60 research outputs found


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    Introduction: the infant hospitalisation may put at risk the normal development of the children due to the breaking of their routine and the adjustment to the new reality process. There are several initiatives to promote spaces in hospitals so that the children can have contact with recreational activities. There are many variables that may influence the children’s attitude towards the possibility of playful activities, among them the involvement of the accompanying persons. It is essential to learn their interpretation of the playing activities in the hospital context and which characteristics are associated with this activity in order to reach better planning of the assistance. Objective: this study aimed to examine the opinion of the accompanying persons on promoting play during the children’s hospitalisation. Methods: herefore, the accompanying persons answered questionnaires during that period of hospitalisation. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. Results: 65 mothers of hospitalised children, mostly accompanied patients aged from 2- 6 years old. All of them confirmed that the children should attend the playroom since it helps in recovery, providing relief from suffering, calming them and thus relieving tensions. Conclusion: as a conclusion, the accompanying persons highlight the importance of the playroom in the context of hospitalisation of children to soothe its effects of and help in the development of the children

    Influência de procedimentos educativos sobre os conceitos de berçários

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    A dualidade cuidado x educação é aspecto a ser considerado na rotina das instituições de educação infantil que possuem berçário e os conceitos dos profissionais que nele atuam interferem nas práticas desenvolvidas, sendo necessário maior preocupação com a formação continuada. O objetivo foi verifi car os efeitos de procedimentos educativos sobre conceitos relativos às funções e benefícios do berçário para a criança, junto a profissionais que atuam em instituição de educação infantil. Participaram professores e auxiliares de desenvolvimento de berçários municipais de Marília, entrevistados em quatro momentos – inicial, depois de cada um dos dois procedimentos educativos e seis meses após a intervenção. Essa consistiu em uma oficina de educação, uma vez por semana por um mês e práticas supervisionadas realizadas na rotina do berçário no total de 15 horas. Ambas focaram as atividades e seus benefícios para o desenvolvimento da criança. Verifi cou-se que os conhecimentos das educadoras decorriam do senso comum e que a oficina de educação proporcionou mudança nos seus níveis de informação, reforçada pela supervisão prática. A análise indica que a formação inicial e continuada das profi ssionais precisa contemplar aspectos específi cos do desenvolvimento infantil para que concepções mais adequadas sejam construídas

    Educative games and expositive lesson: comparison of educational techniques on sitting posture

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos sobre educação em saúde são importantes para a concretização de ações de promoção da saúde. OBJETIVO: verificar as mudanças de conhecimentos teóricos sobre postura sentada, avaliados em dois momentos (inicial e final,) considerando dois programas de educação (aula expositiva e grupos operativos). MÉTODO: Foram sujeitos 75 alunos, de ambos os sexos, de três 4as séries de uma escola pública, avaliados previamente (A1) sobre postura sentada; o grupo 1 foi submetido a um procedimento de ensino expositivo, o 2 a jogos educativos e o 3 a nenhuma intervenção. Após uma semana foram reavaliados (A2). Para os momentos aplicou-se o teste de Wilcoxon e entre os grupos Kruskal Wallis. RESULTADOS: Na comparação dentro dos grupos, os 2 e 3 apresentaram aumento no número de acertos sobre postura sentada no pós-teste, com diferença estatisticamente significante, enquanto que no grupo controle, tal fato não ocorreu. Na comparação entre grupos, no primeiro momento (A1), os grupos 2 e 3 não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante (p&gt;0,05), no entanto, no segundo momento nota-se que houve diferença estatística entre os três grupos (p &lt; 0,01), sendo que o G3 apresentou menor freqüência de erros (Md = 5) em relação ao G2 (Md = 8) e G1 (Md = 10). CONCLUSÕES: Pode-se afirmar que técnicas educativas que fornecem informações e promovem debates e trocas de experiências entre os participantes aumentam as chances de incorporação dos conteúdos relacionados à postura sentada.INTRODUCTION: Studies on education in health are important for the concretion of action of promotion of the health. OBJECTIVE: To verify the changes of theoretical knowledge on sitting posture, evaluated at two moments (initial and final,) considering two programs of education (expositive lesson and operative groups). METHODS: 75 pupils had been citizens, of both the sexes, three 4as series of a public school, evaluated previously (A1) on seated position; group 1 was submitted to a procedure of expositive education, the 2 educative games in the 2 and, the 3 to no intervention. After one week they had been reevaluated (A2). For the moments the test of Wilcoxon was applied and between the Kruskal groups Wallis. RESULTS: In the comparison inside of the groups, of 2 and 3 they had presented increase in the number of rightness on position seated in the after-test, with statistical significant difference, whereas in the group has controlled, such fact did not occur. In the comparison between groups, at the first moment (A1), 2 groups e 3 had not presented significant difference statistical (p &gt; 0,05), however, in as moment notices that it had difference statistics between the three groups (p < 0,01), being that the G3 presented minor frequency of errors (md = 5) in relation to the g2 (md = 8) and g1 (md = 10). CONCLUSIONS: It can be affirmed that educative techniques that supply information and promote debates and exchanges of experiences between the participants increase the possibilities of incorporation of the contents related to the sitting posture

