13 research outputs found

    Success Factors for e-Learning in a Developing Country: A Case Study of Serbia

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    In this paper, DeLone and McLean’s updated information system model was used to evaluate the success of an e-Learning system and its courses in a transitional country like Serbia. In order to adapt this model to an e-Learning system, suitable success metrics were chosen for each of the evaluation stages. Furthermore, the success metrics for e-Learning evaluation are expanded by providing several systems for quantifying the given success metrics. The results presented in this paper are based on courses that were taught both online and traditionally in three different subject areas: graphic design, information technology, and management. Of particular interest were success metrics which can be determined using quantifiable data from the e-Learning system itself, in order to evaluate and find the relationship between students’ academic achievement, usage of learning materials, and students’ satisfaction. The results from different courses were used to illustrate the implementation and evaluation of these success metrics for both online and traditional students


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    Space, as a non-renewable category, is the most valuable resource of Istria including not only landscapes, sea, seabed and the accompanying wildlife but also very sensitive resources such as ground water, seashore and woodlands. The aim of the study was to determine whether it is possible to reduce the negative impact of development activities on space using Geography Information System digital tools (GIS). Digital GIS tools were used in the study of the pressures made by urban infrastructure and services on the environment of the given area to assess the impact of sectoral and other pressures on the selected natural and cultural systems of the coastal region of Istria County. The key concept of the research methodology includes analytical and objective identification of conflicts in the space and provides spatial models for their reduction or complete elimination. The Overlay Method is essentially a type of a spatial model which produces an overlap of different thematic contents, in this case one of the models of the environment content overlaps with a model of pressure of development activities on the selected space element. As a final result, the critical areas are designated and further guidelines and proposals for the redefinition or revision of solutions are offered. A combined digital model and an analytical approach to the study of the impact of development activities on the natural sea system proved to be suitable tools for the assessment of negative effects on the ecological systems of the study area. Ports and aquaculture areas exert the biggest negative impact on the coastal sea which is constantly under direct pressures brought about by activities occurring in the sea itself. In addition to the direct pressure in the sea, the coastline is potentially threatened by human-induced pressures from the mainland.Prostor, kao neobnovljiva  kategorija, je najvredniji resurs Istre, uklјučujući ne samo pejzaž, more, morsko dno i  divlјe životinje, ali i veoma osetlјive resurse kao što su podzemne vode, mora i šuma. Cilј istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li je moguće da se smanji negativan uticaj razvojnih aktivnosti na prostoru pomoću Geografskog informacionog Sistema,  digitalnog alata (GIS). Digitalni GIS alat je korišćen u istraživanju pritisaka  urbane infrastrukture i usluga na životnu sredinu datog područja kao i za procenu uticaja sektorskih i drugih pritisaka na odabranim prirodnim i kulturnim sistemima primorskog regiona Istarske županije. Klјučni koncept metodologije istraživanja obuhvata analitičko i objektivno identifikovanje sukoba u prostoru i daje prostorne modele za njihovo smanjenje ili potpunu eliminaciju. Overlay Metoda je u suštini tip prostornog modela koji čini preklapanje različitih tematskih sadržaja, u ovom slučaju jedan od modela sadržaja životne sredine poklapa sa modelom pritiska razvojnih aktivnosti na izabranom prostoru. Kao krajnji rezultat, kritične oblasti su označene i nude dodatne smernice i predloge za redefinisanje ili revizije rešenja. Kombinovani digitalni model i analitički pristup proučavanju uticaja razvojnih aktivnosti na prirodne sisteme  mora pokazao se kao pogodan alat za procenu negativnih efekata na prostornim  sistemima. Luke i akvakulturni sadržaji vrše najveći negativan uticaj na obalu mora koja je stalno pod direktnim pritiskom,  izazvanim aktivnostima koje se dešavaju u samom moru. Pored direktnog pritiska na more, obala je potencijalno ugrožena lјudskim indukovanim pritiscima sa kopna

    Success factors for e-learning in a developing country: A case study of Serbia

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    In this paper, DeLone and McLean’s updated information system model was used to evaluate the success of an e-Learning system and its courses in a transitional country like Serbia. In order to adapt this model to an e-Learning system, suitable success metrics were chosen for each of the evaluation stages. Furthermore, the success metrics for e-Learning evaluation are expanded by providing several systems for quantifying the given success metrics. The results presented in this paper are based on courses that were taught both online and traditionally in three different subject areas: graphic design, information technology, and management. Of particular interest were success metrics which can be determined using quantifiable data from the e-Learning system itself, in order to evaluate and find the relationship between students’ academic achievement, usage of learning materials, and students’ satisfaction. The results from different courses were used to illustrate the implementation and evaluation of these success metrics for both online and traditional students

