251 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of the Thermal Conductivity of Handmade and Mechanical Bricks Used in the Cultural Heritage

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    During interventions to improve the energy efficiency of cultural heritage, it is common to use methodologies that are used for current buildings with different thermal behaviour. For this reason, research has been carried out on the thermal behaviour of old brick walls by carrying out thermal flow tests in the laboratory on brickwork specimens, in order to compare the behaviour of handmade bricks and mechanical bricks from more than a century ago, and to analyse the relationship between the values of thermal conductivity, humidity, density and porosity, as well as to compare these results with those obtained by applying the procedure of the EN-1745 standard. It was concluded that bricks behave thermally differently, depending on the manufacturing process: handmade or mechanical, in both types of brick it was found that the higher the moisture content and density were, the higher the brick’s thermal conductivity value. It has also been concluded that old bricks have thermal conductivity values different from those indicated in EN-1745 as a function of density, and that the ratio detected in these specimens in the dry state and in the wet state does not conform to the processes indicated in the standard. With regard to porosity, it is important to note that the greater the closed porosity, the lower the conductivity. It has been concluded that in order to intervene in cultural heritage buildings, it is necessary to carry out a specific study of the behaviour of the systems with which they were constructed.Spanish Government BIA2015-68449European Commission BIA2015-68449Universidad de Valladoli

    Identification of structural motifs as tunneling two-level systems in amorphous alumina at low temperatures

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    One of the most accepted models that describe the anomalous thermal behavior of amorphous materials at temperatures below 1 K relies on the quantum mechanical tunneling of atoms between two nearly equivalent potential energy wells forming a two-level system (TLS). Indirect evidence for TLSs is widely available. However, the atomistic structure of these TLSs remains an unsolved topic in the physics of amorphous materials. Here, using classical molecular dynamics, we found several hitherto unknown bistable structural motifs that may be key to understanding the anomalous thermal properties of amorphous alumina at low temperatures. We show through free energy profiles that the complex potential energy surface can be reduced to canonical TLSs. The tunnel splitting predicted from instanton theory, the number density, dipole moment, and coupling to external strain of the discovered motifs are consistent with experiments.We acknowledge financial support from the Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (Grant Agreement PIIF-GA-2012-326435 RespSpatDisp) and the European Research Council Advanced Grant DYNamo (ERC-2010-AdG-267374), both within the 7th European Community Framework Programme. We also thank “ayuda para la Especializacion de Personal Investigador del Vicerrectorado de Investigacion UPV/EHU-2013”, Grupos Consolidados UPV/EHU del Gobierno Vasco (IT-578-13), and the Ikerbasque Foundation. This research was supported, in part, by a grant of computer time from the CUNY HPC under NSF Grants CNS-0855217, CNS-0958379, and ACI-1126113.Peer Reviewe

    AER-based robotic closed-loop control system

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    Address-Event-Representation (AER) is an asynchronous protocol for transferring the information of spiking neuro-inspired systems. Actually AER systems are able to see, to ear, to process information, and to learn. Regarding to the actuation step, the AER has been used for implementing Central Pattern Generator algorithms, but not for controlling the actuators in a closed-loop spike-based way. In this paper we analyze an AER based model for a real-time neuro-inspired closed-loop control system. We demonstrate it into a differential control system for a two-wheel vehicle using feedback AER information. PFM modulation has been used to power the DC motors of the vehicle and translation into AER of encoder information is also presented for the close-loop. A codesign platform (called AER-Robot), based into a Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA and an 8051 USB microcontroller, with power stages for four DC motors has been used for the demonstrator.Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-01417Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    FPGA Implementations Comparison of Neuro-cortical Inspired Convolution Processors for Spiking Systems

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    Image convolution operations in digital computer systems are usually very expensive operations in terms of resource consumption (processor resources and processing time) for an efficient Real-Time application. In these scenarios the visual information is divided in frames and each one has to be completely processed before the next frame arrives. Recently a new method for computing convolutions based on the neuro-inspired philosophy of spiking systems (Address-Event-Representation systems, AER) is achieving high performances. In this paper we present two FPGA implementations of AERbased convolution processors that are able to work with 64x64 images and programmable kernels of up to 11x11 elements. The main difference is the use of RAM for integrators in one solution and the absence of integrators in the second solution that is based on mapping operations. The maximum equivalent operation rate is 163.51 MOPS for 11x11 kernels, in a Xilinx Spartan 3 400 FPGA with a 50MHz clock. Formulations, hardware architecture, operation examples and performance comparison with frame-based convolution processors are presented and discussed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2006-11730-C03-02Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-0141

    On the AER Convolution Processors for FPGA

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    Image convolution operations in digital computer systems are usually very expensive operations in terms of resource consumption (processor resources and processing time) for an efficient Real-Time application. In these scenarios the visual information is divided into frames and each one has to be completely processed before the next frame arrives in order to warranty the real-time. A spike-based philosophy for computing convolutions based on the neuro-inspired Address-Event- Representation (AER) is achieving high performances. In this paper we present two FPGA implementations of AER-based convolution processors for relatively small Xilinx FPGAs (Spartan-II 200 and Spartan-3 400), which process 64x64 images with 11x11 convolution kernels. The maximum equivalent operation rate that can be reached is 163.51 MOPS for 11x11 kernels, in a Xilinx Spartan 3 400 FPGA with a 50MHz clock. Formulations, hardware architecture, operation examples and performance comparison with frame-based convolution processors are presented and discussed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2006-11730-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-02Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-0141

