1,332 research outputs found

    Cross-Talk between PPARs and the Partners of RXR: A Molecular Perspective

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    The PPARs are integral parts of the RXR-dependent signaling networks. Many other nuclear receptor subfamily 1 members also require RXR as their obligatory heterodimerization partner and they are often co-expressed in any given tissue. Therefore, the PPARs often complete with other RXR-dependent nuclear receptors and this competition has important biological implications. Thorough understanding of this cross-talk at the molecular level is crucial to determine the detailed functional roles of the PPARs. At the level of DNA binding, most RXR heterodimers bind selectively to the well-known “DR1 to 5” DNA response elements. As a result, many heterodimers share the same DR element and must complete with each other for DNA binding. At the level of heterodimerization, the partners of RXR share the same RXR dimerization interface. As a result, individual nuclear receptors must complete with each other for RXR to form functional heterodimers. Cross-talk through DNA binding and RXR heterodimerization present challenges to the study of these nuclear receptors that cannot be adequately addressed by current experimental approaches. Novel tools, such as engineered nuclear receptors with altered dimerization properties, are currently being developed. These tools will enable future studies to dissect specific RXR heterodimers and their signaling pathways

    Tyro3-mediated phosphorylation of ACTN4 at tyrosines is FAK-dependent and decreases susceptibility to cleavage by m-Calpain

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    Tyro3, a member of TAM receptor tyrosine kinase family, has been implicated in the regulation of melanoma progression and survival. In this study, we sought the molecular mechanism of Tyro3 effects avoiding endogenous background by overexpression of Tyro3 in fibroblasts that have negligible levels of Tyro3. This introduction triggers the tyrosyl-phosphorylation of ACTN4, a member of actin binding protein family involved in motility, a behavior critical for invasive progression, as shown by siRNA to Tyro3 limiting melanoma cell migration and invasion. Tyro3-mediated phosphorylation of ACTN4 required FAK activation at tyrosine 397 and the EGF receptor cascade, but not EGFR ligand binding. Using PCR-based mutagenesis, the sites of Tyro3-mediated ACTN4 phosphorylation were mapped to ACTN4 tyrosine 11 and 13, and this occurs in conjunction with EGF-mediated phosphorylation on Y4 and Y31. Interestingly, Tyro3-mediated phosphorylation only slightly decreases the actin binding activity of ACTN4. However, this rendered the phosphorylated ACTN4 resistant to the m-calpain cleavage between Y13 and G14, a limited proteolysis that prevents growth factor regulation of ACTN4 interaction with F-actin. Overexpression of both WT ACTN4 and ACTN4Y11/13E, a mimic of ACTN4 phosphorylated at tyrosine 11 and 13, in melanoma WM983b cells resulted in a likely mesenchymal to amoeboidal transition. ACTN4Y11/13E-expressing cells were more amoeboidal, less migratory on collagen I gel coated surface but more invasive through collagen networks. In parallel, expression of ACTN4Y11/13E, in ACTN4 knockdown melanoma WM1158 cells resulted in an increase of invasion compared to WT ACTN4. These findings suggest that Tyro3-mediated phosphorylation of ACTN4 is involved in invasion of melanoma cells. Keywords: Actinin-4; Tyro3; Phosphorylation; Migratio

    Controlling multipotent stromal cell migration by integrating “course-graining” materials and “fine-tuning” small molecules via decision tree signal-response modeling

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    Biomimetic scaffolds have been proposed as a means to facilitate tissue regeneration by multi-potent stromal cells (MSCs). Effective scaffold colonization requires a control of multiple MSC responses including survival, proliferation, differentiation, and migration. As MSC migration is relatively unstudied in this context, we present here a multi-level approach to its understanding and control, integratively tuning cell speed and directional persistence to achieve maximal mean free path (MFP) of migration. This approach employs data-driven computational modeling to ascertain small molecule drug treatments that can enhance MFP on a given materials substratum. Using poly(methyl methacrylate)-graft-poly(ethylene oxide) polymer surfaces tethered with epidermal growth factor (tEGF) and systematically adsorbed with fibronectin, vitronectin, or collagen-I to present hTERT-immortalized human MSCs with growth factor and extracellular matrix cues, we measured cell motility properties along with signaling activities of EGFR, ERK, Akt, and FAK on 19 different substrate conditions. Speed was consistent on collagen/tEGF substrates, but low associated directional persistence limited MFP. Decision tree modeling successfully predicted that ERK inhibition should enhance MFP on collagen/tEGF substrates by increasing persistence. Thus, we demonstrated a two-tiered approach to control MSC migration: materials-based “coarse-graining” complemented by small molecule “fine-tuning”.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-DE019523)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Cell Migration Consortium U54-GM064346)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-GM018336)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-DE019523

