89 research outputs found

    Neglected Arboviruses in Latin America

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    Over the last decade, there has been an increasing concern for epidemics in Latin America, as well as in other regions, due to arboviruses causing epidemics. Before 2013, dengue and yellow fever were of major preoccupation in urban and rural areas, respectively. But after that year, the emergence of chikungunya (2013) and Zika (2015) with their widespread in the region, affected millions of individuals, especially in tropical countries. Nowadays, other alpha and flaviviruses, but also bunyaviruses, have been circulating in the region causing small outbreaks, as is the case of Mayaro, Madariaga, Rocio, Oropouche, and St. Louis encephalitis, among others. In the current chapter, we address the situation regarding these other arboviruses that have been neglected by also being a differential diagnosis and an etiology of febrile syndrome in the region

    Monkeypox virus – Would it arrive in Latin America?

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    May 2022 mark the beginning of a new outbreak of some degree of concern, globally, as it is spreading relatively quickly in multiple countries, between persons even without travel-related history [1]. Monkeypox, a DNA virus member of the Orthopoxvirus genus (family Poxviridae) (Figure 1), is now the cause of clinical disease in almost 200 hundred suspected cases in more than a dozen of countries (Figure 2) outside Africa, where this zoonosis is endemic, especially in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the Republic of the Congo and Nigeria. As the number of cases increases daily, the question in Latin America is quite apparent. Would Monkeypox arrive in Latin America? Yes. When writing this Editorial, a suspected case is already investigated in Argentina. A traveller from Spain, with clinical findings compatible with Monkeypox infection. Then, as has occurred with the COVID-19 pandemic [2], we should expect to have more suspected Monkeypox cases in Argentina, as well as, in other countries, especially in those with a large volume of international flights between them and North America and Europe, as is the case of Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru, among others in the region

    Tuberculosis bovina por Mycobacterium bovis en fincas ganaderas de Colombia

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    El nombre “tuberculosis” se origina de los nódulos, denominados “tubérculos”, los cuales se forman en ganglios linfáticos del animal afectado. La tuberculosis bovina es una enfermedad crónica de los animales provocada por la bacteria Mycobacterium bovis, un bacilo que pertenece al género Mycobacterium, el cual guarda relación con las bacterias causantes de tuberculosis humana y aviar. Aunque se ha identificado principalmente en el ganado vacuno, también se han presentado casos en donde se describe la tuberculosis bovina tanto en animales domésticos y no domésticos. M. bovis se ha identificado en búfalos, bisontes, ovejas, cabras, caballos, cerdos, jabalíes, etc

    Mapping Eastern (EEE) and Venezuelan Equine Encephalitides (VEE) among Equines Using Geographical Information Systems, Colombia, 2008–2019

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    ": Introduction: Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) viruses are zoonotic pathogens affecting humans, particularly equines. These neuroarboviruses compromise the central nervous system and can be fatal in different hosts. Both have significantly influenced Colombia; however, few studies analyse its behaviour, and none develop maps using geographic information systems to characterise it. Objective: To describe the temporalspatial distribution of those viruses in Colombia between 2008 and 2019. Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study, based on weekly reports by municipalities of the ICA, of the surveillance of both arboviruses in equines, in Colombia, from 2008 to 2019. The data were converted into databases in Microsoft Access 365®, and multiple epidemiological maps were generated with the Kosmo RC1®3.0 software coupled to shape files of all municipalities in the country. Results: In the study period, 96 cases of EEE and 70 of VEE were reported, with 58% of EEE cases occurring in 2016 and 20% of EEV cases in 2013. The most affected municipalities for EEE corresponded to the department of Casanare: Yopal (20), Aguazul (16), and Tauramena (10). In total, 40 municipalities in the country reported ≥1 case of EEE. Conclusions: The maps allow a quick appreciation of groups of neighbouring municipalities in different departments (1◦ political division) and regions of the country affected by those viruses, which helps consider the expansion of the disease associated with mobility and transport of equines between other municipalities, also including international borders, such as is the case with Venezuela. In that country, especially for EEV, municipalities in the department of Cesar are bordering and at risk for that arboviral infection. there is a high risk of equine encephalitis outbreaks, especially for VEE. This poses a risk also, for municipalities in the department of Cesar, bordering with Venezuela.

    Tuberculosis bovina por Mycobacterium bovis en fincas ganaderas de Colombia

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    El nombre “tuberculosis” se origina de los nódulos, denominados “tubérculos”, los cuales se forman en ganglios linfáticos del animal afectado. La tuberculosis bovina es una enfermedad crónica de los animales provocada por la bacteria Mycobacterium bovis, un bacilo que pertenece al género Mycobacterium, el cual guarda relación con las bacterias causantes de tuberculosis humana y aviar. Aunque se ha identificado principalmente en el ganado vacuno, también se han presentado casos en donde se describe la tuberculosis bovina tanto en animales domésticos y no domésticos. M. bovis se ha identificado en búfalos, bisontes, ovejas, cabras, caballos, cerdos, jabalíes, etc

    Caracterización de Casos Atendidos de Toxocariasis Visceral y Ocular en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Caracas, Venezuela, 2011-2016

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    Introducción: La toxocariasis es una zoonosis prevalente en muchas regiones tropicales y subtropicales. En Venezuela existe un número relativamente bajo de investigaciones, pese a su alta frecuencia, cuando es buscada. Por estas razones se revisó el comportamiento en 6 años de los pacientes atendidos en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical (IMT) para esta patología. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, en el período 2011-2016, evaluando los diagnósticos y las principales características de los casos atendidos con toxocariasis en el IMT, por técnicas inmunológicas como ELISA, Wester-blot y ELISA Avidez IgG. Resultados: Se atendieron 2.750 casos (408 casos por año ±184); 69,5% correspondieron a toxocariasis visceral. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue 20,43 años (IC95% 19,5-21,27), 54,9% del género masculino; 51,47% refirió la posesión de mascotas, 40,46% eran del Distrito Capital (resto de los 24 estados). Del total, 53,02% fueron positivos por ELISA, en estos la mediana de Avidez de anticuerpos IgG anti-Toxocara canis fue de 86%. En cuanto a la eosinofilia, los valores promedios fueron de 22,6% (IC95% 21,1-24,1%), mayores en aquellos con ELISA positiva (promedio 23,9%) (p=0,0268), también significativamente mayores en pacientes con toxocariasis visceral (22,9%) (p=0,0364). Discusión: La toxocariasis sigue siendo un importante problema de salud pública que requiere mayor estudio y evaluación. Se requieren estudios trasversales y prospectivos para precisar mejor su comportamiento epidemiológico, así como en el conocimiento de su impacto clínico. El desarrollo de mejores técnicas de diagnóstico, y en particular de biología molecular, son una clara necesidad en Venezuela y otros países de la región