte, and nutrient imbalances. Stagnation in body weight and slow growth in body height were accompanied by weakened gross motor strength and slowed psychophysical development. After exploit conservative treatment measures, stimulation of intestinal adaptation was initiated with the drug teduglutide. After six months of drug therapy, progress was observed in body parameters, as well as an increase in intelligence quotient and motor abilities. Conclusion. SBS is a challenging entity for every clinician, and its previous therapy has mainly consisted of parenteral substitution of nutrients, fluids, and electrolytes. Surgical treatment carries the risk of loss of the remaining bowel and lifelong immunosuppression. The pharmacological possibilities of promoting intestinal adaptation using drugs such as teduglutide represent a light at the end of the tunnel for patients with SBS

    Using assistive technologies In persons with disabilities

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    Kao rezultat sve većih očekivanja i zahteva korisnika asistivnih tehnologija u cilju povećanja njihovih sposobnosti i postizanja većeg ste- pena samostalnosti i nezavisnosti u funkcionisanju, dolazi do sve inten- zivnijer razvoja i primene asistivnih tehnologija. Na obaveznost i neop- hodnost primene i ovog vida podrÅ”ke i pomoći osobama sa različitim vi- dovima invaliditeta posebno su ukazala različita zakonska akta i kla- sifikacije. Ukazano je i na neka pitanja koja se u radu diskutuju kao Å”to su: faktori koji utiču na izbor pomoćnih tehnologija, korisnost primene i barijere za njihovu primenu. Na rezultate koriŔćenja uticaće kako sre- dinski, tako i lični faktori, odlike samog proizvoda i pravilna procenu potreba korisnika. Koristi primene ovih tehnologija su brojne, ali je neo- phodan i stručan, profesionalan pristup prilikom njihovog odabira i rada sa korisnicima i njihovim porodicamaDue to growing expectations and demands from users of assistive technologies, and with the aim of improving their abilities and ensuring a higher degree of independance and self-reliance in their functioning, there have been major advances in the development and application of assistive technologies. The requirement and need for providing this type of support and help to people with different types of disabilities have been highlighted in a series of legislative acts and classifications. They raise some questions addressed in this paper such as: factors that influence assistive technology selection, benefits from and obstacles to their application. The outcomes of using these technologies will be influenced by environmental as well as personal factors, features of the product itself, and proper assessment of user needs. There are numerous benefits of applying these technologies; however, a professional approach during the entire selection process and while working with users and their families is required