55 research outputs found

    Organizzazione sociale e pratiche comunitarie. Analisi per una ricostruzione del quadro sociale delle comunit\ue0 eoliane della media et\ue0 del Bronzo

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    Lo studio prende in la documentazione archeologica degli insediamenti della facies del Milazzese (Bronzo Medio: ca. 1450-1270 a.C.) siti nell\u2019Arcipelago eoliano (Lipari, Filicudi, Panarea, Salina) al fine di ricostruire forme di organizzazione sociale. Attraverso l\u2019esame della cultura materiale complessivamente intesa, l\u2019obiettivo \ue8 quello di comprendere: in che modo fossero organizzate le comunit\ue0, come la cultura materiale fosse utilizzata durante le attivit\ue0 quotidiane, se e in che modo queste fossero riconoscibili nella documentazione archeologica, dove esse fossero svolte, che relazione esistesse con i luoghi che le ospitavano, con quali strumenti e con quali finalit\ue0 venissero messe in pratica, se e come la cultura materiale fosse utilizzata nelle relazioni sociali, che tipo di organizzazione familiare caratterizzasse gli insediamenti, ovvero, in termini pi\uf9 generali, come e quanto le evidenze archeologiche potessero essere espressione dei modi in cui le comunit\ue0 organizzassero le proprie forme di vita e le relazioni sociali al loro intern

    Brocche Base Ring II da contesti del Bronzo Medio in Sicilia : produzione levantina, cipriota, o locale? Alcune considerazioni

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    Amongst the Cypriot pottery from Middle Bronze Age tomb contexts of southeastern Sicily, the Base Ring II jugs remain somewhat as far as chronology and manufacture centre are concerned. Different opinions exist on the topic: Cypriot, Levantine, local or Aegean origin. In the author’ view, a better definition of the chronology of the jugs can shed light on the problem of the manufacture centre as well. In this paper it will be attempted to pinpoint the chronology of the entrance of the jugs in the local contexts on the ground of both typological and contextual data. Then, it will be taken into account the technical, stylistical and typological features of the Cypriot and Levantine specimens in order to valuate whether or not they are consistent with the features of the “Sicilian” jugs. For the sake of the article’s argument, the chronology of the Levantine Cypriot-type imitations in relations to the date suggested for the Sicilian specimens will be also considered. As a result, the hypothesis of the Levantine production will turn out to be questionable, on the grounds of technical, stylistical and chronological considerations. It will be also stressed the consistence of some features with a genuine Cypriot manufacture.peer-reviewe

    Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma: a case report and literature review

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    Abstract Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is a rare odontogenic tumor of the jaw with a particular histology and a deceptive behavior. The clinical presentation may be misleading, that is why the contribution of incisional biopsy, molecular biology, immunohistochemistry and cytogenetics is essential in the diagnostic process. This review article aims to discuss its various aspects, summarizing the currently published studies of CCOC to enhance the diagnosis and to present a case report of a 41-year-old man that presented to the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at Gemelli University Hospital in Rome, Italy

    Bayesian radiocarbon modeling and the absolute chronology of the Middle Bronze Age Thapsos facies in mainland Sicily : a view from St. Ippolito (Caltagirone)

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    One of the most debated and explored period of the prehistory of Sicily is the Middle Bronze Age (15th-13th century BCE), which is considered as a crucial moment for the development of local prehistoric social, economic, and cross-cultural dynamics. The local Thapsos culture is what best represents this chronological period and is characterized at some sites by theoccurrence of datable ceramic imports from the Aegean alongside their local replicas. These have helped researchers with estab-lishing a local relative chronology based indirect beacons with eastern Mediterranean contexts. However, when it comes to an independent absolute chronology for MBA context in mainland Sicily, no recent program of radiocarbon dating has been carried out so far. In this contribution, the authors devise a Bayesian model based on evidence from a stratified MBA context at St. Ippolito (Caltagirone, central-eastern Sicily) where a set of seven samples have been radiocarbon dated. The study aims to assess which part of the overall development of the MBA the analyzed context corresponds to, to absolute date the activities represented by the deposit’s layers, and to lay the basis to tentatively bracket in time the use of some associated ceramic materials.peer-reviewe

