10,040 research outputs found

    Comparison of the 3.36 micrometer feature to the ISM

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    It has been noted that the 3.36 micrometer emission feature is not the same as that of any ISM band at 3.4 micrometer. This is documented herein. There is no convincing analog to the cometary 3.36 micrometer emission feature seen in the Interstellar Matter band. This fact suggests that if the carbonaceous material in comets came from the ISM, it was either further processed in the solar nebula or has a different appearance because of the different excitation environment of the sun and ISM

    High-Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Model Selection: Walk Summability and Local Separation Criterion

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    We consider the problem of high-dimensional Gaussian graphical model selection. We identify a set of graphs for which an efficient estimation algorithm exists, and this algorithm is based on thresholding of empirical conditional covariances. Under a set of transparent conditions, we establish structural consistency (or sparsistency) for the proposed algorithm, when the number of samples n=omega(J_{min}^{-2} log p), where p is the number of variables and J_{min} is the minimum (absolute) edge potential of the graphical model. The sufficient conditions for sparsistency are based on the notion of walk-summability of the model and the presence of sparse local vertex separators in the underlying graph. We also derive novel non-asymptotic necessary conditions on the number of samples required for sparsistency

    Learning High-Dimensional Markov Forest Distributions: Analysis of Error Rates

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    The problem of learning forest-structured discrete graphical models from i.i.d. samples is considered. An algorithm based on pruning of the Chow-Liu tree through adaptive thresholding is proposed. It is shown that this algorithm is both structurally consistent and risk consistent and the error probability of structure learning decays faster than any polynomial in the number of samples under fixed model size. For the high-dimensional scenario where the size of the model d and the number of edges k scale with the number of samples n, sufficient conditions on (n,d,k) are given for the algorithm to satisfy structural and risk consistencies. In addition, the extremal structures for learning are identified; we prove that the independent (resp. tree) model is the hardest (resp. easiest) to learn using the proposed algorithm in terms of error rates for structure learning.Comment: Accepted to the Journal of Machine Learning Research (Feb 2011

    Characteristics of a future aeronautical satellite communications system

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    A possible operational system scenario for providing satellite communications services to the future aviation community was analyzed. The system concept relies on a Ka-band (20/30 GHz) satellite that utilizes multibeam antenna (MBA) technology. The aircraft terminal uses an extremely small aperture antenna as a result of using this higher spectrum at Ka-band. The satellite functions as a relay between the aircraft and the ground stations. The ground stations function as interfaces to the existing terrestrial networks such as the Public Service Telephone Network (PSTN). Various system tradeoffs are first examined to ensure optimized system parameters. High level performance specifications and design approaches are generated for the space, ground, and aeronautical elements in the system. Both technical and economical issues affecting the feasibility of the studied concept are addressed with the 1995 timeframe in mind

    Families of lattice polarized K3 surfaces with monodromy

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    We extend the notion of lattice polarization for K3 surfaces to families over a (not necessarily simply connected) base, in a way that gives control over the action of monodromy on the algebraic cycles, and discuss the uses of this new theory in the study of families of K3 surfaces admitting fibrewise symplectic automorphisms. We then give an application of these ideas to the study of Calabi-Yau threefolds admitting fibrations by lattice polarized K3 surfaces

    Calabi-Yau Threefolds Fibred by Mirror Quartic K3 Surfaces

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    We study threefolds fibred by mirror quartic K3 surfaces. We begin by showing that any family of such K3 surfaces is completely determined by a map from the base of the family to the moduli space of mirror quartic K3 surfaces. This is then used to give a complete explicit description of all Calabi-Yau threefolds fibred by mirror quartic K3 surfaces. We conclude by studying the properties of such Calabi-Yau threefolds, including their Hodge numbers and deformation theory.Comment: v2: Significant changes at the request of the referee. Section 3 has been rearranged to accommodate a revised proof of Proposition 3.5 (formerly 3.2). Section 5 has been removed completely, it will instead appear as part of Section 5 in arxiv:1601.0811

    Distributed Optimization in Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks with Dynamic In-network Data Processing

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    Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks (EH- WSNs) have been attracting increasing interest in recent years. Most current EH-WSN approaches focus on sensing and net- working algorithm design, and therefore only consider the energy consumed by sensors and wireless transceivers for sensing and data transmissions respectively. In this paper, we incorporate CPU-intensive edge operations that constitute in-network data processing (e.g. data aggregation/fusion/compression) with sens- ing and networking; to jointly optimize their performance, while ensuring sustainable network operation (i.e. no sensor node runs out of energy). Based on realistic energy and network models, we formulate a stochastic optimization problem, and propose a lightweight on-line algorithm, namely Recycling Wasted Energy (RWE), to solve it. Through rigorous theoretical analysis, we prove that RWE achieves asymptotical optimality, bounded data queue size, and sustainable network operation. We implement RWE on a popular IoT operating system, Contiki OS, and eval- uate its performance using both real-world experiments based on the FIT IoT-LAB testbed, and extensive trace-driven simulations using Cooja. The evaluation results verify our theoretical analysis, and demonstrate that RWE can recycle more than 90% wasted energy caused by battery overflow, and achieve around 300% network utility gain in practical EH-WSNs