15 research outputs found

    Oxidized/deamidated-ceruloplasmin dysregulates choroid plexus epithelial cells functionality and barrier properties via RGD-recognizing integrin binding.

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    Abstract Choroid plexus epithelial cells (CPEpiCs) determine the composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and constitute the blood-CSF barrier (BCSFB), functions that are altered in neurodegenerative diseases. In Parkinson's disease (PD) the pathological environment oxidizes and deamidates the ceruloplasmin, a CSF-resident ferroxidase, which undergoes a gain of RGD-recognizing integrin binding property, that may result in signal transduction. We investigated the effects that oxidized/deamidated ceruloplasmin (Cp-ox/de) may exert on CPEpiCs functions. Through RGD-recognizing integrins binding, Cp-ox/de mediates CPEpiCs adhesion and intracellular signaling, resulting in cell proliferation inhibition and alteration of the secretome profile in terms of proteins related to cell-extracellular matrix interaction. Oxidative conditions, comparable to those found in the CSF of PD patients, induced CPEpiCs barrier leakage, allowing Cp-ox/de to cross it, transducing integrins-mediated signal that further worsens BCSFB integrity. This mechanism might contribute to PD pathological processes altering CSF composition and aggravating the already compromised BCSFB function

    Ceruloplasmin Deamidation in Neurodegeneration: From Loss to Gain of Function

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    Neurodegenerative disorders can induce modifications of several proteins; one of which is ceruloplasmin (Cp), a ferroxidase enzyme found modified in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of neurodegenerative diseases patients. Cp modifications are caused by the oxidation induced by the pathological environment and are usually associated with activity loss. Together with oxidation, deamidation of Cp was found in the CSF from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease patients. Protein deamidation is a process characterized by asparagine residues conversion in either aspartate or isoaspartate, depending on protein sequence/structure and cellular environment. Cp deamidation occurs at two Asparagine-Glycine-Arginine (NGR)-motifs which, once deamidated to isoAspartate-Glycine-Arginine (isoDGR), bind integrins, a family of receptors mediating cell adhesion. Therefore, on the one hand, Cp modifications lead to loss of enzymatic activity, while on the other hand, these alterations confer gain of function to Cp. In fact, deamidated Cp binds to integrins and triggers intracellular signaling on choroid plexus epithelial cells, changing cell functioning. Working in concert with the oxidative environment, Cp deamidation could reach different target cells in the brain, altering their physiology and causing detrimental effects, which might contribute to the pathological mechanism

    Ceruloplasmin Deamidation in Neurodegeneration: From Loss to Gain of Function

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    Neurodegenerative disorders can induce modifications of several proteins; one of which is ceruloplasmin (Cp), a ferroxidase enzyme found modified in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of neurodegenerative diseases patients. Cp modifications are caused by the oxidation induced by the pathological environment and are usually associated with activity loss. Together with oxidation, deamidation of Cp was found in the CSF from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease patients. Protein deamidation is a process characterized by asparagine residues conversion in either aspartate or isoaspartate, depending on protein sequence/structure and cellular environment. Cp deamidation occurs at two Asparagine-Glycine-Arginine (NGR)-motifs which, once deamidated to isoAspartate-Glycine-Arginine (isoDGR), bind integrins, a family of receptors mediating cell adhesion. Therefore, on the one hand, Cp modifications lead to loss of enzymatic activity, while on the other hand, these alterations confer gain of function to Cp. In fact, deamidated Cp binds to integrins and triggers intracellular signaling on choroid plexus epithelial cells, changing cell functioning. Working in concert with the oxidative environment, Cp deamidation could reach different target cells in the brain, altering their physiology and causing detrimental effects, which might contribute to the pathological mechanism

    Ceruloplasmin-Deficient Mice Show Dysregulation of Lipid Metabolism in Liver and Adipose Tissue Reduced by a Protein Replacement