    Tandem phosphorylation within an intrinsically disordered region regulates ACTN4 function

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    Phosphorylated residues occur preferentially in the intrinsically disordered regions of eukaryotic proteins. In the disordered amino-terminal region of human a-actinin-4 (ACTN4), Tyr[superscript 4] and Tyr[superscript 31] are phosphorylated in cells stimulated with epidermal growth factor (EGF), and a mutant with phosphorylation-mimicking mutations of both tyrosines exhibits reduced interaction with actin in vitro. Cleavage of ACTN4 by m-calpain, a protease that in motile cells is predominantly activated at the rear, removes the Tyr[superscript 4] site. We found that introducing a phosphomimetic mutation at only Tyr[superscript 31] was sufficient to inhibit the interaction with actin in vitro. However, molecular dynamics simulations predicted that Tyr[superscript 31] is mostly buried and that phosphorylation of Tyr[superscript 4] would increase the solvent exposure and thus kinase accessibility of Tyr[superscript 31]. In fibroblast cells, EGF stimulation increased tyrosine phosphorylation of a mutant form of ACTN4 with a phosphorylation-mimicking residue at Tyr[superscript 4], whereas a truncated mutant representing the product of m-calpain cleavage exhibited EGF-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation at a background amount similar to that observed for a double phosphomimetic mutant of Tyr[superscript 4] and Tyr[superscript 31]. We also found that inhibition of the receptor tyrosine kinases of the TAM family, such as AXL, blocked EGF-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of ACTN4. Mathematical modeling predicted that the kinetics of phosphorylation at Tyr[superscript 31] can be dictated by the kinase affinity for Tyr[superscript 4]. This study suggests that tandem-site phosphorylation within intrinsically disordered regions provides a mechanism for a site to function as a switch to reveal a nearby function-regulating site.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 GM69668

    Targeting tumor cell motility as a strategy against invasion and metastasis

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    Advances in diagnosis and treatment have rendered most solid tumors largely curable if they are diagnosed and treated before dissemination. However, once they spread beyond the initial primary location, these cancers are usually highly morbid, if not fatal. Thus, current efforts focus on both limiting initial dissemination and preventing secondary spread. There are two modes of tumor dissemination – invasion and metastasis – each leading to unique therapeutic challenges and likely to be driven by distinct mechanisms. However, these two forms of dissemination utilize some common strategies to accomplish movement from the primary tumor, establishment in an ectopic site, and survival therein. The adaptive behaviors of motile cancer cells provide an opening for therapeutic approaches if we understand the molecular, cellular, and tissue biology that underlie them. Herein, we review the signaling cascades and organ reactions that lead to dissemination, as these are non-genetic in nature, focusing on cell migration as the key to tumor progression. In this context, the cellular phenotype will also be discussed because the modes of migration are dictated by quantitative and physical aspects of the cell motility machinery.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.)National Cancer Institute (U.S.

    Clinical placements in private practice for physiotherapy students are perceived as safe and beneficial for students, private practices and universities: a national mixed-methods study

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    Question: What are the extent and characteristics of clinical placements in private practice for physiotherapy students? What do university clinical education managers perceive to be the benefits, risks, barriers and enablers of clinical placements in private practice for physiotherapy students? What training and support are available for private practitioners? Design: Mixed methods study combining a national survey and in-depth, semi-structured focus group interviews. Participants: Twenty clinical education managers from Australian universities who had graduating students in entry-level physiotherapy programs in 2017 (95% response rate) responded to the survey with data on 2,000 students. Twelve clinical education managers participated in the focus groups. Results: It was found that 44% of physiotherapy graduates in Australia in 2017 completed a 5-week private practice placement. Private practice placement experiences were perceived to be safe and beneficial for students, private practices and universities. The main risks identified by clinical education managers were related to the quality and consistency of the student's experience on placement and not risks to service or clients. The main perceived barriers were time costs (both practitioner and university clinical education managers) and perceived lost earning capacity. Clinical education managers emphasised that more time and resources to establish and support private practitioners would enable them to reduce risk and overcome barriers to increasing private practice placement capacity and quality. Engaging private practitioners and working collaboratively appear vital for establishing, monitoring and supporting private practice placements. Conclusion: By working collaboratively, universities and private practice physiotherapists can enhance private practice placement capacity and quality

