55 research outputs found

    Transcriptional regulation by Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 during T cell activation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Accumulating evidence suggests an important role for the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) as an integral part of the gene expression regulatory machinery during development and in response to specific cellular signals. PARP-1 might modulate gene expression through its catalytic activity leading to poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins or by its physical association with relevant proteins. Recently, we have shown that PARP-1 is activated during T cell activation. However, the proposed role of PARP-1 in reprogramming T cell gene expression upon activation remains largely unexplored.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present study we use oligonucleotide microarray analysis to gain more insight into the role played by PARP-1 during the gene expression reprogramming that takes place in T cells upon activation with anti-CD3 stimulation alone, or in combination with anti-CD28 co-stimulation. We have identified several groups of genes with expression modulated by PARP-1. The expression of 129 early-response genes to anti-CD3 seems to be regulated by PARP-1 either in a positive (45 genes) or in a negative manner (84 genes). Likewise, in the presence of co-stimulation (anti-CD3 + anti-CD28 stimulation), the expression of 203 genes is also regulated by PARP-1 either up (173 genes) or down (30 genes). Interestingly, PARP-1 deficiency significantly alters expression of genes associated with the immune response such as chemokines and genes involved in the Th1/Th2 balance.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides new insights into changes in gene expression mediated by PARP-1 upon T cell activation. Pathway analysis of PARP-1 as a nuclear signalling molecule in T cells would be of relevance for the future development of new therapeutic approaches targeting PARP-1 in the acquired immune response.</p

    Saturation of acyl chains converts cardiolipin from an antagonist to an activator of Toll-like receptor-4

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    Abstract: Cardiolipins (CLs) are tetra-acylated diphosphatidylglycerols found in bacteria, yeast, plants, and animals. In healthy mammals, CLs are unsaturated, whereas saturated CLs are found in blood cells from Barth syndrome patients and in some Gram-positive bacteria. Here, we show that unsaturated but not saturated CLs block LPS-induced NF-κB activation, TNF-α and IP-10 secretion in human and murine macrophages, as well as LPS-induced TNF-α and IL-1β release in human blood mononuclear cells. Using HEK293 cells transfected with Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and its co-receptor Myeloid Differentiation 2 (MD2), we demonstrate that unsaturated CLs compete with LPS for binding TLR4/MD2 preventing its activation, whereas saturated CLs are TLR4/MD2 agonists. As a consequence, saturated CLs induce a pro-inflammatory response in macrophages characterized by TNF-α and IP-10 secretion, and activate the alternative NLRP3 inflammasome pathway in human blood-derived monocytes. Thus, we identify that double bonds discriminate between anti- and pro-inflammatory properties of tetra-acylated molecules, providing a rationale for the development of TLR4 activators and inhibitors for use as vaccine adjuvants or in the treatment of TLR4-related diseases. Graphical abstract

    Characterization of Novel Pathogenic Variants Leading to Caspase-8 Cleavage-Resistant RIPK1-Induced Autoinflammatory Syndrome

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    Pathogenic RIPK1 variants have been described as the cause of two different inborn errors of immunity. Biallelic loss-of-function variants cause the recessively inherited RIPK1 deficiency, while monoallelic variants impairing the caspase-8-mediated RIPK1 cleavage provoke a novel autoinflammatory disease (AID) called cleavage-resistant RIPK1-induced autoinflammatory (CRIA) syndrome. The aim of this study was to characterize the pathogenicity of two novel RIPK1 variants located at the cleavage site of caspase-8 detected in patients with dominantly-inherited, early-onset undefined AID. RIPK1 genotyping was performed by Sanger and next-generation sequencing. Clinical and analytical data were collected from medical charts, and in silico and in vitro assays were performed to evaluate the functional consequences. Genetic analyses identified two novel heterozygous RIPK1 variants at the caspase-8 cleavage site (p.Leu321Arg and p.Asp324Gly), which displayed a perfect intrafamilial phenotype-genotype segregation following a dominant inheritance pattern. Structural analyses suggested that these variants disrupt the normal RIPK1 structure, probably making it less accessible to and/or less cleavable by caspase-8. In vitro experiments confirmed that the p.Leu321Arg and p.Asp324Gly RIPK1 variants were resistant to caspase-8-mediated cleavage and induced a constitutive activation of necroptotic pathway in a similar manner that previously characterized RIPK1 variants causing CRIA syndrome. All these results strongly supported the pathogenicity of the two novel RIPK1 variants and the diagnosis of CRIA syndrome in all enrolled patients. Moreover, the evidences here collected expand the phenotypic and genetic diversity of this recently described AID, and provide interesting data about effectiveness of treatments that may benefit future patients