    AER tools for Communications and Debugging

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    Address-event-representation (AER) is a communications protocol for transferring spikes between bio-inspired chips. Such systems may consist of a hierarchical structure with several chips that transmit spikes among them in real time, while performing some processing. To develop and test AER based systems it is convenient to have a set of instruments that would allow to: generate AER streams, monitor the output produced by neural chips and modify the spike stream produced by an emitting chip to adapt it to the requirements of the receiving elements. In this paper we present a set of tools that implement these functions developed in the CAVIAR EU projectUnión Europea IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C03-0

    Requerimientos metodológicos para la orientación nutricional naturalista desde el currículo de la carrera de Medicina

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    Introduction: the training of general practitioners is increasingly demanded in the primary healthcare level (PHC), in order to achieve efficiency, quality and satisfaction of the population with the health services provided by professionals.  In this sense, the modalities of Natural and Traditional Medicine contribute to such purpose, from the implementation in the study programs of the subjects which constitute the curriculum and their expression in the education at work.Objective: to elaborate the methodological requirements that contributes to the naturalistic nutritional orientation in the curriculum of the Medicine career. Method: methods of the theoretical level were used such as analysis and synthesis, logical history, documentary review of the curricular components, among others, which allowed the methodological foundation for the naturalistic nutritional orientation. Results: methodological requirements were developed, based on a set of essential relationships that make it possible to structure the content and teaching activities of the subjects with the elements of nutrition for the development of health promotion actions during education at work.Conclusions: the contents of the programs in the subjects of the base curriculum, own and optional/elective, of the Curriculum "D" in the Medicine career, contribute to the development of the naturalistic nutritional orientation, in the different scenarios of attention to the individual, the family and the community, which guarantees healthy lifestyles and improvement of the state of health in the population.Introducción: la formación del médico general es cada vez más demandada desde el primer nivel de atención, con el propósito de lograr eficiencia, calidad y satisfacción de la población con los servicios de salud que brindan los profesionales del sector. En tal sentido, las modalidades de Medicina Natural y Tradicional contribuyen a tales fines, desde la implementación en los programas de estudio de las asignaturas que conforman el currículo y su expresión en la educación en el trabajo.Objetivo: elaborar los requerimientos metodológicos que contribuyan a la orientación nutricional naturalista en el currículo de la carrera de Medicina. Método: se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico como análisis y síntesis, histórico lógico, revisión documental de los componentes curriculares, entre otros, que permitieron la fundamentación metodológica para la orientación nutricional naturalista. Resultados: se elaboraron requerimientos metodológicos, sustentados en un conjunto de relaciones esenciales que permiten estructurar el contenido y las actividades docentes de las asignaturas con los elementos de nutrición para el desarrollo de acciones de promoción de salud durante la educación en el trabajo. Conclusiones: los contenidos de los programas de las asignaturas del currículo base, propio y optativo/electivo, del Plan de Estudios “D” de la carrera de Medicina, contribuyen al desarrollo de la orientación nutricional naturalista en los diferentes escenarios de atención al individuo, la familia y la comunidad, lo que garantiza estilos de vida saludables y mejora del estado de salud de la población

    Pénfigo vulgar infantil. Presentación de un caso

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    It was presented a clinical case of a 16-year-old female patient with a pemphigus vulgaris diagnosis at the General Teaching Hospital “Dr. Agostinho Neto”, Guantanamo, July-October 2017. Child-youth pemphigus vulgaris is not very frequent in our country (0.1-0.5%); however, it is the most common and serious form of pemphigus. It occurs most frequently in the fourth and sixth decade of life, being rare in children. It has no sex or race predilection, it is associated with immune disorders. It is characterized by the appearance of relatively tight blisters, on skin and mucosa membranes, which later break and form erosions of macerated surfaces, covered with whitish material and very painful, making patients weak, and along with the loss of electrolytes through skin lesions, can lead to death.Se presentó el caso clínico de una paciente femenina de 16 años, con diagnóstico de pénfigo vulgar juvenil en el Hospital General Docente “Dr. Agostinho Neto”, Guantánamo, en el periodo julio-octubre de 2017. El pénfigo vulgar infanto-juvenil no es muy frecuente en nuestro país (0,1 - 0.5 %); sin embargo, es la forma más habitual y grave de los pénfigos. Se presenta con mayor frecuencia en la cuarta y sexta décadas de la vida, siendo extraña en niños. No tiene predilección por sexo ni raza, se asocia con trastornos inmunológicos. Se caracteriza por la aparición de ampollas relativamente tensas en piel y mucosas, las cuales posteriormente se rompen y forman erosiones de superficies maceradas, recubiertas con material blanquecino y muy dolorosas, haciendo que los pacientes se debiliten. La pérdida de electrolitos a través de las lesiones de piel puede ocasionar, incluso, la muerte

    Methodological requirements for the naturalistic nutritional orientation from the curriculum of the Medicine career

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    Introduction: the training of general practitioners is increasingly demanded in the primary healthcare level (PHC), in order to achieve efficiency, quality and satisfaction of the population with the health services provided by professionals.  In this sense, the modalities of Natural and Traditional Medicine contribute to such purpose, from the implementation in the study programs of the subjects which constitute the curriculum and their expression in the education at work. Objective: to elaborate the methodological requirements that contributes to the naturalistic nutritional orientation in the curriculum of the Medicine career. Method: methods of the theoretical level were used such as analysis and synthesis, logical history, documentary review of the curricular components, among others, which allowed the methodological foundation for the naturalistic nutritional orientation. Results: methodological requirements were developed, based on a set of essential relationships that make it possible to structure the content and teaching activities of the subjects with the elements of nutrition for the development of health promotion actions during education at work. Conclusions: the contents of the programs in the subjects of the base curriculum, own and optional/elective, of the Curriculum "D" in the Medicine career, contribute to the development of the naturalistic nutritional orientation, in the different scenarios of attention to the individual, the family and the community, which guarantees healthy lifestyles and improvement of the state of health in the population