18 research outputs found

    Conceptions sociales et politiques des territoires de mbyá guaraní: quelques éléments actuels pour votre considération

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    Este trabajo presenta algunos de los elementos relevantes que hacen a las nociones y prácticas territoriales mbyá actuales, intentando mostrar que los usos y formas de ocupación espacial atraviesan las definiciones hegemónicas del territorio. Se parte de un análisis etnográfico considerando los casos particulares de comunidades o tekoa mbyá ubicadas en los Departamentos de Caazapá e Itapúa, Paraguay, junto a las cuales hemos realizado proyectos de relevamiento territorial. En un contexto de transformación radical de los territorios a partir del avance de la agroindustria, los mbyá desenvuelven sus modos propios de vida social, económica, política y religiosa, también reconfigurando nociones y prácticas territoriales en relación a la sociedad envolvente. Los marcos de referencia mbyá son redefinidos constantemente en las relaciones que mantienen las comunidades entre sí y con los jurua (noindígenas), y los demás seres presentes en el entorno.Este artigo apresenta alguns dos elementos relevantes que formam as noções e práticas territoriais Mbyá atuais, procurando demostrar que os usos e formas de ocupação espacial estão atravessadas pelas definições hegemônicas do território. A partir de uma análise etnográfica, se considera os casos específicos de aldeias ou "tekoa" Mbyá localizadas nos departamentos de Caazapá e Itapúa (Paraguai), com quem realizamos projetos de levantamento territorial. No contexto da transformação radical dos territórios debido ao avanço da agroindústria, os Mbya desenvolvem seus modos de vida sociais, econômicos, políticos e religiosos, reconfigurando noções e práticas territoriais próprias em relação à sociedade envolvente. Os quadros de referência Mbyá são constantemente redefinidos nas relações que as comunidades têm entre eles, com os jurua (não indígenas) e os demais seres presentes no entorno.This work introduces some of the most relevant elements that make up the current territorial notions and practices of the mbyá, in an attempt to show that the uses and ways of land occupation exceed the hegemonic definitions of territory. The basis is an ethnographic analysis that considers individual cases of communities or tekoa mbyá, located in the Caazapá and Itapúa departments in Paraguay, with which we have conducted a territorial survey. In a context of radical transformation of the territories, given the agribusiness advancement, the mbyá develop their own ways of social, economical, political and religious life, also reconfiguring territorial notions and practices in relation to the surrounding society. The mbyá frameworks are constantly redefined in the relationships they hold among their communities and with the jurua (non-indigenous), and other beings in the environment.Cet article présente certains des éléments les plus pertinentes qui font aux notions et pratiques territoriales mbyá actuelles, en essayant de montrer que les habitudes et formes d´occupation spatiale passent par les définitions hégémoniques du territoire. On part d´une analyse ethnographique en considérant les cas particuliers des communautés ou tekoa mbyá situées dans les Départements de Caazapá et Itapúa, Paraguay, avec lesquelles on a réalisé des projets d´enquête territoriale. Dans un contexte de transformation radicale des territoires à partir du progrès de l´agro-industrie, les mbyá développent leurs propres modes de vie sociale, économique, politique et religieuse, en reconfigurant aussi des notions et pratiques territoriales en relation avec la société qui l´entoure. Les cadres de référence mbyá sont redéfinis constamment dans les rapport qui ont les communautés entre elles et avec les jurua (non indigènes), et avec les autres êtres présents dans l´environnement.Fil: Rodriguez Alcala Escobar, Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales; Argentin

    Sistematización de la experiencia de paractica profesional de trabajo social desarrollada en el proyecto de empleabilidad del Centro de Atención Social y Referenciación de la Corporación el Minuto de Dios. Implementación de procesos y procedimientos

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    El trabajo realizado es soportado en la experiencia de las prácticas profesionales que se ejecutó dentro del Centro de Atención Social y Referenciación, específicamente en el proyecto de Empleabilidad, con el objetivo de Estructurar procesos y procedimientos del proyecto de la Corporación Minuto de Dios, contribuyendo al mejoramiento continuo de los servicios que ofrece a la comunidad, para racionalizar las operaciones orientadas a una mejor gestión de los procesos de los proyectos de la institución en el rendimiento, permitiendo una organización y orientación igualmente a beneficio de los usuarios del proyecto. Sin embargo, la intervención profesional no se soporta en la estructuración, también da cumplimiento a los objetivos específicos como; diseñar el procedimiento de empleabilidad para los usuarios que se benefician del servicio, desarrollar el manual de procedimientos del proyecto de empleabilidad para el mejoramiento del mismo y por último, presentar los procedimientos del proyecto para que el grupo de práctica profesional brinde continuidad y mejora. Estos objetivos fundamentados en el análisis de las encuestas aplicadas y el respectivo diagnostico

