20 research outputs found

    Combination of anti-vascular agent-DMXAA and HIF-1α inhibitor-digoxin inhibits the growth of melanoma tumors

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    Vascular disrupting agents as DMXAA inhibit tumor growth only for a short period of time followed by rapid tumor regrowth. Among others, hypoxia and presence of transcription factor HIF-1α are responsible for tumors regrowth. The aim of our study was to investigate the inhibition of murine melanoma growth by combining two agents: anti-vascular-DMXAA and the HIF-1α inhibitor-digoxin and explaining the mechanism of action of this combination. After DMXAA treatment tumor size was reduced only for a limited time. After 7 days regrowth of tumors was observed and number of vessels was increased especially in tumor's peripheral areas. DMXAA also induced an influx of immune cells: macrophages, CD8+ cytotoxic lymphocytes, NK cells, CD4+ lymphocytes. Administration of digoxin alone inhibited the growth of tumors. Administration of both agents in the proper sequence significantly inhibited the regrowth of tumors better than either agents alone. Combination therapy reduced number of newly formed vessels. In tumors of mice treated with combination therapy, the number of macrophages M1, CD8+ cytotoxic lymphocytes, NK cells and to a lesser extent CD4+ cells was increased. The combination of anti-vascular agents with HIF-1α inhibitors appears to be an effective therapeutic option

    Musicality of a literary work as a problem of translation. Using the example of voice instrumentation in German translations of Bruno Schulz's 'Sklepy cynamonowe' as an example

