68 research outputs found

    Discovery of a Galaxy Cluster in the Foreground of the Wide-Separation Quasar Pair UM425

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    We report the discovery of a cluster of galaxies in the field of UM425, a pair of quasars separated by 6.5arcsec. Based on this finding, we revisit the long-standing question of whether this quasar pair is a binary quasar or a wide-separation lens. Previous work has shown that both quasars are at z=1.465 and show broad absorption lines. No evidence for a lensing galaxy has been found between the quasars, but there were two hints of a foreground cluster: diffuse X-ray emission observed with Chandra, and an excess of faint galaxies observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. Here we show, via VLT spectroscopy, that there is a spike in the redshift histogram of galaxies at z=0.77. We estimate the chance of finding a random velocity structure of such significance to be about 5%, and thereby interpret the diffuse X-ray emission as originating from z=0.77, rather than the quasar redshift. The mass of the cluster, as estimated from either the velocity dispersion of the z=0.77 galaxies or the X-ray luminosity of the diffuse emission, would be consistent with the theoretical mass required for gravitational lensing. The positional offset between the X-ray centroid and the expected location of the mass centroid is about 40kpc, which is not too different from offsets observed in lower redshift clusters. However, UM425 would be an unusual gravitational lens, by virtue of the absence of a bright primary lensing galaxy. Unless the mass-to-light ratio of the galaxy is at least 80 times larger than usual, the lensing hypothesis requires that the galaxy group or cluster plays a uniquely important role in producing the observed deflections. Based on observations performed with the Very Large Telescope at the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile.Comment: 12 pages, accepted by ApJ 2005, May 1

    Lens or Binary? Chandra Observations of the Wide Separation Broad Absorption Line Quasar Pair UM425

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    We have obtained a 110 ksec Chandra ACIS-S exposure of UM425, a pair of QSOs at z=1.47 separated by 6.5 arcsec, which show remarkably similar emission and broad absorption line (BAL) profiles in the optical/UV. Our 5000 count X-ray spectrum of UM425A (the brighter component) is well-fit with a power law (photon spectral index Gamma=2.0) partially covered by a hydrogen column of 3.8x10^22 cm^-2. The underlying power-law slope for this object and for other recent samples of BALQSOs is typical of radio-quiet quasars, lending credence to the hypothesis that BALs exist in every quasar. Assuming the same Gamma for the much fainter image of UM425B, we detect an obscuring column 5 times larger. We search for evidence of an appropriately large lensing mass in our Chandra image and find weak diffuse emission near the quasar pair, with an X-ray flux typical of a group of galaxies at redshift z ~ 0.6. From our analysis of archival HST WFPC2 and NICMOS images, we find no evidence for a luminous lensing galaxy, but note a 3-sigma excess of galaxies in the UM425 field with plausible magnitudes for a z=0.6 galaxy group. However, the associated X-ray emission does not imply sufficient mass to produce the observed image splitting. The lens scenario thus requires a dark (high M/L ratio) lens, or a fortuitous configuration of masses along the line of sight. UM425 may instead be a close binary pair of BALQSOs, which would boost arguments that interactions and mergers increase nuclear activity and outflows.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray emission from GPS/CSS sources

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    The high spatial resolution of the Chandra X-ray Observatory allows us to study the environment of GPS/CSS sources to within an arcsec of the strong compact core. We present the discovery of X-ray jets in two GPS quasars, PKS1127-145 and B2 0738+393, indicating that X-ray emission associated with the relativistic plasma is present at large distances from the GPS nucleus. We also discuss first results from Chandra observations of our GPS/CSS sample. We find that 6 out of 10 sources show intrinsic absorption at a level which may be sufficient to confine the GPS source.Comment: contribution to the Third Workshop on CSS/GPS Radio Sources, Kerastari, Greece, May 2002. Published in PASA, 2003 vol 20, p.11

    Chandra Detection of X-ray Absorption Associated with a Damped Lyman Alpha System

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    We have observed three quasars, PKS 1127-145, Q 1331+171 and Q0054+144, with the ACIS-S aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory, in order to measure soft X-ray absorption associated with intervening 21-cm and damped Lyα\alpha absorbers. For PKS 1127-145, we detect absorption which, if associated with an intervening z_{abs}=0.312 absorber, implies a metallicity of 23% solar. If the absorption is not at z_{abs}=0.312, then the metallicity is still constrained to be less than 23% solar. The advantage of the X-ray measurement is that the derived metallicity is insensitive to ionization, inclusion of an atom in a molecule, or depletion onto grains. The X-ray absorption is mostly due to oxygen, and is consistent with the oxygen abundance of 30% solar derived from optical nebular emission lines in a foreground galaxy at the redshift of the absorber. For Q1331+171 and Q 0054+144, only upper limits were obtained, although the exposure times were intentionally short, since for these two objects we were interested primarily in measuring flux levels to plan for future observations. The imaging results are presented in a companion paper.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Real Time Space Weather Support for Chandra X-ray Observatory Operations

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    NASA launched the Chandra X-ray Observatory in July 1999. Soon after first light in August 1999, however, degradation in the energy resolution and charge transfer efficiency of the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) x-ray detectors was observed. The source of the degradation was quickly identified as radiation damage in the charge-transfer channel of the front-illuminated CCDs, by weakly penetrating ("soft", 100-500 keV) protons as Chandra passed through the Earth s radiation belts and ring currents. As soft protons were not considered a risk to spacecraft health before launch, the only on-board radiation monitoring system is the Electron, Proton, and Helium Instrument (EPHIN) which was included on Chandra with the primary purpose of monitoring energetic solar particle events. Further damage to the ACIS detector has been successfully mitigated through a combination of careful mission planning, autonomous on-board radiation protection, and manual intervention based upon real-time monitoring of the soft-proton environment. The AE-8 and AP-8 trapped radiation models and Chandra Radiation Models are used to schedule science operations in regions of low proton flux. EPHIN has been used as the primary autonomous in-situ radiation trigger; but, it is not sensitive to the soft protons that damage the front-illuminated CCDs. Monitoring of near-real-time space weather data sources provides critical information on the proton environment outside the Earth's magnetosphere due to solar proton events and other phenomena. The operations team uses data from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) to provide near-real-time monitoring of the proton environment; however, these data do not give a representative measure of the soft-proton (less than 1 MeV) flux in Chandra s high elliptical orbit. The only source of relevant measurements of sub-MeV protons is the Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (EPAM) aboard the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite at L1, with real-time data provided by NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center. This presentation will discuss radiation mitigation against proton damage, including models and real-time data sources used to protect the ACIS detector system
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