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    Ceruloplasmin is a ferroxidase that plays a role in iron homeostasis; its deficiency fosters inter alia iron accumulation in the liver, which expresses the soluble form of the protein secreted into the bloodstream. Ceruloplasmin is also secreted by the adipose tissue, but its role in adipocytes has been poorly investigated. We hypothesized that ceruloplasmin might have a role in iron/lipid interplay. We investigated iron/lipid dysmetabolism in the liver and adipose tissue of the ceruloplasmin-deficient mouse (CpKO) model of aceruloplasminemia and evaluated the effectiveness of ceruloplasmin replacement. We found that CpKO mice were overweight, showing adipose tissue accumulation, liver iron deposition and steatosis. In the adipose tissue of CpKO mice, iron homeostasis was not altered. Conversely, the levels of adiponectin and leptin adipokines behaved opposite to the wild-type. Increased macrophage infiltration was observed in adipose tissue and liver of CpKO mice, indicating tissue inflammation. The treatment of CpKO mice with ceruloplasmin limited liver iron accumulation and steatosis without normalizing the expression of iron homeostasis-related proteins. In the CpKO mice, the protein replacement limited macrophage infiltration in both adipose and hepatic tissues reduced the level of serum triglycerides, and partially recovered adipokines levels in the adipose tissue. These results underline the link between iron and lipid dysmetabolism in ceruloplasmin-deficient mice, suggesting that ceruloplasmin in adipose tissue has an anti-inflammatory role rather than a role in iron homeostasis. Furthermore, these data also indicate that ceruloplasmin replacement therapy may be effective at a systemic level

    Ceruloplasmin replacement therapy ameliorates neurological symptoms in a preclinical model of aceruloplasminemia

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    Aceruloplasminemia is a monogenic disease caused by mutations in the ceruloplasmin gene that result in loss of protein ferroxidase activity. Ceruloplasmin plays a role in iron homeostasis, and its activity impairment leads to iron accumulation in liver, pancreas, and brain. Iron deposition promotes diabetes, retinal degeneration, and progressive neurodegeneration. Current therapies mainly based on iron chelation, partially control systemic iron deposition but are ineffective on neurodegeneration. We investigated the potential of ceruloplasmin replacement therapy in reducing the neurological pathology in the ceruloplasmin-knockout (CpKO) mouse model of aceruloplasminemia. CpKO mice were intraperitoneal administered for 2 months with human ceruloplasmin that was able to enter the brain inducing replacement of the protein levels and rescue of ferroxidase activity. Ceruloplasmin-treated mice showed amelioration of motor incoordination that was associated with diminished loss of Purkinje neurons and reduced brain iron deposition, in particular in the choroid plexus. Computational analysis showed that ceruloplasmin-treated CpKO mice share a similar pattern with wild-type animals, highlighting the efficacy of the therapy. These data suggest that enzyme replacement therapy may be a promising strategy for the treatment of aceruloplasminemia

    Ceruloplasmin functional changes in Parkinson's disease-cerebrospinal fluid.

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    Ceruloplasmin, a ferroxidase present in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), plays a role in iron homeostasis protecting tissues from oxidative damage. Its reduced enzymatic activity was reported in Parkinson's disease (PD) contributing to the pathological iron accumulation. We previously showed that ceruloplasmin is modified by oxidation in vivo, and, in addition, in vitro by deamidation of specific NGR-motifs that foster the gain of integrin-binding function. Here we investigated whether the loss of ceruloplasmin ferroxidase activity in the CSF of PD patients was accompanied by NGR-motifs deamidation and gain of function

    Serological immune response against ADAM10 pro-domain is associated with favourable prognosis in stage III colorectal cancer patients

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    A humoral immune response against aberrant tumor proteins can be elicited in cancer patients, resulting in the production of auto-antibodies (Abs). By serological proteome analysis we identified the surface membrane protein ADAM10, a metalloproteinase that has a role in epithelial-tumor progression and invasion, as a target of the immune response in colorectal cancer (Crc). A screening carried out on the purified protein using testing cohorts of sera (Crc patients n = 57; control subjects n = 39) and validation cohorts of sera (Crc patients n = 49; control subjects n = 52) indicated that anti-ADAM10 auto-Abs were significantly induced in a large group (74%) of colon cancer patients, in particular in patients at stage II and III of the disease. Interestingly, in Crc patients classified as stage III disease, the presence of anti-ADAM10 auto-Abs in the sera was associated with a favourable follow-up with a significant shifting of the recurrence-free survival median time from 23 to 55 months. Even though the ADAM10 protein was expressed in Crc regardless the presence of auto-Abs, the immature/non-functional isoform of ADAM10 was highly expressed in the tumor of anti-ADAM10-positive patients and was the isoform targeted by the auto-Abs. In conclusion, the presence of anti-ADAM10 auto-Abs seems to reflect the increased tumor expression of the immunogenic immature-ADAM10 in a group of Crc patients, and is associated with a favourable prognosis in patients at stage III of the disease