72 research outputs found

    Strategic Choice and Firm Performance during COVID-19

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    This paper aims to identify successful strategies for private companies to increase liquidity during times of crisis. We define four strategic choices based on an introduction and/or discontinuation of new products or services: cannibalization, retrenchment, expansion, or entrenchment. We use a micro data set from a worldwide survey of 10,349 companies conducted between April and September 2020 by the World Bank. Our results show that for most companies liquidity during COVID-19 decreased or at best stayed the same. Due to the pandemic, firms applied one of the four strategies, with the majority of the firms applying an intrench strategy. The Chi-square test was used to assess which strategy is associated with increased liquidity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results indicate that liquidity increased or stayed the same for the companies using the expansion strategy, followed by cannibalization, intrench, and retrench strategies. Expansion and cannibalization strategies are both associated with the introduction of new products and/or services, suggesting that innovation is the key to surviving a pandemic crisis


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    Обект на изследване в тази статия е опитно поле засадено с шест сорта пшеница. Направено е видео заснемане с дрон оборудван с RGB камера през месец юни 2019 година. Събрана е информация за метео условията, при които са направени осем измервания през един час за един ден. Изчислени са общо приетите индекси VARIgreen и ExG от получената информация. Създаден е регресионен модел при пълен факторен експеримент от типа 23. Направена е оценка на взаимодействието на факторите, които характеризират условията на видеозаснемането. Изследвано е как те влияят върху качеството на видео изображенията. Формулирани са заключения относно състоянието на пшеницата, и в коя част на деня е най-подходящо да се провежда видео наблюдение на житните култури.In June 2019, a drone image recording was performed equipped with an RGB camera on an experimental wheat field at an interval of seven days three times a day. Within one day (12.06.2019) information was collected about the weather conditions and eight measurements were made every hour. The commonly accepted indices were calculated: VARIgreen and ExG for the one-month and one-day observations of the received RGB digitized information. A regression model was created for a full factor experiment of type 23. The interaction of the factors that characterize the conditions of the video was evaluated. Conclusions were formulated as to the influence of the factors under which the observations were made. A recommendation was made with regard to which part of the day it is most appropriate to take photos and video surveillance of wheat


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    The article discusses the linguo-didactic potential of video films in Bulgarian as a foreign language. The subject of the report is aimed at developing the communicative skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) of the students in Bulgarian  classes. The object is the role of the videos to achieve this competence.The authors present a description of the film work system aimed at developing not only the communicative skills but also the language skills of foreign students. The  authors discusse experience from the use of educational films in online  training is shared in the Medical University - Varna

    Изследване на летливата фракция на дестилат с добавени екстракти от магарешки бодил (Onopordum acanthinum L.)

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    A study to determine the volatile fraction of distillates with added 50% and 70% ethanol extracts of donkey thistle (Onopordum acanthium L.) was conducted. The extracts were added to the pure distillate from the grapes of Melnik-55 grapevine variety in amounts of 20, 50, 80, 100, 200, 400 and 600 ml. The remaining amount to liter was a pure distillate. A distillate of Melnik-55 grapes (without extracts) was used as a control. The addition of 50% ethanol extract of Onopordum acanthium L. increased the total volatile composition of variants 1000:20 and 1000:50, in comparison to the control sample. Higher levels of esters and higher alcohols were found in the same variants. Incorporation of the 50% and 70% ethanol extracts of donkey thistle resulted in increased final total terpene content of the distillates. By increasing the amount of the added 50% ethanol extract, a reduction in the concentrations of acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate was found in the distillates. The basic ester in all the distillates analyzed was ethyl acetate, and the major higher alcohols were 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 1-propanol and 2-butanol. By applying of 50% and 70% ethanol extracts of the plant, a reduction in methanol content in the final distillates was observed. A prospect was the application of 50% ethanol extracts of Onopordum acanthium L, especially variants 1000:20 and 1000:50. This two variants showed higher final levels of aromatic compounds (beverage quality) and slightly higher final levels of terpenes (biological value) compared to the control. The other variants of this group had proven lower levels of methanol (improved toxicological quality) compared to the control.Проведено е изследване за определяне на летливата фракция на дестилат с добавени 50% и 70% етанолни екстракти на магарешки бодил (Onopordum acanthinum L.). Екстрактите са добавени в чист дестилат от грозде на сорта Мелник-55 в количества 20, 50, 80, 100, 200, 400 и 600 ml. Останалото количество до литър е дестилат. Като контрола служи чистия дестилат (без екстракти) на грозде от сорта Мелник-55. Установено е, че добавянето на 50% етанолен екстракт на Onopordum acanthinum L. повишава общия летлив състав на варианти 1000:20 и 1000:50, значително над установеното в контролата. Прилагането на 50% и 70% етанолни екстракти на магарешки бодил води до повишаване на финалното общо терпеново съдържание на дестилатите. С увеличаване количеството на добавен 50% етанолен екстракт е установено редуциране в концентрациите на ацеталдехид и етилацетат в дестилатите. Основен естер във всички анализирани дестилати е етилацетат, а основни висши алкохоли са 2-метил-1-бутанол, 3-метил-1-бутанол, 1-пропанол и 2-бутанол. При прилагане на 50% и 70% етанолни екстракти на растението, се констатира редуциране на метанолното съдържание в дестилатите. Перспектива представлява прилагането на 50% етанолни екстракти на Onopordum acanthium L, особено варианти 1000:20 и 1000:50. В тези два варианта се установяват високи крайни нива на ароматичн съединения (качество на напитката) и малко по-високи крайни нива на терпени (биологична стойност), в сравнение с контролата. Останалите варианти на тази група са с доказани по-ниски нива на метанол (подобрено токсикологично качество), в сравнение с контролата

