4 research outputs found

    Evaluación de parámetros fisiológicos y de rendimiento en 14 genotipos de trigo primaveral tolerantes y susceptibles al estrés hídrico, en condiciones de invernadero

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    61 p.Entre de los cereales más cultivados en el mundo encontramos el trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), que ha sido de gran importancia en la dieta humana, abasteciendo de alimento a gran parte de la población mundial, ocupando grandes superficies para el desarrollo de este cultivo. En un futuro cercano la agricultura se verá afectada significativamente por el cambio climático, del que traerá consigo desfavorables consecuencias como el aumento de temperaturas y baja disponibilidad de agua, lo que generará una reducción de rendimientos en los cultivos junto a una pérdida de áreas cultivables. Los sistemas productivos de secano, también se verán afectados por este fenómeno, incluido el cultivo del trigo que tiene gran porcentaje de las siembras en estas condiciones productivas. Por esta razón es esencial adecuarse a este nuevo escenario, adaptándose adecuadamente para así maximizar la productividad en el sector agrícola. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento y desarrollo de 14 genotipos de trigo; susceptibles, tolerantes y control. Los genotipos estuvieron sometidos a condiciones hídricas contrastantes, tratamientos riego y sequía (con un 75% y un 30% de reposición con respecto a la capacidad de campo de las macetas respectivamente). El ensayo se desarrolló durante la temporada 2015, en el invernadero perteneciente al Centro de Mejoramiento Genético y Fenómica Vegetal de la Facultad de Agronomía, que se encuentra ubicado en el Campus Talca, de la Universidad de Talca, Avda. Lircay s/n, Talca, VII Región de Chile (35°24′19″S 71°37′59″O). Las variables evaluadas en el ensayo fueron; rendimiento de grano y sus componentes (peso de 1000 granos, numero de granos por espiga), número total de granos por planta, índice de cosecha, acumulación de biomasa (biomasa total, biomasa aérea, biomasa de raíz), relación biomasa raíz y biomasa aérea “root shoot”, eficiencia del uso del agua, producción de macollos y espigas, contenido de clorofilas y flavonoides, e índice del balance de nitrógeno. Los resultados muestran que no existen diferencias significativas en la interacción genotipo x ambiente en las variables evaluadas. A pesar de esto se puede indicar que los genotipos LE2384, FONTAGRO 92 y LE2367 destacan en rendimiento de grano, además, LE2384 resaltó en la eficiencia del uso del agua. En relación al contenido de clorofilas al final de la temporada, sobresalió FONTAGRO 92./ABSTRACT: The most cultivated cereals in the world are wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), which has been important in the human diet, supplying food to a large part of the world population, occupying larges areas for the development of this crop. In a near future agriculture will be significantly affected by climate change, which will bring with it unfavorable consequences such as rising temperatures and low availability of water, which will lead to a reduction in crop yields and also loss of arable land. The rainfed production systems, will also be affected by this phenomenon and in the of wheat cultivation, have a large percentage of the sowings in these productive conditions. For this reason, it is essential to adapt to this new scenario, adapting adequately to maximize productivity in the agricultural sector. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the behavior and development of 14 wheat genotypes; susceptible, tolerant and control, the genotypes were submitted under contrasting water conditions: irrigation and drought treatment (with 75% and 30% Of replenishment with respect to the field capacity of the pots, respectively). The experiment was carried out during the 2015 season, in the greenhouse which belongs to Centro de Mejoramiento Genético y Fenómica Vegetal de la Facultad de Agronomía , located in the Talca Campus, Talca University, Avda. Lircay s / n, Talca, Region VII of Chile (35 ° 24'19 "S 71 ° 37'59" W). The traits evaluated in the study were: Grain yield and its components (Thousand kernel weight, kernel per spike), total number of kernel per plant, harvest index, biomass accumulation (total biomass, aerial biomass, root biomass), root shoot, water efficiency, tillering and ear production, chlorophyll and flavonoid content, and nitrogen balance index. The results show that there are no significant differences in the evaluated variables for the interaction genotype x environment. In spite of this it is possible to indicate that the genotypes LE2384, FONTAGRO 92 and LE2367 stand out in grain yield production, in addition, LE2384 highlighted in the water use efficiency. In relation to the chlorophyll content at the end of the season, FONTAGRO 92 stood out

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    Leaf and Canopy Traits Associated with Stay-Green Expression Are Closely Related to Yield Components of Wheat Genotypes with Contrasting Tolerance to Water Stress

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    The onset and rate of senescence influence key agronomical traits, including grain yield (GY). Our objective was to assess the relationships between stay-green and GY in a set of fourteen spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes with contrasting tolerance to water stress. Based on leaf chlorophyll content index (Chl) and normalized vegetation index (NDVI) measurements, the senescence dynamics at leaf and canopy levels, respectively, were quantified. Parameters describing the dynamics of senescence were examined in glasshouse and field experiments under well-watered (WW) and water-limited (WL) regimes, and they included the following stay-green traits: maximum NDVI or Chl near to anthesis (NDVImax, Chlmax), the senescence rate (SR, rate), the area under curve (AreaNDVI, AreaChl), and the time from anthesis to 10 (tonset), 50 (t50, X50) and 90% (t90) senescence. Our results revealed that specific stay-green traits were significantly different among genotypes and water regimes in both glasshouse and field experiments. GY was positively correlated with ttotal (0.42), tonset (0.62) and NDVIdif (0.63). Under WL, NDVIdif and NDVImax correlated with GY (0.66–0.58), but only t50 correlated with GY under WW (0.62), indicating that phenotyping of stay-green trait is a useful tool for tracking the dynamics of senescence in WW and WL environments