    Knowledge and practice of women regarding cervical cancer in a primary health care unit

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    Objectives: evaluating the level of information about the examination of uterine cervical cancer and its association with sociodemographic variables in women of a health care unit in the city of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study with 370 women aged 25 to 59, through structured interviews in their own homes; we used descriptive statistics and the χ2 test. Results: 40.5% of the women had not undergone the Papanicolaou test at the recommended frequency; 58.2% incorrectly defined the test, and 69.5% did not know about the risk factors for the development of cervical cancer; the knowledge about the test showed statistically significant association with schooling and family income of the studied population. Conclusions: women present deficiencies on the proper practice of the Papanicolaou test, on knowledge about the test, risk factors and prevention methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop primary healthactions for the most vulnerable population


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    Introdution: The direct income transfer programmes such as “BolsaFamília” have the important function of making it possible for aspects of life to receive the necessary care and importance in order to improve the quality of life. One of the aspects concerns food and healthy nutrition. Objective: The objective was to assess the nutritional condition of children under five years old whose families are benefited by the programme”BolsaFamília” in a city of northwestern São Paulo state, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out using the medical records of 284 children under the age of five, from which socio-demographic, weight and height data were collected. In order to diagnose children’s nutritional condition,the indicators weight/age, height/age and weight/height were used, from the cutoffpoint z-score, recommended by the WHO Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition. Descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test were used to analyse data, assessing the association of indicators, gender and age. Results: 8.8% of the children have deficits concerning height/age and 4.2% have deficits concerning weight/age; 8.1% and 7.4% are overweight concerning weight/age and weight/height; 4.6 % of the children under 2 years oldhave higher weight than the expected for their age and also for their height, and 7.8% of the children have low height for their age. The prevalence of weight deficit and excess in children observed in this study were similar to those found in other regions of Brazil. Conclusion: The maintenance of the nutritional surveillance system is extremely important in order to detect risk groups and help plan effective measures to prevent and correct nutritional problems

    Factors associated with functional capacity of elderly registered in the Family Health Strategy

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    The objective of this study was to verify the level of functional capacity in subjects aged 60 years or older from the Family Health Strategy "Vila São Paulo", in Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil, and its association with the sociodemographic, behavioral, ergonomic, and referred health variables. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 363 elderly selected by the two-stage cluster technique, who were interviewed at home using the multidimensional instrument (sociodemographic, behavioral, ergonomic, referred health information), the Nordic questionnaire, and Katz and Lawton scales. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses by logistic regression were used. Results showed that 36.9% of elderly were dependent on daily life activities, whereas 51.0% were on instrumental daily life activities. It also indicated that functional disability in daily life activities was associated with age range, repetitive movements, sedentary lifestyle, number of diseases, and musculoskeletal pain, while years of study, repetitive movements, number of diseases and physical inactivity showed an association with decreased instrumental daily life activities. The identified characteristics that are related to disability for daily life activities and instrumental daily life activities suggest a complex causal network; therefore, preventive actions directed specifically to some factors are needed, providing benefits to the quality of life of elderly.El objetivo del estudio fue verificar lo nivel de la capacidad funcional en sujetos con 60 años o más pertenecientes a la Estrategia Salud de la Familia "Vila São Paulo", en Bauru, San Pablo, Brasil, y su asociación con variables sociodemográficas, comportamentales, ergonómicas y de salud referida. Se realizó un estudio trasversal con 363 ancianos muestreados en la región del análisis por la técnica de conglomerado en dos estadios, entrevistados en sus casas utilizándose el instrumento multidimensional (sociodemográficas, comportamentales, ergonómicas y de salud referida); el cuestionario nórdico y las escalas de Katz y Lawton. Fueron aplicadas las evaluaciones descriptiva, bivariada y multivariada por regresión logística. Se observó que un 36,9% de los ancianos dependían de actividades de vida diaria y un 51,0% de actividades instrumentales de vida diaria; la incapacidad funcional para actividades de vida diaria fue asociada a la edad, a los movimientos repetitivos, al sedentarismo, al número de enfermedades mencionadas y al dolor musculoesquelético, mientras que los años de escolaridad, los movimientos repetitivos, el número de enfermedades mencionadas y el sedentarismo mostraron asociación con diminución de las actividades instrumentales de vida diaria. Las características identificadas que se asociaran a la incapacidad para actividades de vida diaria e instrumentales de vida diaria sugieren una compleja red causal, con la necesidad de acciones preventivas direccionadas para algunos factores, promoviendo beneficios a la cualidad de vida de los ancianos.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o nível de capacidade funcional em indivíduos de 60 anos ou mais da Estratégia Saúde da Família "Vila São Paulo", em Bauru, São Paulo, e sua associação com as variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentais, ergonômicas e de saúde referidas. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com 363 idosos amostrados no local da análise, pela técnica de conglomerado em dois estágios, entrevistados nos domicílios pelo instrumento multidimensional (sóciodemográficos, comportamentais, ergonômicas e de saúde referida); pelo questionário Nórdico e pelas escalas de Katz e Lawton. Análises descritiva, bivariada e multivariada por regressão logística foram utilizadas. Notou-se que 36,9% dos idosos eram dependentes nas atividades de vida diária e 51,0% nas atividades instrumentais de vida diária; a incapacidade funcional para as atividades de vida diária foi associada à faixa etária, aos movimentos repetitivos, ao sedentarismo, ao número de doenças referidas e à dor musculoesquelética, enquanto que anos de estudo, movimentos repetitivos, número de doenças referidas e sedentarismo mostraram associação com a diminuição das atividades instrumentais de vida diária. As características identificadas que se relacionaram à incapacidade para as atividades de vida diária e instrumentais de vida diária sugerem uma complexa rede causal, sendo necessárias ações preventivas especificamente voltadas para certos fatores, propiciando benefícios à qualidade de vida dos idosos

