500 research outputs found

    Diluted Networks of Nonlinear Resistors and Fractal Dimensions of Percolation Clusters

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    We study random networks of nonlinear resistors, which obey a generalized Ohm's law, VIrV\sim I^r. Our renormalized field theory, which thrives on an interpretation of the involved Feynman Diagrams as being resistor networks themselves, is presented in detail. By considering distinct values of the nonlinearity r, we calculate several fractal dimensions characterizing percolation clusters. For the dimension associated with the red bonds we show that dred=1/νd_{\scriptsize red} = 1/\nu at least to order {\sl O} (\epsilon^4), with ν\nu being the correlation length exponent, and ϵ=6d\epsilon = 6-d, where d denotes the spatial dimension. This result agrees with a rigorous one by Coniglio. Our result for the chemical distance, d_{\scriptsize min} = 2 - \epsilon /6 - [ 937/588 + 45/49 (\ln 2 -9/10 \ln 3)] (\epsilon /6)^2 + {\sl O} (\epsilon^3) verifies a previous calculation by one of us. For the backbone dimension we find D_B = 2 + \epsilon /21 - 172 \epsilon^2 /9261 + 2 (- 74639 + 22680 \zeta (3))\epsilon^3 /4084101 + {\sl O} (\epsilon^4), where ζ(3)=1.202057...\zeta (3) = 1.202057..., in agreement to second order in ϵ\epsilon with a two-loop calculation by Harris and Lubensky.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Simulations of lattice animals and trees

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    The scaling behaviour of randomly branched polymers in a good solvent is studied in two to nine dimensions, using as microscopic models lattice animals and lattice trees on simple hypercubic lattices. As a stochastic sampling method we use a biased sequential sampling algorithm with re-sampling, similar to the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM) used extensively for linear polymers. Essentially we start simulating percolation clusters (either site or bond), re-weigh them according to the animal (tree) ensemble, and prune or branch the further growth according to a heuristic fitness function. In contrast to previous applications of PERM, this fitness function is {\it not} the weight with which the actual configuration would contribute to the partition sum, but is closely related to it. We obtain high statistics of animals with up to several thousand sites in all dimension 2 <= d <= 9. In addition to the partition sum (number of different animals) we estimate gyration radii and numbers of perimeter sites. In all dimensions we verify the Parisi-Sourlas prediction, and we verify all exactly known critical exponents in dimensions 2, 3, 4, and >= 8. In addition, we present the hitherto most precise estimates for growth constants in d >= 3. For clusters with one site attached to an attractive surface, we verify the superuniversality of the cross-over exponent at the adsorption transition predicted by Janssen and Lyssy. Finally, we discuss the collapse of animals and trees, arguing that our present version of the algorithm is also efficient for some of the models studied in this context, but showing that it is {\it not} very efficient for the `classical' model for collapsing animals.Comment: 17 pages RevTeX, 29 figures include

    Streaming instability of slime mold amoebae: An analytical model

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    During the aggregation of amoebae of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium, the interaction of chemical waves of the signaling molecule cAMP with cAMP-directed cell movement causes the breakup of a uniform cell layer into branching patterns of cell streams. Recent numerical and experimental investigations emphasize the pivotal role of the cell-density dependence of the chemical wave speed for the occurrence of the streaming instability. A simple, analytically tractable, model of Dictyostelium aggregation is developed to test this idea. The interaction of cAMP waves with cAMP-directed cell movement is studied in the form of coupled dynamics of wave front geometries and cell density. Comparing the resulting explicit instability criterion and dispersion relation for cell streaming with the previous findings of model simulations and numerical stability analyses, a unifying interpretation of the streaming instability as a cAMP wave-driven chemotactic instability is proposed

    Random Resistor-Diode Networks and the Crossover from Isotropic to Directed Percolation

