13 research outputs found

    Isolation of new genes involved in temperature synchronization of the circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster

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    PhDCircadian clocks regulate behaviour and physiology of many organisms and keep them in synchrony with the environment. Drosophila's circadian clock is mainly synchronized by natural light-dark cycles and temperature fluctuations, both at molecular and behavioural levels. The mechanisms underlying temperature entrainment are poorly understood, but previous studies have shown that this process can be genetically dissected. In this work, I isolated several mutants which interfere with the temperature synchronization of Drosophila's circadian clock. Three variants were isolated in a chemical EMS-mutagenesis screen monitoring putative second- and thirdchromosomal mutations. The mutants behave normal in light-dark cycles suggesting that they specifically interfere with temperature entrainment. In a different, RNAi-based screen, a Forkhead-domain transcription factor encoding gene was isolated, which shows defective circadian activity of per expression and PER accumulation in temperature-entrainment condition, when down-regulated. Finally, a candidate approach led me to identify three genes encoding proteins belonging to the TRP family of ion channels. Mutations in the pyrexia, trpM and trpA1 genes show abnormal temperature synchronization of locomotor behaviour, similar to our EMS-candidates. The isolation and analysis of those mutations are described, as well as a behavioural analysis of the already-known "temperature-mutant" nocte. In particular, I discuss the involvement of chordotonal organs as structures required for temperature entrainment of the clock and the role of nocte for signalling the temperature information from the periphery to the brain. The rest-activity pattern is a well-studied circadian output behaviour; the pupal emergence, named eclosion, is another behaviour strictly regulated by the circadian clock. Here we show that genes important for entrainment of adult locomotor behaviour to temperature do not play the same role in regulating the synchronization of eclosion. To gain insight into the synchronization mechanisms of eclosion, I studied how different entrainment conditions affect the phase and free-running period of eclosion

    Development of synthetic selfish elements based on modular nucleases in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Selfish genes are DNA elements that increase their rate of genetic transmission at the expense of other genes in the genome and can therefore quickly spread within a population. It has been suggested that selfish elements could be exploited to modify the genome of entire populations for medical and ecological applications. Here we report that transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) and zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) can be engineered into site-specific synthetic selfish elements (SSEs) and demonstrate their transmission of up to 70% in the Drosophila germline. We show here that SSEs can spread via DNA break-induced homologous recombination, a process known as 'homing' similar to that observed for homing endonuclease genes (HEGs), despite their fundamentally different modes of DNA binding and cleavage. We observed that TALEN and ZFN have a reduced capability of secondary homing compared to HEG as their repetitive structure had a negative effect on their genetic stability. The modular architecture of ZFNs and TALENs allows for the rapid design of novel SSEs against specific genomic sequences making them potentially suitable for the genetic engineering of wild-type populations of animals and plants, in applications such as gene replacement or population suppression of pest species

    A CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive system targeting female reproduction in the malaria mosquito vector Anopheles gambiae.

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    Gene drive systems that enable super-Mendelian inheritance of a transgene have the potential to modify insect populations over a timeframe of a few years. We describe CRISPR-Cas9 endonuclease constructs that function as gene drive systems in Anopheles gambiae, the main vector for malaria. We identified three genes (AGAP005958, AGAP011377 and AGAP007280) that confer a recessive female-sterility phenotype upon disruption, and inserted into each locus CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive constructs designed to target and edit each gene. For each targeted locus we observed a strong gene drive at the molecular level, with transmission rates to progeny of 91.4 to 99.6%. Population modeling and cage experiments indicate that a CRISPR-Cas9 construct targeting one of these loci, AGAP007280, meets the minimum requirement for a gene drive targeting female reproduction in an insect population. These findings could expedite the development of gene drives to suppress mosquito populations to levels that do not support malaria transmission

    A CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive system targeting female reproduction in the malaria mosquito vector Anopheles gambiae.

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    Gene drive systems that enable super-Mendelian inheritance of a transgene have the potential to modify insect populations over a timeframe of a few years. We describe CRISPR-Cas9 endonuclease constructs that function as gene drive systems in Anopheles gambiae, the main vector for malaria. We identified three genes (AGAP005958, AGAP011377 and AGAP007280) that confer a recessive female-sterility phenotype upon disruption, and inserted into each locus CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive constructs designed to target and edit each gene. For each targeted locus we observed a strong gene drive at the molecular level, with transmission rates to progeny of 91.4 to 99.6%. Population modeling and cage experiments indicate that a CRISPR-Cas9 construct targeting one of these loci, AGAP007280, meets the minimum requirement for a gene drive targeting female reproduction in an insect population. These findings could expedite the development of gene drives to suppress mosquito populations to levels that do not support malaria transmission

    Anti-CRISPR Anopheles mosquitoes inhibit gene drive spread under challenging behavioural conditions in large cages

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    CRISPR-based gene drives have the potential to spread within populations and are considered as promising vector control tools. A doublesex-targeting gene drive was able to suppress laboratory Anopheles mosquito populations in small and large cages, and it is considered for field application. Challenges related to the field-use of gene drives and the evolving regulatory framework suggest that systems able to modulate or revert the action of gene drives, could be part of post-release risk-mitigation plans. In this study, we challenge an AcrIIA4-based anti-drive to inhibit gene drive spread in age-structured Anopheles gambiae population under complex feeding and behavioural conditions. A stochastic model predicts the experimentally-observed genotype dynamics in age-structured populations in medium-sized cages and highlights the necessity of large-sized cage trials. These experiments and experimental-modelling framework demonstrate the effectiveness of the anti-drive in different scenarios, providing further corroboration for its use in controlling the spread of gene drive in Anopheles

    Introgression of a synthetic sex ratio distortion transgene into different genetic backgrounds of Anopheles coluzzii

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    The development of genetically modified mosquitoes (GMM) and their subsequent field release offers innovative approaches for vector control of malaria. A non-gene drive self-limiting male-bias Ag(PMB)1 strain has been developed in a 47-year-old laboratory G3 strain of Anopheles gambiae s.l. When Ag(PMB)1 males are crossed to wild-type females, expression of the endonuclease I-PpoI during spermatogenesis causes the meiotic cleavage of the X chromosome in sperm cells, leading to fertile offspring with a 95% male bias. However, World Health Organization states that the functionality of the transgene could differ when inserted in different genetic backgrounds of Anopheles coluzzii which is currently a predominant species in several West-African countries and thus a likely recipient for a potential release of self-limiting GMMs. In this study, we introgressed the transgene from the donor Ag(PMB)1 by six serial backcrosses into two recipient colonies of An. coluzzii that had been isolated in Mali and Burkina Faso. Scans of informative Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers and whole-genome sequencing analysis revealed a nearly complete introgression of chromosomes 3 and X, but a remarkable genomic divergence in a large region of chromosome 2 between the later backcrossed (BC6) transgenic offspring and the recipient paternal strains. These findings suggested to extend the backcrossing breeding strategy beyond BC6 generation and increasing the introgression efficiency of critical regions that have ecological and epidemiological implications through the targeted selection of specific markers. Disregarding differential introgression efficiency, we concluded that the phenotype of the sex ratio distorter is stable in the BC6 introgressed An. coluzzii strains