    İştahın açılması : küresel kalkınma için veri becerileri öğrenci eğitim programı eĞİTMEN el kitabı

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    Training for statistics in a developments perspective. The project developed new data skills instructor and student learning resources informed by insights from global development professionals – You can find out more about the training programme design, the research that underpinned it, and how to access the open access resources in the Training Programme section of this website. In addition, the team have compiled Career Profiles documenting the career journeys of professionals who use data skills in global development to help inspire aspiring development professionals. Bu eğitmen el kitabı, Avrupa Birliği ERASMUS+ programı tarafından 2019-1-UK01‐KA203‐061973 hibe anlaşması kapsamında ortaklaşa finanse edilen "Kalkınma Sayımları: Uluslararası Kariyer için Veri Becerileri" projesinin bir çıktısıdır. Proje, Gazi Üniversitesi (Türkiye), L-Università ta’ Malta (Malta) ve Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, İspanya) işbirliğiyle İngiltere'deki Gloucestershire Üniversitesi tarafından yönetilmiştir.peer-reviewe

    Bringing about the data revolution in development: what data skills do aspiring development professionals need?

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    The post-2015 agenda calls for a ‘data revolution in development’ and recognises that statistical capacity amongst the workforce is a prerequisite for achieving it. Universities have a critical role to play in building this capacity. This paper reports insights from in-depth interviews with development professionals in Malta, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom about current and future data skills needs. It presents recommendations on data skills training for aspiring development professionals informed by this evidence, with a particular focus on curriculum in social science related undergraduate programmes at universities

    Abriendo el apetito: formación en la gestión de datos para la Cooperación al Desarrollo Manual del Profesor [SPANISH EDITION]

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    Bienvenido al Manual del Profesor para “Abriendo el apetito: programa de formación en habilidades de gestión de datos para el Desarrollo Global”. El programa ha sido desarrollado como parte del proyecto “Development Counts: Data Skills for International Development Careers” (“El desarrollo cuenta/Las cuentas del desarrollo: habilidades de gestión de datos para carreras internacionales en Cooperación Internacional”), cuyo objetivo es apoyar a la próxima generación de profesionales del desarrollo global para que aproveche el poder de los datos para el bien global y social. A medida que la cantidad y las formas de los datos disponibles en el mundo siguen creciendo exponencialmente, la cooperación al desarrollo internacional se encuentra entre los ámbitos que tratan de aprovechar su potencial, como lo ejemplifica el llamamiento de las Naciones Unidas a una "revolución de los datos" en el desarrollo . Este programa de formación se ha diseñado para los estudiantes de programas de grado relacionados con las ciencias sociales que se interesan por el desarrollo global, un grupo que a menudo tiene poca confianza en el aprendizaje o el trabajo con datos y percibe que estas habilidades son menos relevantes para sus ambiciones. Este programa pretende abordar el consiguiente déficit de competencias de los graduados adoptando un enfoque accesible y ajustándose a la realidad del trabajo en el ámbito del desarrollo global. Este Manual del Profesor se ha elaborado para que los profesores de ciencias sociales puedan adoptar la totalidad o parte del programa de formación para ayudar a sus estudiantes a mejorar sus competencias en materia de datos aplicados al desarrollo global. El programa está "listo para funcionar", y este Manual del Profesor ha sido diseñado para ser utilizado tanto por profesores con experiencia en métodos cuantitativos como por aquellos que están menos familiarizados con la enseñanza en esta área

    İştahın Açılması: Küresel Kalkınma için Veri Becerileri Öğrenci Eğitim Programı EĞİTMEN El Kitabı [TURKISH EDITION]

