222 research outputs found

    Filmska muzika i kulturni identitet: Jugoslovenski film 1980‒1991.

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    Sistematizacija i analiza jugoslovenske filmske muzike u periodu od 1980. do 1991. godine, uspostavljena u korelaciji sa novim talasom (filmskim i muzičkim), a u funkciji kreiranja novog i drugačijeg kulturnog i društvenog identiteta, centralni je istraživački predmet ovog rada. Njegov prvi cilj usmeren je ka dijahronijskom i retrospektivnom posmatranju filmske muzike. Kroz drugi, uočeni su i definisani najvažniji stilski, žanrovski i semiotički aspekti filmske muzike, a zatim je analiziran i njen filmsko/muzički uticaj u procesu filmskog pripovedanja. Najzad, treći, ujedno glavni cilj ovog rada, usmeren je ka istraživanju uticaja filma i muzičkog novog talasa u kreiranju kulturnog identiteta u Jugoslaviji (SFRJ). Posebno se razmatra jugoslovenski novi talas kao kulturološki fenomen koji se (primetno u društvu i umetnosti) javlja u trenutku smanjenog uticaja socijalističke doktrine i (delimično kontrolisanog) identiteta, a kao jugoslovenska refleksija (započeta šezdesetih, a dovršena osamdesetih godina) na društvena, kulturna i muzička dešavanja u Velikoj Britaniji i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Glavna hipoteza ove studije zasnovana je na teorijskoj pretpostavci da je u jugoslovenskoj filmskoj muzici proces infiltracije popularne muzike i popularnog songa u pripovednu strukturu filma kulminirao tokom osamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka, čime se problematizuje umreženost kulturnog i društvenog uticaja u konstrukciji i dekonstrukciji kulturnog identiteta u SFRJ. Otuda se prvostepeno popularni song prati kroz njegov nastanak, razvoj i mesto u filmskoj dijegezi, a drugostepeno kao deo opšteg kulturnog trenda koji filmski autori prihvataju i primenjuju u okviru svojih dela. Da bi došao do pretpostavljenog ishoda analize, ovaj polazi od teorijske periodizacije muzike u filmu koja prelazi u analizu filmske muzike i popularnog songa (dijegetičkog i nedijegetičkog, songa koji je potekao iz filma i postao popularan ili je kao popularna numera funkcionalno prilagođen filmskom pripovedanju). Zatim se kreće ka otkrivanju sveobuhvatnog simboličkog delovanja vizuelno/muzičkog teksta u filmu, da bi modelom postepenog širenja analitičke optike i teorijskog opsega promišljanja, tema uticaja filmske muzike i popularnog songa prevazišla zadati istorijsko-razvojni okvir, potcrtavajući njihov značaj za specifičnosti kulturnog identiteta u jugoslovenskom društvu.Systematization and analysis of Yugoslav film music in the period from 1980 to 1991, established in correlation with the New Wave (film and music), and in the function of creating a new and different cultural and social identity, is the central research subject of this thesis. Its first goal is directed towards the diachronic and retrospective observation of film music. Through the second goal, the most important stylistic, genre, and semiotic aspects of film music are identified and defined, and then its film/musical influence in the process of film storytelling is analyzed. Finally, the third and main goal of this thesis is aimed at researching the influence of film and New Wave music on the creation of cultural identity in Yugoslavia (SFRY). The Yugoslav New Wave is particularly discussed as a cultural phenomenon that (noticeably in society and art) occurs at a time of reduced influence of socialist doctrine and (partially controlled) identity, and as a Yugoslav reflection (which started in the sixties and was completed in the eighties) on social, cultural and musical events in the UK and the United States. The main hypothesis of this study is based on the theoretical assumption that in Yugoslav film music the process of infiltration of popular music and popular song into film narrative structure culminated during the 1980s, which problematizes the networking of cultural and social influence in the constructions and deconstructions of cultural identity. Hence, the popular song is primarily followed through its origin, development, and place in film diegesis, and secondarily as part of the general cultural trend that film authors accept and apply within their works. In order to arrive at the assumed outcome of the analysis, this thesis starts from the theoretical periodization of music in film, which turns into an analysis of film music and popular song (diegetic and non-diegetic, song that originated from film and became popular or is functionally adapted to film narration). It then moves towards discovering the all-encompassing symbolic effect of visual/musical text in film, so that, through the model of gradual expansion of analytical optics and theoretical scope of discussion, the theme of the influence of film music and popular song exceeds the given historical-developmental framework, emphasizing their importance for the specifics of cultural identity in Yugoslav society