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    By employing the methods of renormalized field theory we show that the percolation behavior of random resistor-diode networks near the multicritical line belongs to the universality class of isotropic percolation. We construct a mesoscopic model from the general epidemic process by including a relevant isotropy-breaking perturbation. We present a two-loop calculation of the crossover exponent ϕ\phi. Upon blending the ϵ\epsilon-expansion result with the exact value ϕ=1\phi =1 for one dimension by a rational approximation, we obtain for two dimensions ϕ=1.29±0.05\phi = 1.29\pm 0.05. This value is in agreement with the recent simulations of a two-dimensional random diode network by Inui, Kakuno, Tretyakov, Komatsu, and Kameoka, who found an order parameter exponent β\beta different from those of isotropic and directed percolation. Furthermore, we reconsider the theory of the full crossover from isotropic to directed percolation by Frey, T\"{a}uber, and Schwabl and clear up some minor shortcomings.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Intermediate temperature dynamics of one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets

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    We present a general theory for the intermediate temperature (T) properties of Heisenberg antiferromagnets of spin-S ions on p-leg ladders, valid for 2Sp even or odd. Following an earlier proposal for 2Sp even (Damle and Sachdev, cond-mat/9711014), we argue that an integrable, classical, continuum model of a fixed-length, 3-vector applies over an intermediate temperature range; this range becomes very wide for moderate and large values of 2Sp. The coupling constants of the effective model are known exactly in terms of the energy gap above the ground state (for 2Sp even) or a crossover scale (for 2Sp odd). Analytic and numeric results for dynamic and transport properties are obtained, including some exact results for the spin-wave damping. Numerous quantitative predictions for neutron scattering and NMR experiments are made. A general discussion on the nature of T>0 transport in integrable systems is also presented: an exact solution of a toy model proves that diffusion can exist in integrable systems, provided proper care is taken in approaching the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 38 pages, including 12 figure

    New Dynamic Monte Carlo Renormalization Group Method

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    The dynamical critical exponent of the two-dimensional spin-flip Ising model is evaluated by a Monte Carlo renormalization group method involving a transformation in time. The results agree very well with a finite-size scaling analysis performed on the same data. The value of z=2.13±0.01z = 2.13 \pm 0.01 is obtained, which is consistent with most recent estimates

    Cluster Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithms

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    We show that addition of Metropolis single spin-flips to the Wolff cluster flipping Monte Carlo procedure leads to a dramatic {\bf increase} in performance for the spin-1/2 Ising model. We also show that adding Wolff cluster flipping to the Metropolis or heat bath algorithms in systems where just cluster flipping is not immediately obvious (such as the spin-3/2 Ising model) can substantially {\bf reduce} the statistical errors of the simulations. A further advantage of these methods is that systematic errors introduced by the use of imperfect random number generation may be largely healed by hybridizing single spin-flips with cluster flipping.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Interfacial adsorption phenomena of the three-dimensional three-state Potts model

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    We study the interfacial adsorption phenomena of the three-state ferromagnetic Potts model on the simple cubic lattice by the Monte Carlo method. Finite-size scaling analyses of the net-adsorption yield the evidence of the phase transition being of first-order and kBTC/J=1.8166(2)k_{\rm B} T_{\rm C} / J = 1.8166 (2).Comment: 14 page

    Piscicultura de água doce: análise da capacitação de multiplicadores.

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    A experiência aqui sistematizada é resultado de um trabalho realizado a partir de uma parceria entre o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural (Senar) e a Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura, que resultou na realização do Curso de Capacitação de Multiplicadores em Piscicultura de Água Doce, realizado em 2011 no Município de Palmas, TO. A sistematização de experiências abarca diversas percepções dos atores envolvidos no processo para tal descrição, diferentemente de um relato de experiência que é unidirecional, sob apenas uma percepção. A presente sistematização foi coordenada por colaboradores do setor de transferência de tecnologia (TT) da Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura.bitstream/item/176437/1/CNPASA-2017-se16.pd

    Nonequilibrium relaxation of the two-dimensional Ising model: Series-expansion and Monte Carlo studies

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    We study the critical relaxation of the two-dimensional Ising model from a fully ordered configuration by series expansion in time t and by Monte Carlo simulation. Both the magnetization (m) and energy series are obtained up to 12-th order. An accurate estimate from series analysis for the dynamical critical exponent z is difficult but compatible with 2.2. We also use Monte Carlo simulation to determine an effective exponent, z_eff(t) = - {1/8} d ln t /d ln m, directly from a ratio of three-spin correlation to m. Extrapolation to t = infinity leads to an estimate z = 2.169 +/- 0.003.Comment: 9 pages including 2 figure