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    "İştah Açma: Küresel Kalkınma için Veri Becerileri Eğitim Programı Eğitmen El Kitabına hoş geldiniz. Program, yeni nesil küresel kalkınma profesyonellerinin küresel ve sosyal iyilik için verilerin gücünden yararlanmalarını desteklemekle ilgili olan "Kalkınma Sayımları: Uluslararası Kalkınma Kariyerleri için Veri Becerileri Projesi"nin bir parçası olarak geliştirilmiştir. Küresel olarak mevcut veri miktarı ve biçimleri katlanarak artmaya devam etmesine rağmen Birleşmiş Milletler'in kalkınmada bir ‘Veri Devrimi’ çağrısı yapmasıyla örneklendiği gibi, kalkınma potansiyeli kullanılmak istenen alanlar arasındadır. Bu eğitim programı, verilerle çalışmayı öğrenme konusunda genellikle daha az kendine güvenen ve bu becerilerin hırslarıyla daha az alakalı olduğunu fark eden, küresel kalkınmaya ilgi duyan, ilgili sosyal bilimler lisans programlardaki öğrenciler için tasarlanmıştır. Bu program, erişilebilir bir yaklaşım benimseyerek ve küresel kalkınmada çalışmanın gerçekliğine sıkı sıkıya bağlı kalarak ortaya çıkan lisansüstü beceri açığını gidermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu eğitmen el kitabı, sosyal bilimler öğretim görevlilerinin, öğrencilerinin küresel kalkınmaya uygulanan veri becerilerini geliştirmelerini desteklemek için eğitim programının tamamını veya bir kısmını benimsemelerini sağlamak için hazırlanmıştır. Program kullanıma hazırdır ve bu eğitmen el kitabı, hem nicel yöntemler konusunda geçmişi olan öğretim görevlileri tarafından hem de bu alanda öğretime daha az aşina olanlar tarafından kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır

    Opening the Appetite: Data Skills for Global Development Student Training Programme Instructor Handbook [ENGLISH EDITION]

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    Welcome to the Instructor Handbook for the Opening the Appetite: Data Skills for Global Development Training Programme. The programme has been developed as part of the Development Counts: Data Skills for International Development Careers project - which is all about supporting the next generation of global development professionals to harness the power of data for global and social good. As the quantity and forms of data available globally continues to grow exponentially, development is amongst the areas seeking to harness its potential - as exemplified by the United Nations calling for a ‘Data Revolution’ in development. This training programme has been designed for students on undergraduate social science related programmes with an interest in global development – a group who are often less confident about learning to work with data and perceive these skills are less relevant to their ambitions. This programme aims to tackle the resultant graduate skills deficit by adopting an accessible approach and closely aligning to the reality of working in global development. This instructor handbook has been produced to enable social science lecturers to adopt all or parts of the training programme to support their students to enhance their data skills applied to global development. The programme is ‘ready to go’, and this instructor handbook has been designed for use both by lecturers with a background in quantitative methods and by those who are less familiar with teaching in this area

    Opening the Appetite: Data Skills for Global Development Student Training Programme Instructor Handbook [ENGLISH EDITION]

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    Welcome to the Instructor Handbook for the Opening the Appetite: Data Skills for Global Development Training Programme. The programme has been developed as part of the Development Counts: Data Skills for International Development Careers project - which is all about supporting the next generation of global development professionals to harness the power of data for global and social good. As the quantity and forms of data available globally continues to grow exponentially, development is amongst the areas seeking to harness its potential - as exemplified by the United Nations calling for a ‘Data Revolution’ in development. This training programme has been designed for students on undergraduate social science related programmes with an interest in global development – a group who are often less confident about learning to work with data and perceive these skills are less relevant to their ambitions. This programme aims to tackle the resultant graduate skills deficit by adopting an accessible approach and closely aligning to the reality of working in global development. This instructor handbook has been produced to enable social science lecturers to adopt all or parts of the training programme to support their students to enhance their data skills applied to global development. The programme is ‘ready to go’, and this instructor handbook has been designed for use both by lecturers with a background in quantitative methods and by those who are less familiar with teaching in this area