    Work Readiness of New Graduate Physical Therapists for Private Practice in Australia: Academic Faculty, Employer, and Graduate Perspectives

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to explore academic faculty, employer, and recent graduate perspectives of the work readiness of Australian new graduate physical therapists for private practice and factors that influence new graduate preparation and transition to private practice. METHODS: This study used a mixed-methods design with 3 surveys and 12 focus groups. A total of 112 participants completed a survey, and 52 participated in focus groups. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the quantitative data, and thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. Triangulation across participant groups and data sources was undertaken. RESULTS: Australian new graduate physical therapists were perceived to be "somewhat ready" for private practice and "ready" by their third year of employment. Participants proposed that new graduates bring enthusiasm, readiness to learn, and contemporary, research-informed knowledge. New graduates were also perceived to find autonomous clinical reasoning and timely caseload management difficult; to have limited business, marketing, and administration knowledge and skills; and to present with underdeveloped confidence, communication, and interpersonal skills. Factors perceived to influence graduate transition included private practice experience, such as clinical placements and employment; employer and client expectations of graduate capabilities; workplace support; university academic preparation and continuing education; and individual graduate attributes and skills. CONCLUSION: Australian new graduate physical therapists have strengths and limitations in relation to clinical, business, and employability knowledge and skills. New graduate work readiness and transition may be enhanced by additional private practice experience, employer and client expectation management, provision of workplace support, and tailored university and continuing education. IMPACT: The number of new graduate physical therapists employed in private practice in Australia is increasing; however, until this study, their work readiness for this setting was unknown. This exploration of new graduate performance in private practice and transition can help to increase understanding and enhancement of work-readiness

    The influence of tethered epidermal growth factor on connective tissue progenitor colony formation

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    Strategies to combine aspirated marrow cells with scaffolds to treat connective tissue defects are gaining increasing clinical attention and use. In situations such as large defects where initial survival and proliferation of transplanted connective tissue progenitors (CTPs) are limiting, therapeutic outcomes might be improved by using the scaffold to deliver growth factors that promote the early stages of cell function in the graft. Signaling by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays a role in cell survival and has been implicated in bone development and homeostasis. Providing epidermal growth factor (EGF) in a scaffold-tethered format may sustain local delivery and shift EGFR signaling to pro-survival modes compared to soluble ligand. We therefore examined the effect of tethered EGF on osteogenic colony formation from human bone marrow aspirates in the context of three different adhesion environments using a total of 39 donors. We found that tethered EGF, but not soluble EGF, increased the numbers of colonies formed regardless of adhesion background, and that tethered EGF did not impair early stages of osteogenic differentiation.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Grant NIH RO1 AR42997)National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Grant NIH RO1 AG024980)National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Grant NIH RO1 GM59870)National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Grant NIH DE019523

    Targeted Deletion of a High-Affinity GATA-binding Site in the GATA-1 Promoter Leads to Selective Loss of the Eosinophil Lineage In Vivo

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    Transcription factor GATA-1 reprograms immature myeloid cells to three different hematopoietic lineages-erythroid cells, megakaryocytes, and eosinophils. GATA-1 is essential for maturation of erythroid and megakaryocytic precursors, as revealed by gene targeting in mice. Here we demonstrate that deletion of a high-affinity GATA-binding site in the GATA-1 promoter, an element presumed to mediate positive autoregulation of GATA-1 expression, leads to selective loss of the eosinophil lineage. These findings suggest that GATA-1 is required for specification of this lineage during hematopoietic development. Mice lacking the ability to produce eosinophils should prove useful in ascertaining the role of eosinophils in a variety of inflammatory or allergic disorders