1,778 research outputs found
Alternative discourses in Southeast Asia
This article brings into focus the question of alternative discourses in the
social sciences. Alternative discourses are works that attempt to debunk ideas
that have become entrenched in the social sciences, partly as a result of colonialism
and the continuing Eurocentrism in the social sciences. In the context
of Southeast Asia as well as much of the non-Western world, alternative discourses
in the social sciences could also be referred to collectively as counter-
Eurocentric social science. This paper discusses the emergence of alternative
discourses in Southeast Asia, the defintion of alternative discourse, and the
future of these discourses in our regio
The impact of minimum wages on employment in a low income country : an evaluation using the difference-differences approach
Unlike the well-developed literature on the employment impact of the minimum wage in industrial nations, very little is known about minimum wage effects in low income countries. Minimum wages increased sharply in Indonesia between 1990 and 1996 and by more in some provinces than in others. Following Card and Krueger (1994) the authors exploit the large geographic variation in the rate of increase and compare changes in employment in the clothing, textile, footwear, and leather industries on either side of the Jakarta-West Java border. They use household level labor market data to establish compliance with the legislation. They obtain matched difference-in-difference estimates of the employment impact using a census of all large and medium-size firms in the clothing, textile, leather, and footwear industries. The authors find some evidence of a negative employment impact for small, domestic firms but no employment impact for large firms, foreign or domestic.Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform,Public Health Promotion,Labor Policies,Municipal Financial Management,Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform,Child Labor,Municipal Financial Management,Health Monitoring&Evaluation
Voice lessons : local government organizations, social organizations, and the quality of local governance
As part the Local Level Institutions study of local life in villages in rural Indonesia information was gathered on sampled household's participation in social activities. We classified the reported activities into four distinct types of social activity: sociability, networks, social organizations, and village government organizations. Respondents were also asked about questions about their village government: whether they were informed about village funds and projects, if they participated in village decisions, if they expressed voice about village problems, and if they thought the village government was responsive to local problems. Several findings emerge regarding the relationship between the social variables and the governance activities. Not surprisingly, an individual household's involvement with the village government organizations tends to increase their own reports of positive voice, participation, and information. In contrast, the data suggest a negative spillover on other households. There is a strong"chilling"effect of one household's participation in village government organizations on the voice, participation, and information of other households in the same village. The net effect of engagement in village government organizations is generally negative, while the net effect of membership in social organizations is more often associated with good governance outcomes. These findings indicate that existing social organizations have a potentially important role to play in enhancing the performance of government institutions in Indonesia and in the evolution of good governance more generally.Health Economics&Finance,Decentralization,Community Development and Empowerment,Housing&Human Habitats,Public Health Promotion,National Governance,Governance Indicators,Housing&Human Habitats,Community Development and Empowerment,Educational Sciences
Rational solitons in deep nonlinear optical Bragg grating
We have examined the rational solitons in the Generalized Coupled Mode model for a deep nonlinear Bragg grating. These solitons are the degenerate forms of the ordinary solitons and appear at the transition lines in the parameter plane. A simple formulation is presented for the investigation of the bifurcations induced by detuning the carrier wave frequency. The analysis yields among others the appearance of in-gap dark and antidark rational solitons unknown in the nonlinear shallow grating. The exact expressions for the corresponding rational solitons are also derived in the process, which are characterized by rational algebraic functions. It is further demonstrated that certain effects in the soliton energy variations are to be expected when the frequency is varied across the values where the rational solitons appear
