3 research outputs found

    Controle alternativo da murcha bacteriana do pimentão utilizando óleos essenciais vegetais e silicato de cálcio

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    A murcha bacteriana do pimentão, causada por Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) raça 1, é uma fitobacteriose importante em Pernambuco e outros estados do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como objetivos testar o efeito de óleos vegetais e do silício (Si) no controle alternativo desta doença, seus efeitos diretos sobre Rs e verificar os possíveis mecanismos envolvidos nestes processos. Os óleos essenciais de bergamota, canela, capim limão, copaíba, eucalipto citriodora, eucalipto globulus, funcho, hortelã, laranja doce, limão, sálvia esclareia e palmarosa foram avaliados por biofumigação. O solo foi previamente infestado com Rs CGM-8 (filotipo I, raça 1, biovar 3, biotipo 8) a 5x108 UFC ml-1. Após sete dias, o solo foi biofumigado durante quatro dias com os doze óleos essenciais (0,14%; v:v) em casa de vegetação, e com os óleos de bergamota, laranja doce e palmarosa em campo. Foram avaliados: período de latência (PL50), incidência, índice de murcha bacteriana (IMB) e área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD); desenvolvimento da planta; população de Rs no solo; características do solo; e crescimento de Rs in vitro. Os óleos de palmarosa, bergamota e laranja doce elevaram o PL50 e reduziram IMB e AACPD em até 15, 60 e 64,4%, respectivamente, em casa de vegetação. Em campo, apenas o óleo de palmarosa aumentou o PL50 (38%) e reduziu IMB (36%) e AACPD (38%), elevando o número de frutos por planta. Apenas em casa de vegetação, solos biofumigados com os óleos de bergamota e laranja doce apresentaram maiores níveis de sódio que os tratados com palmarosa e testemunha, que não diferiram entre si. In vitro, o crescimento de Rs foi reduzido pelo óleo de palmarosa. O Si foi testado em pimentão cv. Enterprise cultivado em substrato contendo 0,00; 0,25; 0,50; 1,50 e 3,00 g de SiO2 kg-1 de substrato e transplantado para solo infestado com Rs CGM-8, avaliando-se: PL50, incidência, IMB, AACPD; biomassa; acúmulo de Ca+2, Mg+2 e Si; proteínas totais e atividade enzimática; características químicas do substrato e crescimento bacteriano in vitro. A dose 3,00 de Si aumentou o PL50 (34%) e reduziu IMB (63%) e AACPD (47,4%), aumentando ainda Ca+2 na parte área e reduzindo Mg+2 na parte aérea e raízes. A suplementação com diferentes doses de Si proporcionou incrementos máximos na biomassa fresca da parte área (121,8%), biomassa fresca da raiz (83,6%) e biomassa seca da parte aérea (84,9%); elevou proteínas totais, catalase, ascorbato peroxidase e quitinase; proporcionou acúmulo de Si na parte aérea e substrato; aumentou pH, Na+ e K+; e diminuiu P no substrato. Os prováveis mecanismos de ação do Si foram ação direta sobre a colonização do patógeno, ação indireta no desenvolvimento da planta, aumento na absorção de Ca+2 e sinalização para produção de enzimas de defesa da planta. Conclui-se que a biofumigação com o óleo essencial de palmarosa e a produção de mudas de pimentão em substrato contendo silicato de cálcio são práticas com potencial para o manejo alternativo da murcha bacteriana do pimentão.The bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) race 1, is an important bacterial disease in Pernambuco and other states of Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of essential oils and silicon (Si) on alternative disease control, their effects on Rs, and verify the putative mechanisms involved in these processes. The oils of bergamot, copal, fennel, peppermint, sweet orange, lemon, cinnamon, lemon grass, eucalyptus citriodora, eucalyptus globulus, clary sage, and palmarosa were evaluated by biofumigation. Soil was previously infested with Rs (filotype I, race 1, biovar 3, biotype 8) at 5x108 CFU ml-1 and after seven days biofumigated during four days with the twelve oils (0.14%, v:v) under greenhouse conditions, and with bergamot, sweet orange and palmarosa in field. It was evaluated: the latency period (PL50), incidence, index of bacterial wilt (IBW) and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), plant development, Rs population in soil, soil characteristics, and Rs growth in vitro. The oils of palmarosa, bergamot and sweet orange elevated the PL50 and reduced IBW and AUDPC up to 15, 60 and 64.4%, respectively in greenhouse. In the field only palmarosa elevated the PL50 (38%), reduced the IMB (36%) and AUDPC (38%), and increased the number of fruits per plant. Only under greenhouse conditions soil biofumigated with oils of bergamot and sweet orange had higher sodium levels than those treated with palmarosa or control, which did not differ among them. In vitro, the growth of Rs was inhibited by the oil of palmarosa. To evaluate the effect of silicon (Si), sweet pepper plants cv. Enterprise were grown in compost containing 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 1.50 and 3.00 g of SiO2 kg-1 of compost and transplanted into soil infested with isolate Rs CGM-8, being evaluated PL50, incidence, IMB and AUDPC; fresh and dry weight of shoot and root biomass, accumulation of Ca+2, Mg+2 and Si, total protein and enzymatic activity; chemical characteristics of substrate, and in vitro growth. The dose 3.00 g of SiO2 increased PL50 (34%), reduced IMB (63%) and AUDPC (47.4%), increasing also Ca+2 in shoots and reducing Mg+2 in shoots and roots. Supplementation with different Si doses resulted in maximum increments of fresh weight of shoot (121.8%), fresh weight of root (83.6%), and dry weight of shoot (84.9%); increased total protein, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and quitinase. Si was accumulated in the shoots and compost; pH, Na+ and K+ were elevated and P was reduced in the compost. The putative mechanisms of action of Si on disease control were direct action on the pathogen colonization, indirect action on plant growth, increase of Ca+2 absorption and signaling for producing plant defense enzymes. In conclusion, biofumigation with palmarosa oil and transplant production in compost containing calcium silicate are potential alternative strategies for the control of bacterial wilt of sweet pepper.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNP

    Survival of Acidovorax citrulli in infected melon tissues and in different edafoclimatic conditions

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    Abstract The survival of Acidovorax citrulli Aac1Rif was accessed in infected melon tissues (fruits and leaves) incorporated to the soil at 0, 5, 10 and 15 cm depth, in seven different types of soil, at temperatures 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ºC and moisture field capacity of 50 and 100% in the absence of the host plant. Aac1Rif was detected in melon tissues at 0, 5 and 10 cm until 21 days and at 15 cm until 14 days. The highest and lowest relative extinction rate of the population (RERP) for Aac1Rif occurred respectively in fruit tissues and leaf tissues at depths of 0 and 5 cm. Aac1Rif survived in seven types of soil only for three days. The lowest RERP occurred at 10 or 15 ºC and the highest at 30 or 35 ºC. Greater concentrations of Na+, silt, and greater populations of actinomycetes and Trichoderma were correlated with highest RERP of the Aac1Rif in the soil. There was significant difference between RERP at 100% and 50% of field capacity. The soil was not considered potential primary source of A. citrulli inoculum. Infected melon fruits and leaves in soil were considered as such sources, at least for 21 days