    Effect of colonic distension on small bowel motility measured by jejunal high-resolution manometry

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    Colonic distension; High-resolution manometry; Small bowel motilityDistensió colònica; Manometria d'alta resolució; Motilitat de l'intestí primDistensión colónica; Manometría de alta resolución; Motilidad del intestino delgadoBackground Abnormal motility patterns in the jejunum can be detected in patients with prominent colonic content, and these abnormalities may be due to either a primary jejunal dysfunction or a reflex distortion. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of colonic distension on small bowel postprandial motility using high-resolution manometry. Methods Single center, controlled, parallel, randomized, single blind study in healthy subjects testing the effect of colonic filling vs sham infusion on the responses to a meal in 16 healthy subjects. Nutrients were continuously infused in the proximal jejunum (2 Kcal/min) during the 2-h study period to induce a steady-state postprandial motor pattern. Jejunal motility was measured by water-perfused, high-resolution manometry. After 1 h postprandial recording (basal period), gas was infused during 7.5 min via a rectal tube (720 mL or sham infusion), and jejunal motility was recorded for another hour. Key Results Jejunal postprandial motility during the basal period was characterized by two overlapping components: a) continuous segmental activity (non-propagated or shortly propagated) and b) intercurrent propagated fronts (3.8 ± 1.1 fronts of 2-5 clustered contractions/h >10 cm propagation). As compared to sham infusion, colonic gas filling: a) inhibited continuous segmental contractile activity (by 17 ± 4%; p = 0.044 vs control group) and b) stimulated intermittent propagated fronts (up to 9.0 ± 2.2 fronts/h; p = 0.017 vs control group). Conclusions and Inferences Long retrograde reflexes induced by colonic distension distort the balance between segmental and propagated activity, and may affect the normal response of the jejunum to food ingestion. Jejunal manometry in patients may be artifacted by colonic overload

    Propagation patterns of jejunal motor activity measured by high-resolution water-perfused manometry

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICBackground: The manometric diagnosis of severe intestinal dysmotility is performed at most institutions using catheters with 2-8 sensors 5-10 cm apart. The recent application of high-resolution manometry catheters with closely spaced sensors to other gut segments has been highly successful. The objective of the present study was to determine the feasibility of a jejunal high-resolution manometry method and to carry out a descriptive analysis of normal jejunal motor function. Methods: A 36-channel high-resolution water-perfused manometry catheter (MMS-Laborie, Enschede, The Netherlands) was orally placed in the jejunum of 18 healthy subjects (10 men, eight women; 21-38 age range). Intestinal motility was recorded during 5 h, 3 during fasting, and 2 after a 450 kcal solid-liquid meal. Analysis of motility patterns was supported by computerized tools. Key Results: All healthy subjects except one showed at least one complete migrating motor complex during the 3 h fasting period. Phase III activity lasted 5 ± 1 min and migrated aborally at a velocity of 7 ± 3 cm/min. High-resolution spatial analysis showed that during phase III each individual contraction propagated rapidly (75 ± 37 cm/min) over a 32 ± 10 cm segment of the jejunum. During phase II, most contractile activity corresponded to propagated contractile events which increased in frequency from early to late phase II (0.5 ± 0.9 vs 2.5 ± 1.3 events/10 min, respectively; p < 0.001). After meal ingestion, non-propagated activity increased, whereas propagated events were less frequent than during late phase II. Conclusions & Inferences: Jejunal motility analysis with high-resolution manometry identifies propagated contractile patterns which are not apparent with conventional manometric catheters

    South African men who have sex with both men and women and how they differ from men who have sex with men exclusively

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    The label “men who have sex with men” (MSM) is used to categorize a diverse population exclusively on the basis of its sexual behavior. Understanding the diversity that this label comprises is critical for the development of health interventions that effectively reach the various populations subsumed under this label. In this cross-sectional study of South African MSM (N = 480) recruited through respondent-driven sampling (RDS), we explored differences between men who had sex with both men and women (MSMW) and men who had sex with men exclusively (MSME). We found significant differences between these two groups in terms of sexual attraction, sexual identity, sexual preferences, sexual histories, and current sexual practices. MSMW were more likely to be confused about their same-sex attraction, to experience internalized homophobia, and to have paid for sex in the previous year, while MSME were more gender nonconforming and more likely to have been forced to have sex in the previous year. These findings underscore that the MSM label comprises a diverse population and that exclusive sexual engagement with other men is a critical distinction to take into account in understanding this diversity and fully grasping the lived experiences of men who have sex with men.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hjsr202019-03-05hj2018Humanities EducationPsycholog

    Clinical significance of small bowel manometry patterns suggestive of intestinal obstruction

