17 research outputs found

    Detection of Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Waterbirds in the Rift Valley of Kenya Using Fecal Sampling

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/H5N1 has been reported in 11 African countries. Migratory waterbirds have the potential of introducing A/H5N1 into east Africa through the Rift Valley of Kenya. We present the results of a wild bird surveillance system for A/H5N1 and other avian influenza viruses based on avian fecal sampling in Kenya. We collected 2630 fecal samples in 2008. Viral RNA was extracted from pools of 3–5 fecal samples and analyzed for presence of avian influenza virus RNA by real-time RT-PCR. Twelve (2.3%) of the 516 sample pools were positive for avian influenza virus RNA, 2 of which were subtyped as H4N6 viruses. This is the first report of avian influenza virus in wild birds in Kenya. This study demonstrates the success of this approach in detecting avian influenza virus in wild birds and represents an efficient surveillance system for avian influenza virus in regions with limited resources

    Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Glycoprotein B from a Hyperfusogenic Virus Mediates Enhanced Cell–Cell Fusion

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    Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) causes significant morbidity and death in humans worldwide. Herpes simplex virus 1 has a complex fusion mechanism that is incompletely understood. The HSV-1 strain ANG has notable fusion and entry activities that distinguish it from wild type. HSV-1 ANG virions fused with the Vero cell surface at 4 °C and also entered cells more efficiently at 15 °C, relative to wild type HSV-1 strain KOS virions, consistent with a hyperfusogenic phenotype. Understanding the molecular basis for the unique entry and fusion activities of HSV-1 strain ANG will help decipher the HSV fusion reaction and entry process. Sequencing of HSV-1 ANG genes revealed multiple changes in gB, gC, gD, gH, and gL proteins relative to wild type HSV-1 strains. The ANG UL45 gene sequence, which codes for a non-essential envelope protein, was identical to wild type KOS. HSV-1 ANG gB, gD, and gH/gL were necessary and sufficient to mediate cell–cell fusion in a virus-free reporter assay. ANG gB, when expressed with wild type KOS gD and gH/gL, increased membrane fusion, suggesting that ANG gB has hyperfusogenic cell–cell fusion activity. Replacing the KOS gD, gH, or gL with the corresponding ANG alleles did not enhance cell–cell fusion. The novel mutations in the ANG fusion and entry glycoproteins provide a platform for dissecting the cascade of interactions that culminate in HSV fusion and entry

    Dengue Outbreak in Mombasa City, Kenya, 2013-2014: Entomologic Investigations.

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    Dengue outbreaks were first reported in East Africa in the late 1970s to early 1980s including the 1982 outbreak on the Kenyan coast. In 2011, dengue outbreaks occurred in Mandera in northern Kenya and subsequently in Mombasa city along the Kenyan coast in 2013-2014. Following laboratory confirmation of dengue fever cases, an entomologic investigation was conducted to establish the mosquito species, and densities, causing the outbreak. Affected parts of the city were identified with the help of public health officials. Adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were collected using various tools, processed and screened for dengue virus (DENV) by cell culture and RT-PCR. All containers in every accessible house and compound within affected suburbs were inspected for immatures. A total of 2,065 Ae. aegypti adults were collected and 192 houses and 1,676 containers inspected. An overall house index of 22%, container index, 31.0% (indoor = 19; outdoor = 43) and Breteau index, 270.1, were observed, suggesting that the risk of dengue transmission was high. Overall, jerry cans were the most productive containers (18%), followed by drums (17%), buckets (16%), tires (14%) and tanks (10%). However, each site had specific most-productive container-types such as tanks (17%) in Kizingo; Drums in Nyali (30%) and Changamwe (33%), plastic basins (35%) in Nyali-B and plastic buckets (81%) in Ganjoni. We recommend that for effective control of the dengue vector in Mombasa city, all container types would be targeted. Measures would include proper covering of water storage containers and eliminating discarded containers outdoors through a public participatory environmental clean-up exercise. Providing reliable piped water to all households would minimize the need for water storage and reduce aquatic habitats. Isolation of DENV from male Ae. aegypti mosquitoes is a first observation in Kenya and provides further evidence that transovarial transmission may have a role in DENV circulation and/or maintenance in the environment

    Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Hyalommid Ticks, Northeastern Kenya

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    As part of ongoing arbovirus surveillance, we screened ticks obtained from livestock in northeastern Kenya in 2008 to assess the risk for human exposure to tick-borne viruses. Of 1,144 pools of 8,600 Hyalomma spp. ticks screened for Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus by reverse transcription PCR, 23 pools were infected, demonstrating a potential for human exposure