24 research outputs found

    Perspectives for non-primary export development in Russia and measures of its tax incentives

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    Non-primary export is one of the most promising areas for the development of Russian foreign economic activity. However, the significant influence of geopolitical problems and underdeveloped internal mechanisms of statutory regulation, state support and stimulation of non-primary exports in Russia do not allow to use all available potential in this regard. As such, the problems of non-primary export development in Russia are being actualized with a view to ensuring a positive influence of this kind of foreign economic activity both on the welfare of the state as a whole and on strengthening its positions in world markets.The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of non-primary export development in Russia and to propose measures to stimulate its growth.The object of the study is the existing system of non-primary export in Russia with its inherent features and operating principles.The research methodology is as follows: scientific search, generalization, systematization, analysis, graphical construction, modeling, formalization, and forecasting.The key research results consist in the systematization of information on Russia’s promising non-primary export industries, the study of the current system of state support for export, the identification of problematic aspects and the search for solutions, and the development and justification of mechanisms for tax incentives for non-primary export, including due to the proposed division of enterprises into target groups depending on the volume of income from their foreign economic activities.The practical value of the results obtained is that they can be used at the macro level by introducing amendments to the regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation on export regulation in accordance with the results of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for stimulating and supporting non-primary export

    От первого сосудистого шва к реконструктивно-восстановительной хирургии при патологии сосудов почек

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    The purpose of this article is to acquaint readers with the methods of plastic kidney vessel replacement.Renal artery stenosis in patients with hypertension (3-10%) as well as traumatic injuries (35%) are the most common among the diseases of the renal arteries, as surgery is required. The main methods of plastic kidney vessel replacement are the use of synthetic grafts (polytetrafluoroethylene or polyester filaments with different coatings), autoveins (great saphenous Vienna), autografts from the pericardium, peritoneum, fascia, as well as different methods of renal artery resection followed by anastomosis. Despite the diversity of the methods of main vessel plastics, the search for new methods and materials, which would satisfy the necessary requirements, is needed. These requirements include: sufficient size for the plasticity of defects; resistance to infection; guaranteed absence of immunological reaction; mobility, and sufficient elasticity and durability during prolonged functioning as prosthesis of the vessel.Цель настоящей статьи – познакомить читателей с методами заместительной пластики сосудов почек. Среди заболеваний почечных артерий, требующих оперативного вмешательства, наиболее распространены стеноз почечной артерии (у больных артериальной гипертензией составляет 3–10%), а также травматические повреждения (летальность при повреждениях почечных артерий достигает 35%). Основными методами заместительной пластики сосудов почек являются использование синтетических протезов (из политетрафторэтилена или полиэфирных нитей с различными покрытиями), аутовен (большая подкожная вена), аутотрансплантатов из перикарда, брюшины, фасции, а также различные способы резекции почечной артерии с последующим наложением анастомозов.Несмотря на многообразие перечисленных методов пластики магистральных сосудов, необходим поиск новых способов и материалов, которые удовлетворяли бы следующим требованиям: достаточные размеры для пластики дефектов; стойкость к инфекции; гарантированное отсутствие иммунологической реакции; мобильность, достаточная эластичность и прочность при длительном функционировании в качестве протеза сосуда

    The prospects of creating of microwave radiothermography based on monolithic integrated circuits

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    A new approach to the creation of microwave radiothermography is shown. Scientific and technical barriers preventing the creation of relatively inexpensive devices for early diagnosis of tumors, as well as painless and safe monitoring during treatment were identified. An optimal principle of construction of microwave radiothermography based on monolithic integrated circuits is offered

    Tax incentives as a factor of effective development of domestic tourism industry in Russia

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    In the recent period, of significant importance is the topic of ensuring national security, which is based, in particular, on the possibilities of existence of economic systems under the conditions of isolation, the maximum use of one’s own internal resources to ensure import substitution. One of the types of such resources is recreational resources, which can be of interest both for the country’s citizens and foreign citizens. However, a significant impact of geopolitical problems on the development of the tourism industry makes it possible to effectively calculate and most objectively forecast revenues only from its internal component. In this regard, the problem of development of the domestic tourism industry is becoming increasingly relevant with a view to making a positive impact of the sector’s development on the welfare of the state as a whole and the creation of a favorable social climate for citizens. This article, on the basis of the methods of theoretical and empirical research, studies the peculiarities of development of the domestic tourism industry in Russia and examines the need in tax incentives for its effective development. Based on the analysis of the current state of the domestic tourism industry in Russia, the authors propose a division of the subjects of the tourism market, which are targeted by tax incentives, a new system for classifying domestic enterprises indicating the basic requirements and conditions for obtaining support, as well as specific measures of organizational and fiscal provisions for the growth of the domestic tourism market


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    Heat-insulating cellular concrete manufactured in the variotropic pressure environment, may be used both for making single-piece products, and for monolithic construction purposes. Optimization of technology-related parameters prevents excessive consumption of principal components, while output products maintain pre-set characteristics. Both the product and the technology are based on the provisions of the general methodology of development of highly porous materials. The technology is based on the principle of adjustable formation of the state of stress in the variotropic pressure environment. The state of stress maintained in the course of blowout contributes to formation of optimized cellular structure (in accordance with the criteria that include the shape, dimensions of pores, and characteristics of interpore partitions). The process of manufacturing of the heat-insulating cellular concrete breaks down into the following stages: preparation of raw materials, preparation of the cellular concrete mixture, casting of products, thermal processing or ageing in the natural environment. Products are placed under heating domes, equipped with electric heaters, and exposed to heat treatment for six hours. Before the heat treatment, products are kept in their moulds for four hours. In the absence of heat treatment, products are kept on their pallets for 14 days. Selection of the appropriate composition and optimal technological parameters is performed with the help of G-BAT-2011 software programme developed at MSUCE. The software is based on the methodology that is based on complete factorial experiments, experiments based on fractional replicates and testing of all essential statistical hypotheses. Linear, incomplete quadratic and quadratic equations generated as a result of experiments make it possible to design a model that represents natural processes in the adequate manner. The model is analytically optimized and interpreted thereafter

    Geometrical model and forecasting properties of foam mortar ГЕОМЕТРИЧЕСКАЯ МОДЕЛЬ ЯЧЕИСТОГО БЕТОНА И ПРОГНОЗИРОВАНИЕ ЕГО СВОЙСТВ

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    General model is formed by forma-lization of foam mortar structure: from realistic to model. Formalization based on number of successive hypotheses which take into account validity check of obtained results which are enounced in the article. The predictability of foam mortar properties are reviewed in the article using the general model. As a critical characteristic of foam mortar was adopted pinhole rating. The analytic dependence relating to the pinhole rating, structural features, properties of mineral matrix with durability and thermal conductivity of foam mortar are obtaining. Article presents the separately solved task about thermal conductivity of wet material. According to the modeling results accomplished the graphical interpretation and plotted the pooled nomogram.<br>Универсальная модель формируется посредством формализации структуры ячеистого бетона: от реальной до модельной. Формализация основывается на ряде последовательных предположений, изложенных в статье, с проверкой адекватности полученных результатов. С использованием универсальной модели рассмотрены возможности прогнозирования свойств ячеистого бетона. Определяющей характеристикой принята его пористость. Получены аналитические зависимости, связывающие пористость, особенности структуры и свойства минеральной матрицы с прочностью и теплопроводностью ячеистого бетона. Отдельно решается задача о теплопроводности влажного материала. По результатам моделирования осуществлена графическая интерпретация и построена объединенная номограмма

    Prediction of interactions in self-adaptive software

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    Background. The article is devoted to the problem of predicting interactions between individual components in self-adaptive software systems. Two types of interactions are considered as possible unaccounted for interactions: the “inclusion” relation, in which the presence of a certain component in the configuration of the software product also requires the automatic inclusion of another in it; the “exclusion” relation, in which the presence of one component in the configuration excludes the presence of another. Since selfadaptation implies minimal participation of a professional developer in restructuring and building up new system functions, additional tools are needed to allow the system to also independently verify the changed structure. Since the mathematical apparatus of selfadaptation developed earlier by the authors of the article is based on the application of graph theory, the new proposed solution is an improved version of this apparatus using artificial intelligence methods. Materials and methods. As the main methods, artificial intelligence and neural network technologies are used, in particular, methods for predicting relationships in graph structures, machine learning methods. Results. The main results include a method for predicting possible interactions in a self-adaptive software system based on predicting relationships in graph structures. Conclusions. The proposed method is an improvement of the theoretical apparatus of self-adaptation of software systems developed earlier by the authors, based on graph formalization of the behavioral structure of the program. Since self-adaptation in this approach implies an automatic change in the structure, for its regulation, the use of artificial intelligence algorithms is envisaged, which makes it possible to evaluate new potential connections in terms of their usefulness or destructiveness for the system as a whole

    From the first vascular suture to reconstructive and restorative surgery of vascular kidneys pathology

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    The purpose of this article is to acquaint readers with the methods of plastic kidney vessel replacement.Renal artery stenosis in patients with hypertension (3-10%) as well as traumatic injuries (35%) are the most common among the diseases of the renal arteries, as surgery is required. The main methods of plastic kidney vessel replacement are the use of synthetic grafts (polytetrafluoroethylene or polyester filaments with different coatings), autoveins (great saphenous Vienna), autografts from the pericardium, peritoneum, fascia, as well as different methods of renal artery resection followed by anastomosis. Despite the diversity of the methods of main vessel plastics, the search for new methods and materials, which would satisfy the necessary requirements, is needed. These requirements include: sufficient size for the plasticity of defects; resistance to infection; guaranteed absence of immunological reaction; mobility, and sufficient elasticity and durability during prolonged functioning as prosthesis of the vessel