<h2>File List</h2><blockquote>
<a href="Individual_Glade_Sizes.txt">Individual_Glade_Sizes.txt</a>
β a tab delimited file containing the estimated population sizes</blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote>
<p>A file containing the estimated population sizes for each glade for every year of occupation on Stegall, Mule, and Thorny Mountains. In addition, the method of estimation as described in <a href="appendix-A.htm">Appendix A</a> is indicated, along with the observed number of lizards, the standard deviation of the estimate, and the estimated sample coverage when relevant.</p>
<p>Checksum value for download verification is: b8e4a280baa52f5bcbcd5669e156d770 </p>