    Effects of screen filter on visibility of alphanumeric presentation on CRT and LCD monitors

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    In this paper, a research that deals with the problem of determining of the visibility of the alphanumeric presentation on CRT and LCD screens is presented, in conditions when the screen filters are used, and when they are not used. A methodology that can be used for determination of the visibility of alphanumeric symbols on VDT screens is presented. It is determined the existence of differences in visibility of alphanumeric presentations when screen filters are used, compared to conditions when they are not used. This difference was statistically significant, while the visibility of the presented alphanumeric symbols on CRT and LCD screens that use screen filters is lower than when they are not used. For this reason, the use of protective screen filter is recommended in circumstances where a very high level of glare exists, when the visual fatigue is common appearance and when a user performs a task that does not depend on the detection of stimuli whose RGB values are low

    A marine propeller as a hydrokinetic turbine - CFD analysis of energy characteristics

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    It is sometimes economically unreasonable to develop specific turbines, but rather to use a well-known concept of a pump in the turbine mode - PAT (Pump As Turbine). Inspired by PAT, the scope of this paper covers the assessments of the possibility to use marine propellers as runners for the hydrokinetic turbines. Numerical analyses are conducted for selected propeller geometry with the aim of evaluating its energy characteristics in the turbine regime. The chosen propeller belongs to the conventional, thoroughly experimentally tested, Wageningen B -screw series. The experimental data were used for validation of the numerical results in propeller regimes. Based on the obtained results, the researched non-optimized turbine in its optimum regime achieves a satisfactory power coefficient which is close to the value of other types of contemporary hydrokinetic turbines efficiencies

    Effects of screen filter on visibility of alphanumeric presentation on CRT and LCD monitors

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    In this paper, a research that deals with the problem of determining of the visibility of the alphanumeric presentation on CRT and LCD screens is presented, in conditions when the screen filters are used, and when they are not used. A methodology that can be used for determination of the visibility of alphanumeric symbols on VDT screens is presented. It is determined the existence of differences in visibility of alphanumeric presentations when screen filters are used, compared to conditions when they are not used. This difference was statistically significant, while the visibility of the presented alphanumeric symbols on CRT and LCD screens that use screen filters is lower than when they are not used. For this reason, the use of protective screen filter is recommended in circumstances where a very high level of glare exists, when the visual fatigue is common appearance and when a user performs a task that does not depend on the detection of stimuli whose RGB values are low

    A marine propeller as a hydrokinetic turbine - CFD analysis of energy characteristics

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    It is sometimes economically unreasonable to develop specific turbines, but rather to use a well-known concept of a pump in the turbine mode - PAT (Pump As Turbine). Inspired by PAT, the scope of this paper covers the assessments of the possibility to use marine propellers as runners for the hydrokinetic turbines. Numerical analyses are conducted for selected propeller geometry with the aim of evaluating its energy characteristics in the turbine regime. The chosen propeller belongs to the conventional, thoroughly experimentally tested, Wageningen B -screw series. The experimental data were used for validation of the numerical results in propeller regimes. Based on the obtained results, the researched non-optimized turbine in its optimum regime achieves a satisfactory power coefficient which is close to the value of other types of contemporary hydrokinetic turbines efficiencies

    Risk of malignancy index in the differential diagnosis of ovarian cancer in premenopausal and postmenopausal women

