3 research outputs found

    Metaboolne tervis, toitumine ja kehaline aktiivsus rasvunutel

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    Relationship of European youth’ self-esteem with values and body mass index

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    Käesoleva töö autor uuris, kas ja kuidas sõltub enesehinnang kehamassiindekist ja väärtustest Euroopa noorte näitel. Selleks loodi mitmeosaline küsimustik ning andmete analüüsimiseks kasutati sammregressioonanalüüsi. Valimi moodustasid 714 vastajat üheksast Euroopa riigist vanuses 18-35. Esmalt uuriti, kas enesehinnangu ja väärtuste vahel leidub oluline seos, ning kui seos esineb, siis milliste väärtuste kaudu saab prognoosida enesehinnagut. Teiseks, kas kehamassindeksi tase ennustab enesehinnangu taset. Tulemusena leiti neli väärtust, mis mõjutasid enesehinnangut. Nendeks olid hedonism, võim-ressursid, maine ning alandlikkus, millest kaks esimest olid enesehinnanguga seotud negatiivselt ning kaks viimast positiivselt. Teise uurimisküsimusega püstitatud hüpotees ei leidnud kinnitust ning kehamassiindeksi ja enesehinnangu vahel olulist seost ei leitud

    Food choices, physical activity and metabolic health in obese patients

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    The aim of the current study was to analyse the food choices and physical activity of obese adult Estonian persons, and associations with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. The study was carried out on 76 patients aged over 35 years whose body mass index was ≥30 kg/m2. The subjects were recruited through family physicians. The subjects’ consumption of three food groups (fruit, vegetables, whole-grain products) and physical activity based on the IPAQ questionnaire was compared with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome based on five indicators (waist circumference, triglycerides, HDL- cholesterol and fasting plasma glucose, blood pressure). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was found to be 50%. The results of the study did not show statistically significant correlations between prevalence of metabolic syndrome and age or gender. Neither were there any significant age or gender differences in the subjects’ nutritional and activity behaviour. Comparison of the nutritional behaviour of persons with and without the metabolic syndrome showed that daily consumers of fruit had a 4.48 times lower risk of metabolic syndrome than those who ate fruit more seldom. No statistically significant correlation was found between physical activity and prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Based on the current study, the daily consumption of fruit can be an essential protective factor against metabolic syndrome in obese patients and provides a simple recommendation physicians can give their patients to follow