375 research outputs found

    Abundance distributions over the surfaces of magnetic ApBp stars: theoretical predictions

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    Recently published empirical abundance maps, obtained through (Zeeman) Doppler mapping (ZDM), do not currently agree with the abundance structures predicted by means of numerical models of atomic diffusion in magnetic atmospheres of ApBp stars. In a first step towards the resolution of these discrepancies, we present a state of the art grid of equilibrium abundance stratifications in the atmosphere of a magnetic Ap star with T_eff = 10000 K and log g = 4.0. A description of the behaviour of 16 chemical elements including predictions concerning the over- and/or under-abundances over the stellar surface is followed by a discussion of the possible influence of presently neglected physical processes.Comment: 8 pages. To be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal. Accepted 2015 September 2

    Modelling element distributions in the atmospheres of magnetic Ap stars

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    In recent papers convincing evidence has been presented for chemical stratification in Ap star atmospheres, and surface abundance maps have been shown to correlate with the magnetic field direction. Radiatively driven diffusion in magnetic fields is among the processes responsible for these inhomogeneities. Here we explore the hypothesis that equilibrium stratifications can, in a number of cases, explain the observed abundance maps and vertical distributions of the various elements. The investigation of equilibrium stratifications in stellar atmospheres with temperatures from 8500K to 12000K and fields up to 10 kG reveals considerable variations in the vertical distribution of the 5 elements studied (Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe), often with zones of large over- or under-abundances and with indications of other competing processes (such as mass loss). Horizontal magnetic fields can be very efficient in helping the accumulation of elements in higher layers. A comparison between our calculations and the vertical abundance profiles and surface maps derived by magnetic Doppler imaging reveals that equilibrium stratifications are in a number of cases consistent with the main trends inferred from observed spectra. However, it is not clear whether such equilibrium solutions will ever be reached during the evolution of an Ap star.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, the paper will be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, on November 200

    Scandium: A key element for understanding Am stars

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    {\rm Context.} Atomic diffusion is believed to cause the abundance anomalies observed in AmFm stars. However, the detailed process has still not been well-established. For instance, two possible scenarios for the diffusion theory are presently envisaged. They differ mainly by the depth from which the abundance anomalies emanate. The first scenario predicts that the abundances are modified in the superficial regions of the star, just below the hydrogen convection zone. The second scenario predicts that a much deeper extension of the mixing zone exists due to the convection caused by Fe accumulation in regions below the hydrogen convection zone. {\rm Aims.} We calculate much more accurate radiative accelerations of Sc than previously, to better understand the observed abundance anomalies of this element. We believe that it is a key element to use as a diagnostic tool for understanding AmFm stars. {\rmMethods.} The method employed to obtain these radiative accelerations is based on an interpolation from the parameters of the so-called SVP parametric method. {\rm Results.} The radiative accelerations, shown here in a typical Am stellar model, are discussed in light of the observed anomalies of Ca and Sc. Our results suggest that the deeper mixing scenario is not entirely satisfactory: the mixing zone should be deeper than what is predicted by recent models to account for observed Sc underabundances. Our results seem more compatible with the scenario where the abundances anomalies are created in the superficial regions. However, only detailed evolutionary modelling with mass loss and diffusion of all important species, including Ca and Sc, with accurate radiative accelerations, will be able to give more insight into where the source of these anomalies occur in AmFm stars.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Abundance anomalies in pre-main-sequence stars: Stellar evolution models with mass loss

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    The effects of atomic diffusion on internal and surface abundances of A and F pre-main-sequence stars with mass loss are studied in order to determine at what age the effects materialize, as well as to further understand the processes at play in HAeBe and young ApBp stars. Self-consistent stellar evolution models of 1.5 to 2.8Msun with atomic diffusion (including radiative accelerations) for all species within the OPAL opacity database were computed and compared to observations of HAeBe stars. Atomic diffusion in the presence of weak mass loss can explain the observed abundance anomalies of pre-main-sequence stars, as well as the presence of binary systems with metal rich primaries and chemically normal secondaries such as V380 Ori and HD72106. This is in contrast to turbulence models which do not allow for abundance anomalies to develop on the pre-main-sequence. The age at which anomalies can appear depends on stellar mass. For A and F stars, the effects of atomic diffusion can modify both the internal and surface abundances before the onset of the MS. The appearance of important surface abundance anomalies on the pre-main-sequence does not require mass loss, though the mass loss rate affects their amplitude. Observational tests are suggested to decipher the effects of mass loss from those of turbulent mixing. If abundance anomalies are confirmed in pre-main-sequence stars they would severely limit the role of turbulence in these stars.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepeted for publicatio

    The new Toulouse-Geneva Stellar Evolution Code including radiative accelerations of heavy elements

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    Atomic diffusion has been recognized as an important process that has to be considered in any computations of stellar models. In solar-type and cooler stars, this process is dominated by gravitational settling, which is now included in most stellar evolution codes. In hotter stars, radiative accelerations compete with gravity and become the dominant ingredient in the diffusion flux for most heavy elements. Introducing radiative accelerations into the computations of stellar models modifies the internal element distribution and may have major consequences on the stellar structure. Coupling these processes with hydrodynamical stellar motions has important consequences that need to be investigated in detail. We aim to include the computations of radiative accelerations in a stellar evolution code (here the TGEC code) using a simplified method (SVP) so that it may be coupled with sophisticated macroscopic motions. We also compare the results with those of the Montreal code in specific cases for validation and study the consequences of these coupled processes on accurate models of A- and early-type stars. We implemented radiative accelerations computations into the Toulouse-Geneva stellar evolution code following the semi-analytical prescription proposed by Alecian and LeBlanc. This allows more rapid computations than the full description used in the Montreal code. We present results for A-type stellar models computed with this updated version of TGEC and compare them with similar published models obtained with the Montreal evolution code. We discuss the consequences for the coupling with macroscopic motions, including thermohaline convection.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, published in A&

    HD66051: the first eclipsing binary hosting an early-type magnetic star

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    Early-type magnetic stars are rarely found in close binary systems. No such objects were known in eclipsing binaries prior to this study. Here we investigated the eclipsing, spectroscopic double-lined binary HD66051, which exhibits out-of-eclipse photometric variations suggestive of surface brightness inhomogeneities typical of early-type magnetic stars. Using a new set of high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations, we discovered a weak magnetic field on the primary and found intrinsic, element-dependent variability in its spectral lines. The magnetic field structure of the primary is dominated by a nearly axisymmetric dipolar component with a polar field strength Bd≈600B_{\rm d}\approx600 G and an inclination with respect to the rotation axis of ÎČd=13o\beta_{\rm d}=13^{\rm o}. A weaker quadrupolar component is also likely to be present. We combined the radial velocity measurements derived from our spectra with archival optical photometry to determine fundamental masses (3.16 and 1.75 M⊙M_\odot) and radii (2.78 and 1.39 R⊙R_\odot) with a 1-3% precision. We also obtained a refined estimate of the effective temperatures (13000 and 9000 K) and studied chemical abundances for both components with the help of disentangled spectra. We demonstrate that the primary component of HD66051 is a typical late-B magnetic chemically peculiar star with a non-uniform surface chemical abundance distribution. It is not an HgMn-type star as suggested by recent studies. The secondary is a metallic-line star showing neither a strong, global magnetic field nor intrinsic spectral variability. Fundamental parameters provided by our work for this interesting system open unique possibilities for probing interior structure, studying atomic diffusion, and constraining binary star evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA
