5 research outputs found

    Kroppserfaring i terapi og dagligliv: PĂ„ vei fra kroppen som problem til mulighet - En fenomenologisk longitudinell studie av pasienter med overspisningslidelse sine erfaringer med Basal Kroppskjennskap

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2019-06-19Purpose: Patients with binge eating disorder have a problematic body experience. There is a lack of research deepening our understanding of their body experience or of including the body in therapy. The purpose of this study is to investigate how patients with binge eating disorder experience Basic Body Awareness Therapy, which is a treatment method within the psychomotoric physiotherapeutic field. Method: In this qualitative, phenomenological study, two patients with binge eating disorder were followed throughout their treatment period and after, with in-depths interviews. Additionally, video-observations and written logs from treatment were used as supporting data. The data were analysed inspired by Van Manen. Result and discussion: As a result, «On my way the body as a problem, to the body as possibility», was through analyses found to be main meaning-structure of the participants lived experience from Basic Body Awareness Therapy. The eating disorder, movement, pain, calmness end self-experience was found to be the essential themes as parts of the main meaning-structure. The results were discussed in lights of phenomenology of the body and part of modern psychology which both may contribute to a deeper understanding of the meaning of the two participators body experience Conclusion: The study demonstrates how Basic Body Awareness may have further developed the body experience and opened new possibilities for the two participants with binge eating disorder. The theoretical foundation has deepened the understanding of coherence between body experience and self-experience, body experience and life, in the participants narratives from the treatment-processes.Bakgrunn og hensikt: Pasienter med overspisningslidelse har et problematisk forhold til egen kropp. Det er lite forskning pÄ denne pasientgruppen i forhold til Ä utdype forstÄelsen av forholdet til kroppen eller i forhold til Ä inkludere kroppen i terapi. Hensikten med denne studien er Ä undersÞke hvordan pasienter med overspisningslidelse erfarer behandling med Basal Kroppskjennskap (BK), som er en behandlingsform innen det psykomotoriske fysioterapifagfeltet. Metode: I denne kvalitative, fenomenologisk inspirerte studien, ble to pasienter med overspisningslidelse fulgt underveis i behandlingsprosessen og i etterkant, med dybde-intervju. I tillegg ble video-observasjon og loggbÞker fra behandling benyttet som stÞttedata. Dataene ble analysert med utgangspunkt i metodologiske fÞringer beskrevet av Van Manen. Resultat og diskusjon: «PÄ vei fra kroppen som problem til kroppen som mulighet» ble analysert frem som en overgripende meningsstruktur i deltakernes levde erfaring av BK. Spiseforstyrrelsen, bevegelse, smerte, ro og selvopplevelse ble funnet Ä vÊre essensielle tema som bestanddeler i den overbÊrende meningsstrukturen. Resultatene ble drÞftet opp mot kroppsfenomenologisk teori og deler av moderne psykologi som til sammen kan utvide vÄr forstÄelse av deltakernes kroppslig baserte erfaringer. Konklusjon: Studien har demonstrert hvordan BK kan Äpne for ny erfaring av egen kropp og nye muligheter for handling for de to deltagerne med overspisningslidelse. Det teoretiske grunnlaget har bidratt til Ä utdype sammenhenger i deltakernes behandlingshistorier mellom kroppserfaring og selvforstÄelse, mellom kroppserfaring og livet.Masteroppgave i fysioterapivitenskapFYSTD39

    Patients’ experiences from basic body awareness therapy in the treatment of binge eating disorder -movement toward health: a phenomenological study

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    Background Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is the most common eating disorder. Patients with BED are often not diagnosed, nor offered adequate specific treatment. A great number of those who receive recommended treatment do not recover over time. More knowledge about central aspects of BED, and treatments that specifically target such aspects is needed. Previous research has linked body experience to the development and maintenance of eating disorders, as well as influencing treatment results and the risk of relapse. The aim of this study was to explore how patients with BED experience Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT), which is a psychomotor physiotherapy treatment addressing body experience. Method In this phenomenological study, we interviewed two patients with BED in depth during and after treatment. Video observations of treatment sessions and logs written by the patients were used as supporting data. The analysis was guided by Van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenology. Results A meaning structure was identified: “On the way from the body as a problem to the body as a possibility.” The two participants that besides BED also had a history of childhood trauma, perceived BBAT as a process of getting to know their own bodies in new ways, and described that the way they related to their own body changed as did aspects of their way of being. These changes were prominent when the participants described emotions, movement, pain, calmness, and self-experience, and interwoven with relational aspects as well as practices in everyday life. Conclusion The present results indicate that BBAT stimulated body experience in a way that opened new possibilities for two participants with BED, and hence that BBAT can improve the health status of BED patients also suffering from childhood trauma.publishedVersio

