1,819 research outputs found

    Irreversible phase transitions induced by an oscillatory input

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    A novel kind of irreversible phase transitions (IPT's) driven by an oscillatory input parameter is studied by means of computer simulations. Second order IPT's showing scale invariance in relevant dynamic critical properties are found to belong to the universality class of directed percolation. In contrast, the absence of universality is observed for first order IPT's.Comment: 18 pages (Revtex); 8 figures (.ps); submitted to Europhysics Letters, December 9th, 199

    Study of the one-dimensional off-lattice hot-monomer reaction model

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    Hot monomers are particles having a transient mobility (a ballistic flight) prior to being definitely absorbed on a surface. After arriving at a surface, the excess energy coming from the kinetic energy in the gas phase is dissipated through degrees of freedom parallel to the surface plane. In this paper we study the hot monomer-monomer adsorption-reaction process on a continuum (off-lattice) one-dimensional space by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The system exhibits second-order irreversible phase transition between a reactive and saturated (absorbing) phases which belong to the directed percolation (DP) universality class. This result is interpreted by means of a coarse-grained Langevin description which allows as to extend the DP conjecture to transitions occurring in continuous media.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, final version to appear in J. Phys.

    Critical behavior of a non-equilibrium interacting particle system driven by an oscillatory field

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    First- and second-order temperature driven transitions are studied, in a lattice gas driven by an oscillatory field. The short time dynamics study provides upper and lower bounds for the first-order transition points obtained using standard simulations. The difference between upper and lower bounds is a measure for the strength of the first-order transition and becomes negligible small for densities close to one half. In addition, we give strong evidence on the existence of multicritical points and a critical temperature gap, the latter induced by the anisotropy introduced by the driving field.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Europhys. Let

    Critical Behavior of an Ising System on the Sierpinski Carpet: A Short-Time Dynamics Study

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    The short-time dynamic evolution of an Ising model embedded in an infinitely ramified fractal structure with noninteger Hausdorff dimension was studied using Monte Carlo simulations. Completely ordered and disordered spin configurations were used as initial states for the dynamic simulations. In both cases, the evolution of the physical observables follows a power-law behavior. Based on this fact, the complete set of critical exponents characteristic of a second-order phase transition was evaluated. Also, the dynamic exponent θ\theta of the critical initial increase in magnetization, as well as the critical temperature, were computed. The exponent θ\theta exhibits a weak dependence on the initial (small) magnetization. On the other hand, the dynamic exponent zz shows a systematic decrease when the segmentation step is increased, i.e., when the system size becomes larger. Our results suggest that the effective noninteger dimension for the second-order phase transition is noticeably smaller than the Hausdorff dimension. Even when the behavior of the magnetization (in the case of the ordered initial state) and the autocorrelation (in the case of the disordered initial state) with time are very well fitted by power laws, the precision of our simulations allows us to detect the presence of a soft oscillation of the same type in both magnitudes that we attribute to the topological details of the generating cell at any scale.Comment: 10 figures, 4 tables and 14 page

    Experimental evidence on the development of scale invariance in the internal structure of self-affine aggregates

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    It is shown that an alternative approach for the characterization of growing branched patterns consists of the statistical analysis of frozen structures, which cannot be modified by further growth, that arise due to competitive processes among neighbor growing structures. Scaling relationships applied to these structures provide a method to evaluate relevant exponents and to characterize growing systems into universality classes. The analysis is applied to quasi-two-dimensional electrochemically formed silver branched patterns showing that the size distribution of frozen structures exhibits scale invariance. The measured exponents, within the error bars, remind us those predicted by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Topological Effects caused by the Fractal Substrate on the Nonequilibrium Critical Behavior of the Ising Magnet

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    The nonequilibrium critical dynamics of the Ising magnet on a fractal substrate, namely the Sierpinski carpet with Hausdorff dimension dHd_H =1.7925, has been studied within the short-time regime by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The evolution of the physical observables was followed at criticality, after both annealing ordered spin configurations (ground state) and quenching disordered initial configurations (high temperature state), for three segmentation steps of the fractal. The topological effects become evident from the emergence of a logarithmic periodic oscillation superimposed to a power law in the decay of the magnetization and its logarithmic derivative and also from the dependence of the critical exponents on the segmentation step. These oscillations are discussed in the framework of the discrete scale invariance of the substrate and carefully characterized in order to determine the critical temperature of the second-order phase transition and the critical exponents corresponding to the short-time regime. The exponent θ\theta of the initial increase in the magnetization was also obtained and the results suggest that it would be almost independent of the fractal dimension of the susbstrate, provided that dHd_H is close enough to d=2.Comment: 9 figures, 3 tables, 10 page

    Measurements of the Yield Stress in Frictionless Granular Systems

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    We perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of 2D frictionless granular materials to determine whether these systems can be characterized by a single static yield shear stress. We consider boundary-driven planar shear at constant volume and either constant shear force or constant shear velocity. Under steady flow conditions, these two ensembles give similar results for the average shear stress versus shear velocity. However, near jamming it is possible that the shear stress required to initiate shear flow can differ substantially from the shear stress required to maintain flow. We perform several measurements of the shear stress near the initiation and cessation of flow. At fixed shear velocity, we measure the average shear stress Σyv\Sigma_{yv} in the limit of zero shear velocity. At fixed shear force, we measure the minimum shear stress Σyf\Sigma_{yf} required to maintain steady flow at long times. We find that in finite-size systems Σyf>Σyv\Sigma_{yf} > \Sigma_{yv}, which implies that there is a jump discontinuity in the shear velocity from zero to a finite value when these systems begin flowing at constant shear force. However, our simulations show that the difference ΣyfΣyv\Sigma_{yf} - \Sigma_{yv}, and thus the discontinuity in the shear velocity, tend to zero in the infinite system size limit. Thus, our results indicate that in the large system limit, frictionless granular systems are characterized by a single static yield shear stress. We also monitor the short-time response of these systems to applied shear and show that the packing fraction of the system and shape of the velocity profile can strongly influence whether or not the shear stress at short times overshoots the long-time average value.Comment: 7 pages and 6 figure

    Analytic and Gevrey Hypoellipticity for Perturbed Sums of Squares Operators

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    We prove a couple of results concerning pseudodifferential perturbations of differential operators being sums of squares of vector fields and satisfying H\"ormander's condition. The first is on the minimal Gevrey regularity: if a sum of squares with analytic coefficients is perturbed with a pseudodifferential operator of order strictly less than its subelliptic index it still has the Gevrey minimal regularity. We also prove a statement concerning real analytic hypoellipticity for the same type of pseudodifferential perturbations, provided the operator satisfies to some extra conditions (see Theorem 1.2 below) that ensure the analytic hypoellipticity

    Non-monotonous crossover between capillary condensation and interface localisation/delocalisation transition in binary polymer blends

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    Within self-consistent field theory we study the phase behaviour of a symmetric binary AB polymer blend confined into a thin film. The film surfaces interact with the monomers via short range potentials. One surface attracts the A component and the corresponding semi-infinite system exhibits a first order wetting transition. The surface interaction of the opposite surface is varied as to study the crossover from capillary condensation for symmetric surface fields to the interface localisation/delocalisation transition for antisymmetric surface fields. In the former case the phase diagram has a single critical point close to the bulk critical point. In the latter case the phase diagram exhibits two critical points which correspond to the prewetting critical points of the semi-infinite system. The crossover between these qualitatively different limiting behaviours occurs gradually, however, the critical temperature and the critical composition exhibit a non-monotonic dependence on the surface field.Comment: to appear in Europhys.Let

    Effect of Gravity and Confinement on Phase Equilibria: A Density Matrix Renormalization Approach

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    The phase diagram of the 2D Ising model confined between two infinite walls and subject to opposing surface fields and to a bulk "gravitational" field is calculated by means of density matrix renormalization methods. In absence of gravity two phase coexistence is restricted to temperatures below the wetting temperature. We find that gravity restores the two phase coexistence up to the bulk critical temperature, in agreement with previous mean-field predictions. We calculate the exponents governing the finite size scaling in the temperature and in the gravitational field directions. The former is the exponent which describes the shift of the critical temperature in capillary condensation. The latter agrees, for large surface fields, with a scaling assumption of Van Leeuwen and Sengers. Magnetization profiles in the two phase and in the single phase region are calculated. The profiles in the single phase region, where an interface is present, agree well with magnetization profiles calculated from a simple solid-on-solid interface hamiltonian.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX and 4 PostScript figures included. Final version as published. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let