48 research outputs found
Availability of Antimalarial Drugs and Evaluation of the Attitude and Practices for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Bangui, Central African Republic
National malaria management policy is based upon the availability of effective and affordable antimalarial drugs. This study was undertaken to evaluate the quality of the treatment of uncomplicated malaria cases in Bangui, an area with multidrug-resistant parasites, at a time preceding implementation of a new therapeutic policy relying on the artemisinin derivative combined treatment artemether-lumefantrine. A cross-sectional study was carried out in Bangui city to assess availability of antimalarial drugs and the performances of health workers in the management of uncomplicated malaria. Availability of drugs was recorded in all drugs wholesalers (n = 3), all pharmacies in health facilities (n = 14), private drugstores (n = 15), and in 60 non-official drug shops randomly chosen in the city. Despite a limited efficacy at the time of the survey, chloroquine remained widely available in the official and nonofficial markets. Artemisinin derivatives used in monotherapy or in combination were commonly sold. In health care facilities, 93% of the uncomplicated malaria cases were treated in the absence of any laboratory confirmation and the officially recommended treatment, amodiaquine-sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine, was seldom prescribed. Thus, the national guidelines for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria are not followed by health professionals in Bangui. Its use should be implemented while a control of importation of drug has to be reinforced
Relatively Low Prevalence of Peripheral and Placental Plasmodium Infection at Delivery in Bangui, Central African Republic
Introduction. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of malaria among women giving birth in Bangui. Association between sociodemographic characteristics of those women and malaria, as well as prevention compliance (use of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPTsp) and insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs)), was analyzed. Methods. During September 2009, a survey was conducted on 328 women who gave birth at two main maternities of Bangui. Information was obtained by standardized questionnaire about sociodemographic criteria, IPTsp, other antimalarial treatment, and use of bet nets. Smears prepared from peripheral and placental blood were analysed for malaria parasites. Findings and Discussion. Positive results were found in 2.8% of thick peripheral blood smears and in 4.0% of placental slides. A proportion of 30.5% of the women had received at least two doses of IPTsp during the current pregnancy. Only a proportion of 42.4% of this study population had ITNs. Multigravid women were less likely to use IPTsp and ITNs. However, use of IPTsp was associated with personal income and secondary or university educational status. Hence, although this relatively prevalence was observed, more efforts are needed to implement IPTsp and ITNs, taking into account sociodemographic criteria
Pattern of the Antimalarials Prescription during Pregnancy in Bangui, Central African Republic
Introduction. The aim of this study was to identify the antimalarials prescribed during the pregnancy and to document their timing. Method. From June to September 2009, a survey was conducted on 565 women who gave birth in the Castors maternity in Bangui. The antenatal clinics cards were checked in order to record the types of antimalarials prescribed during pregnancy according to gestational age. Results. A proportion of 28.8% ANC cards contained at least one antimalarial prescription. The commonest categories of antimalarials prescribed were: quinine (56.7%), artemisinin-based combinations (26.8%) and artemisinin monotherapy (14.4%). Among the prescriptions that occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy, artemisinin-based combinations and artemisinin monotherapies represented the proportions of (10.9%) and (13.3%). respectively. Conclusion. This study showed a relatively high rate (>80%) of the recommended antimalarials prescription regarding categories of indicated antimalarials from national guidelines. But, there is a concern about the prescription of the artemisinin derivatives in the first trimester of pregnancy, and the prescription of artemisinin monotherapy. Thus, the reinforcement of awareness activities of health care providers on the national malaria treatment during pregnancy is suggested
Prise en charge virologique du risque infectieux à cytomégalovirus chez les transplantés rénaux
NANCY1-SCD Pharmacie-Odontologie (543952101) / SudocSudocFranceF
NANCY1-SCD Medecine (545472101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
Réponses moléculaires de macrophages humains à une exposition à des nanoparticules polymériques
LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF