3,405 research outputs found
Women Executives Are Just People
An interview of Mrs. Paul F. Donnelly, also known as Nell Nelly Don Donnelly. The interview was conducted and written by Dora Albert.https://digitalcommons.pittstate.edu/nellydonpubs/1001/thumbnail.jp
A Behavioral Demonstration of Overconfidence in Judgment
Overprecision—an excessive confidence that one knows the truth—is both the most durable and the least understood form of overconfidence. This article outlines an approach to the study of overprecision that avoids some of the methodological problems of other approaches and better reflects the way uncertainty affects choices in everyday life. We measured the precision in judgment implied by people’s tendency to adjust their point estimates of an uncertain quantity in response to the costs of overestimating or underestimating the correct answer. The results revealed robust overprecision. People adjusted their estimates less than they should have given their actual knowledge, and this effect was driven by their subjective confidence
The Association Between Rate and Severity of Exacerbations in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: An Application of a Joint Frailty-Logistic Model.
Exacerbations are a hallmark of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Evidence suggests the presence of substantial between-individual variability (heterogeneity) in exacerbation rates. The question of whether individuals vary in their tendency towards experiencing severe (versus mild) exacerbations, or whether there is an association between exacerbation rate and severity, has not yet been studied. We used data from the MACRO Study, a 1-year randomized trial of the use of azithromycin for prevention of COPD exacerbations (United States and Canada, 2006-2010; n = 1,107, mean age = 65.2 years, 59.1% male). A parametric frailty model was combined with a logistic regression model, with bivariate random effects capturing heterogeneity in rate and severity. The average rate of exacerbation was 1.53 episodes/year, with 95% of subjects having a model-estimated rate of 0.47-4.22 episodes/year. The overall ratio of severe exacerbations to total exacerbations was 0.22, with 95% of subjects having a model-estimated ratio of 0.04-0.60. We did not confirm an association between exacerbation rate and severity (P = 0.099). A unified model, implemented in standard software, could estimate joint heterogeneity in COPD exacerbation rate and severity and can have applications in similar contexts where inference on event time and intensity is considered. We provide SAS code (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina) and a simulated data set to facilitate further uses of this method
A Study of the Farming Status and Educational Needs of the Out-of-School Young Farmers in the Rockwell City (Iowa) Community School District
The Rockwell City Community School District is located in the central part of Calhoun County, Iowa, and of approximately 120 square miles. According to the 1958 rural residence map of Calhoun County there were some 290 rural farm operators living in the school district. Teachers of Vocational Agriculture have a duty to perform for their school and community in the instruction of the out-of-school youth. The preliminary step toward organizing a program for young farmers is to make a survey of their needs and interests. This is the main purpose of this study. Wall stated that the future of farming and farm life depends upon the adequate program of instruction for the young farmers not enrolled in high schools. There has been no previous work with this group in the school district. The writer has been teaching vocational agriculture in the district for the past year and desires to begin a course for these out-of-school young people. The survey was made to determine the answers to three main questions: (1) Who are the out-of-school young men between the ages of 16 to 35? (2) What are their needs and interests? (3) What help can the vocational agriculture instructor provide in the better use of approved practices? In developing the study the writer has attempted to keep in mind the objectives for developing young farmers programs as set forth by Ekstrom and McClelland. These objectives are: (1) Progressive establishment in farming. (2) Progressive establishment in occupations related to farming. (3) Guidance for those best suited for non-farming occupations. (4) Achievement of satisfactory social-civic environment. (5) Develop desirable personal qualities. With these objectives in mind, the survey of the community was made to determine the farming status and educational needs of the young farmers living in the school district. A course of study could not be properly developed until such a survey had been made. The controlling purpose of this study was to gain factual information and data that would aid the teacher of vocational agriculture in starting a program of instruction for the out-of-school youth living on farms in the local school district. Who are these young men? What are their needs and interests in agricultural education? Data for helping to answer such questions were sought. Another purpose was to ascertain the farming status of these young men and to determine the kind of educational programs these men need and want. Information concerning the problems, needs, and interests of these young farmers is desired in order to inaugurate a course in vocational agriculture for this age group. A third purpose of the study was to ascertain the interest of young farmers in attending meetings. Are there sufficient numbers of young farmers living in the school service area to justify a course in vocational education in agriculture for such persons whom it is not currently available? If so, what subject matter areas interest them the most? A final purpose was to determine the number and kinds of approved practices that are being carried out on the farms of the community. Approved practices represent an indication of establishment in farming and should be considered an integral part of vocational education in agriculture
Are Public Sector Workers More Risk Averse than Private Sector Workers?,
Available evidence suggests that stability of employment is greater in the public sector than in the private sector. The value that individuals place on tbis stability depends on tbe individual's degree of risk aversion. Economic reasoning suggests tbat, otber tbings equal, tbose individuals witb a high degree of aversion to risk will be more likely tban otbers to seek employment in the public sector. This paper tests tbat hypothesis tbrougb tbe use of probit analysis and a measure of risk aversion developed in ibe University of Micbigan's Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The results tend to confirm tbe bypotbesis, implying tbat a policy of intersectoral equality of pay for comparable jobs would result inanexcesssupplyof workers to tbe public sector
Calling in Call-out Culture: An Analysis on Call-out Culture and its influence on Filipino Twitter
Call-out culture has become a questionable phenomenon in and out of Filipino Twitter due to the differing ideologies that participants have perpetuated, separating Filipino communities based on their standing on certain topics on the internet. The reason it has become dubious is due to the bullying that occurs because of the call-outs. Previous research had stated that call-outs have started shifting from being a tool used to oppose abuse into an accessory for building fame on the internet. The researchers used Foucauldian Discourse Analysis to analyze several replies, tweets, and quoted tweets from Filipinos on Twitter. The data was put under the lens of the synopticon theory and Althusser’s concept of the Ideological State Apparatus. The analysis has led to the conclusion that there is an evident divide between Filipino communities, and, amid the discord with themes of colonialism and racism, public figures can use it as a device to manipulate the mindset of the masses
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