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    Uvod Karcinomi jajnika su vodeći uzrok smrtnosti u grupi ginekoloških maligniteta, stoga je karcinom jajnika najizučavanije polje u ginekološkoj onkologiji. Uzrok visoke stope smrtnosti od karcinom jajnika jeste njegova asimptomatičnost i nedovoljna efikasnost dijagnostičkih metoda, usled čega se u više od 70% slučajeva dijagnostikuje u uznapredovalom stadijumu bolesti. Rano dijagnostikovanje ovarijalnih neoplazmi je od izuzetnog značaja, kako bi se optimizovali načini lečenja, smanjili troškovi a pacijentkinje uputile u odgovarajuće onkološke centre. Napredak u cilju bolje diferencijacije benignih od malignih tumora jajnika, napravljen je razvijanjem indeksa malignosti (RMI) koji kombinuje kliničke, ultrazvučne nalaze i koncentracije tumor markera CA 125 u serumu. Drugi značajan predikcioni test predstavlja ROMA indeks koji uzima u obzir koncentracije CA 125 i HE4 u serumu, zajedno sa menopauzalnim statusom. Iako su RMI i ROMA pouzdane metode koje mogu da pomognu u preoperativnom razlikovanju pacijentkinja sa adneksalnim masama, neophodna je dalja validacija ovih metoda. Cilj istraživanja Utvrditi validnost RMI u diferencijalnoj dijagnozi benignih od malignih tumora jajnika kod pacijentkinja u premenopauzi i postmenopauzi, kao i validnost pojedinačnih komponenti predikcionih testova (RMI i ROMA) u zavisnosti od menopauzalnog statusa pacijentkinja. Metodologija Itraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije obavljena su po tipu studije preseka u Ginekološko akušerskoj klinici „Narodni front“ u periodu jul – decembar 2015. godine. U studiju su uključene 153 pacijentkinje koje su bile podvrgnute operativnom lečenju (laparotomija, laparoskopija) tumora adneksalnih masa. Svim pacijentkinjama preoperativno je urađen transvaginalni ultrasonografski pregled i određene su koncentracije CA 125 i HE 4 u serumu i izračunavani su RMI i ROMA...Ovarian cancers are the leading cause of mortality in the group of gynecological cancers, and because of that ovarian cancer is the most widely studied field in gynecological oncology. The lack of sympthoms and low efficiency of diagnostic methods, are main reasons for high rate of morthality, because more than 70% of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed at advanced stages of disease. Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer is extremely important in order to optimize treatments, reduce the cost of treatment, and to refere the patient to appropriate oncology centers. Progress in finding better approach in differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian tumors, resulted in developing the risk of malignancy index (RMI), which combines clinical, ultrasound findings and the value of the tumor marker CA 125. Other significant predictive test represents ROMA index that takes into account the concentrations of CA 125 and HE4 in serum, together with the menopausal status. Although the RMI and ROMA are reliable methods helping in preoperative discrimination of patients with adnexal masses, further validation of these methods still need to be assessed. The aim of the research To determine the validity of the RMI in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant ovarian tumors in premenopausal and postmenopausal patients, and validite each of the individual components of predictive tests (RMI and ROMA) depending on menopausal status of the patients. Methods The study for this doctoral thesis was conducted in the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics “Narodni front”, Belgrade, Serbia, during the last six months of 2015. The study group included 153 adult patients who had undergone surgery (laparatomy, laparascopy) for adnexal tumours. All patients included in this study were preoperatively underwent detailed ultrasonographic examination and have determined concentration of serum CA 125 and HE4, and RMI and ROMA were calculated..

    Correlation of the patterns of behavior in focal epileptic seizures and localization of the epileptic lesions