    P2X7 receptor induces mitochondrial failure in monocytes and compromises NLRP3 inflammasome activation during sepsis

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    International audienceSepsis is characterized by a systemic inflammatory response followed by immunosuppres-sion of the host. Metabolic defects and mitochondrial failure are common in immunocom-promised patients with sepsis. The NLRP3 inflammasome is important for establishing an inflammatory response after activation by the purinergic P2X7 receptor. Here, we study a cohort of individuals with intra-abdominal origin sepsis and show that patient monocytes have impaired NLRP3 activation by the P2X7 receptor. Furthermore, most sepsis-related deaths are among patients whose NLRP3 activation is profoundly altered. In monocytes from sepsis patients, the P2X7 receptor is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Furthermore, activation of the P2X7 receptor results in mitochondrial damage, which in turn inhibits NLRP3 activation by HIF-1α. We show that mortality increases in a mouse model of sepsis when the P2X7 receptor is activated in vivo. These data reveal a molecular mechanism initiated by the P2X7 receptor that contributes to NLRP3 impairment during infection

    Purinergic P2X7 receptor expression increases in leukocytes from intra-abdominal septic patients

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    Inflammation is a tightly coordinated response of the host immune system to bacterial and viral infections, triggered by the production of inflammatory cytokines. Sepsis is defined as a systemic inflammatory response followed by immunosuppression of the host and organ dysfunction. This imbalance of the immune response increases the risk of mortality of patients with sepsis, making it a major problem for critical care units worldwide. The P2X7 receptor plays a crucial role in activating the immune system by inducing the activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In this study, we analyzed a cohort of abdominal origin septic patients and found that the expression of the P2X7 receptor in the plasma membrane is elevated in the different subsets of lymphocytes. We observed a direct relationship between the percentage of P2X7-expressing lymphocytes and the early inflammatory response in sepsis. Additionally, in patients whose lymphocytes presented a higher percentage of P2X7 surface expression, the total lymphocytes populations proportionally decreased. Furthermore, we found a correlation between elevated soluble P2X7 receptors in plasma and inflammasome-dependent cytokine IL-18. In summary, our work demonstrates that P2X7 expression is highly induced in lymphocytes during sepsis, and this correlates with IL-18, along with other inflammatory mediators such as IL-6, IL-8, and procalcitonin

    Modulating P2X7 Receptor Signaling during Rheumatoid Arthritis: New Therapeutic Approaches for Bisphosphonates

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    P2X7 receptor-mediated purinergic signaling is a well-known mechanism involved in bone remodeling. The P2X7 receptor has been implicated in the pathophysiology of various bone and cartilage diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a widespread and complex chronic inflammatory disorder. The P2X7 receptor induces the release into the synovial fluid of the proinflammatory factors (e.g., interleukin-1β, prostaglandins, and proteases) responsible for the clinical symptoms of RA. Thus, the P2X7 receptor is emerging as a novel anti-inflammatory therapeutic target, and various selective P2X7 receptor antagonists are under clinical trials. Extracellular ATP signaling acting through the P2X7 receptor is a complex and dynamic scenario, which varies over the course of inflammation. This signaling is partially modulated by the activity of ectonucleotidases, which degrade extracellular ATP to generate other active molecules such as adenosine or pyrophosphates. Recent evidence suggests differential extracellular metabolism of ATP during the resolution of inflammation to generate pyrophosphates. Extracellular pyrophosphate dampens proinflammatory signaling by promoting alternative macrophage activation. Our paper shows that bisphosphonates are metabolically stable pyrophosphate analogues that are able to mimic the anti-inflammatory function of pyrophosphates. Bisphosphonates are arising per se as promising anti-inflammatory drugs to treat RA, and this therapy could be improved when administrated in combination with P2X7 receptor antagonists

    P2X7 receptor activation impairs exogenous MHC class I oligopeptides presentation in antigen presenting cells.

