3 research outputs found

    Supplement 1. The estimated population sizes for each glade for every year of occupation on Stegall, Mule, and Thorny Mountains.

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    <h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <a href="Individual_Glade_Sizes.txt">Individual_Glade_Sizes.txt</a> – a tab delimited file containing the estimated population sizes</blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p>A file containing the estimated population sizes for each glade for every year of occupation on Stegall, Mule, and Thorny Mountains. In addition, the method of estimation as described in <a href="appendix-A.htm">Appendix A</a> is indicated, along with the observed number of lizards, the standard deviation of the estimate, and the estimated sample coverage when relevant.</p> <p>Checksum value for download verification is: b8e4a280baa52f5bcbcd5669e156d770 </p> </blockquote

    Appendix B. A series of maps showing the expansion of the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris collaris) populations from the three introduced glade populations to additional glades on Stegall, Mule, and Thorny Mountains, Missouri, USA.

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    A series of maps showing the expansion of the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris collaris) populations from the three introduced glade populations to additional glades on Stegall, Mule, and Thorny Mountains, Missouri, USA

    Appendix A. Details of sampling protocols, derivation, and statistical comparison of the population size estimators, details of the exact tests used for hypothesis testing, and additional tables and figures referred to in the main text.

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    Details of sampling protocols, derivation, and statistical comparison of the population size estimators, details of the exact tests used for hypothesis testing, and additional tables and figures referred to in the main text