    Prevalence and factors associated with peripheral and central adiposity in primary school students in Brazil

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    The objective was to identify the prevalence of excess central adiposity and peripheral schoolchildren and its relationship with sedentary activities and physical activity level. Cross-sectional study was conducted with 524 elementary school student’s city of Bauru (SP). Structured protocol was used, the PAQ-C and measured subscapular skinfolds thickness (PCS) and triciptal (TSF). There were descriptive analyses, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression. The PCT and PCS rates were respectively 13.6% and 16.5% in boys and 15.4% and 12.6%. In girls the frequency above three times a week on the computer and its use for more than three hours if associated with elevated PCT, low level of physical activity was associated with elevated PCS in boys, low level of physical activity and use of computer and / or video games for morethan three hours/day were associated with higher PCS in boys. The frequency and number of hours in sedentary and low physical activity are important predictors of adiposity among children


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    The objective was to verify the changes of relative theoretical knowledge to the tobacco, evaluatedat two moments (pre and post-tests) considering two educative interventions: expositive lesson andeducative games. 68 pupils had been citizens, of both the sexes, three 5th grades of a public school,evaluated previously (A1) on tobacco; group 1 was submitted to a procedure of expositive education,the 2 educative games in the 2 e, the 3 to no intervention. After one week they had been reevaluated(A2). For the moments the test of Wilcoxon was applied and between the groups Kruskal Wallis. Asresults noticed that, at the moments, it had significant differences between 2 groups 1 and e,between the groups, in the after-test, the submitted one to the educative games presentedperformance with statistical significant result better. This research concluded that the educationalgame increased in the students’ knowledge about smoking.O objetivo foi verificar as mudanças de conhecimentos teóricos relativos ao tabagismo, avaliadasem dois momentos (pré e pós-testes) considerando duas intervenções educativas: aula expositiva ejogos educativos. Foram sujeitos 68 alunos, de ambos os sexos, de três 5as séries de uma escolapública, avaliados previamente (A1) sobre tabagismo; o grupo 1 foi submetido a um procedimentode ensino expositivo, o 2 a jogos educativos na 2 e, o 3 a nenhuma intervenção. Após uma semanaforam reavaliados (A2). Para os momentos aplicou-se o teste de Wilcoxon e entre os grupos KruskalWallis. Como resultados notou-se que, nos momentos, houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos1 e 2 e, entre os grupos, no pós-teste, o submetido aos jogos educativos apresentou melhordesempenho com resultado estatisticamente significante. Essa pesquisa permitiu concluir que ojogo educativo promoveu aumento dos conhecimentos dos escolares sobre tabagismo