Gunung Seulawah-Agam memiliki beberapa manifestasi panas bumi di sekitarpermukaannya. Gunung Seulawah-Agam memiliki potensi panas bumi yang sangat besar namun hingga kini belum diekplorasi dan diekplotasi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan ekplorasi geokimia air panas bumi manifestasi Ie-Jue, Lamteuba, Gunung Seulawah-Agam, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik manifestasi permukaan, suhu reservoar, tipe fluida dan potensi panas bumi pada manifestasi Ie-Jue, Lamteuba, Gunung Seulawah-Agam. Karakteristik manifestasi dilakukan dengan pengukuran yang menggunakan pH-meter, termometer dan konduktometer. Suhu reservoar yang dihasilkan berkisar antara 690 oC hingga 761 oC,yang diperoleh dari perhitungan geotermometer Na-K Fournier (1979), Na-K Giggenbach (1988) dan Na-KNieva & Nieva (1987). Manifestasi Ie-Jue bertipe fluida sulfat yang diperoleh dari hasil plot geoindikator Cl--SO42--HCO3-, dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri, argentometeri dan asidimetri. Pada penelitian ini pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode liquid chemistry plotting spreadsheet version 3 powell geoscience Ltd.3 September 2012 oleh Powell & Cumming. Potensi pada manifestasi Ie-Jue ini diperkirakan sebesar 300 MW (highenthalpy).Kata Kunci: Ie-Jue, Seulawah-Agam, Geotermometer, Geoindikator, Panas Bumi
Politik Aliran Dalam Pemilu 2009
Political marketing sebagai strategi dalam kampanye politik muncul sebagai hasil perubahan struktur politik pasca-ordebaru. Perubabahan struktur itu menuntut adanya strategi kampanye yang inovatif, aspiratif, dan bahkan atraktif dalam mendapatkan dukungan pemilih. Kemunculan partai politik beserta ideology masing-masing, perubahan system pemilu, serta pemilihan pejabat public secara langsung menjadikan posisi pemilih strategis. Kondisi itu mengubah pendekatan kampanye politik dari sales-center approach menjadi market center approach, perubahan dari strategi menjual dan promosi menjadi strategi menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pasar.Dalam rangka pencapaian target 20 % suara dalam pemilu 2009 mulai merubah citra sebagai partai terbuka bagi semua kalangan, termasuk menerima pencalonan anggota legislatif dari kalangan non-muslim. Cara lain yang dilakukan PKS untuk merubah citra sebagai muslim eksklusif, dengan melakukan political marketing untuk merekayasa citra sebagai partai terbuka.Penelitian ini secara spesifik juga melihat pola dan strategi political marketing Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, disamping itu juga untuk mendeskripsikan tentang dinamika politik Islam Indonesia yang terjadi pada pemilihan umum (pemilu) 2009. Mengingat, bahwa Sejak digulirkannya reformasi 1998 seolah membuka kembali lembaran sejarah tentang pola aliran yang terbentuk pada awal-awal kemerdekaan. Berbeda dengan dua pemilu sebelumnya, dimana nuansa aliran sangat kental terasa, pada pemilu 2009 mulai timbulnya kesadaran setiap partai politik bahwa dalam konteks masyarakat majemuk seperti Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar bermain bola tangan dengan penerapan media pembelajaran modifikasi. Metode penelitian menggunakan PTK dilaksanakan dengan menerapkan rancangan penelitian yang terdiri atas beberapa tahapan, yaitu: (1) Pra observasi, (2) perencanaan tindakan, (3) pelaksanaan tindakan, (4) observasi, dan (5) refleksi. Tempat penelitian di SDN Tilil 1 Kota Bandung, penelitian pada siswa kelas 5 yang berjumlah 43 siswa. Instrument penilaian selama penelitian menggunakan (GPAI) dan data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen observasi, data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan teknik persentase. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Praobservasi sebesar =15,4%, siklus I =20,7%, siklus II =29%, siklus III =41% dan terakhir siklus IV =70,6%. Kesimpulan hasil penerapan media modifikasi dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar bermain bola tangan siswa.;---The purpose of this study is to increase the academic result of playing handball with using instrument modification. Action Class Research conducted by using research design which divided into five stages, there are pre-observation as the first stage, planning the action as the second stage, doing the action as the third stage, observation as the fourth stage and reflection as the final stage. This study took place in SDN Tilil 1 that the participants are from fifth grade of elementary school, 43 students in total. The learning assessment instrument is using Games Performances Assessment Instrument (GPAI) and the data were collected by using observation method. The data collection were analyzed in percentages form. Based on the analysis, the result shows that initial pre-observation is =15,4%, cycle 1 is =20,7%, cycle 2 is =29%, cycle 3 is =41% and the final cycle is =70,6%. The conclusion of this study is by using instrument modification can increase the academic result of playing handball
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