22 research outputs found

    Deficit irrigation of sunflower under Mediterranean environmental conditions

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    This work aims at: analyzing response of sunflower crop to several irrigation water regimes and evaluating the suitability of sunflower to deficit irrigation strategies. An open-field trial on hybrid Sanbro_MR was carried out at experimental fields in Valenzano (Bari, Southern Italy), characterized by semi-arid Mediterranean climate and clay-loamy soil. The experiment includes five irrigation regimes: optimal water supply, application of 100 percent of water requirements up to flowering and 70 percent thereafter, application of 70 percent of water requirements through the whole season, application of 70 percent of water requirements up to flowering and rainfed conditions thereafter, and rainfed conditions during the whole season. Sunflower response to water supply and intensity, timing and duration of water stress was investigated by means of leaf area index (LAI), radiation interception, biomass production, water consumption, yield, water use efficiency (WUE) and radiation use efficiency (RUE). The overall results indicate deficit irrigation as an acceptable strategy for sunflower highlighting the importance of irrigation between flowering and maturity. Ce travail vise à analyser la réponse de la culture de tournesol à plusieurs régimes hydriques et à évaluer l'aptitude de la plante aux stratégies d'irrigation déficitaire. Une expérimentation a été menée sur l'hybride Sanbro_MR cultivé dans les champs expérimentaux de Valenzano (Bari, Italie du Sud), dans un climat méditerranéen semi-aride et sur un sol moyennement argileux. L'expérience comprend cinq régimes d'irrigation: un apport hydrique optimal, une application à 100 pour cent des besoins en eau jusqu'à la floraison puis à 70 pour cent, une application de 70 pour cent des besoins en eau durant toute la saison, une application de 70 pour cent des besoins en eau jusqu'à la floraison suivie d'un régime en culture pluviale et enfin, un régime de culture pluviale pendant toute la saison. La réponse du tournesol à l'intensité de l'apport hydrique et à la durée de sa contrainte a été étudiée à l'aide des moyens suivants : l'indice de surface foliaire (LAI), l'interception du rayonnement, la production de biomasse, la consommation en eau, le rendement, l'efficience d'utilisation de l'eau (WUE) et l'efficience d'utilisation du rayonnement (RUE). Les résultats globaux indiquent que l'irrigation déficitaire est une stratégie acceptable pour le tournesol et soulignent l'importance de l'irrigation entre la floraison et la maturité

    Comparing the interactive effects of water and nitrogen on durum wheat and barley grown in a Mediterranean environment

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    The understanding of the interactive effect of water and N availability, associated with the ability of crops to efficiently use these resources, is a crucial issue for stabilizing cereal production in Mediterranean areas. A 3-year side by side experiment on durum wheat and barley, under different water regimes and nitrogen levels, was carried out in a typical Mediterranean environment of Southern Italy, to identify the outstanding features of these species that contribute to enhanced grain yield and improved water and nitrogen use efficiency. Wheat and barley response was assessed under three water supply regimes (I100, I50, I0: full irrigation, 50% of full irrigation and rainfed) coupled with two N fertilizer levels (high N: 120 kg ha-1 and low N: not fertilized). In order to evaluate barley yield response under lower N rates, 60 kg ha-1 were applied in 2006. The occurrence of abundant rainfall during the experimental period determined only mild water stress during most of the growing season, especially in 2006 and 2007. Under these conditions, nitrogen fertilization was the main factor affecting crop response, and different crop traits in response to irrigation were primarily evident on tissue N concentrations. Grain number per unit land area explained a high proportion of grain yield and it was mainly influenced by N fertilization. Water availability enhanced N absorption: the response of both crops to N fertilization, in terms of N uptaken and grain N concentration, was higher in the year characterized by greater water availability during the most sensitive stages to drought stress. Under unfertilized conditions, the two crops showed similar response in terms of number of grains per unit land area; under N fertilization, barley exhibited a higher increase in number of grains per unit land area, but wheat achieved similar yields as consequence of the higher grain weight. In years characterized by similar average productivity of wheat, barley did not show further increase in number of seeds, even doubling the rate of N supplied. By increasing irrigation water supply, the two crops showed a similar yield response, but a different N partition, as confirmed by the lower nitrogen harvest index values for barley over 2007-2008. At similar total availability of N, barley reached higher N utilization efficiency than wheat, mainly because of a lower N concentration in the grain rather than a higher efficiency in using the available N. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Dual Δ13C/δ18O response to water and nitrogen availability and its relationship with yield in field-grown durum wheat