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    The objective was to verify the changes of relative theoretical knowledge to the tobacco, evaluatedat two moments (pre and post-tests) considering two educative interventions: expositive lesson and educative games. 68 pupils had been citizens, of both the sexes, three 5th grades of a public school,evaluated previously (A1) on tobacco; group 1 was submitted to a procedure of expositive education,the 2 educative games in the 2 e, the 3 to no intervention. After one week they had been reevaluated(A2). For the moments the test of Wilcoxon was applied and between the groups Kruskal Wallis. As results noticed that, at the moments, it had significant differences between 2 groups 1 and e,between the groups, in the after-test, the submitted one to the educative games presented performance with statistical significant result better. This research concluded that the educational game increased in the students’ knowledge about smoking.O objetivo foi verificar as mudanças de conhecimentos teóricos relativos ao tabagismo, avaliadasem dois momentos (pré e pós-testes) considerando duas intervenções educativas: aula expositiva ejogos educativos. Foram sujeitos 68 alunos, de ambos os sexos, de três 5as séries de uma escolapública, avaliados previamente (A1) sobre tabagismo; o grupo 1 foi submetido a um procedimentode ensino expositivo, o 2 a jogos educativos na 2 e, o 3 a nenhuma intervenção. Após uma semanaforam reavaliados (A2). Para os momentos aplicou-se o teste de Wilcoxon e entre os grupos KruskalWallis. Como resultados notou-se que, nos momentos, houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos1 e 2 e, entre os grupos, no pós-teste, o submetido aos jogos educativos apresentou melhordesempenho com resultado estatisticamente significante. Essa pesquisa permitiu concluir que ojogo educativo promoveu aumento dos conhecimentos dos escolares sobre tabagismo

    Reported morbidities and quality of life: population-based study

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o nível de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) em uma amostra de base populacional de adultos de 20 anos ou mais, residentes na cidade de Bauru, São Paulo, e sua associação com a quantidade de morbidades referidas. Foi realizado um inquérito populacional, por meio de uma amostragem complexa em dois estágios, totalizando 600 participantes da zona urbana de Bauru. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: 1. caracterização dos participantes (aspectos demográficos, socioeconômicos, nível de atividade física e hábito de fumar); 2. morbidade (referida por meio da pergunta: "No último ano, o (a) sr. (a) recebeu diagnóstico médico de alguma doença?"); 3. qualidade de vida (utilizando o questionário Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short-Form Health Survey - SF-36). Foram realizadas análises descritiva e bivariada, por meio do teste t de Student e ANOVA. Observou-se que 70,5% apresentaram pelo menos uma doença, e as principais referidas foram a hipertensão, as artroses, a depressão e o diabetes. Quanto à associação entre os números de doenças, as pessoas mais idosas e as que referiram três ou mais doenças apresentaram piores escores de QVRS em todos os domínios físicos e nas limitações por aspectos sociais e emocionais. O maior número de morbidades associou-se aos menores escores de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde.The purpose was to verify the level of health-related quality of life in a population-based sample of adults aged 20 years or more living in the city of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, and its association with the amount of reported morbidities. A population survey was conducted through a complex sampling in two stages, totaling 600 participants in the urban area of Bauru, São Paulo. To collect data, the following instruments were used: 1. Characterization of participants (demographic and socio-economic aspects, physical activity level and smoking habit); 2. reported morbidity through the following question: "Last year, did you receive a diagnosis of any illness from a doctor?; 3. Quality of Life, using the Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were carried out using the Student's t-test and ANOVA. It was noted that 70.5% had at least one disease, and the most common morbidities reported were hypertension, osteoarthritis, depression, and diabetes. The association between the number of diseases, those who reported three or more diseases, and older age had worse HRQOL scores in all physical domains and limitations by social and emotional aspects. A greater number of comorbidities was associated with the lower scores of health-related quality of life.El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar el nivel de calidad de vida relacionada a la salud (QVRS) en una muestra de base poblacional de adultos de 20 años o más, residentes de la ciudad de Bauru, São Paulo, y su asociación con la cantidad de morbilidades referidas. Se realizó una encuesta poblacional mediante una muestra compleja en dos estadios, con un total de 600 participantes de la zona urbana de Bauru. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó los siguientes instrumentos: 1. caracterización de los participantes (aspectos demográficos, socioeconómicos, nivel de actividad física y hábito de fumar); 2. morbilidades (referida mediante la pregunta: "En el último año, usted ha recibido el diagnóstico médico de alguna enfermedad?"); 3. calidad de vida (utilizando el cuestionario Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short-Form Health Survey - SF-36). Se realizó análisis descriptivos y bivariados, mediante la prueba T de Student y Anova. Se observó que 70,5% presentaron por lo menos una enfermedad, y las principales referidas fueron la hipertensión, la artrosis, la depresión y la diabetes. En relación a la asociación entre los números de enfermedades, las personas mayores y las que refirieron tres o más enfermedades presentaron peores scores de QVRS en todos los dominios físicos y en las limitaciones por aspectos sociales y emocionales. El mayor número de morbilidades se asoció a los menores scores de calidad de vida relacionada a la salud