357 research outputs found

    Zlatko Pavletić (1920-1981) – on the 100th anniversary of his birthday

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    A short biography and scientific contributions of Professor Zlatko Pavletić

    Festuca trichophylla (Ducros ex Gaudin) K. Richter (Poaceae) in the flora of Croatia

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    The occurrence of Festuca trichophylla subsp. trichophylla in the flora of Croatia is confirmed. In June 1999 a small population was found on the edge of Čepić polje, near the village of Šušnjevica (Istria) growing on a relatively moist calcareous meadow belonging to the order Scorzoneretalia. The soil is weakly basiphillous with high amount of CaCO3. According to the present state of knowledge the species could be treated as critically endangered

    Zlatko Pavletić (1920-1981) – on the 100th anniversary of his birthday

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    A short biography and scientific contributions of Professor Zlatko Pavletić

    Što se krije iza imena Festuca arvernensis Auquier, Kerguélen & Markgr.-Dannenb. u »Index Florae Croaticae»?

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    Why the species Festuca arvernensis, endemic to S. C. and S. W. France, is quoted in the Index Florae Croaticae and in the Flora Croatica database is discussed. It is shown that the name was wrongly used for the endemic Illyrian-Adriatic species Festuca lapidosa.U članku se raspravlja o razlogu zašto je vrsta Festuca arvernensis, endemična za južne dijelove središnje Francuske, te za jugozapad Francuske, uključena u »Index Florae Croaticae« i u »Flora Croatica database«. Objašnjeno je da je to ime krivo upotrijebljeno za endemičnu ilirsko-jadransku vrstu Festuca lapidosa

    Flora značajnog krajobraza Zelinska glava (Istočna Medvednica, Središnja Hrvatska)

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    The area of “Zelinska glava”, under the protection of the Public Institution “Green Ring of Zagreb County (Zeleni prsten Zagrebačke županije)”, covers an area of 9.5 km². Research into the area’s vascular flora was conducted during the growing seasons of 2019 and 2020. A total of 330 taxa of vascular flora were recorded, classified within 82 plant families. Fourteen species of bryophytes were added to the list of vascular flora. The most common families are Compositae (13%), Fabaceae (7%), Rosaceae (7%) and Lamiaceae (6%). The analysis according to habitats shows that the most species inhabit forest edges along paths (51%), followed by meadows (18%). Phytogeographic analysis shows that the Eurasian floristic element dominates (45%), followed by cultivated and adventive plants (10%). Regarding life forms, the largest number of taxa belong to hemicryptophytes (51%). According to the Red Book of Croatian Vascular Flora, 12 taxa belong to one of the threat categories. Eight taxa are strictly protected by law, seven of them belonging to the Orchidaceae family. A total of eight invasive species were recorded in the study area.Područje Zelinske glave, pod zaštitom je Javne ustanove Zeleni prsten Zagrebačke županije i zauzima površinu od 9,5 km². Vaskularna flora ovog područja je istraživana tijekom vegetacijskih sezona 2019. i 2020. godine. Ukupno je zabilježeno 330 svojti vaskularne flore raspoređenih u 82 biljne porodice. Popisu vaskularne flore pridodano je i 14 vrsta mahovina. Najzastupljenije porodice su Compositae (13 %), Fabaceae (7 %), Rosaceae (7 %) i Lamiaceae (6 %). Analiza prema staništima pokazuje da najveći broj svojti nastanjuje šumske rubove uz putove (51 %), a sljedeće su livade koje nastanjuje 18 % svojti. Fitogeografska analiza ukazuje na najveću zastupljenost euroazijskog flornog elementa s 45 %, za kojim slijede kultivirane i adventivne biljke s 10 %. S obzirom na životne oblike najveći broj svojti pripada hemikriptofitima (51 %). Prema Crvenoj knjizi vaskularne flore Hrvatske, 12 svojti svrstano je u neku od kategorija ugroženosti, a zakonom je strogo zaštićeno osam svojti, od kojih sedam pripada porodici Orchidaceae. Na istraživanom području zabilježeno je ukupno osam invazivnih vrsta

    Prvi nalaz rijetke mikoheterotrofne orhideje Epipogium aphyllum Swartz na Velebitu (Hrvatska)

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    The rare myco-heterotrophic orchid Epipogium aphyllum Swartz was recorded on Mt Velebit for the first time. It was found in beech and fir dominated primeval forest (ass. Omphalodo-Fagetum) in Klepina duliba. After Mt Medvednica, Plitvička jezera and Samoborsko gorje, this is the fourth record of that species in Croatia in the last eighty years.Rijetka mikoheterotrofna orhideja bezlisni nadbradac Epipogium aphyllum Swartz pronađena je po prvi put na Velebitu. Zabilježena je u bukovo-jelovoj prašumi (as. Omphalodo-Fagetum) u Klepinoj dulibi. Uz Medvednicu, Plitvička jezera i Samoborsko gorje ovo je četvrto nalazište vrste u Hrvatskoj u posljednjih osamdeset godina

    Vascular flora of the geomorphological nature monument Crveno jezero (Dalmatia, Croatia)

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    The vascular flora of the geomorphological natural monument Crveno jezero, located in the Dalmatian hinterland, was studied during 2017 for the first time. A total of 149 plant taxa belonging to 52 families were recorded, with Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, and Poaceae being the most abundant families. The dominance of Mediterranean, South-European, and Eurasian floral elements indicates that the study area is under the influence of both oceanic and continental climates, which is in accordance with the specific location of the study area. We noted a diversity of life form strategies, with the five main strategies having a share of at least 10% of the total number of species. Most species in the study area had competitive or stress-tolerant strategies, as well as the capacity for vegetative propagation, which was to be expected in this fairly unfavorable environment. No fewer than 15 recorded species are protected by law, including 11 endemic species, which represent 7.4% of the total flora. Most of the endemic species are Illyrian-Adriatic and Illyrian-Balkanic endemics. The results of the present study greatly contribute to the knowledge of the flora of Crveno jezero and the Imotski region, and they can be used as a basis for the future conservation of the area

    Re-evaluation of the Panicum capillare complex (Poaceae) in Croatia

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    The Panicum capillare complex includes several taxa, among them P. capillare L., which is usually considered to be an established alien throughout Europe, whereas other species are recorded only as casuals. A new representative of the complex, P. riparium H. Scholz was described from Germany in 2002, and shortly after its description was recorded in several countries on the continent. In the course of herbarium revisions and recent fi eld studies the authors documented several localities of the species in Croatia as well. The paper presents a new key for the determination of Croatian species of the complex and anticipates the invasion of P. riparium in the sub-Mediterranean regions of the Balkan Peninsula