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    International audienceThe combined use of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in plant matter is a tool of growing interest in cereal crop management and breeding, owing to its relevance for assessing the photosynthetic and transpirative performance under different growing conditions including water and N regimes. However, this method has not been applied to wheat grown under real field conditions. Here, plant growth, grain yield (GY) and the associated agronomic components, carbon isotope discrimination (Delta 13C) plus oxygen isotope composition (delta 18O) as well as leaf and canopy gas exchange were measured in field-grown wheat subjected to different water and N availabilities. Water limitation was the main factor affecting yield, leaf and canopy gas exchange and Delta 13C and delta 18O, whereas N had a smaller effect on such traits. The combination of Delta 13C and delta 18O gave a clear advantage compared with gas exchange measurements, as it provides information on the instantaneous and the long-term plant photosynthetic and transpirative performance and are less labour intensive than gas exchange measurements. In addition, the combination of plant Delta 13C and delta 18O predicted differences in GY and related agronomical parameters, providing agronomists and breeders with integrative traits for selecting crop management practices and/or genotypes with better performance under water-limiting and N-limiting conditions

    Assessment of AquaCrop, CropSyst, and WOFOST Models in the Simulation of Sunflower Growth under Different Water Regimes

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    This work compares the performance of AquaCrop, a crop simulation model developed by FAO, with that of two well established models, CropSyst and WOFOST, in simulating sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) growth under different water regimes in a Mediterranean environment. The models differ in the level of complexity describing crop development, in the main growth modules driving the simulation of biomass growth, and in the number of input parameters. AquaCrop is exclusively based on the water-driven growth module, in that transpiration is converted into biomass through a water productivity (WP) parameter; Cropsyst is based on both water and radiation driven modules, while WOFOST simulates crop growth using a carbon driven approach and fraction of intercepted radiation. The data used in the analysis were obtained in field experiments with hybrid Sanbro_MR, performed in a typical Mediterranean area of Southern Italy in 2005 and 2007. The models were calibrated on data from a full irrigation treatment in 2007, and were validated on a full irrigation treatment in 2005 and several deficit irrigation (DI) treatments, including regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and rain-fed (RF) conditions. Although AquaCrop required less input information than CropSystand WOFOST, it performed similarly to them in simulating both biomass and yield at harvesting. The use of different numbers of parameters and crop growth modules by the tested models did not influence substantially the simulation results. Therefore, for management purposes and in conditions of limited input information, the use of simpler models should be encouraged

    Adaptive Agricultural Strategies for Facing Water Deficit in Sweet Maize Production: A Case Study of a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Region

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    International audienceMaize is a crucial global commodity, which is used not only for food, but also as an alternative crop in biogas production and as a major energy-supply ingredient in animal diets. However, climate change is jeopardizing current maize production due to its direct impact on weather instability and water availability or its indirect effects on regional climate suitability loss. Hence, new areas for sweet maize cultivation should be considered in the future. Therefore, this study focuses on the possibility of producing maize in a challenging environment in Southern Italy considering rainfed cultivation and two irrigation regimes (full and deficit). The experiment was conducted during two subsequent growing seasons under semi-arid Mediterranean climate conditions. The overall results indicated a significant difference in biomass and yield between irrigated and non-irrigated treatments, and between full and deficit irrigation. Sweet maize cultivated under deficit irrigation gained less biomass than under full irrigation and its development and fruit maturation were delayed. Under deficit irrigation, the plants gave lower yields and a higher percentage of the panicle weight consisted of kernels. Irrigation water productivity was higher for deficit than for full irrigated treatment. These findings indicate the feasibility of sweet maize production in semi-arid areas of Southern Italy using adaptive agricultural strategies including deficit irrigation and controlled water stress. Given the importance of maize production, understanding of maize growth and productivity in a challenging environment may support future agricultural programming and thereby contribute e to mitigation of the direct and indirect effects of climate change

    Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices to Assess Water and Nitrogen Status of Sweet Maize Crop