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    Aktivnost anatomski definisanih regiona humanog cerebralnog korteksa, kroz konektivnost, proizvodi funkcionalnu heterogenost reprezentovanu kroz bihejvioralni aspekt. Bazični fiziološki supstrat interkonekcije anatomskih podregiona predmet je stalnih istraživanja. Fokalna epilepsija, kao eksluzivna kortikalna bolest, odličan je model za eksploraciju neurobiološke osnove funkcionalne anatomije. Tačnije, iritativni kortikalni fenomen u jednom regionu (finalni patofiziološki produkt epileptogeneze u epileptogenoj leziji), pored inicijalnog simptoma, dovedi do većeg broja različitih, vremenski uslovljenih, kombinacija kliničkih simptoma i znakova – obrazaca ponašanja tokom epileptičnog napada. Sekvencijalni raspored simptoma i znakova determinisan je propagacijom abnormalne električne aktivnosti kroz korteks i anatomske puteve, od generatora do bliskih i udaljenih moždanih regiona. Preferencijalni put propagacije deo je neurodiveziteta epileptične mreže i dominantno je uniforman na individualnom nivou. Iako su poznate i manje inter-individualne varijacije, veruje se da je broj kombinacija u obrascu ponašanja tokom fokalnog epileptičnog napada, u ljudskoj vrsti, konačan. Primarni cilj doktorske disertacije bio je utvrđivanje korelacije klinički definisanih epileptičnih simptoma i znakova (semiologije) i lokalizacije epileptogene lezije. Učinjena je kliničko-anatomska korelacija na reprezentativnom uzorku bolesnika sa fokalnom epilepsijom, obrađenih na Klinici za neurologiju Kliničkog Centra Srbije, shodno, trendovima moderne epileptologije. Rezultati na analiziranom materijalu demonstriraju kompleksnost epileptične mreže nadgrađene na fiziološkom nivou konektivnosti, ali i izvesne zakonomernosti, koje podupiru postojeći neurobiološki koncept funkcionalne anatomije i utvrđuju klinička uverenja u modernoj epileptologiji. Koherentna i oscilatorna epileptična aktivnost generiše bihejvioralne fenomene, poput potpunog prestanka motorne aktivnosti ili oroalimentarnih automatizmama, znakova koji su najčešći u analiziranoj populaciji. Bihejvioralni arest, rani znak, sugeriše na limitiranu aktivnost u cerebralnom korteksu, uz verovatnu disrupciju kortiko-subkortiko-spinalnih veza. Oroalimentarni automatizmi, fenomen druge polovine epileptičnog napada, mogući su proizvod aktivacionih i inhibitornih stimulusa više kortikalnih regiona sa finalnom rezultantom u arhaičnom ponašanju. Epigastrična i psihička aura najfrekventniji su među subjektivnim doživljajima analiziranih bolesnika; centralna autonomna mreža, viscerotopna prezentacija usko lokalizovanog korteksa i međuigra paleo- i neo-korteksa verovatni su patofiziološki mehanizmi ovih simptoma...Activity of anatomically defined regions of the human cerebral cortex, through connectivity produces functional heterogeneity represented by behavioral aspect. Basic physiological substrate of the interconnection between anatomical subregions is a subject of continuous research. Focal epilepsy, exclusive cortical disease, is an excellent model for the exploration of the neurobiological basis of functional anatomy. Specifically, cortical irritative phenomenon in a region (the final pathophysiological product of epileptogenesis in epileptogenic lesion), in addition to the initial symptoms, leads to a large number of different, time-conditioned, combination of the clinical symptoms and signs - behavior patterns during epileptic seizure. Sequential arrangement of signs and symptoms is determined by the propagation of abnormal electrical activity in the cortex and anatomical pathways from the generator to the close and distant brain regions. Preferential path of the propagation is part of the epileptic network’s neurodiversity that is dominantly uniform at the individual level. Although minor inter-individual variations has been given, it is believed that the number of combinations in the pattern of behavior in focal seizures in the human species is final. The primary goal of the doctoral dissertation was to determine the clinical correlation between defined epileptic symptoms and signs (semiology) and localization of epileptogenic lesions. We performed a clinical-anatomic correlation of a representative sample of patients with focal epilepsy, treated at the Department of Neurology, Clinical Center of Serbia, according to modern trends in epileptology. The results of the material analyzed demonstrate the complexity of the epileptic network upgraded to a physiological level of connectivity, as well as certain regularities, which support existing neurobiological concept of functional anatomy and determine the clinical belief in modern epileptology. Coherent oscillations and epileptic activity generates behavioral phenomena, such as the complete cessation of motor activity or oroalimentary automatisms, most common signs in the analyzed population. Behavioral arrest, an early sign, suggests the limited activity of the cerebral cortex, with the probable disruption in cortico-subcortico-spinal pathways. Oroalimentary automatisms, the phenomenon of the second half of seizures, are possible product of the activation and inhibitory stimuli in wider cortical regions with the final resultant in the archaic behavior. Epigastric and psychic aura are among the most frequent subjective experiences in analyzed patients; central autonomic network, viscerotopic presentation in narrowly localized cortex and interplay of paleo-and neo-cortex are likely pathophysiological mechanisms of these symptoms..

