99 research outputs found

    A fire modeling approach to assess wildfire exposure of valued resources in central Navarra, Spain

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    Wildfires are a growing threat to socio-economic and natural resources in the wildland-rural-urban intermix in central Navarra (Spain), where recent fast-spreading and spotting short fire events have overwhelmed suppression capabilities. A fire simulation modeling approach based on the minimum travel time (MTT) algorithm was used to analyze the wildfire exposure of highly valued resources and assets (HVRAs) in a 28,000 ha area. We replicated 30,000 fires at fine resolution (20 m), based on wildfire season and recent fire weather and moisture conditions, historical ignition patterns and spatially-explicit canopy fuels derived from low-density airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). Detailed maps of simulated fire likelihood, fire intensity and fire size were used to assess spatial patterns of HVRA exposure to fire and to analyze large fire initiation and spread through source-sink ratio and fire potential index. Crown fire activity was estimated and used to identify potential spotting-emission hazardous stands. The results revealed considerable variation in fire risk causative factors among and within HVRAs. Exposure levels across HVRAs were mainly related to the combined effects of anthropic ignition locations, fuels, topography and weather conditions. We discuss the potential of fire management strategies such as prioritizing mitigation treatment and fire ignition prevention monitoring, informed by fine-scale geospatial quantitative risk assessment outcome

    Estudio de la afección del nematodo de las agallas del cereal (Anguina sp) en cebada

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    La cebada es uno de los cereales más sembrados en Navarra, suponiendo hasta 87.968 hectáreas, tanto de secano como de regadío, proporcionando una cosecha de 327.248 toneladas en 2011 (Fuente: Coyuntura Agraria). En los últimos años, se ha detectado la presencia en la espiga de unos daños cuyos síntomas se asemejan al ataque de nematodos de agallas en la espiga del trigo (Anguina sp). Dado que esta plaga resulta desconocida y que no está descrita en cebada, se ha diseñado un estudio para: 1.Conocer los cultivos sensibles a este nematodo. 2.Conocer el estado fenológico en el que el nematodo se encuentra en la planta. 3.Conocer el efecto causado por el cambio en la fecha de siembra para el control del nematodo. 4.Conocer si la utilización de la semilla infectada facilita la propagación del nematodo. 5.Valorar la incidencia y la continuidad dela plaga en la campaña 2011-2012 Los ensayos realizados durante el estudio, son los siguientes: 1.Descripción del nematodo en el Laboratorio de Biología Vegetal del Gobierno de Navarra, a partir de agallas recogidas la campaña pasada y muestras de plantas recolectadas en esta campaña. 2.Para determinar la incidencia del nematodo sobre los cultivos, se han diseñado ensayos en campo llevados a cabo por INTIA (Instituto Navarro de Tecnologías e Infraestructuras Agrarias). Tras el análisis estadístico correspondiente, los resultados obtenidos Nos proporcionarán una información que podrá ser utilizada como conclusiones de este trabajo.Ingeniería Técnica AgrícolaNekazaritza Ingeniaritza Tekniko

    La competencia oral formal en las aulas de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO)

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    El siguiente trabajo fin de máster (TFM) observa el tratamiento del discurso oral formal en las aulas públicas Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de los institutos públicos de Navarra analizándolo en relación con la legislación educativa vigente; después de lo cual y tras desprenderse que su tratamiento es inadecuado, propone una forma de trabajo concreta (mediante la presentación de distintas plantillas y materiales tanto para el profesor como para el alumno) que construida sobre la máxima de respeto al marco legal en que se inscribe, resulte rigurosa, práctica y útilThis academic work observes how the public secondary obligatory school in Navarra deals with the oral formal speech, analysing it in relation with the educational legislation in force; afterwards, and resolving that the oral formal speech is inappropriately treated, it proposes an specific way of working on that topic (giving some materials not only for students but also for teachers) that takes into account the legal framework that involves it, trying to be rigorous, versatile and usefulMáster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria por la Universidad Pública de NavarraBigarren Hezkuntzako Irakasletzako Unibertsitate Masterra Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Evaluación de distintos compost (industrial y doméstico) como ingrediente de sustrato y la acción de lavado sobres los mismos en pensamiento

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    El presente trabajo evalúa el efecto del compost industrial y doméstico como ingrediente de sustrato. Se han utilizado 4 tipos de compost: uno comercial, otro formado por residuos vegetales y dos domésticos con residuos cárnicos (cada uno con distintas proporciones de estructurante). Se realizaron los distintos tratamientos mezclando cada compost (al 25 y 75 % v/v) con sustrato base obtenido con turba y perlita (proporción 3:1 v/v). El sustrato base se empleó puro como tratamiento de control. Dos de los compost con mayor conductividad eléctrica (CE) se han lavado y se ha medido la CE de los lixiviados así como su composición (incluyendo metales pesados) (análisis ICP-OES). Se han transplantado las plantas ornamentales (Viola × wittrockiana) a cada una de las macetas, habiendo 4 réplicas por tratamiento (44 macetas en total). Durante el ensayo se ha medido la altura, número de hojas y flores, y diámetro de las flores. Al final del ensayo se han cosechado las plantas y se ha medido el índice SPAD, así como peso de hojas, flores y de la planta entera. En general, el compost doméstico se puede aplicar a dosis altas sin ningún efecto negativo sobre el rendimiento, mientras que el compost industrial puede dañar al cultivo al aplicarlo a dosis tan altas. El lavado sirvió para disminuir la CE e hizo que los niveles de metales pesados fuesen bajos. En términos de crecimiento, se observaron diferencias significativas en la precocidad de floración. Además, se puede decir que la mezcla de compost doméstico que contiene residuos cárnicos produce un producto final de calidad, que puede sustituir a la turba. Así, estos composts utilizados se convierten en una alternativa al uso de la turba (material no renovable) y sirven para dar salida a determinados residuos.Ingeniería AgronómicaNekazaritza Ingeniaritz