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    Głównym celem niniejszej pracy magisterskiej było zbadanie, na czym polega muzyczność dzieła literackiego, za pomocą jakich środków jest wyrażana. Oprócz tego dążono do określenia celów, jakim miała służyć muzyczność u Schulza oraz do wyodrębnienia takich typów muzyczności w "Sklepach cynamonowych", które mogłyby stanowić największe wyzwanie dla tłumaczy. Ostatni cel pracy to próba analizy porównawczej niemieckich przekładów oraz próba ich oceny pod kątem stopnia oddanej muzyczności. Pierwszy rozdział zawiera przedstawienie głównych problemów z dziedziny teorii przekładu literackiego. Wśród nich znalazły się cele tłumaczenia literackiego, definicja tłumaczenia jako aktu komunikacji, teorie o przekładalności oraz nieprzekładalności oraz opracowanie dwóch strategii tłumaczenia literackiego. Drugi rozdział pracy traktuje o muzyczności. Na początku wprowadzona została definicja muzyczności w dziele literackim oraz sposoby jej realizacji. Następnie przedstawiono muzyczność występującą w "Sklepach cynamonowych" zarówno z punktu widzenia samego Schulza, jak i naukowców. W kolejnych podrozdziałach szczegółowo opisano oraz przeanalizowano dwa typy muzyczności występujące u Schulza, do których należy rytm oraz powtórzenia. Trzeci rozdział zawiera omówienie instrumentacji głoskowej oraz jej czterech podkategorii, tzn. instrumentacji głoskowej w węższym zakresie, onomatopei, aliteracji oraz paronomazji. Ostatni rozdział obejmuje analizę porównawczą niemieckich przekładów "Sklepów cynamonowych" autorstwa Josepha Hahna oraz Doreen Daume. Przedmiotem analizy był stopień oddania muzyczności wyrażonej poprzez instrumentację głoskową.The main objective of this Master's thesis was to investigate the musicality of a literary work and the means by which it is expressed. In addition, the aim was to define the objectives of Schulz's musicality and to identify those types of musicality in the 'Sklepy cynamonowe' that could pose the greatest challenge to translators. The final aim of the work is an attempt at a comparative analysis of German translations and an attempt to evaluate them in terms of the degree of devoted musicality. The first chapter presents the main problems of literary translation theory. These include the objectives of literary translation, the definition of translation as an act of communication, theories of translatability and non-translatability, and the development of two strategies for literary translation. The second chapter of the work deals with musicality. At the beginning, the definition of music in literary works and the ways of its realization were introduced. The next step was to present the musicality present in 'Sklepy cynamonowe', both from the point of view of Schulz himself and scientists. In the following subsections, two types of musicality occurring in Schulz are described in detail and analysed, including rhythm and repetition. The third chapter contains a discussion of voice instrumentation and its four subcategories, i.e. voice instrumentation in a narrower range, onomatopoeia, alliteration and paronomasia. The last chapter includes a comparative analysis of German translations of Joseph Hahn's and Doreen Daume's 'Sklepy cynamonowe'. The subject of the analysis was the degree of devotion to musicality expressed through voice instrumentation.Zu den Hauptzwecken der vorliegenden Arbeit gehört es, zu erforschen, was hinter dem Begriff der Musikalität des literarischen Werkes verborgen ist. Es wird auch angestrebt, die Kategorie der Musikalität im literarischen Werk zu bezeichnen und ihre Ausdrucksweise auszugliedern und ausführlich zu analysieren. Ein weiterer Gegenstand der vorliegenden Betrachtungen wäre zu untersuchen, welchen Zwecken die Schulz’sche Musikalität dient und entscheiden, welche Art der Musikalität in "Sklepy cynamonowe" die größte Herausforderung für die Übersetzer sein könnte. Der letzte und anscheinend wesentliche Zweck dieser Arbeit wäre, die zwei deutschen Übersetzungen zu untersuchen, zu analysieren und miteinander zu vergleichen und ganz am Ende wird ein Versuch ihrer Bewertung durchgeführt in Bezug darauf, inwieweit Joseph Hahn und Doreen Daume die Musikalität in ihren Werken wiedergaben.Im ersten Kapitel der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Grundprobleme der gegenwärtigen Translationswissenschaft dargestellt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf die literarische Übersetzung gelegt wird. Zunächst wird eine kurze Geschichte der Translation behandelt, die unmittelbar mit der Entstehung der menschlichen Kommunikation verbunden ist. Dann erscheinen die wesentlichsten Zwecke der Translation, die neben der ausgewählten Definitionen des Übersetzungsprozesses und der Rolle des Übersetzers eingeführt werden. Daneben kommen drei Hauptarten der Übersetzung und zwei Typen der Übersetzer („Botschafter“ und „Gesetzgeber“) vor, die durch unterschiedliche Methoden anderen übersetzerischen Zwecken dienen. Im Nachhinein wird die Definition der Übersetzung als Kommunikationsakt eingeführt und daneben die Phasen des Übersetzungsprozesses, die von der Leipziger Schule konzipiert wurden. Dabei wird der interkulturelle Aspekt der Übersetzung als Kommunikation betont und schließlich werden 4 Rollen des Übersetzers in jeder Phase seiner Arbeit unterschieden, die mit dem Geist der interkulturellen Kommunikation verbunden wären. Das dritte Unterkapitel umfasst das Problem der Übersetzbarkeit, ihre Geschichte und grundsätzliche Standpunkte der Forscher. Im Prinzip teilen sich die Wissenschaftler in zwei Gruppen ein, wobei die erste für die Unübersetzbarkeit steht und die zweite für die Übersetzbarkeit. Zu der ersten Gruppe gehören vor allem die Anhänger des Relativitätsprinzips und zur zweiten die Anhänger der universalistischen Übersetzungstheorie. Im letzten Teil des ersten Kapitels werden zwei übersetzerische Methoden beschrieben, und zwar die Übertragung, die dem Begriff der Nachdichtung entsprechen kann und die Übersetzung. Mit der Übersetzung werden vor allem solche Adjektive wie treu und wortwörtlich eng verbunden und mit der Übertragung frei, sinngemäß und authentisch. Das zweite Kapitel betrifft die Kategorie der Musikalität. Zunächst wird es abgezielt , ihre allgemeingültige Definition im literarischen Werk auszuarbeiten, was aber nicht einfach ist. Daraufhin erscheinen die Arten der Realisierung der Musikalität in der Literatur. Im nächsten Teil erfolgt die Darstellung der Musikalität in "Sklepy cynamonowe" in Bezug darauf, wie sie einerseits von Schulz selbst als auch von den Wissenschaftlern verstanden war. In den darauffolgenden Unterkapiteln werden zwei Arten der Musikaliät beim Schulz’schen Werk detailliert besprochen und analysiert, worunter sich Rhythmus und Wiederholungen unterscheiden lassen. Das dritte Kapitel befasst sich mit der Besprechung der Lautinstrumentation und deren 4 Unterkategorien, und zwar: Lautinstrumentation im engeren Sinne, Lautmalerei, Alliteration und Paronomasie. Das letzte Kapitel umfasst eine vergleichende Analyse der deutschen Übersetzungen von "Sklepy cynamonowe", die von Joseph Hahn und Doreen Daume übersetzt wurden. Ein Gegenstand der Analyse ist der Grad der Wiedergabe der Musikalität, die durch die Lautinstrumentation konstituiert wurde

    Analytical Investigation of a Novel System for Combined Dew Point Cooling and Water Recovery

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    This paper presents the analytical investigation of a novel system for combined Dew Point Cooling and Water Recovery (DPC-WR system). The operating principle of the presented system is to utilize the dew point cooling phenomenon implemented in two stages in order to obtain both air cooling and water recovery. The system performance is described by different indicators, including the coefficient of performance (COP), gained output ratio (GOR), energy utilization factor (EUF), specific energy consumption (SEC) and specific daily water production (SDWP). The performance indicators are calculated for various climatic zones using a validated analytical model based on the convective heat transfer coefficient. By utilizing the dew point cooling phenomenon, it is possible to minimize the heat and electric energy consumption from external sources, which results in the COP and GOR values being an order of magnitude higher than for other cooling and water recovery technologies. The EUF value of the DPC-WR system ranges from 0.76 to 0.96, with an average of 0.90. The SEC value ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 kWh/m3 and the SDWP value ranges from 100 to 600 L/day/(kg/s). In addition, the DPC-WR system is modular, i.e., it can be multiplied as needed to achieve the required cooling or water recovery capacity

