135 research outputs found


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    Data description: Date – MM/DD/YYYY ; Reef – Gabon ; STATION – Rig1……Rig10 ; Latitude – Decimal degrees, WGS 1984 ; Longitude - Decimal degrees, WGS 1984 ; Depth_m- depth in meters ; Depth_stratum - DIVER – AMF = Alan Friedlander ; TRANSECT = A, B, C, D ; Taxon – lowest possible scientific name ; num_m^2 – numerical abundance in number per meter squared ; g_m^2 – biomass in grams per meter square

    Percent occurrence of major taxa found on oil platforms in Gabon.

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    <p>The mean is the percentage of the sub-quadrats were the taxa was observed. % freq. is the percentage of platforms upon which this taxon was observed (nβ€Š=β€Š10).</p

    Non-metric multidimensional scaling plot of benthic communities and fish assemblages associated with oil platforms in Gabon.

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    <p>Vectors are the primary taxa driving the ordination (Pearson Product movement correlations β‰₯0.9). A. benthic communities species codes: Ar.lixu β€Š=β€Š <i>Arbacia lixula v. africana</i>, Ceram β€Š=β€Š <i>Ceramiaceae</i> unidentified, Di.list β€Š=β€Š <i>Diplosoma listerianum</i>, Eu.trib β€Š=β€Š <i>Eucidaris tribuloides v. africana</i>, Liss β€Š=β€Š <i>Lissoclinum</i> sp., Me.tini β€Š=β€Š <i>Megabalanus tintinnabulum</i>, Poly β€Š=β€Š Polyclinidae unidentified, Pt.atla β€Š=β€Š <i>Pteria atlantica</i>, Tubas β€Š=β€Š <i>Tubastraea</i> sp. B. Fish assemblage species codes: Ab.saxa β€Š=β€Š <i>Abudefduf saxatilis</i>, Ky.sp β€Š=β€Š <i>Kyphosus</i> sp., My.jaco β€Š=β€Š <i>Myripristis jacobus</i>, Op.sp β€Š=β€Š <i>Ophioblennius</i> sp., Pa.furc β€Š=β€Š <i>Paranthias furcifer</i> Sp.mela β€Š=β€Š <i>Spicara melanurus</i>.</p

    Descriptions of oil platforms sampled along the coast of Gabon, West Africa.

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    <p>* β€˜Deep’ is the second shallowest crossbeam of each platform.</p

    Estimates of abundance and sizes of large schooling resource species associated with oil rigs in Gabon.

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    <p>Values are approximate number of individuals associated with the oil rig with minimum and maximum size (TL [total length] cm) in parentheses.</p

    Oil platforms sampled along the coast of Gabon, West Africa.

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    <p>Platform numbers and descriptions are found in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0103709#pone-0103709-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p

    Comparisons of trophic (a) biomass (t ha<sup>βˆ’1</sup>) and (b) abundance (no. m<sup>βˆ’2</sup>) at oil platforms in Gabon.

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    <p>Values are means and standard error. Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum comparisons among trophic groups were statistically different for biomass (Hβ€Š=β€Š12.3, pβ€Š=β€Š0.007) and abundance (Hβ€Š=β€Š35.3, p<0.001). Trophic groups with the same letter are not significantly different (Dunn's unplanned multiple comparisons procedures, Ξ±β€Š=β€Š0.05).</p

    Biomass (g m<sup>βˆ’2</sup>) of the top ten species observed on quantitative transects on oil platforms in Gabon, West Africa.

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    <p>Values are means and one standard deviation. Trophic groups – Plank β€Š=β€Š planktivores, Herb β€Š=β€Š herbivores, Pisc β€Š=β€Š piscivores, Invert β€Š=β€Š invertivores. Distributions derived from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0103709#pone.0103709-Floeter2" target="_blank">[82]</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0103709#pone.0103709-Wirtz6" target="_blank">[83]</a>. % is the percent contribution of each species to total fish biomass.</p
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