1,029 research outputs found

    Social interactions and cultural repertoires as resources for coping with breast cancer

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    The article aims to better understand the role of cultural and social resources for coping with cancer as a disruptive experience. Fourteen women who had recently received a diagnosis of breast cancer and started a treatment in an Italian hospital have been interviewed individually to elicit narratives regarding the interactions with the other patients. The analysis focused on the role played by social interactions and cultural repertoires as devices for making sense of and facing the illness. Results show that patients use both interactive as well as noninteractive strategies. In both cases, however, the other patients are an important reference in the interviewees' accounts. Even for noninteracting patients, the others and specific groups are taken into account and displayed in their narratives either directly or indirectly (i.e., typified or imagined), contributing to interpret and address what they experienced as cancer patients. Moreover, results provide empirical evidence of the various cultural repertoires (including examples retraceable to popular culture) on which people rely to address and cope with the illness. These results widen the individualistic framework commonly used in the understanding of coping strategies by including psychosocial phenomena that are created outside the individual in the complex interactions with the social and cultural worl

    La asthéneia en la antropología cristiana primitiva

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    La Patrística cristiana recibió la noción veterotestamentaria de asthéneia de la versión griega de los LXX. Entendida como “debilidad" y “falta de fuerza", se la asoció con “enfermedad" o “estado general de debilidad", significado que se conservó tanto en los libros históricos como en los poéticos. El término aparece con frecuencia también en los Evangelios y en los escritos de Pablo, posibilitando así una comprensión de la enfermedad en clave filosófico-teológica por parte de los Padres, entre los que se destaca el Patriarca de Constantinopla San Juan Crisóstomo, quien recurriendo a una exégesis literal de la Escritura según los principios de la escuela antioquena, analiza el concepto en sus comentarios a las Epístolas llamadas “Mayores" de San Pablo y, particularmente, a la Segunda Carta a los Corintios. De esta lectura se desprende la necesidad de considerar la asthéneia de manera inseparable de la antropología cristiana. En los orígenes del cristianismo la concepción de hombre resultaba extremadamente compleja, oscilando desde la antropología tripartita de San Pablo (I Tes. 5, 23) a la quíntuple presentada por ciertos textos gnósticos (Carta esotérica de Santiago 11, 36-12, 17; 14, 24-36) y a la década de Clemente de Alejandría (Strómata VI, 16, 135, 1-2). El estudio de la aplicación del concepto de asthéneia a los distintos componentes del hombre en la polifacética literatura cristiana primitiva, permite comprender la importancia asignada a cada uno de ellos según las distintas corrientes interpretativas.The Christian Patristics received the Old- Testamentary notion of asthéneia of the Greek version of the LXX. Understood like “weakness" and “lack of force", was associated with “general state of weakness or disease", meaning that conserved in historical and poetic books. This term frequently appears also in the Gospels and in the writings of Paul, making possible for the Fathers an understanding of the disease in philosophicaltheological key. Between them, the Patriarch of Constantinople, St. John Chrysostomus, resorting to a literal exegesis of the Scripture according to the principles of the antiochian school, analyzes the concept in his commentaries to the Epistles called “Majors" of St. Paul and, particularly, to the Second Letter to the Chorintians. This reading shows the necessity of consider the asthéneia in a inseparable way of the Christian anthropology. In the origins of the Christianity the conception of man was extremely complex, oscillating from the tripartite anthropology of St. Paul (I Thess. 5, 23) to the quintuple presented by certain gnostics texts (the Esoteric Letter of James 11, 36-12, 17; 14, 24-36) and to the decade of Clement from Alexandria (Stromata VI, 16, 135, 1-2). The study of the application of the concept of asthéneia to the different components from the man in the versatile primitive Christian Literature, allows to understand the importance assigned to each of them according the different interpretative schools.Fil: Alby, Juan Carlos. Universidad Nacional del Litora

    La formation des enseignants dans le contexte guyanais

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    Cet article traite de la question de l'adaptation de la formation des futurs enseignants au contexte sociolinguistique guyanais. L'auteur s'interroge sur les caractéristiques des publics formés au regard des publics scolaires dans le département, ainsi que sur les contenus de formation à mettre en oeuvre

    Case Comment: Alister Anthony Pareira v. State of Maharashtra

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    Earlier, cases of drunken driving resulting in an accident were determined in accordance with sections 337 and 338 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC). Relatively lenient, these provisions warrant maximum punishments of imprisonment for 6 months and 2 years respectively. However the Supreme Court in Alister Anthony Pareira v. State of Maharashtra held that in a case where an allegation is raised regarding an accident being caused as a consequence of drunkenness, the investigating agency is bound to register the case under section of 304, IPC. Section 304 part II deals with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and imposes a punishment of 10 years rigorous imprisonment. As a result, drunken driving has now been made punishable under section 304 part II as well as under sections 337 and 338, which deal with injury caused by negligence. The objective of this study is to provide a critical commentary of the aforementioned judgment

    Let there be Light! Firms Operating under Electricity Constraints in Developing Countries

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    Many developing countries are unable to provide their industrial sector with reliable electric power and many enterprises have to contend with insufficient and unreliable electricity supply. Because of these constraints, enterprises often opt for self-generation even though it is widely considered a second best solution. This paper develops a theoretical model of investment behavior in remedial infrastructure when physical constraints are present. It then tests econometrically implications from this model using a large sample of enterprises from 87 countries from the World Bank enterprise survey database. After showing that these constraints have non-linear effects according to the natural degree of reliance on electricity of an industrial sector and on firm size, the paper draws differentiated policy recommendations. Credit constraints appear to be the priority in sectors very reliant on electricity to spur entry and convergence to the technological frontier while, in other sectors, firms would benefit more widely from marginal improvements in electrical supply.Infrastructure, Electricity, Industrial structure

    Analisis Struktur dan Nilai Sosial dalam Antologi Puisi Menjadi Dongeng Karya Mukti Sutarman Espe

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    The formulation of the problem discussed in this study analyzes the physical structure, inner structure, and social values in the poetry anthology Becoming a Fairy Tale. And the purpose of this research is to describe the structure of the poetry and social values in the poetry anthology, Becoming a Tale by Mukti Sutarman Espe. The research method used in examining the anthology of poetry to be fairy tales is descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research is the poetry collection book Becoming a Tale by Mukti Sutarman Espe, published by copyright prima archipelago and Pustaka KPK-Kudus Author’s Family, March 2019. The data analysis technique uses the semiotic model reading method, namely heristic and hermeneutic reading. The results of data analysis on the poetry anthology Becoming a Tale by Mukti Sutarman Espe can be concluded that the physical structure of poetry includes diction, images or images, concrete words, figure of speech, verification, and typography. And the inner structure is the theme, tone or atmosphere, and message. Meanwhile, the social values of poetry include care, loyalty, and kinship which are contained in the poetry anthology Becoming a Fairy Tale