2 research outputs found

    Scripts for analyses and plots

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    Content: 'admixtureplot.R' to plot admixture analyses, 'maices_estimatingpopgenstats_wrapall.R' R code for estimating He, Ho, and Fst, 'maices_PCAs_plots.html' and 'maices_PCAs_plots.Rmd' show a Rmarkdown document used to plot the PCA, NJ trees and maps. 'runadmixture.sh' code used to run admixture. These scripts need the data and metada available at the DataandMetadata.zip section of this repositor

    Data and Meta

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    'data/SNPs' contains SNP data provided in plink and gds format along with a README of how each file was produced. 'data/spatial' contains the shapefiles used for the maps. Please uncompress each one before use. 'meta/maizteocintle_SNP50k_meta_extended.txt' is a text file containing sampling locality, lat, long, and other metadata of each of the samples. Columns correspond to the data collected as part of the Global Maize Proyect and are further detailed at http://www.biodiversidad.gob.mx/genes/pdf/proyecto/Anexo13_Base %20de%20datos/Contenido%20y%20observaciones%20de%20la%20BdeD.pd