4 research outputs found

    Review of intrusion detection systems based on deep learning techniques: coherent taxonomy, challenges, motivations, recommendations, substantial analysis and future directions

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    This study reviews and analyses the research landscape for intrusion detection systems (IDSs) based on deep learning (DL) techniques into a coherent taxonomy and identifies the gap in this pivotal research area. The focus is on articles related to the keywords ‘deep learning’, ‘intrusion’ and ‘attack’ and their variations in four major databases, namely Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Xplore. These databases are sufficiently broad to cover the technical literature. The dataset comprises 68 articles. The largest proportion (72.06%; 49/68) relates to articles that develop an approach for evaluating or identifying intrusion detection techniques using the DL approach. The second largest proportion (22.06%; 15/68) relates to studying/applying articles to the DL area, IDSs or other related issues. The third largest proportion (5.88%; 4/68) discusses frameworks/models for running or adopting IDSs. The basic characteristics of this emerging field are identified from the aspects of motivations, open challenges that impede the technology’s utility, authors’ recommendations and substantial analysis. Then, a result analysis mapping for new directions is discussed. Three phases are designed to meet the demands of detecting distributed denial-of-service attacks with a high accuracy rate. This study provides an extensive resource background for researchers who are interested in IDSs based on DL

    Sustainable Agriculture

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    The Sustainable Agriculture team is dedicated to developing alternative and sustainable agricultural solutions to alleviate poverty in western Africa. The team is currently working with Sheltering Wings in Yako, Burkina Faso and Trans World Radio in Parakou, Benin. Both clients currently have a working aquaponics system, but the type of system varies between clients. Sheltering Wings has a flood and drain system and Trans World Radio has an ebb and flow system. Throughout this year, our team has focused on reducing power consumption and costs for our clients. The development of the ebb and flow prototype was a consequence of this mission as we reduced power consumption by one pump using a manual siphon. We have also worked towards lowering the costs of water quality testing kits by introducing a Nutrient Film Technique with basil plants. Lastly, we have strived to research best practice methods for fish food making and fish feeding in order to keep the biology of the prototypes healthy. To support present and future clients, the year will conclude with final deliverables for the ebb and flow prototype including an operations and maintenance manual, a construction manual, and a troubleshooting manual.https://mosaic.messiah.edu/engr2021/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Excess crossovers impede faithful meiotic chromosome segregation in C. elegans.

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    During meiosis, diploid organisms reduce their chromosome number by half to generate haploid gametes. This process depends on the repair of double strand DNA breaks as crossover recombination events between homologous chromosomes, which hold homologs together to ensure their proper segregation to opposite spindle poles during the first meiotic division. Although most organisms are limited in the number of crossovers between homologs by a phenomenon called crossover interference, the consequences of excess interfering crossovers on meiotic chromosome segregation are not well known. Here we show that extra interfering crossovers lead to a range of meiotic defects and we uncover mechanisms that counteract these errors. Using chromosomes that exhibit a high frequency of supernumerary crossovers in Caenorhabditis elegans, we find that essential chromosomal structures are mispatterned in the presence of multiple crossovers, subjecting chromosomes to improper spindle forces and leading to defects in metaphase alignment. Additionally, the chromosomes with extra interfering crossovers often exhibited segregation defects in anaphase I, with a high incidence of chromatin bridges that sometimes created a tether between the chromosome and the first polar body. However, these anaphase I bridges were often able to resolve in a LEM-3 nuclease dependent manner, and chromosome tethers that persisted were frequently resolved during Meiosis II by a second mechanism that preferentially segregates the tethered sister chromatid into the polar body. Altogether these findings demonstrate that excess interfering crossovers can severely impact chromosome patterning and segregation, highlighting the importance of limiting the number of recombination events between homologous chromosomes for the proper execution of meiosis