    Moderating factors on the impact of B Corporation certification on purchasing intention, willingness to pay a price premium and consumer trust

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    This study determines the impact of B Corp certification on consumers’ attitudes, consumers’ purchasing intention, and consumers’ willingness to pay price premium and investigates the moderating effect of demographics and psychographics on these relationships. A convenient sample of 133 Americans participated. Respondents were exposed to pictures of a product with and without the B Corp logo and meaning. Repeated measures on a single sample research method is applied. Findings indicate a significant overall effect of the certification with description on purchase intentions, willingness to pay a price premium and trust. Additionally, there is a significant moderating effect of consumer demographics on the relationship between certification and consumers’ purchase intentions, willingness to pay a price premium, and consumer trust. Results also suggest demographics moderate the impact of certification on purchase intention and consumer trust to a greater degree than on consumer willingness to pay price premium

    Study of the Vegetation of Spring Crops in the Region of South Dobrudja in 2020

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    The present study observes the development of spring crops maize and sunflower typical of   the Southern Dobrudzha region. A distinct methodology for remote monitoring through the use of a small remotely piloted aircraft has been developed for the purposes of the present paper and applied accordingly. Two types of video cameras were used: for the visible range of the RGB light reflected by the plants and for the NearRed reflection close to the red light. The obtained results are presented in both tabular and graphical form and inferred, finally, in the paper are some principal conclusions about the condition of the crops under consideration

    Research on the effect of different types of fertilization on the maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Maize is the cereal crop with the greatest productive potential and production in the world. A field research experiment was conducted in the field settings of the Department of "Plant Production" at the Technical University of Varna, to evaluate the effect of foliar fertilizers on the productivity and quality of Dekalb maize hybrids. Four fertilizer variants were examined and the following biometric parameters were assessed: grain yield, weight per 1000 grains, length of cob, number of rows in cob, number of grains in cob, number of grains per row, weight of grain in cob and weight of the cob. A biochemical analysis of the maize grain was performed and the content of protein, starch and fat was determined. It was established that the combined pairing of soil and foliar fertilization leads to increased productivity and enhanced biometric parameters under study, with the highest values ​​being obtained in the variant ammonium nitrate (rate of 12 kg/dа) + 250 ml/dа NPK 2.5 SO3 with composition 3.0 N: 1.5 P: 10 K: 2.5 SO3 + 250 ml/da SO3 10% Zn, 3% N (sulfides with zinc and nitrogen). It was also ascertained, through the use of the same combination, that the maize hybrids under examination contain the highest amount of protein. Provided, from the findings of the experiment, is a conclusive evidence, that the combination of sowing soil fertilization with ammonium nitrate (rate of 12 kg/da) and two foliar fertilizers (rate of 250 ml/da) – NPK 2.5 SO3 + SO3, 10% Zn, 3% N improved the productivity and quality of the investigated Dekalb maize hybrids

    Relevance of pharmaceutical higher education to the labor market: a study of pharmacists' attitudes

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    The role and responsibilities of pharmacists are developing and increasingly expanding. University programs need to guide pharmacists into becoming leaders of change. The objective of the following survey is to examine the attitudes among pharmacy graduates as to the level of relevance of their higher education studies to the requirements of the pharmaceutical practices and the labor market.The overwhelming share of the participants in the survey believes higher education training is relevant to pharmaceutical practices. Nevertheless, a mere 6% state that the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the course of higher education training relate completely to those required in the professional practice


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    The genotype specificity in the uptake of the main nutrients according to the fertilization rate was investigated in Triticum aestivum L. varieties under conditions of a vegetation experiment. Four fertilization rates were tested: N0P0K0, N200P200K200, N400P200K200 and N600P200K200. The response of the varieties to the nutrition conditions provided was studied during several stages of growth and development. The different nutrition regimes used lead to manifestation of the specific abilities of the varieties to take up nutrients. Genotype and mineral fertilization had a higher effect on nutrients uptake than stage of development. During the initial stage of wheat development, the differences established in the uptake of macro elements were greater between the varieties than between the individual fertilization rates. The differences were most evident at maturation. This specificity was well expressed in nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in total biomass and to a lesser extends - in potassium uptake. Varieties Slaveya and Milena had highest amounts of nitrogen uptake in grain

    Volatile Composition of Wine Distillates with Added Thyme Extracts (Thymus callieri)

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    A gas chromatographic (GC-FID) study to determine the volatile composition of wine distillates with the addition of 50%25 and 70%25 ethanol extracts of thyme (Thymus callieri) was conducted. The incorporation of 70%25 ethanol extracts led to higher final levels of total volatile compounds compared to 50%25. The total content of higher alcohols was also higher when 70%25 ethanol extracts of the plant source were added to the distillates. The main identified representatives of this fraction were 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 1-propanol, 2-butanol. Acetaldehyde has been identified at a lower concentration level compared to the control. Its quantities were in the range in which it positively affected the distillates aroma. The thyme extracts not produced the effect on increasing of the total ester content in the distillates. The basic ester was ethyl acetate. Its amount in the experimental samples was lower than the control but balanced for its positive effect on the aromatic profile. The incorporation of 50%25 and 70%25 ethanol extracts of thyme in the distillates led to a significant increase in their total terpene content. This may be an effect that increased the biological value of the distillates. Decreased methyl alcohol concentrations have been found with the used extracts in the experimental distillates. This improved their methanolic purity. The application of thyme (Thymus callieri) extracts to distillates is a prospect of obtaining new alcoholic beverages with improved and balanced volatile composition, aromatic quality and biological value