    Assessing wildland fire risk transmission to communities in northern Spain

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    We assessed potential economic losses and transmission to residential houses from wildland fires in a rural area of central Navarra (Spain). Expected losses were quantified at the individual structure level (n = 306) in 14 rural communities by combining fire model predictions of burn probability and fire intensity with susceptibility functions derived from expert judgement. Fire exposure was estimated by simulating 50,000 fire events that replicated extreme (97th percentile) historical fire weather conditions. Spatial ignition probabilities were used in the simulations to account for non-random ignitions, and were estimated from a fire occurrence model generated with an artificial neural network. The results showed that ignition probability explained most of spatial variation in risk, with economic value of structures having only a minor effect. Average expected loss to residential houses from a single wildfire event in the study area was 7955¿, and ranged from a low of 740 to the high of 28,725¿. Major fire flow-paths were analyzed to understand fire transmission from surrounding municipalities and showed that incoming fires from the north exhibited strong pathways into the core of the study area, and fires spreading from the south had the highest likelihood of reaching target residential structures from the longest distances (>5 km). Community firesheds revealed the scale of risk to communities and extended well beyond administrative boundaries. The results provided a quantitative risk assessment that can be used by insurance companies and local landscape managers to prioritize and allocate investments to treat wildland fuels and identify clusters of high expected loss within communities. The methodological framework can be extended to other fire-prone southern European Union countries where communities are threatened by large wildland fires.This work was funded by a University of Lleida Research training fellowship to Fermín J. Alcasena Urdíroz

    Integrating geospatial wildfire models to delineate landscape management zones and inform decision-making in Mediterranean areas

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    Despite the abundant firefighting resources deployed to reinforce the fire exclusion policy, extreme events continue to cause substantial losses in Mediterranean regions. These catastrophic wildfires question the merely-reactive response, while science-based decision-making advocates for a paradigm shift towards a long-term solution to coexist with fire. Comprehensive management solutions integrate multiple efforts to minimize the number of escaped wildfires in fire ignition hotspots, restrict large fire spread across the landscape, and prevent losses to valued resources and assets. This study develops a wildfire management zone (WMZ) delineation framework to inform decision-making in fire-prone Mediterranean landscapes. First, we combined modeling outcomes of wildfire occurrence, initial attack success, and wildfire transmission to communities to segment the landscape in WMZ blocks. We assumed the worst-case scenario in terms of fire simultaneity and weather conditions to implement the models. The geospatial outcomes were assembled and classified into four primary archetypes, and we then designated the most suitable risk mitigation strategies for each management unit. The WMZs included (1) comprehensive management, (2) human ignition prevention, (3) intensive fuel management, and (4) fire reintroduction areas. Finally, we downscaled within zones to assign specific management prescriptions to the different areas. The results were presented in a set of cross-scale maps to assist in designing risk management plans and raise social awareness. The methodological framework developed in this study may be valuable to help mitigate risk in fire-prone Mediterranean areas, but also in other regions in which similar total suppression policies fail to reduce catastrophic wildfire losses.This work has been financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, postdoctoral ‘Juan de la Cierva Formación’ research grant (FJCI-2016-31090) awarded by Marcos Rodrigues. The work was partially funded by the projects FirEUrisk “DEVELOPING A HOLISTIC, RISK-WISE STRATEGY FOR EUROPEAN WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT”. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003890; and CLIMARK “Forest management promotion for climate mitigation through the design of a local market of climatic credits” (LIFE16 CCM/ES/000065)

    Assessing the Wildfire Activity in the Protected Areas of the Amazon Basin, General Assembly EGU 2021

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    Despite growing concerns regarding the Amazonian wildfires, the magnitude of the problem is poorly understood. In this study, we assessed the wildfire activity in the protected natural sites (n= 428) of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela, encompassing an area of 1.4 million km2 of the Amazon basin. A 250 m resolution spectroradiometer sensor imaging (MODIS) was used to obtain land-use/land-cover (MODIS land use land cover product) changes and derive the wildfire activity data (ignition locations and burned areas (MODIS active fire products)) from 2001 to 2018. First, we characterized the mean fire return interval, wildfire occurrence, and empiric burn probability. Then, we implemented a transmission analysis to assess the burned area from incoming fires. We used transmission analysis to characterize the land use and anthropic activities associated to fire ignition locations across the different countries. On average, 867 km 2 of natural forests were burned in protected natural sites annually, and about 85 incoming fires per year from neighboring areas accounted for 10.5% (9,128 ha) of the burned area. The most affected countries were Brazil (53%), Bolivia (24%), and Venezuela (16%).Considerable amount of fire ignition points were detected in open savannas (29%) and grasslands (41%) , where the fire is periodically used to clear extensive grazing properties. The incoming fires from savannas were responsible for burning the largest forest areas within protected sites, affecting as much as 9,800 ha in a single fire event. In conclusion, we discuss the potential implications of the main socioeconomic factors and environmental policies that could explain increasing trends of burned areas. Wildfire risk mitigation strategies include the fire ignition prevention in developed areas, fire use regulation in rural communities, increased fuels management efforts in the buffer areas surrounding natural sites, and the early detection system that may facilitate a rapid and effective fire control response. Our analysis and quantitative outcomes describing the fire activity represent a sound science-based approach for an well defined wildfire management within the protected areas of the Amazonian basin