    Peptic Ulcer Disease: A Brief Review of Conventional Therapy and Herbal Treatment Options

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    Peptic ulcer is a chronic disease affecting up to 10% of the world’s population. The formation of peptic ulcers depends on the presence of gastric juice pH and the decrease in mucosal defenses. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection are the two major factors disrupting the mucosal resistance to injury. Conventional treatments of peptic ulcers, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2 (H2) receptor antagonists, have demonstrated adverse effects, relapses, and various drug interactions. On the other hand, medicinal plants and their chemical compounds are useful in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases. Hence, this review presents common medicinal plants that may be used for the treatment or prevention of peptic ulcers

    Ultrasonograficzne monitorowanie zmian hemodynamicznych w jednoczesnej niedrożności tętnicy mózgu środkowej i tętnicy szyjnej wewnętrznej wywołanej rozwarstwieniem tętnicy

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    A middle-aged man with pain in the right eye and right side of the neck was brought to the emergency department one hour after the onset of left-sided weakness. Computed tomography (CT) showed hyperdense right middle cerebral artery (MCA). On transcranial Doppler (TCD), occlusion of the right MCA and right internal carotid artery (ICA) was found. Thirty minutes after thrombolytic therapy was initiated, engagement of collateral circulation through the anterior communicating artery (AComA) was shown by TCD. Carotid duplex examination confirmed occlusion of the right ICA with intimal flap and intramural haematoma. CT angiography revealed flame-like occlusion of the right ICA, and occlusion of the right MCA with collateral supply from the left to right anterior cerebral artery through the AComA. Recanalization of the MCA and ICA was evident on both CT and ultrasound. Frequent ultrasound monitoring is useful for haemodynamic evaluation of carotid artery dissection, while TCD plays an important role in real-time monitoring of flow changes of intracranial vasculature.Mężczyzna w średnim wieku zgłosił się na oddział pomocy doraźnej po około godzinie od wystąpienia osłabienia lewych kończyn i z występującym od kilku dni bólem prawego oka i szyi po stronie prawej. W badaniu tomografii komputerowej (TK) stwierdzono hiperdensyjną tętnicę środkową mózgu (MCA), a w przezczaszkowym badaniu dopplerowskim (TCD) – niedrożność prawej MCA i prawej tętnicy szyjnej wewnętrznej (ICA). Po 30 minutach od rozpoczęcia leczenia trombolitycznego zaobserwowano w TCD uczynnienie krążenia obocznego za pośrednictwem tętnicy łączącej przedniej (AComA). W badaniu tętnic szyjnych metodą dupleksową potwierdzono niedrożność prawej ICA z płatem błony wewnętrznej i krwiakiem śródściennym. W angio-TK widoczna była niedrożność prawej ICA w kształcie płomienia, a także niedrożność prawej MCA z krążeniem obocznym z tętnicy mózgu przedniej lewej do prawej poprzez AComA. W TK iwbadaniu ultrasonograficznym stwierdzono cechy udrożnienia MCA i ICA. Monitorowanie za pomocą powtarzanego badania ultrasonograficznego jest przydatne w hemodynamicznej ocenie rozwarstwienia tętnicy szyjnej, a TCD odgrywa istotną rolę w monitorowaniu zmian przepływu w naczyniach wewnątrzczaszkowych w czasie rzeczywistym

    Assessment of health literacy in the adult population registered to family medicine physicians in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Background: Health literacy is an important determinant of health. This concept is under-researched in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Objectives: To assess health literacy and its association with sociodemographic variables, self-perception of health and the presence of chronic conditions in primary healthcare setting. Methods: In May 2016, a cross-sectional study was executed in two primary healthcare centres. Out of approximately 1500 patients who visited both health centres during four consecutive days, about 800 were eligible. Of these, 110 patients agreed to complete the translated Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA). The influence of demographic, social, economic, and health characteristics (independent variables) on the S-TOFHLA score (dependent variable) was assessed by multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: One questionnaire was incomplete and therefore 109 questionnaires were analysed. Inadequate, marginal, and adequate health literacy were present in 19 (17.4%), 16 (14.7%) and 74 (67.9%) respondents. Adequate health literacy was found predominantly among respondents younger than 55 years and those with a high level of education. Regression analyses showed that low level of education (OR: 5.3), age 55 years and over (OR: 3.9), living in a rural area (OR: 3.7) and having three or more chronic diseases (OR: 2) were independently associated with inadequate or marginal health literacy. Conclusion: In this study performed in two primary healthcare centres in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, low health literacy was associated with low level of education, older age, living in a rural area, and having more chronic diseases