    Kroppserfaring i terapi og dagligliv: PĂ„ vei fra kroppen som problem til mulighet - En fenomenologisk longitudinell studie av pasienter med overspisningslidelse sine erfaringer med Basal Kroppskjennskap

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    Purpose: Patients with binge eating disorder have a problematic body experience. There is a lack of research deepening our understanding of their body experience or of including the body in therapy. The purpose of this study is to investigate how patients with binge eating disorder experience Basic Body Awareness Therapy, which is a treatment method within the psychomotoric physiotherapeutic field. Method: In this qualitative, phenomenological study, two patients with binge eating disorder were followed throughout their treatment period and after, with in-depths interviews. Additionally, video-observations and written logs from treatment were used as supporting data. The data were analysed inspired by Van Manen. Result and discussion: As a result, «On my way the body as a problem, to the body as possibility», was through analyses found to be main meaning-structure of the participants lived experience from Basic Body Awareness Therapy. The eating disorder, movement, pain, calmness end self-experience was found to be the essential themes as parts of the main meaning-structure. The results were discussed in lights of phenomenology of the body and part of modern psychology which both may contribute to a deeper understanding of the meaning of the two participators body experience Conclusion: The study demonstrates how Basic Body Awareness may have further developed the body experience and opened new possibilities for the two participants with binge eating disorder. The theoretical foundation has deepened the understanding of coherence between body experience and self-experience, body experience and life, in the participants narratives from the treatment-processes

    Patients’ experiences from basic body awareness therapy in the treatment of binge eating disorder -movement toward health: a phenomenological study

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    Background Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is the most common eating disorder. Patients with BED are often not diagnosed, nor offered adequate specific treatment. A great number of those who receive recommended treatment do not recover over time. More knowledge about central aspects of BED, and treatments that specifically target such aspects is needed. Previous research has linked body experience to the development and maintenance of eating disorders, as well as influencing treatment results and the risk of relapse. The aim of this study was to explore how patients with BED experience Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT), which is a psychomotor physiotherapy treatment addressing body experience. Method In this phenomenological study, we interviewed two patients with BED in depth during and after treatment. Video observations of treatment sessions and logs written by the patients were used as supporting data. The analysis was guided by Van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenology. Results A meaning structure was identified: “On the way from the body as a problem to the body as a possibility.” The two participants that besides BED also had a history of childhood trauma, perceived BBAT as a process of getting to know their own bodies in new ways, and described that the way they related to their own body changed as did aspects of their way of being. These changes were prominent when the participants described emotions, movement, pain, calmness, and self-experience, and interwoven with relational aspects as well as practices in everyday life. Conclusion The present results indicate that BBAT stimulated body experience in a way that opened new possibilities for two participants with BED, and hence that BBAT can improve the health status of BED patients also suffering from childhood trauma

    Patients’ experiences from basic body awareness therapy in the treatment of binge eating disorder -movement toward health: a phenomenological study

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    Background Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is the most common eating disorder. Patients with BED are often not diagnosed, nor offered adequate specific treatment. A great number of those who receive recommended treatment do not recover over time. More knowledge about central aspects of BED, and treatments that specifically target such aspects is needed. Previous research has linked body experience to the development and maintenance of eating disorders, as well as influencing treatment results and the risk of relapse. The aim of this study was to explore how patients with BED experience Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT), which is a psychomotor physiotherapy treatment addressing body experience. Method In this phenomenological study, we interviewed two patients with BED in depth during and after treatment. Video observations of treatment sessions and logs written by the patients were used as supporting data. The analysis was guided by Van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenology. Results A meaning structure was identified: “On the way from the body as a problem to the body as a possibility.” The two participants that besides BED also had a history of childhood trauma, perceived BBAT as a process of getting to know their own bodies in new ways, and described that the way they related to their own body changed as did aspects of their way of being. These changes were prominent when the participants described emotions, movement, pain, calmness, and self-experience, and interwoven with relational aspects as well as practices in everyday life. Conclusion The present results indicate that BBAT stimulated body experience in a way that opened new possibilities for two participants with BED, and hence that BBAT can improve the health status of BED patients also suffering from childhood trauma