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    Constipation; Intestinal manometry; Intestinal neuropathyRestrenyiment; Manometria intestinal; Neuropatia intestinalEstreñimiento; Manometría intestinal; Neuropatía intestinalIntroduction Minute rhythm and prolonged simultaneous contractions are patterns of postprandial small bowel contractile activity that historically have been considered as suggestive of mechanical intestinal obstruction; however, these patterns have been also encountered in patients with motility-like symptoms in the absence of bowel obstruction. The objective of this study was to determine the current diagnostic outcome of patients with these intestinal manometry patterns. Methods Retrospective study of patients with chronic digestive symptoms evaluated by intestinal manometry at our center between 2010 and 2018. Results The minute rhythm (MRP) or prolonged simultaneous contractions (PSC) postprandial patterns were detected in 61 of 488 patients (55 MRP and 6 PSC). Clinical work-up detected a previously non-diagnosed partial mechanical obstruction of the distal intestine in 10 (16%) and a systemic disorder causing intestinal neuropathy in 32 (53%). In the remaining 19 patients (31%, all with MRP), the origin of the contractile pattern was undetermined, but in 16, substantial fecal retention was detected within 7 days of the manometric procedure by abdominal imaging, and in 6 of them colonic cleansing completely normalized intestinal motility on a second manometry performed within 39 ± 30 days. Conclusion and Inference Currently, the most frequent origin of MRP and PSC encountered on small bowel manometry is intestinal neuropathy, while a previously undetected mechanical obstruction is rare. Still, in a substantial proportion of patients, no underlying disease can be identified, and in them, colonic fecal retention might play a role, because in a subgroup of these patients, manometry normalized after colonic cleansing. Hence, colonic preparation may be considered prior to intestinal manometry.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-financed by the European Union (FEDER/FSE) [PI17/01794]; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica) [SAF 2016-76648-R]; Ciberehd is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. LA was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CM20/00182)

    Expedición cangrejo negro : informe técnico

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    El huracán Iota que pasó por las islas de providencia y Santa catalina el 16 de noviembre de 2020 produjo efectos importantes en los ecosistemas de las islas, así como en los servicios que estos ofrecen a las comunidades locales y que dan lugar a un atractivo turístico que se constituye en la principal actividad económica de las islas. Este trabajo corresponde a un esfuerzo por identificar áreas importantes para la prestación de los servicios ecosistémicos (SSE) en especial aquellas que pudieron haber resultado especialmente afectadas como resultado de Iota, para tal fin se aborda un enfoque basado en el análisis de datos geoespaciales, apoyado por la consulta de información secundaria. La revisión de la información secundaria permitió identificar SSE relevantes en la isla fundamentalmente relacionados con protección frente a desastres naturales y servicios de provisión y regulación hídrica, mientras que los análisis espaciales permitieron identificar cuencas importantes frente a estos servicios como Freshwater, Bailey, Bowden y Santa Catalina Sur, los análisis de imágenes satelitales por su parte permitieron identificar áreas afectadas por la pérdida de vegetación y acumulación de biomasa.Bogot

    Brain Infarction: Rare Neurological Presentation of African Bee Stings

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    Bee stings are commonly encountered worldwide. Various manifestations after bee sting have been described including local reactions which are common, systemic responses such as anaphylaxis, diffuse intravascular coagulation and hemolysis. We report a case of a 74-year-old man who developed neurologic deficit 5 hours after bee stings, which was confirmed to be left frontal infarction on brain CT-scan. The case does not follow the reported pattern of hypovolemic or anaphylactic shock, hemolysis and/or rhabdomyolysis, despite the potentially lethal amount of venom injected. Diverse mechanisms have been proposed to give an explanation to all the clinical manifestation of both toxic and allergic reactions secondary to bee stings. Currently, the most accepted one state that victims can develop severe syndrome characterized by the release of a large amount of cytokines

    South African Men Who Have Sex With Both Men and Women and How They Differ From Men Who Have Sex With Men Exclusively

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    The label “men who have sex with men” (MSM) is used to categorize a diverse population exclusively on the basis of its sexual behavior. Understanding the diversity that this label comprises is critical for the development of health interventions that effectively reach the various populations subsumed under this label. In this cross-sectional study of South African MSM (N = 480) recruited through respondent-driven sampling (RDS), we explored differences between men who had sex with both men and women (MSMW) and men who had sex with men exclusively (MSME). We found significant differences between these two groups in terms of sexual attraction, sexual identity, sexual preferences, sexual histories, and current sexual practices. MSMW were more likely to be confused about their same-sex attraction, to experience internalized homophobia, and to have paid for sex in the previous year, while MSME were more gender nonconforming and more likely to have been forced to have sex in the previous year. These findings underscore that the MSM label comprises a diverse population and that exclusive sexual engagement with other men is a critical distinction to take into account in understanding this diversity and fully grasping the lived experiences of men who have sex with men.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hjsr202019-03-05hj2018Humanities EducationPsycholog