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    International audienceThe deployment of novel technologies in the field of precision farming has risen to the top of global agendas in response to the impact of climate change and the possible shortage of resources such as water and fertilizers. The present research addresses the performance of water and nitrogen-sensitive narrow-band vegetation indices to evaluate the response of sweet maize (Zea mays var. saccharata L.) to different irrigation and nitrogen regimes. The experiment was carried out in Valenzano, Bari (Southern Italy), during the 2020 growing season. Three irrigation regimes (full irrigation, deficit irrigation, and rainfed) and two nitrogen levels (300 and 50 kg ha−1) were tested. During the growing season, a Field Spec Handheld 2 spectroradiometer operating in the range of 325–1075 nm was utilized to capture spectral data regularly. In addition, soil water content, biometric parameters, and physiological parameters were measured. The DATT index, based on near-infrared and red-edge wavelengths, performed better than other indices in explaining the variation in chlorophyll content, whereas the double difference index (DD) showed the greatest correlation with the leaf–gas exchange. The modified normalized difference vegetation index (NNDVI) and the ratio of water band index to normalized difference vegetation index (WBI/NDVI) showed the highest capacity to distinguish the interaction of irrigation x nitrogen, while the best discriminating capability of these indices was under a low nitrogen level. Moreover, red-edge-based indices had higher sensitivity to nitrogen levels compared to the structural and water band indices. Our study highlighted that it is critical to choose proper narrow-band vegetation indices to monitor the plant eco-physiological response to water and nitrogen stresses

    Comparative Performance of Aerial RGB vs. Ground Hyperspectral Indices for Evaluating Water and Nitrogen Status in Sweet Maize

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    This study analyzed the capability of aerial RGB (red-green-blue) and hyperspectral-derived vegetation indices to assess the response of sweet maize (Zea mays var. saccharata L.) to different water and nitrogen inputs. A field experiment was carried out during 2020 by using both remote RGB images and ground hyperspectral sensor data. Physiological parameters (i.e., leaf area index, relative water content, leaf chlorophyll content index, and gas exchange parameters) were measured. Correlation and multivariate data analysis (principal component analysis and stepwise linear regression) were performed to assess the strength of the relationships between eco-physiological measured variables and both RGB indices and hyperspectral data. The results revealed that the red-edge indices including CIred-edge, NDRE and DD were the best predictors of the maize physiological traits. In addition, stepwise linear regression highlighted the importance of both WI and WI:NDVI for prediction of relative water content and crop temperature. Among the RGB indices, the green-area index showed a significant contribution in the prediction of leaf area index, stomatal conductance, leaf transpiration and relative water content. Moreover, the coefficients of correlation between studied crop variables and GGA, NDLuv and NDLab were higher than with the hyperspectral indices measured at the ground level. The findings confirmed the capacity of selected RGB and hyperspectral indices to evaluate the water and nitrogen status of sweet maize and provided opportunity to expand experimentation on other crops, diverse pedo-climatic conditions and management practices. Hence, the aerially collected RGB vegetation indices might represent a cost-effective solution for crop status assessment

    Agronomic and physiological response of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) to soil salinity.

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    The soil salinity increase in the Mediterranean basin is one of the consequences of the climate change. The aim of this study was to evaluate the adaptability of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) to salinity, in conditions of higher temperatures, in order to hypothesise the future use of giant reed under these conditions. The trial was carried out in pots under a permanent metal structure, open on the sides and with a clear PE on the top. Four levels of soil salinity in the range 3.3-15.5 dS m–1 were imposed. The stem number of the most stressed treatment was about 45% lower than the control and also the stem height was lower than in all other treatments. The green and yellow leaf number decreased as the soil salinity increased, and their sum was significantly lower in the two most stressed treatments. Osmotic potential of the leaf sap was not affected by salinity. Leaf water potential and stomatal conduc- conductance in the saline treatments were lower than in the control. tance Assimilation rate showed similar pattern of stomatal conductance. Intrinsic WUE remained almost stable until July and increased during August under the most stressful conditions. PSII photochemistry was not affected by soil salinity. Biomass yield was not different from the control until to soil ECe 12.0 dS m–1: only the most stressed treatment (15.5 dS m–1) caused yield losses (50%). Tolerance threshold to salinity was 11.2 dS m–1 and the relative yield losses were 11.6% per dS m–1