3,666 research outputs found

    Lateral phase separation of confined membranes

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    We consider membranes interacting via short, intermediate and long stickers. The effects of the intermediate stickers on the lateral phase separation of the membranes are studied via mean-field approximation. The critical potential depth of the stickers increases in the presence of the intermediate sticker. The lateral phase separation of the membrane thus suppressed by the intermediate stickers. Considering membranes interacting with short and long stickers, the effect of confinement on the phase behavior of the membranes is also investigated analytically

    Molecular Electroporation and the Transduction of Oligoarginines

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    Certain short polycations, such as TAT and polyarginine, rapidly pass through the plasma membranes of mammalian cells by an unknown mechanism called transduction as well as by endocytosis and macropinocytosis. These cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) promise to be medically useful when fused to biologically active peptides. I offer a simple model in which one or more CPPs and the phosphatidylserines of the inner leaflet form a kind of capacitor with a voltage in excess of 180 mV, high enough to create a molecular electropore. The model is consistent with an empirical upper limit on the cargo peptide of 40--60 amino acids and with experimental data on how the transduction of a polyarginine-fluorophore into mouse C2C12 myoblasts depends on the number of arginines in the CPP and on the CPP concentration. The model makes three testable predictions.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Cooperativity and Frustration in Protein-Mediated Parallel Actin Bundles

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    We examine the mechanism of bundling of cytoskeletal actin filaments by two representative bundling proteins, fascin and espin. Small-angle X-ray studies show that increased binding from linkers drives a systematic \textit{overtwist} of actin filaments from their native state, which occurs in a linker-dependent fashion. Fascin bundles actin into a continuous spectrum of intermediate twist states, while espin only allows for untwisted actin filaments and fully-overtwisted bundles. Based on a coarse-grained, statistical model of protein binding, we show that the interplay between binding geometry and the intrinsic \textit{flexibility} of linkers mediates cooperative binding in the bundle. We attribute the respective continuous/discontinous bundling mechanisms of fascin/espin to differences in the stiffness of linker bonds themselves.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, figure file has been corrected in v

    Elastic Correlations in Nucleosomal DNA Structure

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    The structure of DNA in the nucleosome core particle is studied using an elastic model that incorporates anisotropy in the bending energetics and twist-bend coupling. Using the experimentally determined structure of nucleosomal DNA [T.J. Richmond and C.A. Davey, Nature {\bf 423}, 145 (2003)], it is shown that elastic correlations exist between twist, roll, tilt, and stretching of DNA, as well as the distance between phosphate groups. The twist-bend coupling term is shown to be able to capture these correlations to a large extent, and a fit to the experimental data yields a new estimate of G=25 nm for the value of the twist-bend coupling constant

    Comparison of Simulator Wear Measured by Gravimetric vs Optical Surface Methods for Two Million Cycles

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    Understanding wear mechanisms are key for better implants Critical to the success of the simulation Small amount of metal wear can have catastrophic effects in the patient such as heavy metal poisoning or deterioration of the bone/implant interface leading to implant failure Difficult to measure in heavy hard-on-hard implants (metal-on-metal or ceramic-on-ceramic) May have only fractions of a milligram of wear on a 200 g component At the limit of detection of even high-end balances when the component is 200 g and the change in weight is on the order of 0.000 1 grams Here we compare the standard gravimetric wear estimate with A non-contact 3D optical profiling method at each weighing stop A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) at the beginning and end of the ru

    Wrapping Transition and Wrapping-Mediated Interactions for Discrete Binding along an Elastic Filament: An Exact Solution

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    The wrapping equilibria of one and two adsorbing cylinders are studied along a semi-flexible filament (polymer) due to the interplay between elastic rigidity and short-range adhesive energy between the cylinder and the filament. We show that statistical mechanics of the system can be solved exactly using a path integral formalism which gives access to the full effect of thermal fluctuations, going thus beyond the usual Gaussian approximations which take into account only the contributions from the minimal energy configuration and small fluctuations about this minimal energy solution. We obtain the free energy of the wrapping-unwrapping transition of the filament around the cylinders as well as the effective interaction between two wrapped cylinders due to thermal fluctuations of the elastic filament. A change of entropy due to wrapping of the filament around the adsorbing cylinders as they move closer together is identified as an additional source of interactions between them. Such entropic wrapping effects should be distinguished from the usual entropic configuration effects in semi-flexible polymers. Our results may be applicable to the problem of adsorption of proteins as well as synthetic nano-particles on semi-flexible polymers such as DNA.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Effect of Bending Anisotropy on the 3D Conformation of Short DNA Loops

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    The equilibrium three dimensional shape of relatively short loops of DNA is studied using an elastic model that takes into account anisotropy in bending rigidities. Using a reasonable estimate for the anisotropy, it is found that cyclized DNA with lengths that are not integer multiples of the pitch take on nontrivial shapes that involve bending out of planes and formation of kinks. The effect of sequence inhomogeneity on the shape of DNA is addressed, and shown to enhance the geometrical features. These findings could shed some light on the role of DNA conformation in protein--DNA interactions

    Exact solution of a linear molecular motor model driven by two-step fluctuations and subject to protein friction

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    We investigate by analytical means the stochastic equations of motion of a linear molecular motor model based on the concept of protein friction. Solving the coupled Langevin equations originally proposed by Mogilner et al. (A. Mogilner et al., Phys. Lett. {\bf 237}, 297 (1998)), and averaging over both the two-step internal conformational fluctuations and the thermal noise, we present explicit, analytical expressions for the average motion and the velocity-force relationship. Our results allow for a direct interpretation of details of this motor model which are not readily accessible from numerical solutions. In particular, we find that the model is able to predict physiologically reasonable values for the load-free motor velocity and the motor mobility.Comment: 12 pages revtex, 6 eps-figure

    Specific protein-protein binding in many-component mixtures of proteins

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    Proteins must bind to specific other proteins in vivo in order to function. The proteins must bind only to one or a few other proteins of the of order a thousand proteins typically present in vivo. Using a simple model of a protein, specific binding in many component mixtures is studied. It is found to be a demanding function in the sense that it demands that the binding sites of the proteins be encoded by long sequences of bits, and the requirement for specific binding then strongly constrains these sequences. This is quantified by the capacity of proteins of a given size (sequence length), which is the maximum number of specific-binding interactions possible in a mixture. This calculation of the maximum number possible is in the same spirit as the work of Shannon and others on the maximum rate of communication through noisy channels.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures (changes for v2 mainly notational - to be more in line with notation in information theory literature

    Twirling Elastica: Kinks, Viscous Drag, and Torsional Stress

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    Biological filaments such as DNA or bacterial flagella are typically curved in their natural states. To elucidate the interplay of viscous drag, twisting, and bending in the overdamped dynamics of such filaments, we compute the steady-state torsional stress and shape of a rotating rod with a kink. Drag deforms the rod, ultimately extending or folding it depending on the kink angle. For certain kink angles and kink locations, both states are possible at high rotation rates. The agreement between our macroscopic experiments and the theory is good, with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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