4 research outputs found

    Encefalopatia Hashimoto - opis przypadku

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    The impact of thyroid hormones upon the proper function of central nervous system has been known for many years. The neurological symptoms and psychiatric disturbances may occur both in case of hypo- as well as hyperthyreosis. The encephalopathy Hashimoto (EH) described in this paper is a rare illness which occurs in case of patients suffering from the autoimmunological thyroid disease and increased level of antibodies in serum without any connections to the thyroid function. It is characterised by a variety of neurological symptoms and psychotic disturbances, acute state, high reoccurrence and good reaction to glicocorticosteroid treatment. Although we face encephalopathy Hashimoto extremely rarely in the clinical practice one should remember about it during the diagnostic process because when it is a long lasting untreated illness it may lead to the irreversible changes in the central nervous system. (Pol J Endocrinol 2008; 59 (2): 168-171)Wpływ hormonów tarczycy na prawidłowe funkcjonowanie ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) jest znany od wielu lat. Objawy neurologiczne i zaburzenia psychiatryczne mogą występować zarówno w nadczynności, jak i niedoczynności tarczycy. Opisana w niniejszej pracy encefalopatia Hashimoto (EH) jest rzadkim schorzeniem występującym u chorych z autoimmunologiczną chorobą tarczycy i podwyższonym stężeniem przeciwciał przeciwtarczycowych w surowicy, niemającym związku z funkcją tarczycy. Charakteryzuje się różnorodnością objawów neurologicznych i zaburzeń psychotycznych, podostrym przebiegiem, dużą nawrotowością i dobrą reakcją na leczenie glikokortykosteroidami. Mimo że w praktyce klinicznej z EH można się spotkać niezwykle rzadko, należy o niej pamiętać w diagnostyce różnicowej, ponieważ długotrwała, nieleczona choroba może doprowadzić do nieodwracalnych zmian w OUN. (Endokrynol Pol 2008; 59 (2): 168-171

    Genetic newborn screening and digital technologies: A project protocol based on a dual approach to shorten the rare diseases diagnostic path in Europe.

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    Since 72% of rare diseases are genetic in origin and mostly paediatrics, genetic newborn screening represents a diagnostic "window of opportunity". Therefore, many gNBS initiatives started in different European countries. Screen4Care is a research project, which resulted of a joint effort between the European Union Commission and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations. It focuses on genetic newborn screening and artificial intelligence-based tools which will be applied to a large European population of about 25.000 infants. The neonatal screening strategy will be based on targeted sequencing, while whole genome sequencing will be offered to all enrolled infants who may show early symptoms but have resulted negative at the targeted sequencing-based newborn screening. We will leverage artificial intelligence-based algorithms to identify patients using Electronic Health Records (EHR) and to build a repository "symptom checkers" for patients and healthcare providers. S4C will design an equitable, ethical, and sustainable framework for genetic newborn screening and new digital tools, corroborated by a large workout where legal, ethical, and social complexities will be addressed with the intent of making the framework highly and flexibly translatable into the diverse European health systems

    Rare diseases' genetic newborn screening as the gateway to future genomic medicine: the Screen4Care EU-IMI project

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    Following the reverse genetics strategy developed in the 1980s to pioneer the identification of disease genes, genome(s) sequencing has opened the era of genomics medicine. The human genome project has led to an innumerable series of applications of omics sciences on global health, from which rare diseases (RDs) have greatly benefited. This has propelled the scientific community towards major breakthroughs in disease genes discovery, in technical innovations in bioinformatics, and in the development of patients' data registries and omics repositories where sequencing data are stored. Rare diseases were the first diseases where nucleic acid-based therapies have been applied. Gene therapy, molecular therapy using RNA constructs, and medicines modulating transcription or translation mechanisms have been developed for RD patients and started a new era of medical science breakthroughs. These achievements together with optimization of highly scalable next generation sequencing strategies now allow movement towards genetic newborn screening. Its applications in human health will be challenging, while expected to positively impact the RD diagnostic journey. Genetic newborn screening brings many complexities to be solved, technical, strategic, ethical, and legal, which the RD community is committed to address. Genetic newborn screening initiatives are therefore blossoming worldwide, and the EU-IMI framework has funded the project Screen4Care. This large Consortium will apply a dual genetic and digital strategy to design a comprehensive genetic newborn screening framework to be possibly translated into the future health care