783 research outputs found

    Complex chaos in conditional qubit dynamics and purification protocols

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    Selection of an ensemble of equally prepared quantum systems, based on measurements on it, is a basic step in quantum state purification. For an ensemble of single qubits, iterative application of selective dynamics has been shown to lead to complex chaos, which is a novel form of quantum chaos with true sensitivity to the initial conditions. The Julia set of initial valuse with no convergence shows a complicated structre on the complex plane. The shape of the Julia set varies with the parameter of the dynamics. We present here results for the two qubit case demonstrating how a purification process can be destroyed with chaotic oscillations

    Complex chaos in the conditional dynamics of qubits

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    We analyze the consequences of iterative measurement-induced nonlinearity on the dynamical behavior of qubits. We present a one-qubit scheme where the equation governing the time evolution is a complex-valued nonlinear map with one complex parameter. In contrast to the usual notion of quantum chaos, exponential sensitivity to the initial state occurs here. We calculate analytically the Lyapunov exponent based on the overlap of quantum states, and find that it is positive. We present a few illustrative examples of the emerging dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Antisymmetric multi-partite quantum states and their applications

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    Entanglement is a powerful resource for processing quantum information. In this context pure, maximally entangled states have received considerable attention. In the case of bipartite qubit-systems the four orthonormal Bell-states are of this type. One of these Bell states, the singlet Bell-state, has the additional property of being antisymmetric with respect to particle exchange. In this contribution we discuss possible generalizations of this antisymmetric Bell-state to cases with more than two particles and with single-particle Hilbert spaces involving more than two dimensions. We review basic properties of these totally antisymmetric states. Among possible applications of this class of states we analyze a new quantum key sharing protocol and methods for comparing quantum states

    Quantitative structural mechanobiology of platelet-driven blood clot contraction.

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    Blood clot contraction plays an important role in prevention of bleeding and in thrombotic disorders. Here, we unveil and quantify the structural mechanisms of clot contraction at the level of single platelets. A key elementary step of contraction is sequential extension-retraction of platelet filopodia attached to fibrin fibers. In contrast to other cell-matrix systems in which cells migrate along fibers, the "hand-over-hand" longitudinal pulling causes shortening and bending of platelet-attached fibers, resulting in formation of fiber kinks. When attached to multiple fibers, platelets densify the fibrin network by pulling on fibers transversely to their longitudinal axes. Single platelets and aggregates use actomyosin contractile machinery and integrin-mediated adhesion to remodel the extracellular matrix, inducing compaction of fibrin into bundled agglomerates tightly associated with activated platelets. The revealed platelet-driven mechanisms of blood clot contraction demonstrate an important new biological application of cell motility principles

    Wave Solutions of Evolution Equations and Hamiltonian Flows on Nonlinear Subvarieties of Generalized Jacobians

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    The algebraic-geometric approach is extended to study solutions of N-component systems associated with the energy dependent Schrodinger operators having potentials with poles in the spectral parameter, in connection with Hamiltonian flows on nonlinear subvariaties of Jacobi varieties. The systems under study include the shallow water equation and Dym type equation. The classes of solutions are described in terms of theta-functions and their singular limits by using new parameterizations. A qualitative description of real valued solutions is provided

    Foam-like compression behavior of fibrin networks

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    The rheological properties of fibrin networks have been of long-standing interest. As such there is a wealth of studies of their shear and tensile responses, but their compressive behavior remains unexplored. Here, by characterization of the network structure with synchronous measurement of the fibrin storage and loss moduli at increasing degrees of compression, we show that the compressive behavior of fibrin networks is similar to that of cellular solids. A non-linear stress-strain response of fibrin consists of three regimes: 1) an initial linear regime, in which most fibers are straight, 2) a plateau regime, in which more and more fibers buckle and collapse, and 3) a markedly non-linear regime, in which network densification occurs {{by bending of buckled fibers}} and inter-fiber contacts. Importantly, the spatially non-uniform network deformation included formation of a moving "compression front" along the axis of strain, which segregated the fibrin network into compartments with different fiber densities and structure. The Young's modulus of the linear phase depends quadratically on the fibrin volume fraction while that in the densified phase depends cubically on it. The viscoelastic plateau regime corresponds to a mixture of these two phases in which the fractions of the two phases change during compression. We model this regime using a continuum theory of phase transitions and analytically predict the storage and loss moduli which are in good agreement with the experimental data. Our work shows that fibrin networks are a member of a broad class of natural cellular materials which includes cancellous bone, wood and cork

    IgG anti-apolipoprotein A-1 antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are associated with disease activity and corticosteroid therapy: an observational study.

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    IgG anti-apolipoprotein A-1 (IgG anti-apoA-1) antibodies are present in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and may link inflammatory disease activity and the increased risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in these patients. We carried out a rigorous analysis of the associations between IgG anti-apoA-1 levels and disease activity, drug therapy, serology, damage, mortality and CVD events in a large British SLE cohort

    Canonically conjugate variables for the periodic Camassa-Holm equation

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    The Camassa-Holm shallow water equation is known to be Hamiltonian with respect to two compatible Poisson brackets. A set of conjugate variables is constructed for both brackets using spectral theory.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, LaTeX; v. 2,3: references updated, minor change

    Measurement induced chaos with entangled states

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    The dynamics of an ensemble of identically prepared two-qubit systems is investigated which is subjected to the iteratively applied measurements and conditional selection of a typical entanglement purification protocol. It is shown that the resulting measurement-induced non-linear dynamics of the two-qubit state exhibits strong sensitivity to initial conditions and also true chaos. For a special class of initially prepared two-qubit states two types of islands characterize the asymptotic limit. They correspond to a separable and a maximally entangled two-qubit state, respectively, and their boundaries form fractal-like structures. In the presence of incoherent noise an additional stable asymptotic cycle appears.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    On a Camassa-Holm type equation with two dependent variables

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    We consider a generalization of the Camassa Holm (CH) equation with two dependent variables, called CH2, introduced by Liu and Zhang. We briefly provide an alternative derivation of it based on the theory of Hamiltonian structures on (the dual of) a Lie Algebra. The Lie Algebra here involved is the same algebra underlying the NLS hierarchy. We study the structural properties of the CH2 hierarchy within the bihamiltonian theory of integrable PDEs, and provide its Lax representation. Then we explicitly discuss how to construct classes of solutions, both of peakon and of algebro-geometrical type. We finally sketch the construction of a class of singular solutions, defined by setting to zero one of the two dependent variables.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. A few typos correcte
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