    Buckling behaviour of dented aluminium alloy cylindrical shell subjected to uniform axial compression

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    Tankozide cilindrične strukture imaju veoma visoku primenu u industriji. Pošto su obično opterećene na aksijalni pritisak, najčešći uzrok njihovog otkaza je pojava izvijanja. U ovom članku se prikazuje numerička analiza izvijanja tankozide cilindrične strukture izrađene od legure aluminijuma sa imperfekcijom u vidu udubljenja na sredini strukture i eksperimentalna verifikacija rezultata dobijenih tom analizom. Numerička analiza je odrađena pomoću softvera ANSYS 16.2, a eksperimentalna ispitivanja pomoću hidraulične prese Armavir, PSU-50, na kojoj je uzorak podvrgnut aksijalnom pritisku čiji se intenzitet postepeno povećavao do pojave izvijanja. Poređenjem rezultata eksperimenta uočeno je značajno smanjenje vrednosti kritičnog napona na izvijanje između epruveta bez imperfekcije i epruveta sa imperfekcijom od 2 mm, dok su vrednosti kritičnog napona za epruvete sa imperfekcijama od 2 mm i 4 mm približne.Thin-walled cylindrical shells are commonly used in numerous branches of industry. Since they are subjected to axial load, the most common cause of their failure is buckling. This paper provides numerical analysis and experimental verification of the buckling of the thin-walled aluminium alloy cylindrical shell with special regard to the influence of dent, positioned in the middle of the shell. Numerical simulation was performed using ANSYS 16.2, and experimental verification was performed by means of hydraulic press Armavir, PSU-50, which was used to subject the specimen to the increasing axial load until the occurrence of buckling. Comparing the results it was concluded that there is significant decrease of the buckling resistance if compared the values of the specimen with no dent, and the specimen with 2 mm deep dent. On the contrary, resistance of the 2 mm and 4 mm dented specimen is quite similar. Position and shape of the deformations occurred due to buckling are matching if experimental and numerical results are compared

    On the influence of spike shape at supersonic flow past blunt bodies

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    Da bi se eliminsala pojava jakog udarnog talasa pri nadzvučnom opstrujavanju projektila, koja zanačajno povećava otpor pri letu krozvazduh, na njegov vrh montira se igla. U radu se daju rezultati eksperimentalnog istraživanja uticaja oblika igle na aerodinamičke koeficijente (uzgona, otpora, momenta propinjanja, kao i položaj centra pritiska) pri nadzvučnom opstrujavanju tela zaobljenog vrha. Eksperiment je izveden u aereotunelu, za jednu vrednost Mahovog i Rejnoldsovog broja, kao i za jednu vrednost napadnog ugla α = 2o. Za telo bez igle, kao i za telo sa četiri različita modela igle merene su aerodinamičke sile i momenti. U radu su predloženi kriterijumi za procenu uticaja igle zasnovani isključivo na rezultataima dobijrenim vizualizacijom strujanja. Igla najboljih karakteristika, od ispitanih konfiguracija, izabrana na osnovu izmerenih aerodinamičkih koeficijenata, uklapa se u ove kvalitativne kriterijume.In order to eliminate the appearance of a strong shock wave at a supersonic flight of a missile, which considerably increases the drag during its flight through the air, a spike is mounted on its nose. Presented paper offers the results of an experimental analysis of the influence of the spike's shape on the aerodynamic coefficients (drag, lift and pitching moment coefficient, as well as the location of the center of pressure) at supersonic flow past blunt-nosed body. The experiment was carried out in a wind tunnel, for one value of Mach and Reynolds numbers, and for one value of the angles of attack, α = 2o. For the body without spike, and with four different spike shapes, the aerodynamic forces and moment were measured. Using only the photos obtained by Schlieren visualization of the flow, the paper proposes a criterion of estimating the aerodynamic effect of the spike shape. The best spike shape from the experimental set of spikes, selected by the measurement of the aerodynamic coefficients, coincided with this qualitative criterion