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    Major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) on antigen presenting cells (APCs) is a potent molecule to activate CD8(+) T cells and initiate immunity. P2X7 receptors (P2X7Rs) are present on the plasma membrane of APCs to sense the extracellular danger signal adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP). P2X7R activates the inflammasome and the release of IL-1β in macrophages and other immune cells to initiate the inflammatory response. Here we show that P2X7R stimulation by ATP in APCs decreased the amount of MHC I at the plasma membrane. Specific antagonism or genetic ablation of P2X7R inhibited the effects of ATP on levels of cellular MHC I. Furthermore, P2X7R stimulation was able to inhibit activation of CD8(+) T cells via specific MHC I-oligopeptide complexes. Our study suggests that P2X7R activation on APCs is a novel inhibitor of adaptive CD8(+) T cell immunity

    The participation of plasma membrane hemichannels to purinergic signaling

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    AbstractThe field of hemichannels is closely related to the purinergic signaling and both areas have been growing in parallel. Hemichannels open in response to a wide range of stressful conditions, such as ischemia, pressure or swelling. Hemichannels represent an important mechanism for the cellular release of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP), which is an agonist of the P2Y and P2X family of purinergic receptors. Therefore, hemichannels are key molecules in the regulation of purinergic receptor activation, during physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Furthermore, purinergic receptor activation can also lead to the opening of hemichannels and the subsequent amplification of purinergic signaling via a positive signaling feedback loop, giving rise to the concept of ATP-induced ATP release. Purinergic receptor signaling is involved in regulating many physiological and pathophysiological processes. P2Y receptors activate inositol trisphosphate and transiently increase intracellular calcium. This signaling opens both connexin and pannexin channels, therefore contributing to the expansion of calcium waves across astrocytes and epithelial cells. In addition, several of the P2X receptor subtypes, including the P2X2, P2X4 and P2X7 receptors, activate select cellular permeation pathways to large molecules, including the pannexin-1 channels, which are involved in the initiation of inflammatory responses and cell death. Consequently, the interplay between purinergic receptors and hemichannels could represent a novel target with substantial therapeutic implications in areas such as chronic pain, inflammation or atherosclerosis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: The communicating junctions, roles and dysfunctions

    Emerging Role of the Inflammasome and Pyroptosis in Hypertension

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    Inflammasomes are components of the innate immune response that have recently emerged as crucial controllers of tissue homeostasis. In particular, the nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich-containing (NLR) family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome is a complex platform involved in the activation of caspase-1 and the maturation of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18, which are mainly released via pyroptosis. Pyroptosis is a caspase-1-dependent type of cell death that is mediated by the cleavage of gasdermin D and the subsequent formation of structurally stable pores in the cell membrane. Through these pores formed by gasdermin proteins cytosolic contents are released into the extracellular space and act as damage-associated molecular patterns, which are pro-inflammatory signals. Inflammation is a main contributor to the development of hypertension and it also is known to stimulate fibrosis and end-organ damage. Patients with essential hypertension and animal models of hypertension exhibit elevated levels of circulating IL-1β. Downregulation of the expression of key components of the NLRP3 inflammasome delays the development of hypertension and pharmacological inhibition of this inflammasome leads to reduced blood pressure in animal models and humans. Although the relationship between pyroptosis and hypertension is not well established yet, pyroptosis has been associated with renal and cardiovascular diseases, instances where high blood pressure is a critical risk factor. In this review, we summarize the recent literature addressing the role of pyroptosis and the inflammasome in the development of hypertension and discuss the potential use of approaches targeting this pathway as future anti-hypertensive strategies