    Experiences of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation With Combination Antithrombotic Therapy Post–Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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    Background: Up to 30% of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) have coronary artery disease, and many undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). In the setting of acute coronary syndrome with PCI, or high-risk elective PCI, Canadian AF guidelines recommend 1-30 days of acetylsalicylic acid, 1-12 months of clopidogrel, and oral anticoagulation (OAC) with doses that may change throughout the 12 months post-PCI. The complexity of these regimens may contribute to unplanned modifications (UPMs), increasing the risk of thrombosis and/or bleeding. We describe what happens to these patients and their antithrombotic therapy (ATT) after discharge. Methods: Prospective follow-up was conducted of patients with AF requiring OAC who underwent PCI and were discharged on combination ATT. Patients were contacted at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months post-PCI. Results: Sixty-five patients were enrolled, with data at any time point available for 61 of them (94%). Of these, 44 (68%) experienced at least one UPM to ATT. In total, 105 UPMs occurred. The most common UPM was an extended duration of P2Y12 inhibitor (23 instances; 22%). The most common UPM with acetylsalicylic acid was extended (11 instances; 11%) or shortened (11 instances; 11%) duration. Thirty-nine UPMs (37%) were related to OACs; 9 (23%) were related to warfarin, and 30 (77%) were related to direct OACs. Of all patients with at least one UPM, 33 (75%) experienced bleeding. Conclusions: More than 2 in 3 patients with AF undergoing PCI experienced a UPM to their ATT. This study underscores the challenges of combination ATT for patients and clinicians alike, emphasizing the need for patient support after discharge. Résumé: Contexte: Jusqu’à 30 % des patients atteints de fibrillation auriculaire (FA) ont une coronaropathie, et nombre d’entre eux doivent subir une intervention coronarienne percutanée (ICP). En présence d’un syndrome coronarien aigu nécessitant une ICP ou dans le cas d’une ICP non urgente associée à un risque élevé, on recommande, dans les lignes directrices canadiennes sur la FA, un traitement de 1 à 30 jours par l’acide acétylsalicylique, de 1 à 12 mois par le clopidogrel, et une anticoagulothérapie orale (ACO) à des doses pouvant varier durant les 12 mois suivant l’ICP. La complexité de ces schémas posologiques peut contribuer à des modifications non planifiées (MNP) du traitement, ce qui accroît le risque de thrombose et/ou de saignement. Nous décrivons ce qui advient de ces patients et de leur traitement antithrombotique (TAT) après le congé de l’hôpital. Méthodologie: Un suivi prospectif a été réalisé chez des patients atteints de FA nécessitant une ACO, ayant subi une ICP et recevant un TAT lors de leur congé de l’hôpital. Les patients ont été contactés 1, 3, 6 et 12 mois après leur ICP. Résultats: Parmi les soixante-cinq patients inscrits, des données ont été obtenues pour 61 d’entre eux (94 %) à un moment ou à un autre. Au moins une MNP du TAT a eu lieu chez 44 (68 %) de ces 61 patients, pour un total de 105 MNP. La MNP la plus fréquente était la prolongation de la durée du traitement par un inhibiteur du P2Y12 (23 cas, soit 22 %). La MNP la plus fréquente du traitement par l’acide acétylsalicylique était la prolongation (11 cas, soit 11 %) ou le raccourcissement (11 cas, soit 11 %) de la durée du traitement. Au total, 39 MNP (37 %) étaient liées à des anticoagulants oraux, 9 (23 %) à la warfarine et 30 (77 %) à des anticoagulants oraux directs. Sur l’ensemble des patients ayant fait l’objet d’au moins une MNP, 33 (75 %) ont subi un saignement. Conclusions: Une MNP du TAT a eu lieu chez plus des deux tiers des patients atteints de FA ayant subi une ICP. Cette étude souligne les difficultés que pose un TAT d’association, tant pour les patients que pour les médecins, ce qui met en évidence la nécessité d’accompagner les patients après leur congé de l’hôpital