    Impact of the duct static pressure reset control strategy on the energy consumption by the HVAC system

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    This article addresses different duct static pressure control strategies which could be implemented in variable air volume air-conditioning systems (VAV). Two pressure reset control strategies are compared to the commonly used control solution based on the “Constant static pressure” method. First pressure reset control strategy, known as PID Control, uses signals from VAV boxes controllers to reset duct static pressure in a way that one of the VAV dampers is maintained almost entirely open. Second strategy decreases static pressure setpoint until an adjustable number of pressure requests occur. As a response to the certain amount of requests, static pressure setpoint is increased. This strategy is called Trim & Respond. Both static pressure reset control strategies described in this paper are considered to have more significant potential for energy savings than the “Constant static pressure” method. In order to validate this potential, several simulations for different control strategies were carried out and the obtained results are compared and analysed. The theoretical limit of the energy savings - set of the optimal control actions, was estimated with Nelder-Mead algorithm and also presented in this article. General description of the static pressure control strategies "Constant static pressure", PID Control and Trim & Respond is given

    Evaluation of the Effect of Dual-Stage Aging and RRA on the Hardening and Corrosion Resistance of AW7075 Alloy

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    The corrosion resistance of the AW7075 alloy after RRA treatment was evaluated. The corrosion rate in the NSS test was assessed and the electrochemical parameters were determined. The results were compared with the results obtained for the alloy subjected to conventional aging (T6) and dual-stage aging (DA). In order to determine the state of alloy hardening, the tests were carried out simultaneously with the material hardness measurements and microscopic examinations. The hardness of the AW7075 alloy increased in the following order: DA < T6 < RRA. The tests revealed that the achieved increase in strengthening was correlated with the preservation of high resistance to general corrosion of the alloy after RRA treatment. After the corrosion tests, SEM microscopic observations were also carried out to determine the corrosion features. The corrosion rate can be arranged in the following order: RRA < T6 ≈ DA. At the same time, the alloy after RRA was characterized by the lowest value of the corrosion potential and the open circuit. The corrosion potential value can be presented in increasing order: RRA < T6 ≈ DA. The corrosion behavior of the aluminum alloy after dual-stage aging was similar to that of T6. However, it was accompanied by a decline in hardening

    Reducing energy consumption of air-conditioning systems in moderate climates by applying indirect evaporative cooling

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    This paper investigates the potential of applying an indirect evaporative cooler for heat recovery in air conditioning systems in moderate climates. The counter-flow indirect evaporative heat and mass exchanger is compared with commonly used recuperation unit in terms of achieved energy. The performance analysis of the indirect evaporative exchanger is carried out with original ε-NTU-model considering condensation from treated air. It was found that the indirect evaporative exchanger employed as a heat recovery device, allows to obtain higher performance than conventional recuperator. Additional energy savings potential is related with utilizing the potential of water evaporation to pre-cool the outdoor air. It is also stated that there is a high potential of reusing condensate that forms in product channels of the indirect evaporative exchanger and in the vapour-compression unit and delivering it to the working part of the indirect evaporative exchanger

    Impact of indirect evaporative air cooler type on the performance of desiccant systems

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    In this study, two different indirect evaporative coolers operating with a desiccant wheel are compared theoretically: System A with the regenerative Maisotsenko Cycle (M-Cycle) unit and System B with the cross-flow M-cycle unit. Each system component performance was simulated using the original ε-NTU model. The influence of selected operational factors, such as inlet air temperature, humidity and regeneration air temperature for two system configurations was analysed and compared. It was established, that System B obtains higher cooling capacities and is more sensitive on ambient air humidity changes than System A

    Impact of indirect evaporative air cooler type on the performance of desiccant systems

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    In this study, two different indirect evaporative coolers operating with a desiccant wheel are compared theoretically: System A with the regenerative Maisotsenko Cycle (M-Cycle) unit and System B with the cross-flow M-cycle unit. Each system component performance was simulated using the original ε-NTU model. The influence of selected operational factors, such as inlet air temperature, humidity and regeneration air temperature for two system configurations was analysed and compared. It was established, that System B obtains higher cooling capacities and is more sensitive on ambient air humidity changes than System A

    Analysis of the multi-stage desiccant cooling system performance in Wrocław (Poland)

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    In this study, the application potential of desiccant cooling system with indirect evaporative precooling is analyzed for moderate climatic conditions. Wrocław (Poland) was selected as a representative city. On the base of summer season weather parameters different system running modes were proposed such as cooling and dehumidification mode (Mode 1) and only cooling mode (Mode 2). The average month Thermal and Electrical COP were established for selected climatic conditions. It was concluded that proposed system allows to cool the air without occurrence of condensation in Mode 2 with high average monthly electrical COP (COPel = 62.2 in August). On the other hand when dehumidification is needed, system operates in Mode 1 and obtains relatively high average Thermal COP values (COPth = 2.2)