12 research outputs found

    Targeting chikungunya virus replication : insights into chikungunya virus replication and the antiviral activity of suramin in vitro

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    The research described in this thesis aimed focused on CHIKV replication and on the identification of much-needed inhibitors of CHIKV infection. Following the development of an in vitro assay to study CHIKV replication, this tool was used to characterize the mode of action (MoA) of antiviral compounds and suramin was identified as a potent inhibitor of viral RNA synthesis. However, we discovered that in cell culture, suramin’s antiviral activity was mainly due to inhibition of CHIKV binding/entry, and to a lesser extent of virus release. Suramin was also found to inhibit binding/entry and virion biogenesis of Zika virus (ZIKV), a recently emerged flavivirus. Due to its ability to form electrostatic interactions with positive charges on proteins, suramin may block the contact between virions and their (co)receptors, by interacting with either virus or receptor, or with both. Using radioactively-labelled suramin, it was clearly shown that the compound interacts with CHIKV particles, more specifically with their envelope proteins. Additionally, suramin could interfere with cell attachment and/or the structural changes required for fusion. Suramin-resistant CHIKV variants were selected, which contained mutations in the E2 envelope protein (involved in receptor interactions), supporting the idea that suramin blocks the early steps of the infectious cycle. LUMC / Geneeskund

    Suramin inhibits Zika virus replication by interfering with virus attachment and release of infectious particles

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    Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie

    Bis(benzofuran-thiazolidinone)s and bis(benzofuran-thiazinanone)s as inhibiting agents for chikungunya virus

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    Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie

    A Yellow Fever 17D virus replicon-based vaccine platform for emerging Coronaviruses

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    The tremendous global impact of the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, as well as other current and recent outbreaks of (re)emerging viruses, emphasize the need for fast-track development of effective vaccines. Yellow fever virus 17D (YF17D) is a live-attenuated virus vaccine with an impressive efficacy record in humans, and therefore, it is a very attractive platform for the development of novel chimeric vaccines against various pathogens. In the present study, we generated a YF17D-based replicon vaccine platform by replacing the prM and E surface proteins of YF17D with antigenic subdomains from the spike (S) proteins of three different betacoronaviruses: MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and MHV. The prM and E proteins were provided in trans for the packaging of these RNA replicons into single-round infectious particles capable of expressing coronavirus antigens in infected cells. YF17D replicon particles expressing the S1 regions of the MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV spike proteins were immunogenic in mice and elicited (neutralizing) antibody responses against both the YF17D vector and the coronavirus inserts. Thus, YF17D replicon-based vaccines, and their potential DNA- or mRNA-based derivatives, may constitute a promising and particularly safe vaccine platform for current and future emerging coronaviruses.Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie

    Quasispecies composition and evolution of a typical Zika virus clinical isolate from Suriname

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    Molecular Technology and Informatics for Personalised Medicine and Healt

    Targeting chikungunya virus replication : insights into chikungunya virus replication and the antiviral activity of suramin in vitro

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    The research described in this thesis aimed focused on CHIKV replication and on the identification of much-needed inhibitors of CHIKV infection. Following the development of an in vitro assay to study CHIKV replication, this tool was used to characterize the mode of action (MoA) of antiviral compounds and suramin was identified as a potent inhibitor of viral RNA synthesis. However, we discovered that in cell culture, suramin’s antiviral activity was mainly due to inhibition of CHIKV binding/entry, and to a lesser extent of virus release. Suramin was also found to inhibit binding/entry and virion biogenesis of Zika virus (ZIKV), a recently emerged flavivirus. Due to its ability to form electrostatic interactions with positive charges on proteins, suramin may block the contact between virions and their (co)receptors, by interacting with either virus or receptor, or with both. Using radioactively-labelled suramin, it was clearly shown that the compound interacts with CHIKV particles, more specifically with their envelope proteins. Additionally, suramin could interfere with cell attachment and/or the structural changes required for fusion. Suramin-resistant CHIKV variants were selected, which contained mutations in the E2 envelope protein (involved in receptor interactions), supporting the idea that suramin blocks the early steps of the infectious cycle. </p

    Polyprotein Processing as a Determinant for In Vitro Activity of Semliki Forest Virus Replicase

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    Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie

    An in vitro assay to study chikungunya virus RNA synthesis and the mode of action of inhibitors

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    Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie

    Dynamics of Chikungunya Virus Cell Entry Unraveled by Single-Virus Tracking in Living Cells

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a rapidly emerging mosquito-borne human pathogen causing major outbreaks in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The cell entry pathway hijacked by CHIKV to infect a cell has been studied previously using inhibitory compounds. There has been some debate on the mechanism by which CHIKV enters the cell: several studies suggest that CHIKV enters via clathrin-mediated endocytosis, while others show that it enters independently of clathrin. Here we applied live-cell microscopy and monitored the cell entry behavior of single CHIKV particles in living cells transfected with fluorescent marker proteins. This approach allowed us to obtain detailed insight into the dynamic events that occur during CHIKV entry. We observed that almost all particles fused within 20 min after addition to the cells. Of the particles that fused, the vast majority first colocalized with clathrin. The average time from initial colocalization with clathrin to the moment of membrane fusion was 1.7 min, highlighting the rapidity of the cell entry process of CHIKV. Furthermore, these results show that the virus spends a relatively long time searching for a receptor. Membrane fusion was observed predominantly from within Rab5-positive endosomes and often occurred within 40 s after delivery to endosomes. Furthermore, we confirmed that a valine at position 226 of the E1 protein enhances the cholesterol-dependent membrane fusion properties of CHIKV. To conclude, our work confirms that CHIKV enters cells via clathrin-mediated endocytosis and shows that fusion occurs from within acidic early endosomes.Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie