13 research outputs found

    Factors of Susceptibility of Human Myiasis Caused by the New World Screw-Worm, Cochliomyia hominivorax in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    This study was carried out between July 2007 and June 2008 and reports on the occurrence of human myiasis caused by the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in São Gonçalo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Liquid or solid vaseline was used to suffocate the larvae, which were then preserved in 70% ethanol and sent to the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz for identification. C. hominivorax were identified in all 22 cases of myiasis. There were 12 male and 10 female patients with ages ranging from 03 to 71. Ethnically the highest incidence was among black people, with 17 cases. Open wounds were the main cause of the parasitosis, whereas poor personal hygiene, the low educational level, alcoholism, bedridden patients, and physical or mental disability were possibly secondary factors; in addition to all these factors the income of the patients was very low

    Volume equivalente: um estudo em indivíduos com otite média crônica Equivalent volume: study in subjects with chronic otitis media

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    O Volume Equivalente do Meato Acústico Externo está na faixa de 0,3ml a 1,0ml em crianças e 0,65ml a 1,75ml em adultos. Em indivíduos com Otite Média Crônica estes valores podem sofrer alterações, de acordo com as condições da doença. OBJETIVO: Estudar o volume equivalente de 52 orelhas de pacientes com Otite Média Crônica com e sem infecção ativa. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico prospectivo com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O volume equivalente da orelha foi obtido em 52 orelhas com Otite Média Crônica, com e sem infecção ativa, e num grupo controle de mesma idade e sexo do grupo estudo. O grupo estudo com infecção foi avaliado antes e após tratamento clínico. RESULTADOS: A média do volume equivalente para os grupos estudos sem e com infecção e para o grupo controle foi, respectivamente, 2,86ml; 1,42ml e 0,80ml. A média do volume equivalente para o grupo estudo com infecção antes e após tratamento clínico foi, respectivamente, 1,42ml e 1,82ml. CONCLUSÕES: 1. O Volume Equivalente médio da Orelha é maior em pacientes com Otite Média Crônica. 2. Não foi observada variação no Volume Equivalente antes e após o tratamento clínico.<br>The equivalent ear canal volume ranges from 0.3ml to 1.0ml in children and from 0.65 to 1.75ml in adults. In subjects with chronic otitis media these values can be different, according to the disease status. AIM: To study the equivalent ear canal volume in 52 ears of patients with chronic otitis media with and without active infection. STUDY DESIGN: clinical prospective with transversal cohort. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The equivalent ear canal volume was obtained from 52 ears diagnosed with chronic otitis media with and without active infection and in age and gender matched control group. The study group with active infection was evaluated before and after clinical treatment. RESULTS: Equivalent ear canal volume mean for the studied groups with and without infection and for the control group was 2.86ml; 1.42ml and 0.80ml, respectively. The equivalent ear canal volume mean for the study group with infection prior and post clinical treatment was 1.42ml and 1.82ml, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The Equivalent ear canal volume mean was higher in patients with Chronic Otitis Media. We did not observe variation of equivalent ear canal volume before and after clinical treatment